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Becoming a Lady

Page 4

by Adaline Raine

  Anna opened her mouth to scream when the tall man came through the door. She bit down on her lip then. He was wearing the same cursed tabard. Tears began to pour down to her cheeks. She was no longer worried about the nasty man in front of her; she was now terrified that she had trusted a man that was from the village that had destroyed her very existence.

  “I see she remembers me.” The old man reached forward and patted her cheeks.

  Anna could not look at him; her eyes were focused on the man to whom she had told her story. How was this possible? She pulled back and tried to stop the tears.

  “I am Lord Wendel, and you belong to me, my dear.” He titled her chin to meet his eyes. “I told you as much ten years ago.”

  Anna spat right in his face. “You horrible, disgusting -”

  The man reacted quicker than his lord and smacked her across the face. “Do not disrespect your lord.”

  Anna clasped her hand to her cheek. “You are far worse.” She spat at his feet.

  He smacked her other cheek. “Do not forget the lesson that I taught you.”’

  “That is enough.” The older man had wiped his face. “She will not be so bold and disrespectful inside our chambers.”

  Anna gagged. “I promise if you intend to have me in whatever manner you speak of, that I will die by my own hand by tomorrow morning.”

  “Let me teach her one last lesson, My Lord, before she is to go off with you. You have my word that she will not backtalk you or take her life when I am through with her.” His words that made a strange flutter in her belly the night before now made her ill.

  Anna sucked in a breath as the older man nodded. He ran his hands down over her hair and over her arms and chest as if he were inspecting an animal. “You are mine, and nothing will change that.” He touched her again, and looked over at the man. “Do what you will, and then her bring straight to me. I have important matters to attend to that cannot wait.”

  “Yes, My Lord.” The man nodded to him as he left.

  Anna watched him close the door. “I will do as I promised no matter what you may do to me, Sir.” She raised her voice and kept her eyes on him.

  “You stand here after that show of blatant disobedience and call me Sir?” He walked towards her and she sank down into one of the chairs. He leaned his hands on either side of hers.

  “You knew what happened to me. You came to my village and you knew the whole time! You are exactly what I said that you were at the beginning of our journey.” Anna glared up at him.

  “You have forgotten everything that I have said to you.” He shook his head. “Your lord will not teach you anything. He would rather throw you to his men to have you in whatever fashion they seek!”

  Anna fumed. “He is not my Lord no matter what he does or says to me!”

  The man raised his hand and she cowered. “Is that all that you believe of me? You truly think that low of me that I would strike you for no other reason than raising your voice to me alone?”

  “I think, Sir, that raising my voice to you is a sign of disrespect.” Anna lowered her head.

  He titled her chin up to meet his eyes. “Then tell me why are you deliberately causing me such grief?”

  “I trusted you, Sir, and you have thrown my story back at me. You wear that tabard as if it is a medal of honor instead of a rag too dirty to wipe a horse’s arse!” Anna could not stop the angry tears that were now pouring down her face. It was the first time she had ever raised her voice to anyone.

  “I have never met a child who demanded such attention as you.” He shook his head as he studied her, but said nothing else.

  “I have told you several times that I am not a child.” Anna was locked in such an odd struggle in her mind. She was still under the impression that he had brought her here for an awful reason but certainly he was still paying much attention to her. She blinked as she noticed he had pulled her up. “Oh!” She held a hand to her mouth as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “You are acting like one.” He sat on the bed and flipped her over his lap in one quick motion. He laid one hand across the small of her back. “Is this the sort of position that you want to be in?”

  Anna went still. She took several breaths and tried to calm her frantic heart. She had pushed him again; that much rang true, but could he mean to spank her again like the night in the woods? “I did not think, Sir that I would ever again be held like this again.”

  He rested his other hand on top of her dress just above her right buttock. “Your lord will not tolerate your mouth nor will he have patience with you.”

  Anna was breathing heavily now. She wanted to hate this man. She wanted to kick her legs and tell him again that he was the worst piece of filth that she had ever met and yet he was still paying her mind. She liked being held this way even if it meant that she were about to be taught a lesson. She had back-talked him yet again. Where had that spark of fire gone? Could being held this way extinguish it that quickly?

  “I am sorry, Sir.” She resigned her fight. If he was planning on another lesson than how could his purpose only be to ransom her to Lord Wendell?

  “Are you going to do what I have asked of you?”

  Anna began to cry. “I am very angry with you, Sir.” She was having a very hard time putting respect behind such a title. She had started to feel safe with him. He had pointed out that no one in her village respected her at all so surely there must be another reason?

  “We will deal with that another time; answer my question.” His tone held that delicious tone of authority, and she found the stirring came back in places farther down then her belly.

  Anna sniffled and remained quiet. She wished that he would hold her the way he had in the woods. She wanted to belong to him so that they could do more than just sleep on a too-narrow bed. She wanted him to kiss her the way that lords kissed their ladies. Even though it was for only a moment she desperately wanted to feel the closeness again.

  The man tapped his hand upon her right buttock over her dress quickly and in fast succession. “I demand an answer.”

  “I would rather throw myself from a tower.”

  He flipped her skirts up then and began to spank her bare bottom.

  “Be glad, Little One, that you are not my possession, because if you were, I would let my belt kiss your bottom again.” He continued to smack. “Do you promise not to harm yourself?”

  Anna inhaled sharply as he laid another dozen or so smacks on her already burning cheeks. “Please!” She struggled to stay still.

  “Your answer or I continue.” He paused in his task.

  She yelped and kicked. She did not want to promise him anything. Why was he making her promise at all if she were not his? He continued to spank again and Anna realized he took her lack of affirmation as a no. He had laid another dozen smacks before Anna nearly screamed. “I swear it!” Anna gasped as stopped and pulled her skirts back down. She was crying hard now and she remained over his lap.

  “I expect you to keep this lesson in mind whenever you think of questioning my actions.” He turned her on his knee so that she could look at him. “I still have questions, Sir.” She took several breaths as she blinked up at him. He reached down and smoothed the hem of her dress.

  The man wiped her eyes dry with his thumbs. “I have to bring you back to your lord. For now you must keep them to yourself.”

  Anna frowned. If he truly was awful why was he being tender now? “I know what you are asking, Sir, but that creature!” She shuddered. “How can I possibly bed -”

  The man placed a finger over her mouth. “Lord Wendel is an old man. You have nothing to fear from him.” His eyes darkened then. “I will also tell you that I will not let any of his men touch you in any way.” He moved his finger. “You have my word.”

  “I doubt your word, Sir.” Anna sighed heavily as the last of her tears subsided.

  “Then believe my actions.”

  Anna raised an eyebrow as he leaned down and kissed her
gently. She made small sounds under his lips as he kissed her deeper. She opened her mouth and kissed him back. An odd sensation began to flutter in her stomach. Anna opened her eyes and smiled as he pulled back. She could do nothing but stare at him wordlessly as he began to kiss her again. She draped her arms around his neck as her sounds got louder.

  “Shhh….you must not make such sounds in this room.” He kissed her forehead then as if she was something precious and moved her carefully off of his lap. Anna sighed as she watched him. “I need to take you to Lord Wendel.” He gestured towards the door.

  “I wish that were not true, Sir.” She watched him walk through the door and followed him slowly. He had asked that she trust him still and after such a kiss she had to. The fact he had kissed her at all was shocking. She wanted desperately to feel his mouth on hers. She kept staring up at him, even as they made their way out of the inn. He picked her up and placed her back onto the horse. She noticed that his hands seem to linger on her waist before he got on behind her. Anna let herself lean back on his chest and she desperately wished that just for a moment they were going off towards another village. It could be any village as long as it was not run by that awful lord! Surely he must have some sort of feelings for her? Anna felt the man place his arm around her waist. It may have been a gesture to keep her on the horse but it felt more intimate than that. She sighed, almost content once more. If only their destination did not involve Lord Wendel!

  Anna rested her hand on his and finally decided that she must trust him, even though she now belonged to the most repulsive creature in existence.

  As they neared the village, she glanced over her shoulder. “Will I ever learn your name, Sir?” She was surprised that the ride was not as long as she was led to believe previously.

  “Not today.” He continued towards the main building.

  “I admit, Sir that I am still wondering about your promises.” Anna watched as he got off the horse.

  “When you are mine to do with what I please, then we will speak of those promises, is that clear?” The man set her down on the ground and led her inside.

  “We shall see, Sir.” Anna had no choice but to walk with him towards her purpose.

  Chapter Four

  One Month Later…

  Over the past few weeks, Anna finally convinced herself that the man had a bigger plan for her. She had learned that his name was Sir William, and had been promoted to first-in-command after procuring her for Lord Wendel. Anna had initially cried herself to sleep, but then there had been buzzing about the halls that Sir William would make a better lord than the monster she slept next to each night.

  Truth be told, the aging man did not want much to do with her. She felt more like a sculpture that he looked at. She must be pleasing to his eyes but he hardly conversed with her and never touched her at all. They did sleep in the same bedchambers, but he never made an attempt to be intimate with her. She was relieved about that particular. She did have trouble keeping the other men away from her, though for some reason, once a comment was made about her body or she was grabbed, that man was sent to a different post. Could Sir William be keeping his eye on her, as stated?

  Anna walked out onto the balcony and began tapping her feet up and down. One of the server boys in the main hall had told her that the man had brought her here only to gain rank and favor with Lord Wendel.

  Why else would he travel so far out of the safety of his village, without seeking coin for her? Anna fretted. Surely this could not be her only purpose! Why had he dried her tears in the inn if she meant nothing?

  Anna glanced at the doorway. Lynna, one of the maids of the building, was standing there. She smiled. “I was off in a dream.”

  Lynna smiled back at her and walked out onto the balcony. She had dark copper-colored hair and dazzling blue eyes that set off her features perfectly. If she had a proper family, she would have made beautiful babies with any man. She nodded at Anna. “I brought you dinner, Miss.”

  Lynna said Miss the way proper maids said, My Lady. It always made Anna smile inside. It was as if Lynna wanted her to know that she was a lady in her eyes. “Thank you, Lynna.”

  Anna always addressed her by name; she was the only one in the entire damned village whom she counted as an ally.

  “You have the prettiest eyes, Miss.” Lynna followed her back into the room and poured her a glass of ale.

  Anna took a sip. “You think my eyes are pretty?” Anna blushed. “I always thought they were so ordinary, so brown.”

  “Oh Miss! You should see how they light up when you are on the balcony. They sparkle with gold,” Lynna beamed up at her.

  “Tell me something?” She watched Lynna set the pitcher down. “Why are you so nice to me? No one else pays me any mind.”

  “Well, Miss, what would I gain by being cruel?” Lynna shrugged. “I have to be on my way.” She nodded and left her alone in her chambers.

  Anna sighed as she left. In any other village, the two would be considered friends. The door opened suddenly and Anna jumped to her feet. It was one of Lord Wendel’s men, Sir Randall. He had been in the barn that night. What did he want?

  “I knew it!” He was shorter than most of the men and his arrogance tried to overcome that feature. Sir Randall reached out and grabbed Anna’s hair. “You are that little babe we taught a lesson all those years ago.”

  Anna brought her knee up to his thigh and was immediately thrown backwards for her efforts. She hit the floor with a thud and she skidded across the floor on her back. “You are a sick little disgusting creature! Do not touch me!”

  Sir Randall walked carefully towards her while keeping his eyes on hers. “I may be little but I am stronger than you.” He smirked as he leaned down and began to rip her skirt while holding on to her ankles.

  Anna bent her knees and bucked her lower body. It was enough to shake him off of her feet. “Get off of me you slimy toad!”

  Sir Randall came at her again. “Now wench, I will hurt you.” He undid his belt buckle and sneered.

  Anna opened her mouth to scream when Sir Randall was suddenly on his knees. His pants had tangled around his boots and he was turning an awful shade of red.

  Sir William had the man by the neck. “Are these your chambers?”

  Sir Randall shook his head and grunted. He looked over at Anna and back. “Is this woman in your possession?”

  Sir Randall’s eyes began to bulge. He grunted and gasped while he tried to pry the larger man’s fingers off of his throat. Sir William let go.

  “Answer me.”

  “Lord Wendel gave me orders to check on her.”

  Sir William struck the man across the face. “You, Sir, are a liar.” He pulled the man to his feet. “You are to go back to your chambers immediately and do not set foot here in this room again.”

  Sir Randall glared up at him. “What worth is she to you?”

  Sir William struck him again. “That wench is no worth to me.” He handed him the belt back that had slipped to the floor. “You left the main hall unsecured and put us all at risk.”

  Sir Randall made a rude gesture at Anna and Sir William tore the belt back from his hands. “You have a soft spot for that wench?”

  Sir William moved his hand so that the belt struck the smaller man across his unprotected thighs. “Pay attention to the error you have made! You left your post.”

  Sir Randall jumped as the belt bit into his thighs several more times. “You think that you are a better man than I simply because you have a title?” He grabbed the belt back and fixed his pants.

  Sir William smiled. “I know that you have been making illicit exploitations lately. I know that they are deeds and decisions that could put this entire village at risk.”

  Sir Randall paled. “You are speaking gibberish. I have taken no such actions!”

  “Your face, Sir, gives it away. I have dozens of accounts and witnesses as well as very hard proof.” Sir William titled his head to the side. “Perhaps you will now
heed my word?”

  “I believe, Sir William, that you are bluffing.” Sir Randall was beginning to sweat.

  “Oh, he does not bluff, Sir.” Anna called up from her spot on the floor.

  Sir William snapped. “You are not permitted to speak.”

  Sir Randall laughed bitterly. “That wench would not know how to act properly if it were her last option upon this earth.”

  Anna leapt up, and was immediately caught by Sir William, who nearly threw her into the oversized chaise on the other side of the table. “Sit here and do not move.” He returned his attention to Sir Randall.

  “I will find out your tie to her and then we will discuss my exploitations.” Sir Randall bowed at the waist.

  “I could have you hanged for simply breathing without my permission.” Sir William tilted his head to the side.

  Sir Randall straightened. “I will find out without delay.” He looked over at Anna. “Then I will be free to have you as I please.”

  Sir William made a sound that sounded like a laugh. “I am amused, Sir, by your lack of concern over this matter.”

  Sir Randall spread his hands out in front of him. “I know that you have no proof and you simply wanted me to leave the wench alone.” He laughed. “She is a feisty one.”


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