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Becoming a Lady

Page 6

by Adaline Raine

  Anna nodded, and padded over to the long table. Breakfast had been set and she sat down gingerly. “Lord Wendel is back I imagine?”

  Lynna brushed her hair as she took a large piece of bread. “Yes, Miss, he arrived very early this morn.” She ran her fingers through Anna’s hair. “How’s your bottom?”

  Anna startled. “Of all the things that you would ask of me!”

  Lynna giggled. “I hope that you remember it when you want to see Sir William again.”

  Anna pulled her hair away. “I couldn’t care less about Sir William, since all he does is spank.”

  “You are lying, Miss; your eyes give you away. They twinkle so when you think of him - even now, when you are reminded of his hand!” Lynna pulled her hair back and began to fix it.

  Anna huffed, and continued to eat. It was so odd to be having such a conversation with Lynna. “I wish that you did not know me so well.”

  Lynna tugged on her hair gently. “You are very happy that I know you so well.”

  Anna grumbled. Of course Lynna was correct, but she hated to admit it. “Are you done with my hair?”

  Lynna tugged again. “I have been told to come back just before the feast starts to help you dress. You have slept very late today, Miss, so that is only a bit from now.”

  “I would rather sit here and stare at my feet then go to such a feast!” Anna ate a little more and then pushed her plate away.

  Lynna clicked her tongue. Anna seemed to be in quite the mood today. “I will be back Miss, and you will attend the feast.”

  Anna grumbled. “I will not have to enjoy it.”

  Lynna poked her arms. “I would suggest you change your mood, Miss. I doubt your bottom could handle another go-round today.”

  Anna pulled away. “Enough! I have had enough of your company this morning.”

  “It is noon, Miss, and you should listen to yourself.” Lynna left then, and Anna wondered if she hurt her feelings. She had snapped at her twice now, and for no good reason. She stood and walked out to the balcony.

  It was such a beautiful day and she was trapped in the room. Of course that awful Lord Wendell was back from his trip. She had wished ill to him while away, hoping that he had become lost in the woods or attacked by wild animals! Anna frowned. Why did Sir William get so worried about her whereabouts? Was it only because Lord Wendell would be curious?

  No. It must be something more. The way he had stormed into the stable was not just anger. She genuinely had worried him. Anna smiled. She did not care for the riding crop that he had used to tan her bottom, but he had to care. The knot formed down in her belly again. Why could he not share his purpose? Anna tapped her foot and then stopped. Each tap caused her skirt to brush against her now-bruised hind. She went back to Lynna’s words, “- that is how Sir William deals with any woman in his care...”

  Did he do this to many women? The thought of another woman, even Lynna, being pulled across his lap made her . . . Anna smacked her hand on the balcony. What was this feeling? She huffed and began to pace. Was it anger?

  “Miss, what on earth is bothering you?”

  Lynna had come back; Anna had not heard her come in. Anna threw a glance to the maid and continued to pace. She had her hands in fists by her sides and grumbled.

  Lynna stepped in her path. “Shall I go and get Sir William and tell him of your trouble?”

  Anna stopped and opened her mouth to really tell her off, when her eyes filled with tears. She closed her mouth and said nothing.

  Lynna took her hands. “Please, Miss, tell me!”

  “The thought of Sir William spanking another woman, or paying attention to someone . . . it’s just ….” Anna trailed off. “I feel all awful inside of me.”

  “You are jealous, Miss. It means that you do so care about Sir William.”

  Anna nodded. “What a terrible feeling. I did want his attention last night, and I am so sorry that I have been so short with you.”

  Lynna hugged her and let go. “I have heard enough of that; let me help you get ready.”

  Anna followed her inside, but wondered what the significance of the feast truly was. Lynna had never been ordered to help her do anything, especially not by Sir William.

  Chapter Five

  Anna found herself enjoying all the attention at the feast. She had several glasses of ale, and found herself being teased by the servers. Anna felt a heat in her cheeks as she giggled and conversed with them. One of the servers handed her another goblet.

  “I believe, Miss, this is your last. I think you have had enough.” He nodded to her.

  Anna giggled and brought it to her lips. “I shall make it last then!” Anna took several sips and twirled around.

  “You have had enough.” Sir William was standing there suddenly, and he took the ale from her.

  Anna pouted slightly. “One more shall not sicken me.” She reached for it.

  Sir William frowned. “You have had enough,” he repeated, and walked away.

  “Harrumph,” Anna huffed, and went back to twirling with the servers. After several moments she began to feel very lightheaded. She frowned as she sank down to the bench. Surely she had more to drink other times in her life?

  One of the servers went and fetched Sir Bralin. She knew that it would be nearly impossible for her to get to back to chambers without his help.

  Her stomach grumbled and she belched softly. She looked up as Sir Bralin approached her. He was not the worst of his men but certainly she would have preferred someone else. He was one of the lower ranked guards and he disliked the fact that she refused his advances. He took her by the arm and pulled her out of the main room.

  Anna stumbled and tried to keep up. “Sir, please be easy on my arm.”

  He ignored her and continued towards the main hallway. His grip tightened and she stumbled again.

  “Please, my arm, Sir!” Anna stumbled again.

  “Sir Bralin, what were your orders?” Sir William’s voice boomed over her head.

  Anna was spun outwards and her head grew extremely dizzy. Sir Bralin suddenly loosed his grip. “I was escorting this woman back to the Lord’s chambers.”

  “You have left a mark on her arm.” Sir William was questioning the much-outranked man.

  Anna looked down. A bruise was blossoming on her bare lower arm.

  “I asked him to release my arm.”

  Sir Bralin let go of her immediately. “I did not intend to, Sir William.”

  “I will escort her back to Lord Wendel’s chambers. I suggest that you return to your post.” Sir William took her other arm gently.

  She looked up as the man retreated and then looked down again. Her heart was beating fast and her stomach was in knots. She stumbled once more. He picked her up and leaned his head down towards hers as they approached the hallway that led to her chamber.

  “Do not drink anything else tonight.”

  Anna looked up in surprise. She tried to mumble her agreement back but it came out slurred.

  “Sir Talon.” Sir William called out to one of the guards. He handed her to him. “Carry her back to the Lord’s chambers, as she is not steady on her feet. I have more important matters to attend to.”

  The man nodded and adjusted her in his arms. “I will do as you have requested.”

  “Do not cause her any distress or I will be advised of it.” Sir William let go completely and made his way towards the main hall.

  Anna was baffled as she was carried back to Lord Wendel’s chambers.

  The guard set her on the chaise. “Do you need Lynna?”

  Anna shook her head. “No, thank you.”

  He nodded and left her alone in the chambers. Anna thought back to Sir William’s warning. What could he possibly mean? She removed her outer dress slowly and changed into her bedclothes. Suddenly she was gripped by a burning pain in her stomach. She hurried to the balcony and lost the evening’s meal and all the alcohol into an odd-shaped basin. Anna gagged and coughed and retched until s
he had nothing left in her stomach. She curled up and began to cry.

  “Sir Talon – Oh Miss!” Lynna reached down and helped Anna stand up. “Sir Talon sent me to attend to you. Are you all right?”

  Anna shook her head as she was led inside.

  Lynna changed her into a new nightgown, and helped her rinse out her mouth with cool water. “There, there, you will be all right in the morning.”

  Anna nodded as she was helped into bed. “Thank you.”

  Lynna touched her forehead. “No need. Rest well, Miss.” She left the basin and a cloth by the bed and went out.

  Anna thought back and realized she had been unsteady ever since her evening meal. Anna pulled the blanket up. Why was Sir William still paying her mind? He had prevented the one attack from Sir Randal who was hanged at dawn for treason the very next morn, and seemed to be around whenever one of the men caused her distress. Anna closed her eyes and opened them. Could he mean that something was going to happen to Lord Wendel on this night?

  Anna tossed and turned. She thought about the events over the past few nights. She realized now that the other men that had hurt her that night were no longer in the village. A few had gone off on important missions to never return while others had been hanged for one reason or another. The only one that had yet to face his consequence was Lord Wendel. Anna closed her eyes again and opened them. What did this mean? What was his purpose? Anna fell into a fitful sleep. The answers could only be given by Sir William.


  Anna woke and carefully got out of bed so that she did not disturb Lord Wendel and stepped out onto the balcony. Her head was still dizzy, but her stomach felt a bit better. Anna walked back into the main room and saw that Lord Wendel had taken his evening ale at his bedside. He must have been unusually occupied for this to occur, especially since the feast had gone on for so long. Anna walked over to the bed. His eyes were open.

  “Lord Wendel?” Anna walked to his side. “Are you awake?”

  She touched his shoulder and began to scream. His eyes were glazed over. She had slept next to a dead man!

  Anna continued to scream; a hand reached out from behind, and she was struck across the face. She crumpled to the floor and started to cry.

  “Attend to her at once, and do not let anyone leave the village until this matter is solved.”

  Vaguely she was aware that she was moving. She slowly became aware that she was being washed - but why? Then she remembered that in her terror she had lost control of her bowels. She was put in a clean gown and her hair was washed and arranged. She could feel what was occurring, but she could do little to engage in what was going on around her. Anna drifted to sleep several times only to awaken from nightmares.

  “Has she been like this all day?”

  Anna heard Lynna answer back. “Yes, My Lord.”

  My Lord! It was Sir William. She blinked several times. “Why did she call you My Lord?” Anna’s head snapped up. Several strands of hair fell in front of her face. Lord Wendel was dead and the title was given to the next man in charge of the village.

  Lynna gasped as she moved Anna’s hair back from her face.

  “Oh, Miss? Are you all right?”

  “I will attend to her.” He dismissed Lynna with the flick of his hand and she curtsied low before leaving.

  Anna was even more confused than she had been the previous night. She was staring up at him with so many questions. Questions, she slowly began to realize, that would still not be answered.

  Anna was pulled to her feet slowly.

  “I must state that I cannot slumber peacefully in that room.”

  “You are to address me as ‘My Lord.’” He took her arm. “The only time that you are to freely speak to me are when we are in chambers, is that clear?”

  Anna felt like she was going to be sick again. “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Do not misunderstand my words.” Lord William led her into the hallway. “You are mine to do with what I please.”

  “Yes, My Lord.” Anna knew she was pushing his tolerance of her boldness. She had simply been concerned about lying in the same room that Lord Wendel had died in. She was led into a smaller set of chambers. She was not aware of the time but was thankful for the tray of food that had been set down. She went to take a sip from the goblet and suddenly went pale. “I am concerned.”

  Lord William took the goblet and sipped it. “You need not be concerned.”

  “I lay down in bed all night with a dead man.” Anna took the goblet that was handed back to her.

  “Lord Wendel has been dead for over ten years.” He sat down in a chair across from her.

  Anna raised her eyebrows. “So then what is this? Did you inherit me like an ugly fruit bowl?”

  He was suddenly standing by her and he was not smiling. “Speaking freely does not include sauce, make no mistake about that.”

  Anna shrugged. “I have had a long day.” She shook her head suddenly as if she was reminded of her position. “I do not intend to backtalk, My Lord, but I am a bit foggy on what has occurred.”

  “As the highest ranking official in Lord Wendel’s village, I assumed all of his possessions, including you, when he passed on. As you were not married to Lord Wendel, in order for you to actually be treated as a lady, you would need to become my wife.”

  Anna blinked up at him. “As my tongue displeases you, I fear that will never happen.”

  “It is not your tongue that displeases me. It is your lack of discipline in public.” He crossed his arms. “I did ask that you trust me, which you have.”

  “I did not take my own life because I believed that you were more honorable than the men who had hurt me.” Anna took a breath. “I trusted you, even when I believed that you betrayed me.”

  “I have proven to you that I did not break your trust.” Lord William kept his eyes on her. “I am asking you to accept the title of Lady and become my wife.”

  Anna put a hand to her face. She could feel a heat there that was unusual. She took a sip from the goblet and set it down again. “Is that the purpose you were unable to tell me?”

  He straightened and walked back to the other side of the table. “Every man who has hurt you, save the beast that created you, can never hurt you again.”

  Anna nodded thoughtfully. “Is that why you did not allow that fox man to steal me?”

  “We are talking about the here and now. There is no need to go over past events.” He took a piece of bread off the center tray and bit into it as he sat down once again.

  “You cannot perceive what happened to me the moment that I saw Lord Wendel in the doorway.” Anna took another small sip from the goblet.

  “Freely does not include questioning my motives. I will say once more that I can just as easily allow you to stay in your current position.” He shrugged.

  “Then so be it!” Anna snapped and stood up.

  He stood yet again, and moved quickly across the room. He reached out and grabbed her chin. “You belong to me as a possession.” Lord William shook his head. “I do not wish that life for you. I want you to accept my proposal.”

  Anna scoffed. “For a life as a possession is simply wasted? That is all I have ever been. No one has ever looked upon me with love!”

  He stared at her unblinking. “Where do you think my actions come from?”

  Anna bit her lip and looked down from the intense probing from his eyes. “Am I to believe, My Lord, that you love me?”

  He let go and took a step back. “I have put myself at a great deal of risk since traveling to your village. If you become my wife I will tell you a great deal more.”

  Anna sank back down slowly. She was in an odd spot in her thoughts. “I thought that you had betrayed me, My Lord. I trusted you even when faced with the thought of that vile creature touching me every night.” Anna looked up into his eyes. “I did it only because you asked of my story, My Lord, and that is more attention than I have ever been paid.”

  “I am waiting for an a
nswer. A well-thought one at that.” He kept his eyes on her.

  “Answer me one question first?” Anna let go of his hand.

  Lord William raised an eyebrow. “I will answer one question and one question only.”

  “What if I do not know how to be a wife?” Anna raised an eyebrow of her own.

  “I believe that you will do very well. Your main task would be to support me, and I will tell you everything else that you will need to know.” He drew a quick breath, and she was sure he had taken in the meaning behind her question.

  “Do I understand that when you say to support you, that you really mean, My Lord, that I sit behind you and nod my head?” Anna could not wrap her head around the idea that he actually wanted her to be his wife. Is that really why he had taken her away from her village? Did he bring her here to give her a better life?

  “That is what I am saying to you. You would also be given the title of lady - a title that I remind you holds a higher standard than anyone in the village that neglected you.” Lord William ran his hand through his hair. “What is your answer?”

  “I do not know if I can do what you are requiring of me.” Anna took a small hunk of bread from the loaf and took a bite.

  “I will let you know something then. If you accept my proposal I will do everything in my power and beyond to keep you safe. No one can utter even the slightest murmur of insolence or I will deal with him swiftly and without remorse.” He took a breath. “I will never let anyone bring any harm to you again for as long as I live.”


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