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Briar's Saviors [Beyond the Veil 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Honor James

Briar would have screamed, had she realized just what they had done before she heard the shattering of glass and the feel of air against her skin. Then all she could do was hold on, dropping the data pad she had in her hand and simply holding onto Byrne tightly as he sheltered her against his massive chest. She was shaking, and felt a little silly when they hit the ground with no explosion, only to have it suddenly go boom, and the air seemed to become a vacuum around them, her ears ringing and whole body feeling off kilter.

  The landing was smooth, but she was definitely wobbly when Byrne put her on her feet. Danel floated down next to her other side, his wings tucking in at his sides and then just vanishing. Both men were looking up at the smoke pouring from the window they’d dove out of.

  “I am so damn glad you have that weird instinct thing,” Danel said finally.

  Looking down at her Byrne nodded and pulled her tightly into his arms. “Me, too,” he muttered into her hair.

  Briar didn’t let go of Byrne. She was afraid if she did it would be a dream and she would be dead right now. She was shaking like a leaf, her whole being a hot mess of fear. When she finally spoke it was a whisper of a sound. “I want to go home now please.” She hated fear. It was insidious and ate at a being, but right now that’s where she was. Terrified.

  Nodding against her cheek, Byrne lifted her into his arms again and held her tight. There would be paperwork, reports of all sorts to fill out, but her mates didn’t argue with her. They just did as she asked. They did have to stop briefly, Danel moving over to the captain to have a short talk with him, and then he was coming their way again and they were on the move once more.

  Briar was shaking. Even when they got into the vehicle she wouldn’t let Byrne go. Her hands fisted in his shirt and face turned into his neck. “No. I’m not letting go,” she whispered. “If we are in an accident the foam will fill the vehicle and protect us better than anything else but I’m not letting go.” She had been powerless once, and once was beyond more than enough for her. She refused to let this man go because in this moment in time he was her strength. He was her everything.

  “You don’t have to,” he said quietly. He was stroking her back and arm, trying to soothe her, she knew. Peeking out, she caught the concerned look Danel sent her direction before his gaze lifted to obviously meet Byrne’s. Something passed between them, something she couldn’t decipher, but it didn’t matter in the moment. Danel started the truck and got them moving on the streets while Byrne continued to hold her to him tightly.

  It wasn’t until they pulled into the underground garage, with the heavy door sliding closed on their tail, that Briar began to feel even the slightest bit better. In a whisper of a sound, she said, “I really dislike that someone is trying so very hard to kill me. I know that you guys are used to it being in the field, but I’m not a field operative and I am not equipped to handle this.” She hated to admit that to these men, but there it was. She was flawed and she was weak.

  “Shh,” he said softly. “You did just fine, Briar. We know you are not equipped for this, love. But you didn’t panic. You could have, we wouldn’t have blamed you one bit, but you didn’t. You trusted in us to keep you safe and that’s what truly matters. You believed in your mates. Thank you for that,” he murmured, squeezing her closer.

  A hand on her lower leg, Danel’s, had her looking to him. They were parked and he was closer and looking worried as he watched her. “We will find whoever did this, Briar. We will find them and we will tear them into little pieces. I even promise that they will be such small pieces you won’t have to do anything with the leftover but flush it down the nearest drain.”

  Byrne let out a groan. “Dude, telling our mate you plan on shredding a guy really isn’t all that romantic. Or helpful, damn it.”

  “Honestly?” Briar looked up into Byrne’s eyes. “I think I needed to hear that. I honestly do. I know that’s terrible to feel that way, but I need to know that whoever this is, whatever they are doing, it stops. And it stops fast. I just want to know that we are safe, all three of us, and we can have our lives without worry of what’s in the shadows.”

  “Hey.” Danel squeezed her leg. “Of course we’re going to stop them. We want you to be happy and feel safe with us. That means we will do this and anything else to make you feel safe. We love you, Briar. That means we will kick ass, take names, and beat the snot out of whoever needs it whenever they need it. Now, let’s get you upstairs and into a bath. You smell a little smoky to me, and the Gods only know what Byrne’s picking up with his super nose.”

  “Oh, you really don’t want to know,” her Luhpyne muttered with a smirk.

  “Well, since I know that I didn’t pee myself with you jumping out of that window with me in your arms, I am going to assume that you can smell my fear. Sorry about that, but it’s there.” Briar sighed, however, and gave both men a hug. “However, I am all for a nice, lovely, really hot bath.”

  Byrne stroked a finger down her cheek. “I can smell the smoke, the chemicals of the bomb, your fear and panic, the relief you felt when we made it to safety and your general worry. The chemicals and smoke are the worst outside of the fear. I do not like you feeling afraid, Briar, ever.”

  “I don’t necessarily like it either,” she admitted softly. “I will be better after a hot bath.” Briar was leaning into him more. She was leaning on both of her mates far more than she ever would have dreamed possible. After what had happened to her in her own lab she didn’t trust, didn’t want any male close to her, but these two men had won their way into her heart by giving her the time she needed to heal. They had been there on the fringes, watching and waiting but never pressuring, and that meant more to her than either of them would ever know.

  “Then we should get you inside,” Danel said. “I’ll run her the bath if you want to get her something to drink. Something warm and maybe with a little something extra to steady and calm her nerves, I’m thinking.”

  “You okay with hot chocolate?” Byrne asked her softly. “I don’t drink it, but I know Danel’s got some kicking around for those colder days.”

  “Actually, I love hot chocolate so that would be wonderful. With a dollop of rum would be nice, too,” she added and batted her lashes at him adoringly. “To help soothe my nerves. The rest is all up to the two of you. And yes, that is a demand.” Dammit.

  They both seemed to freeze partway out of the truck before sharing a look. The kept moving and headed for the elevator before they said anything. Inside the car and rising, Danel looked at her. “What did you mean, Briar? By asking us to soothe your nerves and make you feel better. And please, speak plainly and bluntly like you do normally. We want to be perfectly clear so there is no misunderstandings here, love.”

  “I want the bond with you,” she said simply. “I want to make love with you both. I want to bond with you both. I want…” There was a pause as she tried to think of just what to say and smiled. “Fuck it. I want forever, and the only way that I’m going to get that is with the two of you making us complete, no longer three but one.”

  “Holy hell,” Byrne said softly. His arms tightened around her, and she felt him press a kiss to the top of her hair. “Are you truly sure, Briar? I’m not going to talk you out of this, but I want you to consider the fact that I have to bite you during the bonding. Danel will mark you, and I will bite you to mark you as a warning to all other Luhpynes. You went through hell and we both need you to be totally and completely ready for what will happen once we have you in our bed.”

  Briar pulled back and looked up at her Luhpyne. “Byrne, I trust you. I trust Danel. Yes, I went through hell and right back again, but know this. I want you. I want both of you. I need your love more than I need my next breath. Without you loving me I have no reason to continue. You have wiped memories from my mind by just being there, by being patient and loving me. It’s time to finish this and for us to finally wipe that bastard fully from my memories. I want your marks, I want your bite, I want your love.” Needed, d
esperately needed their love.

  Staring into her eyes, he nodded and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Then you’ll have it all. Just know, if you do change your mind, do so before we begin. Once we’ve started there is no turning back or all of us will be doomed to spend our lives without the fulfillment of the bond. It’s a hell I’d rather not live through.”

  “I won’t change my mind. I love you both, I need you both, and I want this.” Reaching out, she took Danel’s hand and added, “However, I need to know how you will mark me so that I can be ready for it.” As long as she knew, she was fine with it because she needed it. Needed them both.

  “Byrne will sink his teeth into the sweet spot between your shoulder and neck. And I will put my palm on your body to mark you with the symbol of my house,” he said. “It’s a chemical reaction that only occurs once, during the mating, and will sit on your skin much like a tattoo or birthmark. There are only three places I can place it, over your heart on your breast, on your inner hip up front, or at the small of your back. Since Byrne will be taking your pussy, that last one is out, so the choice is up to you. It will feel warm, might itch a little, but that is all. It will not burn and it will not harm you in any way. After the mating and we have bonded, it will help alert you to danger. Not sure how, but it will, and to my presence when I am close, that will be a warming sensation.”

  That had her smiling. “I like it already. I will leave it up to you where to mark me. I love the idea of you holding my breast as we all three come together, as we form our bond, but that’s just me. I like the closeness that it seems would come of it.” She was already beginning to get wet at the thought of them inside of her doing just as he said. “I want that. Gods I need it and damn if I don’t deserve it, too.”

  “You definitely deserve it and so much more, love. But, first, we need to get you smelling like your sweet self again before Byrne gives into the urge to sneeze. And yeah, I know you are trying to hold it in. Your nose does not ever twitch that much. Let’s move,” he said and stepped out of the elevator. Moving into their place, he headed straight for the master bedroom and into the bathroom while she and Byrne, who was still carrying her, followed a little slower.

  “You get undressed and into the bath,” he said, setting her on her feet. “I’m going to go and make up your hot chocolate and will bring it in when it’s ready.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he touched her cheek gently, holding her close with that light touch before stepping back.

  Briar watched as Byrne left and put her hand to her chest. Goodness, it felt like he was taking a piece of her with him. It felt as if he was taking the very air with him. She turned to Danel and asked, “Will it feel any different? Once we are all mated that is. I feel sometimes as if the two of you take parts of me with you when you walk away from me, is that normal?” She hadn’t talked to Lacey or Lilly about their matings because she hadn’t wanted to. Now she did, however, and she was honestly curious.

  “Once we are mated you’ll feel us with you always. It will be weak when we are far apart, but you’ll learn how to tell we are getting closer to you. Like my mark, you’ll get cues because of the bond we’ll forge. The farther apart we are distance-wise the less you’ll feel us within you, so maybe it will feel like you are losing a part of yourself but I don’t think so. This—” He moved toward her, taking her hand gently in his.

  “This feeling now is because we’re at a point of nearly completing the mating. I know for Byrne it’s extremely difficult. Luhpyne can go insane if the mating is put off too long and he’s beyond that point. The only reason he hasn’t lost it or hope is because we’ve been able to watch over you. He knew that if he did lose it that you’d be down one mate, and he couldn’t accept that. You’ve kept him going all this time. Ahnjels don’t have the same reaction though. We notice when our mate is close even without the bond, but it doesn’t hurt us. Thankfully.”

  She moved in closer to Danel, leaning into his natural heat, and smiled. “And you will always be able to find me? No matter where I am, you can find me?” She hoped so. She didn’t know why she was asking, but that question was burning in her mind.

  “Absolutely. We’ll also know your moods—if you are upset, scared, or happy—just as you’ll know ours. From what I’ve heard it’s actually the easiest of the signals to figure out.” Wrapping an arm around her, he tugged her into the bathroom where the tub was filling up still. “Do you want some bubbles?” he asked, lifting up a bottle.

  “No thank you. I’m not much for scents,” she admitted. “Or bubbles. I know, I’m weird.” She worked in a morgue. She had never really been one for scents or things of that nature, ever. She liked just plain clean and soft smells. “I have sensitive skin and some of the chemicals in bubbles make me break out. That simply wouldn’t do for what we have planned tonight.” Hives would put a damper on the mood.

  “Well, you should try these sometime. Byrne’s mother makes them all naturally and the scent is very pleasant. She also makes all the soaps and such you’ll find around both our homes. She’s very insistent we don’t ever use the chemically laced products of your world. Which is fine by me. At least I don’t smell like a chemically induced rain forest or something like that. It’s nasty.”

  “After tonight I will try them but I don’t want to chance anything,” Briar admitted. “And, oh God, he does have a mother.” She instantly felt insecure. “Will she like me or hate me? I’ve heard tales of both. Where the future mother-in-law loved the woman or where she hated her and refused to see her son if the woman was around. I don’t think I would survive that.”

  Laughing softly, he set the bottle aside and leaned over to turn the water off. “He has a mother and two fathers. As I have a mother and three fathers. All of which you will get to meet at some point.” He smiled at her. Turning to face her, he cupped her cheeks. “They will adore you. You are our mate and, therefore, absolutely perfect. So do not freak out, do not get yourself worked up, and know that even if they had issue with you, it’s only our opinion that matters. We love you, Briar, now and for the rest of our days together. Now, into the bath and I’ll go check on Byrne’s progress with your drink. One of us will knock before we bring it in. Towels and hand clothes are on the edge there. Yell if you need anything all right?”

  Briar nodded and placed her hand on his forearm. “Thank you. For everything. For loving me enough to give me the time I needed and for helping me heal. The two of you mean more to me than I think you will ever truly realize.” They were her life, her heart. Hell, they were her very soul and held her together by their love alone.

  Taking her hand, he pressed it over his heart and stared down at her. “I think we both have an idea, Briar.” Leaning in, he kissed her lightly and then stepped away. Leaving her in the bathroom, he flashed her a smile as he drew the door shut behind him, giving her privacy and time to relax.

  Briar watched him go and felt a pang in her heart. They weren’t far, she knew that they weren’t, but she wanted them closer. After climbing into the massive tub, she leaned back and sighed. Finally, unable to fight it any longer ,she called out to them. “There really is room for all three of us in this tub. I wouldn’t mind that in the least.”

  A soft knock a couple minutes later was followed by Byrne sticking his head around the corner. He had his eyes covered by one hand, and the other held a mug that was steaming. “Is it safe to come in?” he asked with a grin on his face. “We heard you call out, but we don’t like just assuming something when it comes to you, love.”

  He was so good to her, she thought to herself. “Yes, I really would like for you to come in. It’s safe. And you will have to open your eyes eventually because I really do hope that we will be all looking and touching and feeling each other a great deal.” Lifting a hand, she asked, “Will the two of you join me in my bath? I can’t think of a more relaxing time than having the two of you with me.”

  He slid his fingers apart slightly to peek at her and then dropped his hand. “Migh
t be a little cozier than you think with both of us in there. We’re not exactly small men, Briar.” Moving closer, he handed her the mug, making sure he turned it so she’d have the handle and wouldn’t need to grab the hot part of the cup. “But I’m all for joining you. Danel is just on a call and will be here soon enough.”

  “Well, good. Then you can hold me and Danel can hold my legs.” She had it all worked out, or so she hoped. “Well, get out of your clothes, Byrne. I want to see if you are tanned all over or if I have been having dreams of your beautiful self in the wrong forms.” She had daydreams of Byrne, naked and fully tanned from head to toe without a tan line on his body, and man she loved those dreams.

  “I don’t actually tan. The coloring is my natural skin tone,” he said, rolling his eyes at her. Undoing his shirt, he tugged it off and folded it before tossing it onto the vanity. He’d already kicked off his shoes and was undoing his belt buckle. Then he had the buttons on the front of his jeans undone and was pushing them off, bent over so she couldn’t see anything, but she did know he didn’t wear any underwear. Then he straightened and all thought flew out of her head.

  Briar’s whole world seemed to still when he straightened and faced her. Her mouth was suddenly dry, and all she could do was look at him. “By the Gods you are incredible.” She finally was able to whisper aloud. And he was. He was more than incredible. He was, good lord he was a God. His skin was well tanned all over. He had some small scars, but the markings that held her attention were the tattoos that covered from his neck to his wrist with the band of briar thorns and a sapphire on his wrist. She smiled, but then her gaze caught sight of what looked to be claw marks. “How did those happen?” she blurted out mid thought.

  “You’re going to have to be more specific, love,” he said. A small clank drew her attention. He’d dropped the band he usually wore over the marks on his wrist to the vanity. And then he was walking, no that totally wasn’t the right term, prowling, yes definitely prowling was right. He was prowling toward her and waved her to pick a spot in the tub to allow him in.


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