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Briar's Saviors [Beyond the Veil 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Honor James

  That had her grinning even wider. “Well, I look forward to it,” she admitted to him with a snicker. Lifting her arms, she let the men dry her off. They seemed to want to do it for her so she was letting them. “What about you, Danel, what are you fascinated by?” She allowed them to see everything. Her every scar, her every blemish, and she accepted that they loved her no matter what they saw.

  “Your body of course, but your eyes get me every time,” he said softly. He was down in a crouch drying off her feet while Byrne took care of the top half of her. “I love just staring into your eyes and watching as different thoughts or emotions flicker past. You have very expressive eyes for a woman that’s learned to camouflage her facial expressions.”

  “I didn’t know that I did.” Something she would have to work at obviously. She didn’t like that too much, but there it was. “However, I’m very happy that you like my eyes. I love yours as well.”

  Chuckling, he winked up at her. “I’m glad. Anything else you feel the need to wax poetic about feel free. I’m all ears,” he teased as he straightened up. Using the same towel, he rubbed it over his hair and then working his way down the length, squeezing, and gently rubbing out the water.

  Briar couldn’t help but watch Danel as he dried his body off. He was a being of perfection. She licked her lips and whispered, “Wax?” The word came out more of a squeak than anything because her Ahnjel didn’t have a scrap of hair on his beautiful body.

  “What?” he asked with a frown.

  Byrne chuckled, the sound deep and seriously amused. “She wants to know if you wax off all the hair on your body, bro.”

  “What?” Now it was a squawk. “No.” Lord did he sound indignant. “Ahnjels don’t have any body hair. Don’t know why or how it comes to be, but we just never develop any, so we never have to shave and never have to worry about hairy back syndrome.”

  “Oh.” Briar moved so that she could run a hand over his chest and shivered in reaction. “I like it. A lot,” she stated honestly. “I really think that is very nice.” She looked to Byrne and smiled. “I like that Byrne is hairy and Danel is smooth. I love the contrast between the two of you.” And she did, a great deal. She loved the hard and soft of both men.

  “I am not hairy,” Byrne growled. Then he was right behind her and leaning over her shoulder. “Although, in comparison to smoother than a sheet of ice here, I suppose I would be considered hairy. Dude, it’s seriously weird you have no hair. I’m slightly creeped out by this and the fact your legs look better than most women’s.”

  “I can’t help it. It’s genetic,” Danel huffed out.

  “I love it,” Briar told Danel. “So that’s what matters, right?” She looked up at Byrne and grinned. “You would love it if I were all bare down there, too.” She longed to caress Danel, to touch his smooth skin, to let her mouth work over him just as she wanted to do the same to Byrne.

  Both men shifted to shoot “down there” a look and smirked. “Perhaps,” Byrne said, with a shrug and a smirk. “I’m not saying one way or another since we have better and more interesting plans for you than standing around yakking.” Taking the towel from Danel, he waved a hand. “You take her and I’ll tidy up in here.”

  “Copy that,” Danel said and grinned at her. Bending, he put her up and over his shoulder before turning and moving out of the bathroom.

  Her laughter came from the very pit of her gut. She giggled like mad but then found something more interesting, Danel’s ass. It really was a thing of perfection. Her hands moved down his smooth back, fingers lightly touching the markings there and then cupped his ass. She gave him a nice squeeze, grinning when he swatted her ass teasingly.

  “Behave,” he said, the sound of his voice very different from her unique perspective. Then the world was spinning and she was on the bed, practically buried in the soft blankets as they fluffed around her from the drop. “Hurry up, Byrne, she’s being feisty out here and groping me.”

  “Grope back.” The advice came from the bathroom.

  “Hmm, good point.” Danel grinned down at her as he crawled up to sit, straddling her lower legs. “I think he’s got it right, what do you think, darling?”

  Reaching up, Briar let her hands slide up Danel’s chest and wrap around his neck. “I think that he has a damn good idea there. But just keep in mind, you grope me and I grope you and since we need to wait until all three of us are joined, I suggest that the touching be kept PG-13 maybe.”

  “We’ll see, maybe if we get into X-ratings it will motivate him to move faster,” he said, leaning in over her. He had his arms braced near her shoulders but was keeping his weight off her. Obviously he was easing her into it all, for which she was grateful, but it was also a little frustrating, too. Brushing his lips to hers, he sucked on her lower one and tugged. “We do need to get you ready to take us both, after all, and the longer we take preparing you the more you’ll enjoy the entire experience.”

  “Or the more I will want to beat you,” she teased with a smile. “However.” Her hand lifted and brushed his cheek, down his neck and chest. “I need to ensure that you are both up for the task of loving me, too, right?” she teased with a smile, her hands finding his hard erection and giving him a gentle squeeze.

  Tipping his head down, he chuckled and then shot her a grin. “I think I’m up to the task,” he said with a wiggle of his brows. “But you are the doctor, so I think I’ll rely on your expert medical opinion. What is your opinion, doc?” he asked softly, his voice deeper and throatier than normal.

  She squeezed him with her hands. Her thumb rubbing up and under the glans of his cock, she licked her lips. “Oh I would say that you are very, very up to the task, Danel. I think that perhaps you should lean in here and kiss me, since you have me under you and at your mercy and all?”

  He looked her over and grinned. “Yeah, you are kinda at my mercy aren’t ya?” he teased, wrinkling up his nose. “Though I’m pretty sure that a hot and sexy doctor such as yourself could figure a way out of here if you so desired. My task and Byrne’s, should he ever join us, is to keep you from wanting to dash off elsewhere.”

  “Oh I’m sure that I could figure out a way out of all of this, but honestly, why would I want to? I mean, I have one of the two most handsome of men on top of me. His body is so nice and hard, and hot. Not just looks, but to touch, too.” She sighed a happy sigh. “What more could a girl want?”

  “The other one to join her perhaps?” he asked a little loudly, obviously trying to get someone’s attention. If the snickering from the bathroom said anything it was that Byrne heard and was amused. “But if he doesn’t get here that’s fine. I have you all to myself for the moment and I think I want to…” He trailed out with a smirk. Then he dipped his head to kiss her, full on, letting her know that he’d been holding back, a lot, in all the other kisses he’d given her.

  Briar grinned and shook her head. “Oh you are so bad,” she whispered against his lips, but then when he kissed her everything else flowed away. Her hands moved to wrap around his neck and pull him closer. A leg lifted and wrapped around him to pull him closer and rubbed against him while moaning low into his mouth. Holy. Hell. This was what a kiss was.

  His weight slowly pressed her down into the bed, and his hands cupped her cheek gently. So careful of her even as he ravished her mouth. He was rubbing his cock to her clit, slowly and in little movements, careful and yet still turning her on so hot and so fast.

  When their mouths parted, she looked up at him with need, intense and desperate, shining brightly in her eyes. “Danel.” She whispered his name only because in that moment she was so close to giving in and having him loving her that it wasn’t even funny. “Please tell me that Byrne is on his way out.”

  A light brush to her arm brought her attention to the side of the bed. Right where Byrne stood with a grin on his face. “Whatcha doing?” he asked, blinking his eyes. He just watched her while Danel nibbled on her jaw.

  “Getting so turned on
that I’m about to melt,” Briar admitted and moved her hand from Danel’s head to reach out for Byrne. “I need.” That was all she needed to say and she knew it. Those two words held everything that she needed to convey to both men. She needed, and they would provide release for that need.

  “Turned on is good,” he said. Taking her hand he leaned over to kiss her fingers. “Turned on means that you’ll be loose and relaxed for what comes next.”

  Danel moved then, rolling off her to his side next to her. Drawing her with him, he gave room for Byrne to join them. Which he promptly did, letting her have her hand back as he ran his own hands over her back lightly, brushing kisses to the skin and scarring there.

  She shivered when he brushed his lips to the scarring on her body. She closed her eyes and arched up into him. “I liked that.” She was worried that when they touched her scars or kissed them that she might fall back into that place she was so long ago. “It’s a surprise, but I really did like it a great deal. I think that you should do that more.”

  “And we will, often,” he said. Squeezing her hips lightly, he nipped at her ass lightly. Stroking his fingers over her bottom, he let them trail between her ass cheeks. Then Byrne dipped into her pussy lightly, rubbing her juices back to her anus, back and forth a few times until he pressed a finger slowly into her ass.

  Briar whimpered, arching up and into him as she did so. Licking her lips, she began to pant. “That surprisingly feels so very, very good. I like that,” she whispered and looked to Danel and then Byrne with surprise showing in her eyes. “I like that a great deal. Can you do that again?”

  “Of course I’ll do it again,” he said quietly. Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, he nuzzled at her neck gently. Pressing his finger in deeper, he gently wiggled his finger and chuckled when she moaned. “Does that feel good?” he asked.

  Her “yes” came out more of a hiss of a sound. “Oh God that feels so good.” She practically purred it. “You have no idea just how much I like that,” she whispered and moved slightly. “Please, please don’t stop? It feels too good for you to stop.”

  “Not going to stop but we are going to go slow,” he told her. Slipping his free arm around her neck, he slid his palm down to massage one of her breasts. At the same time, Danel moved lower on her body and put his mouth over her clit, sucking hard on the tight bud.

  Briar literally stopped breathing the moment that Danel began to suckle her clit. Her pleasure was so immense, so mind-shattering that she couldn’t seem to breathe for just a moment. “That’s so good. It feels so very, very good. Please don’t stop.” She begged.

  A chuckle came from one of them, but she couldn’t say for sure who. They just kept up with their torture. Byrne slipped a second finger into her ass, gently stretching her, his fingers on her nipple teasing, twisting, and tugging. Danel pressed two fingers into her pussy, stroking her and rubbing up against her G-spot.

  Briar was no innocent by any stretch of imagination, but when these men did this to her body, she shuddered. “Oh Gods. Yes. That feels so very, very good.” She moaned. “Please, please don’t stop. That feels so very good. I need more. Please.”

  They played her body like the masters they were. They knew just where to touch her to get her panting hard and fast. They teased her and pushed her ever higher and closer to her orgasm, but didn’t once let her fall over. Just when she got to that edge they would ease off and bring her back. After a time she was on the edge of frustration, her body a bundle of nerves, and they pulled back entirely.

  Ready to rip them a new one each, she blinked and groaned as they rolled her over to face Byrne. Cupping her face, he kissed her gently, sucking on her lower lip and giving it the smallest nip of his teeth. “Danel is going to apply some lube to your ass, love. Just to help ease him in. You’re still so damned tight, but we’re too close to the edge to hold back any longer. I’m going to let him slip into you first, and then I will slide into your pussy, all right?”

  She nodded and licked her lips. “I trust both of you,” she said softly. “Please just do whatever it is that you need to do so that we can finally be together. I’m riding too close to the edge myself. I need you. Both of you. I want to be mated to the both of you, please,” she whispered.

  “Shh,” he said softly, brushing a kiss to her lips. “The lube is going to be cold,” he warned softly, his attention flicking past her slightly before coming back again. “But it will warm up right quick, so just try not to shoot of the bed when he applies it, yes?” And that was all the warning she got before something super fucking cold pushed into her anus.

  “I will try. Just don’t let me go?” she asked quietly. “I need you. Both of you.” And she did. She didn’t think she would ever get enough of these two men. She knew that she would never have enough of them loving her.

  “Not ever going to happen,” he assured her with a smile. Rubbing his thumbs to her cheeks, he gave her another, gentle kiss. “All right, love, now comes the tricky part. Throw your top leg up and over me and then just go limp.”

  Danel’s heat was all along her back, and one of his hands was guiding her leg up and over Byrne’s waist. “You need to relax as much as humanly possible, Briar. I’m not going to hurt you so we’re going to go really slow. It might kill us both, but that’s fine. We’ll hopefully survive.”

  Briar nodded and licked her lips. “Okay,” she breathed softly and looked to Byrne. “I trust you,” she told him quietly. “Just never let me go.” She prayed that they never let her go. She needed them far too much.

  “You are ours,” Byrne said, staring her square in the eye. “There is no force in the world, or anywhere, that can ever take us from where we want to be. Promise.” Gathering her closer, he hugged her to him as Danel began to press against her ass.

  She smiled and nodded. Leaning into Byrne, she trusted him, the light in her eyes showing her as much. This was what she needed, what she wanted. She refused to let that look go. She needed him too much. She simply had to have him. She needed him. “I’m never letting you go,” she whispered.

  “Good.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple.

  She could feel Danel’s hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks. “Deep breath and let it out, letting all your muscles just relax as one,” Danel said. He was pressing to her harder, the head of his cock just starting to breach her ass.

  Briar did just that. She let her body go loose even when she wanted to tighten. She licked her lips and kept her eyes on Byrne. He was her anchor. “I trust you.” She felt Danel entering her ass. She moaned at the sensations and licked her lips. “That feels good.” She moaned. “I didn’t think it would, but it does,” she confessed and pushed back against them once more. “Please, more?”

  “Easy,” Danel hissed out. “I’m on the edge as is and you are so fucking tight,” he moaned out. She felt a shudder ripple through him as he squeezed her ass cheeks. “Relax so I can slip in, love. We need to do this as quickly as we can, without hurting you. Otherwise I will embarrass myself and fuck this all up.”

  She felt herself relaxing once more. “Sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to tighten but it feels amazing.” Her eyes never left Byrne’s eyes. She loved the heat that was there, the way that he looked at her as if she were the single most precious being on the planet. “Feels so very good. More.” She spoke louder to Danel, telling him she needed more and was ready for more.

  “Breathe,” he said in her ear. “We’re almost there and then Byrne can join with you as well and we can get this party really started.” When she nodded he pressed in deeper, pausing whenever she began to tense and only pressing forward when she relaxed fully until he was fully in. They both let out sighs. His sounded distinctly relieved though.

  She did just that. She began to breathe, and when he pushed deeper she whimpered. She then looked to Byrne and smiled. “I need.” That was all she had to say because she saw in her Luhpyne’s eyes that he needed as well. That he was hungry and needful just a
s she was. Pulling him closer, she smiled. “Kiss me,” she begged softly. She needed this, had to have this. Needed them.

  With a low growl, he kissed her, feasted on her really. Shifting his body closer to hers, he adjusted her leg, the head of his cock pressing to her slick pussy. “Ready?” he whispered against her lips. At her nod he smiled and, kissing her again, began to slide his cock into her waiting sheath.

  Pressure. Undeniable and intense pressure from both of them being inside of her at once. But it was a good pressure. It was one that she liked, a great deal. “Yes.” She found herself hissing it out, her hands clutching against Byrne’s shoulders. “I am not going to make it long.” She knew she wouldn’t. She wasn’t going to last long and damn well knew it.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he said, his voice rough and deep. “As long as we are all joined, that is what matters in the mating. But I won’t make it that long either, so don’t feel bad. We’ll make it up to one another later. This is just for the bond this first time.”

  Danel slid an arm around her, his hand moving up to cover her breast, right over her heart.

  As Byrne slid home inside of her, he let out a throaty growl and moved her hair to the side. Dropping his head, he pressed his lips to her neck and thrust, pulling out slowly before thrusting in hard.

  That did her in. The growl, the bite of the teeth at her neck, and the touch of Danel’s hand to her breast. She felt the heat of Danel’s hand on her breast, knew that it was heating to mark her. “That feels so very good,” she whispered. “It feels so very good. More.” She pushed back against them once more. “More. Harder. It feels so very good,” she said quietly.

  Both men were moving, Danel slowly pulling and thrusting, but Byrne had a rhythm down that was driving her around the bend. He scraped his teeth over her skin. Back and forth before settling them in to the curve where her shoulder met up with her neck. He was biting just enough to hold, but not enough to break skin, yet.

  “I never dreamed that could feel so good,” she admitted. When she had been bitten before it hadn’t felt nearly as good as this had felt. “That feels so very good. Please, more,” she begged. She moved on them again, her body filled with pleasure, her nipples hard and gooseflesh covering her skin. Another shiver raced through her body. “More.” She couldn’t believe how needy she was, how desperate she was for them both.


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