If Only We Knew

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If Only We Knew Page 7

by Ancelli

  “That you made me a grandmother?”


  “Son are you sure that he is your son, because when I asked her, she just hung up on me.”

  His jaw clinched, getting mad. “Who did you speak to?”

  “The mother of your suppose child.”


  “Three days ago. Son she is nothing more than an opportunist, a gold digger…”

  “Fuck…” he yelled. “Why would you call her, asking her anything? You don’t know anything about her or me…” he continued, and before hanging up, he told her she would never see her grandson until she apologized to Shannon.

  He controlled is emotions before exiting his car and walking up to her front door. Even before he knocked, he could hear Matthew crying, inside. He knocked twice, anxiously. After a moment, he could hear footsteps coming toward him.

  Shannon opened the door, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  He looked down at her, observing the way she looked. Her hair hadn’t been brushed, and it seemed like she hadn’t slept in days. “What’s wrong?”

  She moved out of the way so he could come in, then closed the door. “He won’t stop crying. I’ve tried everything. I tried to feed him. I changed him, I burped him….”

  He walked over to the bassinet he’d given her and picked up the baby. “Hey, little man, Daddy’s here.” He rocked him in his arms. “What’s going on?” He asked her, as the baby calmed down. “¿Qué te pasa, mi angel?” he whispered in the baby’s ear.

  She sat down on the couch, wiping her falling tears. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m a bit tired. He just wouldn’t stop crying.”

  “Maybe he senses your frustration, Shannon.” He rubbed Matthew’s back. “I tried calling you. I came by and you weren’t here.”

  “I just needed some time away from you and your family.”

  Matthew stopped crying and started falling asleep. Matt sat down next to Shannon. “Where were you?”

  “I was at my parents’. My mom wanted to spend time with Matthew.”

  “Is your dad speaking to you yet?”

  She sighed. “No, my dad is not speaking to me. He said I’m a disappointment. He just ignored me when I was over their house. He couldn’t even look at me. All my life I’ve tried to be the best at everything I did, to make my parents proud, and I make one mistake and he treats me like this.”

  “He will forgive you because he loves you, Shannon.” He caressed her arm.

  She gave him half a smile. “I hope so.”

  He stared at her. “Are you going through postpartum depression? I read a lot of women go through it.”

  “No, I’m not depressed. I’m just tired,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “Your mother accused me of wanting her money. She even said that I was your fantasy come true.”

  “I apologize for my mother’s behavior. Why didn’t you tell me? I would never let her talk to you like that. Look, I spoke to her. She won’t be bothering you again, and if she does, it will be to apologize.”

  “I was just tired of accusations from her, my Dad…I know what we did was wrong, but I can’t change the past. What’s done is done. I’m going to move on regardless of what people think of me.” She paused, now staring at him. “Was sleeping with me just…. Forget it.” She said shying away from him.

  “No, it wasn’t. I didn’t care about your race. It was you that night, me and you,” he answered, gazing into her eyes.

  She changed the subject. “How did you get him to sleep?”

  “I guess he missed me,” he said, smiling at the baby. “He looks more and more like me.”

  “I’m trying not to spoil him.” She got up, taking the baby from Matt and putting him in his bassinet.

  He strolled up behind her. “Does it matter what I think of you?”

  She turned to face him. “Yes. What you think of me does matter.”

  “Well, I think you’re amazing.” He took her hand in his. They stared at each other for a moment, and she changed the subject again.

  “How are things with Karen?” She pulled her hand away and sat again.

  “I went back home. We’re going to try and work through this.” He smiled. “She says at least now she doesn’t feel guilty anymore about me not having kids because of her.”

  “That’s good to hear.” She looked away.

  “Can I stay for a while? I want to spend time with Matthew.” He sat down next to her.

  “Yes,” she answered, her eyes getting heavy.

  “Why don’t you go take a nap? I’ll watch him until you wake up.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, getting up.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll take every minute I have with him since I can’t be with him twenty-four-seven.” He smiled.

  “When he gets hungry, you can wake me up.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  As soon as Shannon was safely in her bedroom, out of sight, he picked Matthew back up and sat down. Something crinkled beneath him, a paper. He tugged at it one-handed and opened it. It was Matthew’s birth certificate. Matt smiled, reading it. Matthew Javier Johnston. Mother: Shannon Abigail Jones. Father: Matthew Miguel Johnston. He looked at the baby. “Your dad is Spanish and Caucasian. Your mom is African-American and West Indian.” He smiled. “You’re the best of four cultures, but best of all, you’re my son.”


  Three hours later, after trying to cook macaroni and cheese for Shannon, Matt walked into her bedroom with Matthew. He’d cried and chewed on his fist, signaling he was hungry. Matt had tried giving him a bottle. He wouldn’t take it and just cried louder. Matt calmed him down a bit and walked over to the bed, where Shannon lay asleep on her side. He laid Matthew down, slid up Shannon’s shirt, and gently unsnapped her bra. He got on the bed, placed Matthew next to her breast, and the baby latched on.

  “Poor baby, you were starving.” A bit of her milk got on the baby’s chin. I wonder how it tastes? He cleaned the milk with his finger and then put his finger in his mouth. “Mmm, that doesn’t taste that bad, little man.”

  “What doesn’t taste bad?” Shannon asked, waking up.

  “Don’t move. Matthew is latched on.”

  “I know silly. That’s what woke me up.”

  “You’re not mad I violated you?”

  “You did it for a good reason. Let me guess, he didn’t take the bottle.” She stared into his green eyes.

  “No, he wouldn’t stop crying until your breast was in his mouth.”

  “What tastes good?”

  “Your milk. I tasted it.” She looked at him, a bit curious. “He had some on his chin, and I wiped it.”

  “You could’ve just asked me for a taste.” She said chuckling.

  He stared into her eyes, hoping she couldn’t see the desire he felt with what she just said. “Would you have let me latch on?” he asked with a little naughtiness in his voice.

  Her smile vanished. “What? No, silly. I have some in the fridge.” She looked away.

  The baby finished feeding. Shannon burped him and laid him down in his crib.

  While Shannon was in the nursery, Matt set the dining room table for them to eat dinner. When she came around the corner, she was surprised. “Oh Matt you didn’t have to.” She smiled.

  He pulled out her chair and she sat, he sat after her. She picked up her fork and started eating, as he watched her for her reaction.

  “It was the easiest thing to make in your pantry. I know, I over-cooked the macaroni. It’s too soft.”

  “No, it’s not it tastes great,” she said, taking another bite. “Thanks for dinner.”

  They began talking about Matt’s visitation.

  “You can see him anytime you want, just call ahead of time.” She said, before talking a drink of water.

  “Are you going to ignore my calls?” he asked laughing.

  She rolled her eyes at him, saying. “I just told you I needed some time.”

  He caressed her left cheek with his
fingers. “I was just kidding.” He noticed she was getting uncomfortable, when she slightly moved and he pulled his fingers away. “Are you ever going to let him stay overnight with me?” He asked.

  She had a strange expression on her face. “Really Matt! He’s your son you have every right to spend time with him. When do you think would be the right time for him to sleep over with you and your wife?” She waited for his answer.

  They came up with an arrangement that worked for both of them: when Matthew turned three months, Matt would be able to take him every other weekend, but he could still come and see him in between times. And he brought up child support. Shannon tried to tell him she was okay with just having him in Matthew’s life.

  Matt said no. He would support his son financially, and remained adamant until she finally agreed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Matt woke up extra early to make breakfast for his wife. He entered their bedroom with a tray, loaded up with fruit, pancakes, bacon, and orange juice.

  “Happy anniversary!” He smiled, placing the tray down on the bed.

  Karen leaned up and smiled back. “Happy anniversary to you, too.”

  He kissed her. “I tried to make your favorites before I have to go to work.”

  “You know I’m on a diet,” she said, going to the bathroom.

  “You’re beautiful just the way you are.” he said eating her with his eyes.

  “That’s sweet.” She returned to the bed and ate the fruit on the platter. She picked at the other items.

  “What?” He knew better, but couldn’t resist asking.

  “Baby, the bacon is too crispy, and the pancakes are lumpy.”

  He just stood observing her. Why couldn’t she just say thank you and be grateful for him at least making an effort? “I tried. I have to get ready for work.”

  “Sorry, Matt. Breakfast looks delicious.” She got up and kissed him on the lips. “Can you take it to the kitchen on your way down?” she asked, drinking the orange juice and lying back down to sleep.

  “I’ll see you tonight for dinner.” He turned into the bathroom. He took a shower, dried off, and by the time he got out of the bathroom towards the closet, Karen had fallen back to sleep. After getting dressed, he picked up the tray and headed downstairs. He ate what was left on the platter.

  “Lumpy, my ass.”


  Karen woke up to the sound of a cell phone, and smiled. He loves me. “Hello?”

  “Hello, sweetheart. Happy anniversary.” He laughed being sarcastic.

  “Good morning.”

  “Baby, only a year and half more and half of his assets will be yours.”

  “I wish you were here with me.”

  “I wish I was there, too. Instead, I’m here working on the old lady’s books.”

  “Can you come over for lunch? Matt’s taking me to dinner tonight at Chanz, but I need some time with you.”

  “I’ll be there in two hours. Make sure you’re ready for me, just the way I like.”

  “I’ll have on my birthday suit, just for you.”

  “See you later.”



  Even though he was tired, Matt drove home to pick Karen right after work. After all, it was their first wedding anniversary, and he wanted to make it special. Trying to shrug off his fatigue, he gave her a big smile as he pulled the car up to the valet stand at the upscale restaurant she’d chosen. He got out and raced around to open the door for Karen, and made sure to hold her hand on the way in. They were seated in the corner of the room, towards the front. It was the perfect, intimate setting.

  “How was your day?” Matt took a hold of her hand kissing it, as the waiter filled their wine glasses, and then stepped away.

  “It was okay. I went shopping today, bought a new purse. How was yours?”

  “I had a busy day. Our system went down at the branch, and we had to input all the transactions manually. I had to close the branch down for a couple of hours until the issue was fixed. I’m tired. It feels good to finally sit down and relax.” He could tell she was ignoring everything he said, because when he finished talking, she was shaking her head, looking around the restaurant.

  “Well, now that’s over with, and you’re here with me.” She smiled first at the waiter, who’d appeared to take their orders, and then, finally, at him.

  Matt pulled a velvet box out of his pocket and handed it to Karen. “I got you a little something. Happy anniversary.”

  Karen clutched the box and opened it. It was a diamond tennis bracelet. “It’s beautiful, Matt.”

  “I’m happy you like it,” he said, watching the way it sparkled in the light.

  “How many carats?” She looked at the writing on the box.

  “Two.” He couldn’t believe she would ask that.

  “Only two?”

  “Yes Karen, only two carats and what does it matter?” he asked, getting mad.

  “It doesn’t matter. I was just asking because my friend got one last month, and it was three carats.” She took the bracelet out of the box and inspected it.

  “I don’t care what your friend has. I got something for you, and you’re comparing it to someone else’s. I got it at the best jewelry store in town,” he said, raising his voice.

  “I apologize for asking. Thanks for the gift. It’s beautiful.” She placed her hands on his, but he moved, taking hold of his napkin.

  They sat in silence for a while, until the waiter came over with their food. Matt didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.

  “Baby, I said I’m sorry.” She said trying to give him her puppy face look.

  Matt looked up to the entrance of the restaurant, where his mother and her accountant, Tom Hunter, were stepping inside. His mother saw him, waved, and walked toward their table with Tom behind her.

  “Hello, dear.” His mother kissed both him and Karen on the cheek.

  “Good evening,” Tom said, watching Karen.

  Matt nods his head. “Good evening Mom, Tom.”

  “Hi.” Karen eyes met with Tom’s.

  Matt studied the way Tom kept glaring at Karen.

  “May we join you?” Tom asked, looking at the two empty chairs.

  Karen shook her head no, but Matt ignored her. “Yes, have a seat.” He had some issues to work out with his mother, and for the moment, those looked to be easier to solve than the issues he had to work out with his wife. .

  Tom pulled out the, and then he sat on the other side of Karen.

  Matt observed Karen, and for some odd reason, she looked like she was nervous. “Karen, are you okay?”


  He could see her hands shaking as she picked up her wine glass. “You’re shaking.”

  “No, sweetie, I’m okay, just got a little flushed.” She drank all the wine in her glass.

  “Son, how have you been?” His mother said trying to touch him.

  His focus shifted from Karen to his mother. “I’m doing great and your grandson is too.”

  “Matt, are you sure that baby is yours?”

  The waiter came over to refill their wine glasses.

  Matt picked up his glass of wine, taking a sip, to calm down his emotions, staring over his glass at his mother. “If you even bothered to see him, you would know that Matthew is my son.”

  “The only way you’ll know for sure is if you get a DNA test done.”

  “Mrs. Phillips, the baby is Matt’s. He looks just like him,” Karen said.

  “Karen, are you okay with him having a baby with someone else and that someone else being black?”

  “He made a mistake, and I forgave him. I’m learning to accept his son.”

  “You’re a better woman than me.” She told Karen.

  Karen didn’t say anything. All she did was stare over at Tom in silence.

  “Why a black woman, Matthew? Now you have a biracial child. He will never be one of us.” His mother asked him grabbing her glass.

�One of us…what does that fucking mean? You know what? Don’t answer.” Matt got up, pulled out his wallet, and threw money on the table.

  “Son, I’m sorry.” His mother looked up at him with regret.

  “I don’t care if you accept him or not. Just in case you forgot, I’m biracial, too. Maybe that’s why you left us like we were trash you were putting out.” He raised his voice. “Karen, let’s go.”

  “I haven’t finished my dinner.” Karen said to him. He clenched his jaw shut, looked at her, and took off.

  Karen got up, said her goodbyes, and followed him out the restaurant. “Matt, wait!”

  Matt stopped, trying to calm down.

  “What’s your fucking problem? Your mother is entitled to her opinion,” she said, walking up to him.

  “It’s her only grandson. No matter what she thinks of his mother, it’s her only grandson, and she doesn’t want anything to do with him because of his race. She didn’t want anything to do with me when I was younger, but I thought she would want a second chance with him. I don’t want my son to ever feel like that with anyone.”

  “You should leave the past in the past. Don’t compare the situations,” she said, putting her hand on her hip.

  “You wouldn’t understand what I’m going through,” he said, noticing the people walking around them.

  “You’re right. I wouldn’t understand, and I don’t care to. You ruined our anniversary dinner by inviting them to eat with us. I just want to go home.” She headed toward the valet.

  He followed her, and gave his ticket, and waited. A few minutes later, the attendant came back with his SUV.

  He was about move towards the attendant when Tom rushed toward him. “Matt, hold up.”

  “What do you want?”

  “You forgot this at the table.” Tom handed him the velvet box with the diamond bracelet in it.

  Matt grabbed it from him. “Thank you.” He continued, reaching the SUV, he opened the door, jumped in, and threw the box at Karen. “You’re welcome.”

  Neither of them said a word the entire ride home.

  As soon as he drove up to their driveway, she jumped out and went into the house, leaving the bracelet. He rushed into the house, straight to his office. Why did I let my mother get to me?


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