Moments In Time: A Collection of Short Fiction
Page 35
As I looked away, I noticed someone watching me out of the corner of my eye. I looked over toward the shadow and knew immediately who it was. Hurting Sean was wrong, but he had to know we were not going to be together. It couldn’t happen and maybe my leaving with Mase would drill that fact home. Maybe.
Quickly, I looked back toward Mase as he sped out of the parking lot throwing gravel and kicking up dirt. His car was enough to cause an orgasm. No joke.
I slid my hand up his knee and toward his inner thigh, getting closer and closer to what I wanted to feel. Just a little further up and I could make it out, my cowboy was a big boy.
“Likin’ what you feel there, darlin’?” he asked raising his eyebrow quizzically.
“As a matter of fact, I’m liking it a lot. I actually can’t wait to feel it deep inside me. Sliding hard and fast inside my warm, wet pussy.” I smiled to myself. I knew exactly what I was doing. “Well, looky there. It seems to be getting bigger, cowboy.”
“Ya little minx. You’re a wild one aren’t ya?” he asked.
I just smiled up at him. If he only knew the truth. If he only knew just how dull and boring I had become over the past couple of years, he probably wouldn’t even think about spending the night with me.
When we pulled up to the little country home on the corner, I had to admit I was a little confused. Yeah, it was a little house in a small town, but it wasn’t really a farmhouse or a ranch. It was just a cute little house on the corner. White with black shutters, a gravel driveway lined with some apple trees and a swing on the front porch.
“Do you live here?” I asked.
“Nope. Just stayin’ in town with a friend.”
I guess that explained it and besides that it wasn’t like all cowboys lived out in the boonies on a big ass ranch.
He came around the car and opened the door for me. Taking my hand in his he walked us up to the front door and fidgeted around in a hanging basket.
“Key,” he said as he proudly held the key up for me to see.
He unlocked the door and then motioned for me to go inside.
“Welcome to my humble abode. Well, not mine, but mine for the night,” he said, while he hung his hat on the rack by the door and pulled off his boots.
As he started to unbutton his shirt, I walked toward him and asked, “Why don’t you let me take care of that, cowboy?”
“Sounds like a plan, darlin’,” he smiled as he ran his hand through my hair, taking the hair clip out as he did. My red curls fell down in my face before he pulled them back and I bit my lip right before he crashed his mouth into mine.
He broke away and murmured, “I can’t wait another fuckin’ second, Ember. I have to be inside of ya. Now.”
He bent over and placed his hands under my knees and pulled me up into his arms. His kisses were rapid and all over my mouth, neck and breasts. I was pretty sure he was gonna drop my ass on the way to the bedroom. It was like he couldn’t stop kissing and touching me.
“Baby, please don’t drop me,” I moaned.
“Ain’t gonna happen, darlin’. I got ya. I got ya all fuckin’ night. You’re gonna be screamin’ my name here in about uh, eight seconds.”
“Eight seconds? You seem pretty sure of yourself there, cowboy,” I said with a smile.
“I’m just like a bull rider. But instead of you keepin’ me on for eight seconds, I’m gonna get you off in eight seconds flat, darlin’.”
I swallowed hard as he tossed me down on the bed. I hadn’t even realized we were that close to a bedroom. It was dark, and the bed was hard, but who the hell cared? Not me. I just wanted more of this man.
“Ready, darlin’?” he asked.
With one hand he grabbed the hem of my dress and had it over my head before I could say, ‘ride 'em cowboy’. I’d never had a guy get my dress off in one swoop like that. It was fucking awesome. Next, he had my hose ripped off along with my panties. My bra was still on, but just because he was focusing his attention lower, much lower.
His tongue hit my clit and my hips shot up off the bed. He placed one arm over my stomach and held me down, while his mouth devoured my pussy. I mean devoured. He ate me alive, like I was the most amazing piece of mouthwatering chocolate cake he had ever tasted. Honestly, I’m not even sure it took eight seconds for me to explode in his mouth.
When I finally started to come down from my pleasure induced haze I looked down and saw those big blue eyes of his staring up at me. My juices were all over his face and the look in his eyes said that I was in for the ride of my life.
“Ready for more?” he asked while making his way up to my breasts. He unclasped my bra and threw it on the floor with my dress. He still had on his clothes. That needed to change immediately, but before I could do anything he had sucked my breast into his mouth and I was about to have another orgasm. His tongue should really be part of the Smithsonian. It could have its own exhibit: “The things this tongue can do…” Sounded perfectly legit to me and I could only imagine that anyone who had ever experienced it before would totally agree with me.
“Pants. Yours. Uh…mmmm. Damn it. Could you…I mean…oh shit.” I was trying. I really was, but the words just wouldn’t come out. “Stop!” I screamed.
“Darlin’? What’s wrong? Did I hurt ya?” he asked.
“What about ‘em baby?” He ran his fingers up my slit. “You ain’t wearin’ any, darlin’.”
“Yours. Take them off!”
“Yes, ma’am. All ya had to do was ask,” he added with a little smirk.
He jumped up off the bed and quickly went to work at getting naked. The more clothes he took off, the more I realized he was a fucking Adonis. The man was built and sexy as hell. The tribal tattoo on his chest was hot as hell, but the tiny heart on his lower stomach was…different. I climbed up to my knees and slowly ran my fingers over the little red heart.
“It’s for my Momma. I carry her heart around with me every day. It helps to remind me that there is still some good left in the world, ya know?”
I pulled him down on the bed and straddled his waist. “Seriously, could you be any hotter? I really don’t think so.”
I slammed my mouth down onto his and roughly swirled my tongue around in his mouth.
His hands came up around my waist, and he gently pushed me down to where I was straddling his rock hard cock. It slid between my slit, and I moaned as I rubbed my clit over it. Gently rocking back and forth, I could feel it hardening even more below me. All that was between us was a tiny little pair of black boxer briefs. Those suckers needed to go. Like now.
“Off. Now,” I demanded.
“Bossy little thing ain’t ya?” he asked.
“You have no idea, cowboy,” I responded.
At lightning speed he flipped us so that he was on top and quickly took off his briefs and threw them to the ground.
“Fast or slow? Last chance to choose,” he whispered while placing super light kisses all across my chest.
“What do you think, cowboy?” I asked, pushing his shoulder and flipping him so that I was on top again. Grinding down onto his rock hard cock.
I sat up on my knees and put just the tip of it inside me. Staying like that for just a moment, before I slammed down onto him and took his entire length inside me. Could this be nirvana? He felt so amazingly good. I was trying to ride him hard, but apparently I wasn’t moving quite fast enough, because he was bucking from below me. The hottest sounds were escaping his lips. Moans, groans, and pure sounds of ecstasy. I could stay like this all night long, but my cowboy had other ideas. He sat up on the edge of the bed and grabbed my ass with his hands. Standing up he walked us toward the wall and then slammed me up against it. One hand stayed on my ass, while the other made its way up to my neck. He squeezed gently before his lips plundered mine and his hips started pounding into me. His cock was sliding against my pussy walls and my woo hoo was so happy to have him there that she didn’t want to l
et him go. It was like she was sucking him deep inside her. I needed this so bad and he did too.
“Darlin’, I’m gonna come. Holy fuck, baby.”
“Me too. Holy shit, Mase,” I screamed as we both exploded in one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever experienced. Our eyes locked and our bodies remained joined. I didn’t want to let him go. I didn’t want this to end. And apparently I wasn’t the only one feeling that way. Apparently, Mase was thinking the same thing.
“Think ya have another round in ya, darlin’?” he asked with a sideways grin.
Placing a kiss on his cheek, I whispered, “I think that could be arranged, cowboy.”
“I say we take a little break and then go in for round two.” His smile faded and he looked down at me and muttered, “Ember?”
“Yeah, Mase.”
With a sheepish look on his face he uttered, “Thanks.”
He looked down and I took my finger and placed it under his chin. Tipping his head up to where our eyes met I asked, “Thanks for what, cowboy?”
“This. Tonight. I needed it.”
I pushed him away and asked, “Are you thanking me for having sex with you?”
He grabbed me and pulled me close. My nose automatically nuzzled into his warm rock hard chest. He whispered into my hair, “No. Well, yeah. But not just the sex. I’m thanking you for being with me tonight. For letting me in.”
I pulled away and glared up at him.
He laughed. “That’s not what I meant either. Damn…I don’t know how to say it. Just forget it and let’s get ready for round two.”
“I think that’s an excellent idea, cowboy.”
• • •
It turned out that my cowboy actually had a few more rounds in him last night. Everything about last night was perfect and exactly what I needed. The pain Brock caused me was the last thing on my mind this morning. The concerns I had about Sean and what he thought the future held seemed small.
As cliché as this sounds as I walked outside and sat down on the porch swing to call Sadie to come pick me up, it felt like the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and life couldn’t get any better.
My conscience might have been a little heavy. I mean I was sneaking out without saying goodbye. But it wasn’t like I was just leaving. I wrote him a note and placed it on the bed right next to where he laid snoring away. It read, “Thanks for everything, cowboy.”
We both knew what last night meant. Neither of us expected anything more than we received. It was sex. Hot sex. That was all. And it was amazing. And exactly what this woman needed to get back to the old Ember and get ready to start her new life.
My very chipper best friend picked up on the first ring. “How was it? Was it amazing? He looked pretty damn amazing, Ember. Was his penis huge? Details woman. I need details,” she said speaking a mile a minute.
“Can I talk now?”
“Whatever. I’ll be there in ten.” The line disconnected and I tucked my phone into my purse.
A few minutes later Sadie pulled up in Sean’s truck. I climbed in and that’s when something hit me. “How’d you know where I was, Sadie? I wasn’t even sure where I was when I woke up this morning.”
“I spoke to Cord after ya’ll left last night. He told me that hot piece of man candy was staying at his place.”
“I see. For a minute there I thought maybe you’d put a tracker in my phone or something,” I laughed.
Sadie didn’t even crack a smile. She kept looking straight ahead as we drove off toward her parents’ house.
“That’s really not funny, Sadie. Not funny at all.”
“If I wanted to put a damn tracker in your phone I would. Now quit giving me crap and tell me how your night was. Was he as good in bed as he looked like he would be? I gotta admit I was a little jealous when I saw ya’ll leave the bar last night.”
“He was every bit as good as he looks. That man…damn. That’s all I can say. Damn.”
“Mmmmm, I wish my night was that good.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“Nothin’.” She ran her hand through her hair and I heard her whisper, “Not a damn thing.”
“Anything you want to talk about, Sadie?”
“Yes. I want to know how big his cock was. Was it big?” She looked over at me and bit her lip. “Tell me. I’m dying to know.”
“It. Was. Huge.”
I looked over at her and we both broke out laughing. When we calmed down I said, “You were right. I needed that. It made me feel…better. Good even.”
Clearing her throat, she asked, “Didn’t I tell you it would make everything better?”
“Yes, yes you did.”
“Exactly. Now what does this prove?”
“Um…” I knew what she wanted me to say, but I’d already admitted enough to her.
“Fine. Don’t say it. I’ll say it for you. Sadie is the bestest best friend in the whole wide world and I don’t know what I would do without her.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what last night proves,” I smiled as I placed a finger to my mouth. My lips were sore from the kisses Mase had placed there last night. The memories of the night before started filling my senses and I began to realize that my one night with a cowboy had been everything I didn’t even realize I needed and so much more.
About the Author
Lisa M. Harley grew up in a small town in Missouri, very similar to the fictional towns she writes about. She moved to the big city right after graduation and now works full-time while raising a beautiful little girl.
Lisa started writing in October 2012 when a group she was a member of had a prologue contest. Even though she didn’t win the contest, everyone who read the prologue asked her to finish the story. That was when she made the decision to finish the story and get those characters in her head out on paper. While finishing up Destined to Change, it became clear to Lisa that her characters had a lot more to say, thus creating the Destined series.
Lisa is more than a little addicted to Facebook. So message her . . . she would love to hear from ya’ll.
Lisa may be found on social media at:
Facebook: Lisa M. Harley
Twitter: @Lharley77
Books by Lisa M. Harley include:
Destined Series
Destined to Change
Destined to Succeed
Real Men Wear Pink (short story)
Other Books
Four Letters
Forbidden Fruit Vol. 1 (anthology)
Reaching for the Stars
by Sophie Monroe
A shallow, self-centered party girl sets her sights on a rock-and-roll star for her happily-ever-after.
“Close the door behind you,” I called out to Jax, who turned to look at me with anger and disappointment etched across his strikingly handsome face.
“Fuck you, Star. You’re a fucking bitch,” he yelled, slamming the door hard behind him and making the pictures on my wall rattle.
“You call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing, baby,” I managed to spit out before the door closed completely. I was pretty sure he heard, giving me a sense of smug satisfaction. I always liked having the last word.
Jax knew from the get-go that I wasn’t into the serious relationship thing. I didn’t do strings attached. In fact, I seldom did anything that involved pleasing other people. I was selfish and the first one to admit it. I was in it to win it, and on a hell-bent mission to make a name for myself and prove everyone who ever doubted me wrong.
Star wasn’t my given name, but it had stuck over the years, and I liked it much better than Deirdre Vandermark. Seriously, who the fuck named their kid Deirdre, other than someone who wanted their kid to get picked on and ridiculed. Well, my mother obviously, but that was a story for another time.
My entire childhood was spent being the odd girl out. The last one picked in gym class, the loser, the outcast. You name it, that was me. T
hat was until the summer going into my senior year, when I discovered MAC and Chanel. I never looked back and suddenly the tables turned, along with the boys’ heads. I used to give a lot of fucks about what people thought of me, until I realized that wasn’t going to pay my bills. Then Star was born.
My self-esteem had taken so many blows throughout the years, it was a nice change, and I decided I liked the attention that came along with it. Older guys were attracted to me and would do anything I asked to get my attention, so I used it to my advantage.
Judging by my luxury apartment and fake double-Ds, I was doing pretty well. Don’t judge me. I was the Barbie you’d never get to play with unless you could pay the price.
Then there was Jax. He’d been my friend since before the transformation. He was a great fuck, and I knew he was in love with me, but it wasn’t reciprocated. He stayed around, though, hoping that I’d give him the chance for “more.”
Sitting up in my bed, I picked up my phone from my nightstand and scrolled through my calendar. An alert popped up, reminding me that I had an event to attend tonight with Paul Marks, a well-known music producer. I was his arm candy for anything he had to attend around here, and occasionally he would even pay for me to tag along to destination events. It was all part of the game. Look the part, and they will come crawling with wallets in tow.
When I climbed out of bed, my feet hit the black fuzzy area rug that sat under my bed. Stretching my arms above my head, I let the sleepiness fade away and quickly made my bed. I ran my hand over the high-thread-count sheets and down duvet, then fluffed my pillows. My place needed to be immaculate at all times.
Despite the fact that some people would call me a “whore,” I was far from it. I had always liked sex, a lot. I enjoyed being sought after, but then again, who didn’t? Everyone wanted to feel desired, some more than others, and I managed to turn it into a profession, of sorts.
Making my way into my bathroom, I hit the light switch and turned the shower on, letting the room fill with steam. I turned on my Bluetooth speaker and put the volume up as Papa Roach blared through the room singing about “little dirty girls.”