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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 18

by Art Gulley Jr.

  A look of chagrin appeared on Dichotomy's face. "A trait you share with the Keeper of Benevolence."

  Twilight chuckled again. "One of many, but in answer to your query: The Mortal's destiny is being shrouded though by whom I cannot tell. I do know she possesses a link to Sublimia's reserves that surpasses that of most Celestials including He Who Became The Son."

  Dichotomy shuddered, thinking back to the tumultuous events Twilight was referring to; the results of which forever altered the course of his existence as well as that of Mortalia itself. "Do you think she's the initiation of another Reclamation?"

  "Considering the fragmented state of Mortalia, that would be my first guess. Of course that's only speculation on my part. For a more concise view on the matter you need to consult with the Keeper of Benevolence…or his brother."

  Feelings of regret coursed through Dichotomy's blended psyches for the enmity that lay between themselves and the Archangels. "We seriously doubt that either Michael or Gabriel will answer any of our questions."

  "Michael has more than one brother, Caleb."

  "True, but the Lord of Hell will be even less accommodating than the Bringer of Death."

  A wave of mischief emanated from Twilight's glowing form. "Neither of them are the brother I was referring to."

  Dichotomy's jaw tightened painfully when he realized what Twilight was suggesting. "You think Raphael would confer with us on this?"

  "Why wouldn't he? He is, after all an Archangel."

  "Yes but he lay down that title ages ago."

  "As did you the mantle of Celemor," Twilight pointed out. "Yet here you are still involving yourself with matters of the Watch."

  "We already told you our reasons were the satisfaction of our curiosity."

  "Then perhaps his for talking with you will be the same."

  "We seriously doubt that," Dichotomy muttered. "But there appears to be no choice on the matter if we're to discover the answers we seek."

  "We always have a choice, Caleb," Twilight said, her form beginning to disperse. "You just have to be able to accept the ones you make; a Task that most beings within the Creation have never excelled at."

  "That's true," Dichotomy whispered to the now empty air.

  The blended being took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, the two personalities residing within in him preparing as best they could for what would surely be a memorable meeting with the Celestial whose antipathy toward the Hierarchy was even more pronounced than theirs.


  "And you're sure of this?" Iblis questioned Silas as he gazed out over the streets of Hell.

  "Absolutely," the Morphling assured his master. "Caleb's unique aura generates a considerable amount of static within the Celestial ether. His presence was detected by several of my brethren beholden to Twilight."

  "Now why would that witless fool seek consultation from her?" Iblis wondered.

  "Perhaps he seeks the same information that you do; the woman's true purpose."

  Iblis turned away from the window, a look of concern reflecting from his blue eyes. "It is a mystery," he said, the slight twitching of his wings indicating his agitation. "It has been a little over two Mortal years since her Emergence yet the Almighty has yet to make known his intentions for her."

  A look of consternation consumed Silas' sallow features. "That's not entirely accurate, my Lord. The woman's voice has steadily gained volume within the Mortal's spiritual infrastructure. Her rising popularity, along with her message of personal realization as opposed to the adherence of religious dogma, has made her a target of their reigning spiritual institutions." Silas gave the Lord of Hell a pointed look. "Do you sense the parallel that seems to be taking form?"

  The office was silent as Iblis considered the Morphling's suggestion. "Perhaps you're right, though I think it a peculiar path for my Father to revisit."

  "You're inability to understand the Almighty's mindset is the very reason the city of Hell was built," Silas pointed out.

  Iblis sighed. "That it is old friend," he sighed. "Very well; if what you surmise is true, I'd best move forward with my own agenda. A miscalculation of my Father's resolve led to the missing of opportunity the first time He tried this. I will not ere twice in the same fashion. Have Darius reveal himself to the Harbinger and relate my desire to collaborate with her."

  "And what of the Celemor?"

  Iblis took a moment to consider the Morphling's question. "According to Darius, Gabriel is very much taken with this Child of Heaven. That could work to our advantage. See if he would also be amenable to an accord between us."

  Silas gave Iblis a respectful bow. "It shall be done at once, my Lord."

  Chapter 26

  "I still don't see why I have to wear this thing," Gabriel grumbled as Nina carefully adjusted the black, silken bowtie around his neck then smoothed the front of his tuxedo jacket.

  "Because this is a black tie affair and proper attire is mandatory," she said, stepping back so she could give his outfit a final appraisal. "Besides, you look yummy!"

  Gabriel couldn't help but chuckle. "And you look, radiant."

  The Harbinger's long black, silken gown hung elegantly about the lean, chiseled figure she had acquired thanks to numerous resistance and cardio sessions under Gabriel's expert tutelage.

  "Maria did an amazing job with your hair, too," he added with a complimentary nod toward Nina's intricately braided coif.

  "Yeah, she's a whiz with a styling comb." Nina checked her reflection in her prized, free-standing mirror, its aging wood gleaming brightly thanks to Gabriel's refinishing efforts. "Before she and Tony got married she was a stylist at the hair salon in the old J. L. Hudson store that used to be downtown. Okay," Nina said with a final smooth of her gown. "Let's get going."

  A slight frown appeared on Gabriel's face. "Are you sure going to this event is the right thing to do; considering everything that's been going on of late?" He was referring to the continuous stream of media attacks against Nina and the Spirit Way Foundation from an ever-widening list of detractors, the most outspoken of them being a radical group calling themselves The True Christian's Society.

  Their blasts centered mostly on Nina's liberal views on religion, with some of the more outspoken members of the TCS accusing her of outright heresy.

  Darius had immediately launched an extensive P.R. campaign to stem the flow of negative publicity, but the stress of the ordeal was starting to get to Nina; particularly the rash of vandalism perpetrated on several of the Centers, and the never-ending stream of threatening mail and phone calls.

  Gabriel's constant presence had thus far spared the Harbinger from any violent overtures, but the sheer viciousness of the verbal and media assaults had the beleaguered woman wondering what in the world she had done to garner such hostility?

  "The recent drama we've been going through is the main reason I think tonight's a good idea," Nina told her pensive guardian as she draped her lace shawl around her exposed shoulders. "We could use a little fun in our lives right now. Besides," she continued as they left the apartment and made their way toward the elevator. "Darius and Sheila were kind enough to invite us, and I don't feel we should be rude."

  Gabriel released a soft grunt but, catching the look in Nina's eyes, made no comment. Over the months his initial unease over the winsome couple had abated somewhat, but he still didn't completely trust them. The odd thing was that he couldn't figure out why. Neither Darius, nor his dutiful companion Sheila, had done anything to garner such suspicion. They had actually gone out of their way to ensure Nina's success, yet the Celemor couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right with them.

  The elevator reached their floor, and the doors opened revealing a garment-bag laden Misses Watson and her ever present canine companion, Angel. "Good evening, ladies," Gabriel brightly greeted the duo as he and Nina boarded the elevator.

  "And a good evening to you," Misses Watson beamed. "My, my, don't you two look glamorous this evening. Ar
e you going someplace special?"

  "We've been invited to the premier of the new play, Enemy at the Door, down at the Fox Theatre," Nina answered while Gabriel playfully rubbed at the soft fur under Angel's chin.

  Misses Watson's smile deepened. "How lovely! I here it's a great play. You should really enjoy it."

  "And what about you?" Gabriel nodded toward her packages. "You seem to have an interesting evening planned as well."

  A wistful sigh escaped the old woman's lips. "These are some of Mister Watson's clothes. Gerald always was a slave to fashion."

  Nina placed a tender hand against the woman's arm. "He most certainly was, and fearless when it came to trying new styles."

  Misses Watson's face brightened at the memory. "That was my Gerald. Keeping his things in our closet made it seem as if he were still with me. But it's been nearly five years now since his passing, and I feel its time I started moving on. I'm taking these items to the Jefferson Shelter. Hopefully someone will benefit from them."

  "That's very thoughtful of you." Gabriel favored the older woman with a tender smile. "I'll tell you what; Nina and I have to pass the Shelter to get to the Fox. Why don't you let us drop these off for you?"

  "Are you sure you don't mind? I would hate to interrupt you're plans."

  "It's no trouble at all," Nina said, graciously relieving the elderly woman of her burden.

  Misses Watson thanked them both. She bid the young couple a pleasant evening when they disembarked at the lobby while she and Angel remained on the elevator.

  "I'm glad you're not upset with me for volunteering our services," Gabriel said to Nina as he ushered her toward the apartment's rear entrance after exchanging pleasantries with the night watchmen.

  Nina smiled. "How could I be; Lady Watson can be a bit of pest sometimes but she's a sweet old girl." The Harbinger ran appraising eyes over the numerous garments. "She appears to be a giving one too."

  "Actually she's quite the philanthropist; particularly where you're concerned."

  They had reached to rear door, and Nina paused before exiting, giving Gabriel's face a sharp look. "What do you mean?"

  A mischievous smile tugged at the Celemor's lips. "Do you still personally write the letters of appreciation the Centers send out to their contributors?"

  "As often as I can. I think it's important to maintain a personal connection with our supporters. Why do you ask?"

  Gabriel's smile deepened. "I take it you've never bothered to look up the executors of the Little Angel Foundation."

  Nina's eyes widened with surprise. "No!"

  "I'm afraid so."

  "But that can't be right," Nina protested. "The executor of the Little Angel Foundation is a guy named Willi Kerner."

  "Kerner is Misses Watson's maiden name, and Willi is short for Willimena."

  "Wow," Nina uttered, still in a state of shock. "Little Angel has been on board since the Center's beginning."

  "I know," Gabriel smiled as he pushed the door open so they could exit.

  "Come to think of it," Nina said as they crossed the lot to her Jeep. "Little Angel has been a contributor to all of my philanthropic projects; even the causes I championed while I was in college." A feeling of unease settled in the pit of Nina's stomach. "How did you find out she was behind it?"

  "I spotted her at the open-house at the Lafayette Center a few months ago. I thought it odd for her to be there and not tell you so I decided to do a little Celestial investigation. Apparently she's more a fan of your work than I realized if what you say is true."

  "I guess so," Nina uttered as Gabriel held the driver's side door of Cherokee open for her. She took a seat then waited for him to get in on the passenger side before starting the engine. "Maybe she and I should have a little chat on the matter."

  "Maybe you should," Gabriel said, tensing up as Nina moved the Cherokee off the lot an into Jefferson's oncoming traffic.

  Nina hid her amusement for the Celemor's reaction. It always astounded her that the man who could lift cars over his head, had never before ridden in one.

  They quickly made it to the Shelter where they were greeted with the excessive fanfare that had become commonplace for Nina whenever she went out in public.

  After chatting with the administrators and posing for a few photos with some of the staff and clients, Nina waved a cheery goodbye and she and Gabriel continued on to the Fox. A crowd for the evening's performance had begun to gather, and they took their place in the long line of vehicles waiting to park.

  When it was their turn, Nina surrendered her keys to the suspiciously young-looking attendant at the valet booth then she and Gabriel made their way into the theatre's elegantly furnished lobby. Darius, Sheila, and several other members of the Spirit Way administration were waiting for them at the bar.

  Nina eyed the various beverages lining the bar's refrigerated cabinet with keen interest. "I think an ice cold green tea would do me a world of good right now."

  Gabriel chuckled then stepped up to the bar to put in her request. A few moments later, one of the bar tenders placed a frosted bottle of Lipton Green Tea on the counter in front of them.

  "I'm afraid I'll have to see some ID before I can allow you to drink that," the young man announced in a somber voice.

  Nina turned startled eyes on him. "For a bottle of tea...?" She stopped when she got a look at the bartenders face. "You!"

  Alerted by the tone of her voice, Gabriel also focused on the young man, his eyes widening with surprised recognition. "If I'm not mistaken your name is Tip; member of the Crimson Tigers."

  A slight flush darkened the man's Caucasian features. "Former member. After you whipped our tails that night at the Center I thought it might be a good idea for me to find a new outlet for my energies."

  "Do tell," Gabriel cried. "And what prompted such a change?"

  "She did," Tip nodded at Nina. "The judge slapped me with six weeks of community service in lieu of jail time for that mess, and I got a chance to see all the cool things you've been doing for the hood. It made me wanna get my act together too so I quit the Tigers, enrolled in some culinary classes at Baker Community College, and here I am; Tip Jefferson, mix-ologist-in-training; got my girl Raymonda to go clean too." Tip jerked his head toward the attractive young lady serving drinks at the other end of the bar.

  Nina barely recognized the ruffian who had been the first to jump to Tip's defense during the altercation at the Center. Raymonda waved them all a cheery hello then turned her attention back to her customers.

  "That's wonderful!" Nina clapped her hands at their accomplishments.

  "What's wonderful," Darius asked, and Nina quickly filled him and the Spirit Way execs in on Tip's story. "That is an accomplishment, young man." Darius gave Tip's hand a congratulatory shake. "I'll tell you what." He fished a business card out of his jacket's inner pocket. "We're having a big banquet at the Westin next month, and my catering guy is always looking for some good people. His operation is very extensive and he pays very well. Give me a call, and I'll set you up with an interview."

  A shocked Tip stared at the card for a moment then turned grateful eyes on Darius. "Are you serious? Yo, dude, thanks; thanks to all of you!"

  Nina gave his forearm a gentle squeeze. "No; thank you, Tip. Stories like yours are the reason we do what we do. You take care now."

  "You too, Miss Delcielo, and thanks again!"

  After giving Tip a final wave, Nina turned to Darius who then led the group to their seats in Spirit Way's reserved box situated in the center of the auditorium.

  "When this is over would you and Gabriel join Sheila and my self for a cup of coffee at our apartment?" Darius whispered in Nina's ear as they were settling into their individual chairs.

  "We'd love to," Nina whispered back, noting the curious intensity of his eyes.

  The blaring sound of the orchestra's opening notes drew her attention back to the stage as the play got under way.

  The music and actors were top-notch
, and Nina found herself totally rapt in the intricate plot revolving around a mysterious stranger's arrival and subsequent corruption of a small, Michigan town.

  The play concluded to a round of thunderous applause from the appreciative audience followed by several curtain calls for the cast. When at last it was over, and the majority of the patrons were filing out of the auditorium, Darius reached out and lightly tapped Nina's hand.

  "Did you valet?"

  "Yes we did."

  "Oh, great; we can have the attendants pull our cars around so you guys can follow us back to our place.

  "Sounds good," Nina said as she rose from her seat. "We're going to join Darius and Sheila for refreshments," she told Gabriel who had assumed his customary position at her left side.

  A slight frown appeared on the Celemor's face, but whatever comment he was going to make was cut off by the rising sound of angry voices coming from the main lobby. At the same moment Darius's cell phone began to ring."

  "Now who could this be," he wondered as he studied the unfamiliar number. "This is Darius," he spoke into the handset. "Oh, hello Tip. This is a surprise. What can I..." Darius's voice trailed off and his chiseled features took on a grim note. "I see." He looked toward the auditorium's northwest exit. "Are the main doors compromised? Okay, we'll try to get out through exit H. Thanks for the warning." He disconnected, and turned troubled eyes to Nina and Gabriel. "That was our young friend from the bar," he spoke in urgent tones. "There's some type of protest going on in the lobby. Perhaps it would be better if we exited out the back of the theatre."

  Before any of them could move, the doors to the box were flung violently open, and a group of angry men and women poured through.

  "Here she is," the burly woman leading the group shouted. "Little miss don't-believe-in-the-church herself!"

  The woman stepped forward then crumpled to the ground as a wave of Celestial energy engulfed her and her companions, pushing them roughly back through the box's entrance toward the stairs, where several of them tumbled backwards.

  Nina looked to her side expecting to see Gabriel, and was shocked to discover Darius, the fading white glow emanating from his outstretched hand identifying him as the source of the Celestial barrier.


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