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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 29

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Lie favored the impassioned woman with an approving grin. "Nicely reasoned, Mortal, but your argument is mired in your naive perception of the Creation. True, the daughter of Michael has sparked a Reclamation among your brethren, but to what purpose? When last I checked, my Kinsman's life was in turmoil over her radical proclamations. If the Almighty truly wishes to reveal the Truth, and Nina is his herald, why put her through such duress? For that matter why must any Mortal endure the humbling ordeals associated with their belief of Him?"

  "To Heaven with this chitchat," Mayhem bit out, tendrils of Celestial energy swirling about her body. "Whatever the Almighty's plan is I'm sure it doesn't involve you grabbing hold of that Talisman. So why don't you just put the Staff back before we send you and your lackeys to join Khaleed in the Afterlife!"

  Lie's eyes widened at the news. "So he chose to die, did he? It's just as well. Living with the shame of his failure would've eventually killed him anyway."

  Her cruel jibe pushed Mayhem over the edge.

  "Time to die, bitch," the Desomor snarled and a bolt of energy leapt from her hands.

  The beam sliced through the air toward Lie's group only to impact harmlessly against the glowing shield that sprang up around them. An infuriated Mayhem raised her hand to deliver another salvo, but a second field formed around her and her companions, instantly paralyzing them.

  "The knowledge contained in this chamber is too valuable to risk loosing during a senseless battle," Dresden's stern voice penetrated the confines of the glowing prison as he favored them all with a paternal look. "It's obvious that none of you have the fortitude to break the chains placed around your souls by an indifferent deity. Fortunately I have transcended such hindering notions."

  Dresden raised the Staff, and a nimbus of white light sprang up around him and his companions. "I sincerely hope that the next time our paths cross your perspectives will have changed," his voice sounded just before he and his cohorts disappeared.

  The moment the residual glare of the carrier nimbus faded, the restrictive field of light dispersed.

  "Well that didn't go as planned," Sanders quipped, his comment drawing a disgusted snort from a still fuming Mayhem. "So what do we do now?"

  "We wait for them to make the next move," Dichotomy answered, the uncertainty in the Celestial's blended voice reflected in the faces of the others. "And pray that Nina will be there to stop them!"


  A shiver traversed the large wings of the Archangel Michael as he stood before the Apex's Window, observing as Caleb transported his group from the chamber.

  The Almighty's decree had prevented him from stopping the theft of the Talisman, just as it kept him from aiding Khaleed during his lopsided battle with Lillian and her ruffians. A pang of regret still lingered in his heart for the Guardian's Mortal passing. Khaleed had been an exemplary Member of The Watch. His presence on Earth would be sorely missed.

  "Exactly how long are we to watch Lillian's twisted schemes unfold before we intervene?" Omen demanded as he emerged unceremoniously through the Window's shimmering expanse.

  "Until the Almighty says otherwise," Michael curtly informed the angry Overseer.

  "But she now has access to the Talisman's unlimited power," Omen protested. "We of The Watch must take action before it's too late!"

  Calm thy self, Omen, The Almighty's voice echoed sternly through the Overseer's mind. Lillian's actions are in accordance with my plans.

  "I meant no disrespect, Creator," Omen immediately humbled himself. "It's just that I fear The Watch's ability to route the Halfling should her intentions prove nefarious."

  The Rising is at hand, Omen, and the resolve of my Earthen children must be tested. It is Lillian's destiny to provide said test.

  "And what if the Mortals of Earth fail you, my Lord?"

  Then my faith in their resilience and potential will have been misplaced, The Almighty responded. In the meantime, no Member of The Watch is to render aid to the Child or her allies beyond that which Michael has already initiated.

  The glow around Omen's eyes intensified for a moment then dimmed. "As always we are yours to command, my Lord." The words of acquiescence left a bitter taste in the Overseer's mouth.

  The Almighty's presence lingered in his mind for a moment longer then was gone.

  "I know the affection you have for Gabriel and his friends," Michael's voice halted Omen as he prepared to exit the Chamber via the Window.

  "Then you also know the fear I have for him and the Mortals of Earth in general. Something's not right, Michael. A Reclamation that we of The Watch are forbidden to intercede in : It just doesn't make sense."

  A troubled look appeared on Michael's face. "I'm inclined to agree with you. I am unsure as to what strategy Father has chosen to implement, but there is one thing I am sure of." Michael's hazel eyes bored into Omen's hooded features with an intensity greater than any the Overseer had ever glimpsed from his Superior. "When the time comes for Nina to play her part in this unfolding drama, she will be ready!"

  Chapter 43

  A massive column of water erupted from the Trinity River's glistening expanse, followed immediately by a second and a third. The liquid tendrils grew in height until they were easily a hundred feet tall then began weaving in, out, and around one another in an intricate pattern that sent the numerous dolphins circling the undulating trio into a joyous frenzy.

  Hovering slightly above the columns, an amused expression etched across her face for the dolphin's exuberance, Nina marveled at how easy performing such feats was becoming in the wake of her recent lessons on molecular manipulation.

  That particular lecture had been given by her Father with whom Nina had grown increasingly close as her Celestial tutelage continued.

  "Manipulating matter is relatively simple once you understand the principles of molecular interaction," The Archangel explained during one of their sessions. "Then it's just a matter of imposing your will upon the required amount of molecules to achieve the desired effect."

  To demonstrate his point, Michael brought his power to bear on a group of small islands resting just off Heaven's eastern shores. Nina watched, admiration for her father's awesome might plastered on her face, as the countless tons of land and vegetation broke free of their earthly base, reassembled them selves into a singular expanse of land, and settled gracefully back into the roiling waters.

  "Bravo, Dad," Nina gushed, and a slight flush colored the Archangel's cheeks. He was still unused to the numerous Mortal terms of endearment she often peppered their interactions with.

  More lessons taught by varying Members of The Watch followed; including one helmed by the sullen Archangel Gabriel in which Nina learned to properly interact with the numerous spirits inhabiting Heaven's boundaries.

  "There are certain Protocols that must be adhered to when conversing with Denizens of Heaven; particularly new arrivals from Mortalia," The Bringer of Death dutifully informed his familial charge in his sonorous voice. "A Mortal's integration into the Divine infrastructure after their Transition to the Afterlife varies depending on their Race's degree of Creational understanding. As a prominent member of the Hierarchy you must understand and respect those differences in order to interact accordingly."

  The Archangel's overbearing attitude frequently got on Nina's nerves, but she bore it in stride. Her unflappable stoicism and eagerness to learn proved to be just the flame needed to thaw Gabriel's icy reserve, and a bond of mutual respect was formed between them. In fact, The Bringer of Death was so impressed by Nina's progress he presented her with a gift at their sessions' conclusion.

  "Your skills of communication have developed rapidly Nina," Gabriel remarked as he and his charge strolled through one of Heaven's sprawling residential areas. "Such diligence should be rewarded."

  Nina spared the Archangel a puzzled look then cast her eyes over Heaven's cityscape; struck as always by its divine splendor.

  In form and fashion, Heaven reminded Nina of an artist
's rendering she'd seen at the Detroit Institute of Art on how ancient Egypt might have once looked which made sense given the influence the Archangel Raphael was reputed to have had on Earth's ancient civilizations.

  Their steps took them to the front courtyard of one of the numerous spherical constructs, or domiciles as they were more commonly called, arrayed in a neat order that ran the length of the street they were on; their polished marble surfaces reflecting Nirvana's sun's golden radiance.

  Such areas could be found throughout Heaven's borders for these where the homes for those souls that chose to dwell within the city proper.

  Gabriel lightly knocked on the door then stepped aside, a mischievous smile playing at his lips. Nina was about to question him but the domiciles front entry cycled open. She took one look at the petite Latino woman that greeted them and froze, her mouth making an "O" of astonishment.

  "Hello, baby," the woman beamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long!"

  Still in shock, Nina responded the only way she could; she collapsed into her mother's waiting embrace. After what seemed an eternity, the two separated. Nina's mother motioned them inside but Gabriel declined, stating that this time was theirs and he had no wish to intrude. He accorded them a respectful nod then, with a mighty flap of his elegant wings soared up into the evening sky.

  Nina and her mother barely took notice of his exit as they made their way into the modest dwelling. Nina was shocked at the home's interior for it was an exact replica of the home in she had grown up in, even down to the little oak cabinet the two of them had restored to hold the various souvenirs they had collected from their yearly vacations.

  "It feels like I've stepped back through time," Nina whispered as she picked up the ceramic salt shaker fashioned in the shape of a palm tree that her mother had purchased during their trip to Palm Springs. "Or a dream," she added with a sigh as she replaced it back on the shelf besides its matching counterpart.

  Evelyn Sanchez smiled at her daughter's wistful tone. "The true 'Heaven' is as much a state of mind as it is one of being. Once you Transition to the Afterlife, your surroundings tend to reflect the period in which you were most happy during your Mortal life." Evelyn took hold of her daughter's hands. "For me that was watching you grow into the amazing woman you've become."

  Once again Nina was overcome by emotion as she and her mother embraced one another again. There were so many things she wanted to say but the words just wouldn't come out.

  For Evelyn, her daughter's verbal failing was of little concern. The time for talk would come soon enough. For now she was content to once again hold her in her arms.

  Their joyous reunion lasted well into the night, and was the first of many such visits to come as Nina's tutelage continued.

  Per her request on his behalf, her father begrudgingly granted Gabriel a similar boon and the joyous reunion between the Celemor and his family sparked a wave of happiness that reverberated throughout Celestia.

  At first Nina feared that Gabriel's contentment would prompt him to abandon his Celestial post and their relationship but her worries were quickly quelled; surprisingly by Gabriel's wife Clarissa.

  "Gabriel and I had our time," Clarissa offered sensing Nina's trepidation during their introduction. "And though it was cut short I can not fault him for moving on. Besides," Clarissa's brown eyes shifted to her husband chatting away with their daughter, now a grown woman as a result of the realization of her spirit's potential after her transition to the Afterlife. "Gabriel sacrificed his freedom so that my soul could dwell with our daughter's in this wondrous land! Knowing that he has finally found another to love will allow my spirit to rest easier, particularly now that I know the identity of my successor."

  Nina blinked in confusion. "Why is that?"

  Clarissa's eyes sparkled with mischief. "The fact that it took The Child of Order to take my place in his heart gives mute testament to the hold I once had over him!"

  Nina's enjoyment of Clarissa's pun was slightly overshadowed by her unease at the woman's choice of words, wondering what could have prompted her to use such a presumptuous title.

  She had often entertained similar feelings toward her own name but given her Celestial parentage she now understood her mother's clever play on words. Clarissa was privy to none of those facts which made her choice of labels all the more confusing.

  As time progressed so did Nina's abilities; to the point that her Celestial prowess now surpassed those of the majority of the Members of The Watch. Nina had long since accepted the fact that she was an integral part of some Divine scheme, yet she still had no clue as to what said scheme was.

  'The Child of Order,' Clarissa's words echoed through her mind yet Nina still was no closer to understanding what they meant, despite the fact that she sensed her "training" was nearly complete. Just what exactly was she supposed to do with all this new-found Celestial might? It was a question that constantly plagued her mind. Even now amidst the spray of her liquid lariat, she continued to ponder the significance of it all.

  She had broached the subject with Willimena and their father, but neither of them had offered much insight. She considered seeking the advice of the Overseer Intuition with whom she had formed a friendship but had thus far refrained from doing so. She wasn't sure if it was because she feared being chastised by her father when he found out she had sought answers apart from him, or that said answers might prove to be one more thing that she wasn't ready to hear.

  I would say the latter assumption is the most accurate.

  Nina cried out at the deep voice echoing through her mind; the twirling columns dispersing as she lost her hold over their watery forms. "Who…who said that?"

  The air before her began to shimmer, and Nina inhaled sharply as the Trinity River and Nirvana's blue sky were abruptly replaced by an enormous cloud composed of swirling colors, the varying patterns of their vibrant hues bringing tears to her eyes.

  The undulating mass enveloped her, but the buffeting winds Nina expected to encounter were absent. Like the eye of a hurricane, the cloud's center was calm, its interior filled with a slowly pulsating light.

  "What is this place?" Nina whispered for fear that her voice might disrupt the new location's serenity. "It's…beautiful!"

  As is the soul radiating from within you, the voice intoned.

  Nina swiveled her head from side to side, searching for the voice's owner. "Who...who are you?"

  I am known by many names throughout the Realms, though my Celestial children refer to me as Father.

  The color drained from her face. " mean as in…God?!?"

  I have been called that as well. There is no need to fear, child, The Almighty replied when Nina began to tremble. You are here because the time has come to answer the numerous questions brimming within your mind.

  Nina inhaled sharply trying her best to muster her thoughts in the face of The Almighty's blazing presence. "Does that mean I freely?"

  You may.

  A surge of adrenalin poured through Nina's veins as she made ready to voice the one question whose answer she so desperately wanted. "Why did you take my mother from me?"

  A wave of compassion touched the Halfling's mind. The Task set before you is great, Nina. In order for you to fulfill it you're fortitude and self-confidence must be firmly established. Continued attachment to your mother would've hindered that process.

  Nina balked at The Almighty's words. "'Attachment'? I loved her. She was my Mother!"

  No, she was the Mortal chosen to rear you, The Almighty responded firmly. As a genuine Child of The Creation you are connected to all beings, not just a single Mortal woman.

  "And you think that shit matters?" In the back of her mind Nina knew that given the fact that it was God she was addressing, her lack of respect was practically criminal, but at the moment she didn't care. Her disgust and anger took precedence.

  "Whatever type of heavenly or universal freak
I may be, I was raised as a Mortal with Mortal feelings! Maybe if you would've climbed off your high cloud and told me the truth about what I am from the start I wouldn't have been so torn up about the whole thing but you didn't, did you? You left me in ignorance my entire life, and now you expect me to just...accept that it was all for some 'greater good'?" Nina released a disgusted snort. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but right now I don't feel 'great' and I sure as hell don't feel 'good'!"

  Another spate of compassion enveloped Nina's mind. Believe me when I say that I understand your ire toward me and your situation, Nina, but all that has befallen you was necessary. As I said before, your Task is monumental and will require all of the considerable attributes you have acquired as a result of your spiritual and emotional tempering.

  Despite the pronounced sense of importance The Almighty's words conveyed, Nina was still determined to hold on to her anger. In the end, the continuous wave of reassurance radiating within the swirling expanse, coupled with her curiosity, proved to be the greater force.

  "If you say so," Nina uttered after releasing a resigned sigh. "So what exactly is this big Task?"

  The Almighty paused briefly before answering. The spiritual Reclamation and eventual Unification of all the Races throughout The Creation.

  Nina blinked. "I see. And why is all of this so important?"

  A wave of energy rippled though the cloud. A definitive cohesion of the Races is the only way to stave off the coming destruction of the Realms.

  "Wonderful," Nina uttered in a small voice, her shoulders sagging as she realized that once again her life was about to change; though this time she was fairly certain that it would not be for the better. "Something tells me you'd better start this tale from the beginning," she sighed.

  As you wish, The Almighty intoned as Nina settled her mind and body as best she could in preparation for what was sure to be a monumental disclosure.


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