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Blood Flows Deep in the Empire

Page 13

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Sadly, another part of him was still ridden with guilt over what he felt. And for what he had done. But it was such a small part, a trifling atom’s worth in fact, that it merely served to fuel the rage within him.

  As Dyletri stabbed two of the ceFtuts between the eyes and hurled them back several yards, it was really himself he was attacking.

  His whole life, he’d been almost numb to everyone. A mere tool, detached from other women. He’d only ever felt for Dimithinia.

  Until now.

  He’d been hooked up to an engine of need, on full blast, gunning it against his will. Whatever he’d felt for Dimithinia, it came nowhere close to the magnitude of what he’d felt less than an hour before, back in his room.

  With another woman.

  The admittance of that was catastrophic to everything around Dyletri. Another war cry exited his mouth and waves of raw energy flew out of him.

  In a blur of movement, he flipped two ceFtuts onto their backs and stabbed through their chins in one strike. It wasn’t enough. He needed more. He wished these creatures could fucking bleed so he’d end up covered in it. Dyletri ran through ten more of them before he blinked, and it still wasn’t enough.

  Two new portals had opened. More ceFtuts emerged. It was like they’d been lying in wait, reproducing faster than rabbits in the lowest dimension for years. There seemed to be an endless supply.

  Dyletri slammed into another one, hoping Xreak would get that Kystm closed ASAfuckingP. He was so busy flipping it over and stabbing his sword where it needed to go that he didn’t sense the other one coming at him.

  At least not until its pounding feet and decayed breath were two feet behind him. Dyletri spun, ready to take that piece of shit head on.

  He ended up frozen in place instead.


  A feminine cry filled the night, its fury raw and potent, as a tiny blur lit up the sky overhead.

  His eyes widened, and for a second, Dyletri almost believed the fucker inside him was playing tricks on him and he was hallucinating—that the small figure that landed on top of the ceFtut heading straight for him was one of the goddesses and his reawakening powers were superimposing the image of his sexy tormentor on to another form.

  But as the milliseconds ticked by and the image before him remained unchanged, Dyletri was forced to admit who it was.


  Gods, even her name was enough to coagulate his thought processes.

  She had landed right on the ceFtut that had been running at him, latching and holding on to its snapping jaw with her thin arms. She forced its mouth closed, and a sickening crunch echoed through the air.

  The beast whimpered, shaking its head back and forth, trying to get her to let go. Her boots dug into the asphalt as she forced its head down. Then she flipped it over her head like it weighed nothing. The moment it was on its back, she flashed onto it, her multicolored aura enlarged and flaring out around her in a cacophony of cerulean, purple, and white light that burned brighter than ever.

  It was awe-inspiring. He’d seen many goddesses in battle, but that didn’t matter. None of them had shit on her. She was amazing. But not quite herself. And she was kicking ass in a way no human should have been able.

  She pulled a huge, glowing gun out of thin air and aimed it at the ceFtut. She didn’t even need to point it at the monster’s chin, just shot it between its eyebrows. The blast hit the creature dead on, not giving it a chance to scream. The thing was consumed by energy so powerful it rippled the air, and its molecules dispersed into nothing. It didn’t even leave the customary trail of black behind.

  Mouth wide open, Dyletri did his best to breathe. He could bullshit himself left and right and pretend it was mostly the gun that had him shocked.

  Yeah, that would work out real well . . .

  All it took was a once-over from her and he was panting like a human fresh off a sprint. He took one huge hit of Ismini’s scent, which was magnified and aimed at him like that gun had been aimed at the ceFtut. Ismini was in black leather pants and boots, as well as a black midriff tank top and a too-tight leather jacket in the same color.

  Dyletri’s body was almost split in two. Half of him tried to lunge for her, while the other half forced him to stay back. He grabbed on to the fence without thinking, until the sound of metallic screeching alerted him to the fact that he was about to take part of it with him.

  Ismini whirled around and aimed the weapon at another group of ceFtuts. She blew them away just as Evesse ran past Dyletri. He watched long enough to see that the female brandished two more guns and used them to blow four ceFtuts off Zeniel. Her aura flared as she pulled the trigger, waves of red, black, and yellow swirling around her.

  Dyletri couldn’t believe it. He wanted to demand an explanation, but then he turned and saw one of the creatures heading for Ismini’s back. He let out a cry that promised death as he flashed himself straight at it. Only one thought screamed through his mind.

  There was no way he was going to let any of them sink their disgusting teeth into his woman.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Chapter 17

  Dyletri materialized right behind Ismini and wrapped his arm around her waist. He slammed her into his chest, not stopping to wonder if his armor was hurting her. Doubtful considering the little superwoman display she had just been putting on.

  Holding her tight, he yanked her gun out of her hand and, in the next split second, blew another five of those fuckers away.

  Nice . . .

  He grinned manically even as Ismini squealed and tried to get the gun back.

  “Dyletri? What are you doing?”

  “I should ask you the same question.” He stared down at her as he took aim and blew another ceFtut to pieces. She twisted her body away, rubbing against areas of him that were dangerous for her right then. He tightened his grip on her and bared his teeth in a growl. “Stop struggling.”

  She froze, her gorgeous eyes going wide at the sound of his voice. It had taken on two distinct tones again. Her scent spiked, hitting Dyletri as hard as Ismini’s teret had hit the damned ceFtuts. His breaths rushed desperately in and out as he stared down at her with lids so heavy he could feel them.

  He tightened his arm around her and flattened his palm against her lower back. She was so small his thumb hooked around her left side as the tips of his fingers brushed her right. His mind filled with visions, all of them ending with him taking full advantage of her petite size.

  He brought her closer, smirking at how her gasp slid into his ears. His incisors tingled as his blood heated. He could have her. Right fucking there—up against the fence he’d almost torn apart, actually.

  His fantasies were becoming straight-up sordid until Ismini glanced behind him and gasped.

  She raised her arm, and another huge ass gun appeared in her hand a second before she shot it. The blast flew over his shoulder, clearing hitting another ceFtut, but all he focused on was the way she’d materialized that thing out of thin air.

  Like some fucking goddess.

  She was glowing and fighting like one, too.

  Okie dokie. Right.

  “Come here.” He let go of Ismini’s waist and grabbed her arm.

  “What . . . wait . . . the others?”

  “Are fine!” In fact, the rest of the god and goddesses were now armed with terets. Evesse was materializing them and flinging them out like candy at children. It pissed him the hell off.

  “Dyletri, what the fuck are you doing?” Ismini yelled, pulling back.

  She managed to make Dyletri stumble a few steps with her newfound strength, and they both froze. She stopped in surprise. Him? He was just plain apoplectic.

  His jaw twitched, and his face tightened as he pulled on her arm hard. He stomped his way past the Gnetica and across the street, not stopping until he had her alone in an alleyway.

  Ismini tried yanking her arm out of his grasp. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

e gritted his teeth and pushed her against the side of a building. His fists slammed into the brick behind her, and he leaned down, looking her in the eye. She didn’t even flinch.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  He tilted his head but held her stare. “You’re fucking glowing.”

  Ismini glared up at him like some tiny hellion ready to attack, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Even in the dark, he was able to see the way her eyes flashed and her skin flushed.

  He meant to interrogate her. Meant to find out what the fuck was going on and where the hell had her powers come from.

  But she made his fucking mouth water, and he needed a taste.

  Dyletri’s touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. Ismini’s wide eyes flickered to his hand before settling on his lips.

  He growled, all questions going straight to hell and him along with them.

  Taking her jaw in hand, he pulled her to him and nearly swallowed her lips with his mouth. Power erupted along with her taste. He was out of control, plundering her with his tongue and tracing every inch he could get at.

  He pressed her further into the wall behind them. Her arms came around him, and her fingers raked through his hair. She pulled him toward her with enough force to actually cause him some discomfort.

  He fucking loved it.

  Their tongues swirled, the motion sparking memories of what he’d done to her back in his room. He let his fingers drift down, seconds away from ripping off every inch of their clothes and taking her right there.

  Until Cy’s voice echoed into the alley.

  “Yo! Dy! I don’t need to look in there to see what you’re doing, and that’s good and all. I’m happy for you, bro, but one of these fuckers has disappeared!”

  Dyletri swore under his heaving breath.

  “That asshole has amazing timing.”

  Ismini nodded, unable to speak.

  Dyletri smirked and bared his teeth. “Where’d you get the guns from, baby?”

  She blinked up at him, looking unsteady. “Nylicia.”

  He nuzzled her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her hip bone. “And the powers?”

  Her breath faltered. “N—Nylicia.”


  “I’m fucking coming!” Dyletri yelled.

  “Oh, Be-Jesus, he’s still going at it!”

  Dyletri exhaled and forced himself to take a step away from her. “And the powers are supposed to last how long?”

  Her voice was shaky. “Until she decides.”

  “Good. Either way, stay behind me. Got it?” He didn’t bother telling her why. They both knew he didn’t want anything happening to her.

  He scrutinized her for a moment, his throat tight. “Make sure you keep that gun handy.”

  “She called it a teret. Said they’re more like moleculular destabilizers than guns.”

  Fuck. Great. “On that note, perhaps you should give it back to me.”

  “No way.”


  Fucking impatient asshole.

  Two steps out of the alley, Ismini put her hand on his shoulder.

  “My place is around here.”

  He stiffened. “I know.”

  They both spun around just as the remaining ceFtut let out a shriek. Dyletri shoved Ismini behind him, shielding her while trying to see where the sound was coming from.

  The ceFtut didn’t stop. Its huge steps could be heard running down the block. Xreak came bounding past Dyletri and Ismini in pursuit, pushing a wave of energy out and extending the Gnetica. It appeared he was headed straight for the corner where the restaurant was.

  It was clear the creature was running back in their direction, bounding down the street toward them. Although it was three in the morning, there were still enough people around for it to cause a problem if anyone happened to see it.

  Dyletri grabbed Ismini’s hand and took off after Xreak, determined to help him. The others began running toward the corner, as well, but slid to an abrupt halt when the ceFtut crashed into view again. Surprise was clear on everyone’s faces as its giant body skidded across the street, a whimper escaping it.

  Someone had attempted an evisceration on the creature, leaving what appeared to be two arrows sticking out of its eyes.

  It fell on its side, legs kicking as it scrambled to get back up. They exchanged a curious look. Ianthen shrugged, taking two steps forward to shoot the thing into oblivion when a voice drifted down the sidewalk.

  “Take that, you trespassing mutant freak! How you liking those bewitched arrows? That ass of a face is burning now, isn’t it fucker? How dare you come into my backyard? You want a piece of me, you fugly excuse for a mutt?”

  “Holy shit,” Ismini and Evesse said at the same time.

  Another arrow came out of nowhere and embedded itself in the struggling creature’s left eye. It now had two sticking out of there.

  “Yeah. That’s right, motherfucker!” And another arrow flew straight into its right eye.

  The ceFtut stayed on the ground, breaths heaving and legs failing. It obviously couldn’t see, and it was clearly in more pain than those arrows should have been able to cause on their own.

  A redhead with a crossbow in her hands emerged and crossed the street. She was wearing a tank top, pajama pants, and fluffy gray slippers. She was also rocking one hell of an aura. Midnight blue, bright white, and burgundy screamed around her.

  Dyletri recognized two things. One, that was Soleria, Ismini and Evesse’s close friend. And two, that aura of hers was as abnormal as those of the other two human girls in their company. He knew it meant she was different, but he couldn’t pinpoint how.

  “Oh, holy shit is right,” Ian mumbled under his breath, his eyes wide as he lowered his teret.

  “I fucking love you, Sol!” Evesse screamed.

  Soleria stopped, her crossbow lowering. Her baby blue eyes were wide as she peered around. She spotted Evesse first, then Ismini. As she took a look at the rest of the group, one thing became very clear.

  She was standing outside the edge of the Gnetica. And she could still see them.

  “It’s not working on her,” Cy whispered under his breath.

  “Pfftt. Soleria?” Evesse said. “She’s had ten expert hypnotherapists fail to get through her will. Good luck with that, guys.” She walked toward Soleria, aimed the teret at the ceFtut, and blew it into nothingness, before smiling at her friend.

  “Oh, man. I want one of those,” Soleria said with wide eyes. Then she seemed to snap out of it and glared at Evesse and Ismini. “What the fuck is going on here? Where have you two been? Who are all these people? What the fruck was that thing? And why is this womanizer coming toward me right now?”

  She raised her arm and aimed the crossbow at Ian.

  “Fuck me. How could she tell?” Nythi asked, her eyes amused at her brother’s expense.

  “She can smell them miles away,” Ismini said, smiling. She let go of Dyletri’s hand and walked toward her two friends, leaving him there feeling too cold, too empty—and eyes that were glued to the way her ass moved when she walked.

  His body was freezing. Empty. The hunger pounded its way past his soul.

  Dyletri barely noticed when Xreak approached him and began speaking low near his ear. “We need to get back. I managed to get the Kystm closed but we have to investigate.”

  “Investigate what? Where the fruck are you going? Where the fruck have you been? Don’t you dare think you’re leaving me behind!” Soleria said, her long, dark red hair flapping wildly around her shoulders.

  Ismini and Evesse laughed.

  Ian swallowed, seeming unable to pull his eyes away.

  Cy raised a brow. “She really does like the word fruck, doesn’t she?”

  Soleria turned to Cy, giving him the type of stare that sent chills through any male and hit him in the ass. “Yeah, I do. And don’t think I won’t beat the fruck out of you if you even think of taking my best friends with you and leaving me behind!

  Soleria was pulled in for a hug, Ismini and Evesse still laughing as they held her tight. The sound of Ismini’s laughter drilled through Dyletri. The sight of her smile made something under his armor snap. Had he been human, he would have worried about his ribs.

  “We can’t take another one with us . . . although, damn, maybe we should,” Cy said. He got smacked in the back of the head. “Ian! Dude, not you, too! What’s with all this ‘first dibs’ bullshit?”

  “Let’s just bring her. The girl is going to be . . . gone in a few days,” Sil whispered to the others. “She could use her friends. And they’re pretty kickass . . .”

  “I don’t know. You see how strong that one’s will is,” Xreak said. “A mind-wipe probably won’t work on her.”

  “And you think it’ll work on Eve?” Liz asked, her tone sarcastic.

  “You’re right. But still . . .”

  Dyletri could already see that Xreak was going to lose that argument. He wanted him to. Regardless of what the problem would be, Dyletri wanted Ismini to have her only friends with her. She seemed so happy talking with Evesse and Soleria.

  It was undeniable. Dyletri needed her to be happy during her last days.

  Her last days.

  Those words made him nauseous for the first time in his existence. Dyletri had never felt it before, but there was no mistaking the turning of his stomach. The need to heave and purge until nothing was left. The world was being disfigured before his eyes, the colors pounding like they did back in his room.

  The others exchanged worried looks as Dyletri forced himself to take a step back. Then another. He needed to get out of there. He needed to make sure he didn’t go back to Enzyria. Ismini would be there. She threatened everything. He knew she’d probably have her way and her two friends would be coming back.

  He definitely couldn’t go back. He knew, just knew . . .

  He wanted to deny it. He wanted to find any excuse that would lead to a different conclusion than the one he’d made. Because he knew of only one condition that featured all of his symptoms, however rare.

  And he was damned sure that was exactly what plagued him.


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