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Blood Flows Deep in the Empire

Page 21

by N. Isabelle Blanco

She ripped her mouth away from Dyletri’s. “Oh God. Eve! Where’s Evesse? She jumped in after me. Oh God . . .”

  “He has her, baby. Calm down. Zen has her.” Dyletri tried to soothe her as Ismini looked to her right.

  Zen was cradling her unconscious friend like he was afraid to let her go. He was just as bloody and injured as Dyletri. His face was buried against Evesse’s neck, and his shoulders shook.

  Ismini collapsed from the relief. She sagged in Dyletri’s arms, soaking in the feel of him.

  Until she remembered.

  “No! Dimithinia!” She’d seen too much when it came to Dimithinia’s life. Condemning her to an eternity of suffering, locked inside the Underworld, was the very last thing Ismini wanted to do. She wouldn’t be able to live with that on her conscience.

  “I am right here, Ismini Harrovnian. And I am very, very grateful to you, even though I do not deserve your consideration.”

  Ismini turned, eyes wide and panicked, because for all she knew, she was straddling the god Dimithinia still loved. A god who had Ismini’s mark on his neck. A god that had almost just died for her.

  The gorgeous woman smiled kindly at her. She had black hair, and bright, blue eyes, and she was…Dimithinia. She was there.

  “Wait. How are you here? How am I here?”

  Oh my God. Is what Nylicia said true?

  Dimithinia walked closer to them. “Were you not willing to help bring me back? I want this fool under you to be happy. You make him happy. You are his mate. And you, Ismini, were once willing to die for our happiness and to save people you do not even know. Why would I not help?”

  “I . . . I . . . am so confused,” Ismini said, glancing between both Dimithinia and Dyletri. They both smiled.

  “What is it that you do not understand?”

  “Don’t you . . . aren’t you . . . him . . .” Ismini pointed at Dyletri while staring at Dimithinia. She had to ask, had to make sure. Unfortunately, words were pretty much failing her.

  They both laughed, locking eyes. “Oh, Dyletri, she is adorable.”

  “I know.” The expression he threw Ismini did things to her uterus. Things she still felt were kind of inappropriate with Dimithinia behind them.

  Dimithinia shrugged. “Ismini . . . I thank you for your sacrifice, but the Fates did not bring me back for him. He is not mine, and I am not his. That is your headache to handle.”

  “Shut it, woman.”

  Dimithinia gave Dyletri a stoic, unapologetic look.

  Ismini stared back and forth between them again, her brain refusing to accept what she was hearing.

  Dyletri cupped Ismini’s chin. “Ismini, baby, I love you. Do you understand that?”

  Ismini’s mouth fell open. “Huh?” He loved her? This god loved her?

  What the fuck?

  “Baby girl, it’s simple.” Dyletri smiled and adjusted her on his lap. “I’m in love with you. Not someone else, but you. Get it?”

  Ismini still couldn’t reply. She stared at him with a fish-out-of-water look as her heart threatened to explode out of her chest.

  “For the sake of the gods. For my sake. Will you please just tell the being under you that you love him, too, so we can move on from here?” Dimithinia asked, her voice amused.

  Ismini managed to nod as she stared into Dyletri’s eyes. She finally found her voice long enough to say, “What she said.”

  “Really?” Dyletri seemed pleased even as he tried to look hurt.

  “I love you, too,” Ismini said, squeaking. She was pretty sure she was in shock. After all, she’d died and then awoken to have all of that thrown on her.

  The smile that broke out on Dyletri’s face got rid of the rest of her stupid, though. With a little gasp, she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed tight.

  Mine. Mine. God, he’s really mine.

  “Iss!” Cy skidded to a stop next to them. He grabbed Ismini’s face and planted a huge kiss on her cheek. “You’re back!”

  Dyletri straight up growled at him, muscles tensing, incisors bared.

  “Easy, mated one,” Cy said, falling backward into a sitting position with his hands up. “I’m just glad to have her back. Jesus, I guess I shouldn’t go check on the other one, then.”

  “Don’t try. I just did!” Ian cried.

  Ismini heard another dangerous growl floating through the air. “Evesse,” she said, feeling like a horrible friend because she kept on forgetting.

  “Is fine. Still out of it, but alive. And the other almost-mated one doesn’t look like he’s letting anyone near her anytime soon. We should get you both back to the compound for checkups,” Cy said, shuffling backward away from a growling Dyletri.

  Ian came up to them, a smile on his face, too. “Fuck me. I haven’t seen something this awesome in a while. When’s the Ziaphrite?” he asked, looking between Dyletri and Ismini.

  “The what?” Ismini asked, once again confused.

  “The mating ritual, baby girl. It’s the ceremony that fully bonds us. When do you want to do it?”

  Ismini whirled around in his lap. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Something like that,” Dyletri said, that small smirk on his face again.

  “Oh my . . . okay,” Ismini said, cupping her forehead. “Okay . . . get me back home. Let me make sure my friend wakes up. Give me two seconds after that to assimilate all this so then I can say yes.”

  Nylicia walked up to them. Despite seeming weak, she also glowed with happiness. Ismini saw her eyes land on Cyake then look away awkwardly. However, Ismini didn’t have enough concentration to focus on that just then. “Umm . . . Ismini . . . I think that was your yes.”

  The huge smile was back on Dyletri’s face.

  “Huh?” Ismini asked.

  Everyone broke out into laughter, which of course confused Ismini more, but Dyletri just pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tight.

  Chapter 29

  Four days later.


  Dyletri was aggravated as fuck as he followed Zen down the steps of the compound not even a week later. “So you’re just going to leave? She’s not even awake yet. Don’t you think she’d like to have you here when she does?”

  “I have no choice. Understand that. It’s . . . it’s not forever. I can’t stay away from her forever. Trust me. But I need to go away long enough to learn to control this. For fuck’s sake, Dy.” Zen spun around. “Look at me!”

  Dyletri did. Zen’s eyes were completely changed. Overcome with black, the one spot of color in them were his red irises. Red and black marks had begun to appear on his face as well.

  “Fucking hell, Zen . . .” Dyletri ran a hand through his hair, knowing what the marks meant. It was just a matter of time before he lost all control to Mavrak.

  “Yeah. Look, Dy. You’re at peace with Salicyar, which is good. Even so, he was never as dangerous as . . . him. She’s not even awake, and just being near her . . .”

  Dyletri sympathized with him. “You are destined for each other. When she wakes up—”

  “Nylicia said it will be a while before that happens. Her death forced her to deal with things she wasn’t ready to face. It exposed all of her weaknesses.”

  “But that’s my point. You’re running Zen, like I did. And take it from me, pushing it back is not the solution. It’ll only comes back to bite you in the ass. You have to make peace with your other side, man. Maybe then you can control it.”

  “Make peace with Mavrak? Do you hear yourself? There is no controlling him. All he wants is bloodshed.”

  “Every fucker in this place has a flip side to them. A similar battle to fight. Yeah, yours is one of the worst to deal with. That doesn’t make running the answer. Don’t leave. If Ismini’s friend wakes up, you should be here.”

  “I’ve been fighting this need for vengeance on her behalf ever since I saw into her mind. She makes me want everything. Violence, blood, her. It’s too much. I’m going to hurt everyone if I don’t control
it. What if I hurt her?”

  A single tear of blood leaked out of Zeniel’s eye. “I’m going to destroy the soul of that motherfucker who hurt her. Do you understand?”

  Dyletri didn’t know what to say. If it had been Ismini, he’d be doing the same thing. Enteax and Lisrn would die by his hand if he found them first. So he couldn’t tell Zen not to do it. He wasn’t a hypocrite. “We’re . . . Ismini and I want you here for the celebration.”

  Zen scoffed and breathed deeply. “You can’t postpone your Ziaphrite for me.”

  “No. We won’t hold the actual mating ceremony. But the celebration . . . we can’t do it without you. I want to know as soon as you can come back, do you hear me?”

  Zen smiled a bit and clapped the other god on the shoulder. “You got it, my friend. And . . . will you let me know as soon as she wakes up?”

  “Definitely,” Dyletri said, clapping Zen’s shoulder, as well.

  He hated what was happening to Zen, but a part of him was aware that so far his own fate had turned out better than he had expected. Dyletri had to hope things would turn out as well for Zen as they had for him.

  Zen stepped away from Dy. “I’m going to be investigating into the whereabouts of those two pieces of shit, Enteax and Lisrn.”

  “Good. I was just in contact with Zex. He’s on his way here. I told him what Ismini said about Lisrn mentioning a woman whose name starts with V-e-r.”

  “We both know who that is. Vermylea.”

  “Exactly. The big sister of the psychotic Goddess of Illusions.”

  Zen growled. “How Zex managed to touch Maivera long enough to get her pregnant, I’ll never know.”

  “She’s the Goddess of Illusions, how else? At least he’s not buying into her shit this time. He won’t just declare war on the mother of his child, but getting him away from her is a start.”

  “I’ll definitely stay in constant contact then. Enjoy your R’ma, my friend. And I promise to try to not stay away for too long. Don’t want to be the one holding up the party. Ian and Cy would have my fucking neck.”

  Dyletri chuckled. “Thank you. And I will definitely be the first in line when it comes time for your Ziaphrite celebration.”

  Zen’s demonic eyes were pensive as he stared off into space. “By the Gods, I hope it can come to that.”

  “It will, Zen. You got this.”


  Zeniel didn’t linger. He was gone before Dyletri took his next breath.

  Inhaling deeply, he stared at the spot where Zen had stood. He remained there for a few moments before scaling his way back up the steps of the compound. He sent up one last silent prayer to the Universe on behalf of Evesse and Zeniel.

  Ismini couldn’t count how many times Dimithinia had gotten excited about the smallest of things in the last few days. They were all going cockeyed from trying to keep up with that whirlwind. She was tormented and dark at times, but this new world, as she put it, held a shitload of wonder for her.

  Something Ismini could relate to.

  In the four days since she’d been reborn, she’d learned so much. Like why she’d been chosen as the sacrifice by the Fates. The tangible Universe was born from the “big bang.” Yup. Although somebody had to come up with a better name for that shit since it wasn’t just a theory and had actually occurred.

  Out of the explosion, not only was all matter blown forth from the Source, but also the coherent souls that would lead to every sentient creature in existence. Mortal and immortal alike. One of those souls had been Ismini and Dimithinia. A soul that had been split in two shortly thereafter.

  Learning that had been mind-boggling for Ismini. Since then, they’d been two separate entities and always would be, but Dimithinia was as close as Ismini would get to a soul-twin.

  Still, Ismini missed Evesse. She couldn’t believe she wasn’t awake and with her right now. Her heart broke every time she thought of what was happening to her. And of what was happening to Zen.

  The only thing Ismini had was Nylicia’s reassurance that she saw them both together. That she saw Evesse awake. Ismini had to hold on to that, since she refused to break down on her mating day.

  She stood inside Dyletri’s temple, staring at the huge bed that had been placed where the altar had once been and shaking her head.

  Nylicia walked by and winked saucily. “That is the altar now, babe. And you’re about to consecrate the fuck out of it. Do it for me. Remember what I said—break the bed. Yes.”

  Ismini flared red. She had discovered in the last few days that Nylicia was a much older replica of Eve. A virgin whose hormones had turned on her and made her go insane and perverted.

  “Look at her. How adorable. She already had her brains fucked right out of her head in here, and yet she still has it in her to blush.”

  Ismini glared at her friend. “Shut it, Soleria.”

  “Hey! Do not move!” Dimithinia scolded, kneeling at her feet and drawing the designs on her legs. She was using some kind of body paint that she had assured Ismini would not only be smudge-proof, but would also taste delicious.

  She admired the drawings they’d painted all over her body. “Where the hell did you get this stuff again?” Every inch of her was decorated. Well, not every inch, just specific areas that were ‘sure to drive Dyletri insane’.

  Dimithinia’s words, not Ismini’s.

  “There are many things modern man has not discovered yet that I can replicate now.” Dimithinia shot to her feet and gave Ismini a brilliant smile as she bounced off to grab her sheer mating dress like some excited child.

  “Yeah. Like those Skullcandy headphones. I want them. Give them to me. Now.”

  Dimi waved Soleria away, her eyes on Ismini’s dress. “You are too demanding. You have the money to buy them.”

  Soleria looked truly affronted. “Why the fuck would I buy them when you can ‘poof’ them into existence?”

  She ignored Soleria and all but skipped back toward Ismini.

  She was too cute. Ismini smiled, still not believing the way things were working out with Dimithinia. That she was okay with everything. Then again, in the last few days, there had been enough time for Ismini to sit and talk to Dimithinia. It’d been awkward the first day, but Ismini had been determined to get to know her.

  She had to know. Ismini had to learn for herself that there was nothing left of whatever Dimithinia had felt for Dyletri. She was ashamed to admit that her mated body had been ready to go MMA on Dimi’s ass if something had been there. It was illogical and incontrollable. She wasn’t going to have any peace until she made sure that Dimi’s attentions were on another male.

  Thousands of years were definitely enough time for Dimi to get over Dyletri. Crius was the one who lived in her heart now, although Dimithinia was determined to ignore that fact. It had been an interesting conversation. The kind that lasted hours, forged a bond between them, and left Ismini ready to bloody the God of the Underworld.

  What a fidiot. Dimithinia had been excited about coming back because of him. But when the time had arrived, Crius had dropped off her Aristi in Enzyria and left before Dimithinia could regain her body and meet him face-to-face.

  “There, I’m almost done,” Lizzisi said, finishing the design on Ismini’s arm.

  Sil flipped her black hair over her shoulder, concentrating as she completed the other arm. “Me, too.”

  “Here.” Soleria took the sheer, long, scrap of material that was supposed to be a gown from Dimithinia. “My God, he’s going to lose his mind when he sees this.”

  The gown was made of two sashes that were just big enough to cover Ismini’s nipples and then met at the hips where they flared out into a see-through skirt with a huge slit up one leg. The material was exquisite, even though it was obvious that it was only meant to be a “sex outfit.” Dark blue with silver threads and softer than anything Ismini had ever felt, a part of her was beyond giddy to wear it.

  She couldn’t wait to know if Dyletri liked it.
br />   “Here. Before you put it on,” Dimithinia said, popping up in front of Ismini and holding her chin. She applied eyeliner to Ismini’s eyes, then stepped back as Liz and Sil let go of her arms.

  Soleria stepped in front of her. “Ready?”

  The sins promised in the light blue depths of her eyes almost had Ismini shaking her head. Until she remembered what she would be doing and who she was supposed to commit said “sins” with.

  A stab of need went through her, almost knocking her off her feet. Her pussy clenched so tight she was barely able to hide her response. It didn’t matter. They all noticed anyway.

  “Oh, yeah. She is,” Soleria said, laughing with the others.

  Ismini raised her arms and let Soleria slide on the dress. “You’re freaky. The shit you can sense isn’t normal. You’re no mere human. Considering you’re already a witch, that’s saying something.”

  Soleria nodded. “I suspect that, as well. I’ve asked this one right here, but she’s refusing to tell me anything. Come on, just admit it. I’m superwoman in dormancy, and one of these days I’m gonna rush forth and rule the world.”

  Nylicia appearence was straight-up impassive. “All in due time, Sol. All in due time.”

  “See? She’s impossible,” Soleria scoffed, holding back her smile.

  “No. I’m fucking awesome. And you all love me for it.”

  They all laughed at the serious look on Nylicia’s face.

  Ismini nearly jumped seventeen feet in the air when she heard Dyletri screaming from the outside. “Get the hell out of there! I know you’ve sexified my girl up to the point that I probably won’t survive! What more must you do?”

  The girls laughed, and once again, Ismini wished Evesse could have been there. Then Dyletri called in again, and what he said made her knees go weak.

  “I’m coming in there, and I’m fucking taking what’s mine. Get the fuck out. Now!”

  “Jesus, dude. You sound like something out of The Exorcist. What the fuck? Why am I here again? Should I call a priest?”

  “Shut it, Cy. We volunteered to come with him,” Ian said, clearly amused.


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