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A Perfect Moment

Page 11

by Becca Lee

  “Hey, Preston, what’s going on? You look like you’re preparing for an aneurism or some shit like that. Take a breath, man!” Mac had joined us by the time John had finished speaking.

  “You two, you’re not busy, right? Can you be packed and ready in—” I looked at my watch. “—shit, forty minutes? Just grab your boards, your swag and clothes. I’ll sort everything. The next twenty-four hours are on me. We good, yeah?”

  Both John and Mac looked at me like I’d lost my mind. They simply stood back and waited for me to explain myself.

  I groaned. “It’s El.” That got a reaction. They both broke out shit-eating grins and continued to wait to understand my request that was verging on hysteria. “We sort of broke up, but we’re trying to fix it. I mean, I’m trying to fix it. I may have told her a group of us were heading to Byron. We’ll leave in forty and head back tomorrow morning before shift starts. If we leave on time, we’ll be there for midday. We good?”

  Mac stood in silence, a bemused look on his face. John, in contrast, let rip a loud laugh. “Why do you do this shit, Preston? I swear to God, I never know what the hell you’re going to do next.”

  “What do you mean? It’s not like I usually organise made-up weekends away.”

  John continued to laugh his arse off at me and shake his head in amusement. “You’re notorious for half-cocked ideas, my man. None of them work out. Ever.”

  “Hey, you’re still here, right? I may have got us in a few scrapes—”

  Mac interjected. “A few scrapes? How about the time you thought it would be a great plan to head out to that bar and be my lover? Dick.”

  “What? Hey, I saved your arse. Did you see the size of those women who were after us? I went home with bruises on my arse that night from their constant pinching.”

  “I was thinking more of the guy built like a brick shit-house who decided that we should be adventurous and try a fucking threesome, you moron. I’ve never been so fucking terrified for my arse, ever. I was close to losing my virgin-arse status because of you.”

  “Okay, so maybe that one plan didn’t go down quite so well, but you have to admit, it was funny as hell.”

  “One plan!” It was John’s turn apparently. “Erm ... how about the time you ‘planned’ to fix your roof. If I recall correctly, at two in the morning, you thought it was a fantastic idea to finally change half your roof that had gone rusty.” I made to speak, but John continued. “With no new sheets, with no ladders and without checking the weather forecast.”

  Damn, when he put it like that ... but I’d been inspired and had been working nights the previous week, so it was hardly surprising I was awake at two in the morning. He made it sound like I did crap like this all the time.

  Okay, so maybe I sort of did, but this was different. This was for El. I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face. Time was ticking by. “So, you coming or not?’

  They looked at one another, grinned and replied in unison, “Hell yeah!”

  We headed toward our cars. “I’m not going to miss the chance to see you making a dick out of yourself, man. You must know that.” Mac clapped me on the back.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, dick. This is El. I can’t screw it up, so keep your stories to yourself.” The last thing I needed was for El to know of all my dick moves over the years. She knew a lot already, but not all.

  John laughed as he fastened his board to the roof. “Don’t sweat it, Preston. We’ll look out for you.”

  I huffed. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

  “Hey, don’t be like that. It’ll be good. I’ll give a few others a call on the way home. The weekend’s on you, right?”

  “Yes.” I hoped this didn’t get out of hand. But I’d be damned if I sat back and did nothing to sort things out with El. I had no idea when things had become so urgent. I couldn’t explain it and I most definitely couldn’t reason it. The last few days had been the fastest, the best and the worst in my life to date. Once again, I wanted to bitch-slap myself, but I had no choice. I didn’t want to be without her. I knew it had to be now. I knew, if we were to make a go of it, I had to keep fighting and this was the moment to do so. So, despite my friends’ constant mocking, and despite my vagina status, I would do what it took to ensure Ella made the right decision and chose me over running. "Thanks, man. I’ll meet you in thirty-five. Does here sound good?”

  “Sure thing.” John nodded before jumping in his car, Mac close behind.

  I watched them pull away. Damn, I needed to get a move on. I hopped into my car and mentally did a checklist. It had to work.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I debated whether I should take my one-person tent, or maybe my swag, rather than sharing with Preston. Part of me was too freaking scared to spend the night under the same fabric as him. His closeness had a great chance of being my undoing. Yet at the same time, I had said I wanted to be friends. And this was what we did. As friends, I had never batted an eyelid or had my heart threaten to beat out of my chest at the thought of sharing a cosy tent with him. With that thought in mind¸ I knew I simply had to keep my composure, pull up my big-girl panties, and try my hardest not to snuggle closer and go down on him in the middle of the night.

  Fuck. There I went again, thinking of Preston’s damn penis.

  I’d just finished fastening my backpack when Preston pulled up. I’d already placed my surfboard outside, so I lugged out my Esky and my backpack.

  “Esky?” Preston questioned, a look of amusement on his face.

  “Hey, don’t dis the Esky. I have wholesome food in there. No doubt all you’ve packed is crap and beer.” I also had a cheeky supply of Tim Tams and marshmallows, but there’s no chance I was sharing unless I had to. I’d seen Preston virtually inhale a whole pack of Tim Tams by himself in the past. The babies hidden underneath the fruit and water in my Esky were my emergency stash. My plan was, if I thought about Preston naked, I would eat a delicious piece of chocolaty-biscuit goodness, and my hormones would be satisfied. Not a great plan, but any chance at munching on a Tim Tam was worth it.

  He quickly raised his hands in a ‘calm down’ motion before whisking my bag and the Esky away from me and stowing them in his ute. I locked up my house and picked up my board, a tiny bundle of nervous excitement in my stomach. Obviously, completely down to having some amazing surf. I couldn’t get caught up thinking about Preston in any other way than as a friend. I needed to get my head straight, not screw around with Preston, and behave like a grown up. Sometimes being a grown-up sucks hairy balls!

  I positioned my board on Preston’s roof racks. He then strapped it down while I got myself settled in the passenger’s seat. I noticed there was no one in the backseat, and I assumed we’d be meeting up with his friends shortly.

  I fastened my seatbelt and Preston got in the cab and did the same. He turned and smiled, lighting up his face. Heat hit my cheeks; I was immediately pissed off at my stupid-arse self. “We’re just going to meet up with a few of the guys, and we’ll head out. Hopefully, we’ll get there for about midday.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  He started the engine and headed out to the beach.


  Just over three hours later, we were pulling up to the camp spot, wanting to get ourselves settled before hitting the waves—much to some of the guys’ frustration. I told them our plan when we’d had a pit stop. But I knew exactly what they were like. I knew John and Mac fairly well. A few times out socialising, both of the guys had been there. A couple of guys I didn’t know, Simon and Jase, were also with us, as well as a couple, Jen and Ste, plus Dani had tagged along.

  When we pulled up back at the Sunny Coast and initially spotted Dani, I felt Preston tense. He had no idea if I’d be okay with her being on the overnighter. One, there was nothing going on between Preston and me for a start, so it really didn’t matter, but most importantly, I’d already decided I liked her. She greeted me in a whirlwind of a hug. It wa
s hard to believe we’d only met briefly for about ten minutes a few days ago as her delight and genuine warmth had immediately welcomed me. I couldn’t help but return her excitement. She was as mad as a hatter, in a ditzy, loveable way.

  On our pit stop she’d heartily agreed, elbowing a bemused Mac in the ribs, eliciting a cry and a nod of agreement. Poor Mac had rubbed his ribs and then followed her with his eyes as she got in the car with Jase. He’d looked momentarily pissed off, before he’d sighed and got back in his car with John.

  We’d managed to get a spot on a campsite, a short distance from the beach. Not immediately ideal, as we couldn’t fall into the water with a few steps, but it was a damn sight quieter than the heaving couple of sites closer the ocean.

  Preston made quick work of our tent. I’d shared it with him before, but I was convinced it had shrunk. The thought of the confined space with the scent of Preston sparked my flutters again, so I distracted myself by heading toward Dani, who had pitched a couple of tents away from ours. She was already in her bikini and boardies, asking a perplexed John to apply sunscreen to her back. There didn’t appear to be any flirtation or awareness of the effect she had on the men around her. Taking in her size, one would immediately describe her as cute. However, her natural excitement transformed her cuteness into a woman who was strikingly beautiful. Not a beauty you’d necessarily spot at first glance, but one you’d be bowled over by when you looked away after speaking to her for fifteen minutes and returned your gaze back to her. In many ways, Byron suited her. She was free and relaxed, a bird refusing to be contained.

  John hesitated before applying sunscreen, looking over his shoulder and making eye contact with a pissed-off Mac. Interesting. I watched on as John looked back at an oblivious Dani and then he spotted me. His face altered immediately. Relief relaxed his frown. “Here, El.” He virtually threw the bottle of lotion at me before he made a hasty retreat.

  I couldn’t help but look on and laugh. Dani looked over her shoulder, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. She shrugged, looked at me and smiled. “Thanks, El.”

  “No problem.”

  After slapping on our lotion, we piled our boards on Mac’s and Preston’s vehicles and made our way to the beach. Excited chatter filled Preston’s car. It didn’t take long before I joined in with their enthusiasm, and I was virtually bouncing up and down in my seat by the time we pulled up. A few times, I felt the pull of Preston. Every time I looked at him, his eyes were always on me before they returned to the road. A soft smile played on his lips. I couldn’t help but smile back every time. I was already excited, and I’d yet to hit the surf.

  We headed into the water, Preston holding back slightly. “Honestly, Preston, it’s fine. You head out with the guys. I need to build up to the waves out back. Years out of the water will do that. You know?”

  “You sure?”

  I knew if I said no he would give up the peeling waves in a heartbeat. I felt guilty at the thought.

  “Hey Preston, bugger off already.” Dani was atop her board paddling lightly as she reached us. “Seriously, we want girl talk.”

  I smiled. “You heard the woman. Go. We’ll head out later.”

  He hesitated for just a moment before turning on his board and paddling hard out and through the waves.

  “Geez, what the hell’s his problem? I thought he was gonna hook his leash to your board or some shit like that. What’s going on between you two?”

  I should have felt weird talking about Preston to Dani. They were ex-fuck buddies. I couldn’t help but wonder if they would start up again. The thought made me blanch. I sighed before I spoke. “I screwed up.” She raised her eyebrows at me. “No, not like that. I mean, shit ...” I stopped paddling. “I was screwed over a few years ago. It hurt. I don’t know; changed me, I suppose.” I shrugged, not liking that I was unable to move past Fuckwit. “I’d only end up hurting Preston if we’d carried on and become serious. We’ve been friends forever. I just can’t do that. I couldn’t live myself. Plus, Jo would kill me.”

  Dani had stopped paddling too. We were both now sitting on top of our boards, the waves rocking us. “Do you not think it’s too late?”

  I squinted my eyes in confusion. “I don’t—”

  “Preston.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Do you not think it’s too late for that ‘serious’ shit you just spouted?” She actually air-quoted the word serious. “I mean, considering he’s beyond the point of serious, and is on the path of loving the arse off you. Shit, El. Do you not see that he worships the ground you walk on?”

  I was rendered speechless. Dani surely had no idea what she was talking about. Everything was too crazy fast; I was at risk of getting whiplash.

  “Hell,” she continued, “you could stink of dog shit and fart gremlins and he’d still be a lovesick pup around you. It’s pretty sad, really.”

  I had finally heard everything, fallen into a coma and drowned, apparently. I had no freaking clue what the crap she was talking about. My world shifted and I felt my head spin. Damn, is she right? It made no sense. We’d dated for a few lousy days. Had earth-shattering sex that I would miss desperately—even my B.O.B. couldn’t hit the spots Preston had—but listening to Dani talk about love confused the crap out of me.

  I flapped my mouth open and closed a few times. I didn’t want this. I couldn’t deal with it. I’d had a man say I was his everything before, only to find him dick-deep in hoe.

  “El, did you really not know? I don’t understand how you couldn’t. He’s so freaking obvious. That man wears his heart on his sleeve, for Christ’s sake. Ask any of the guys here and I guarantee you they’d all say he was crazy loved up with you. As in, wanting babies, and all that jazz with you.”

  Just great, just what I needed to make myself feel like even more of a bitch. Everybody knew about Preston’s feelings, and by now would no doubt know I’d screwed him over with my pathetic reasons, even though they felt so far from pathetic to my troubled heart.

  I still hadn’t spoken. I had no freaking idea what to say. I lay on my board, faced the waves and pounded my arms hard into the water. “Come on. I need to surf.”

  I allowed the splash to ease my heavy mind, and relished the burn in my arms. I was exhausted. Exhausted was good. It stopped my brain from functioning too well. Dani and I had made it out into the green after a play in the smaller waves. It had been what I needed. Surfing the waves provided freedom, and total focus on the exhilaration and the task. After a while, we were both ready to play with the big boys. I was thankfully caught in the thrill, so when I reached a grinning Preston, I happily grinned back. The surf was beautifully clean.

  My arms heavy, I paddled harder. I was determined to catch the growing wave heading toward me. I popped onto my board and turned into the wave, riding the face. My heart sped up with joy as freedom flowed through me. It was beautiful. The roar of the waves became my soundtrack as I bobbed along with it, gliding fearlessly across the high face of the wave. With a drop of breeze, I heard a call, but was too far away and too absorbed in the ride before me.

  A force hit my side, catapulting me from my board. I glided through the air momentarily, before I felt the tug of my leash. I hit the water hard. The roaring of the waves was no longer friendly. Under the surface, another heavy blow hit me, this time on my head: my board. Pain exploded behind my eyes as the aching in my ribs beat to a similar rhythm as the pounding in my head. My energy became lulled. I forced a heavy kick, needing to find air before my exhausted lungs exploded. I headed toward my board that now floated on the surface. Managing to break through, I gasped before another wave crashed down on me, forcing me under, sending my board spiralling and tugging at my leg.

  No longer sure where the surface was I searched frantically, the water stinging my eyes as I kicked hard, hoping it would lead me to oxygen. The tug on my leg stopped when the leash broke. I spotted my board being swallowed and thrown by the waves.

  A firm grip took hold of my arm, tugging me hars
hly, the grip bruising. I refused to yell out in pain, not wanting to swallow any more water as the body now close to me knocked my aching side. Finally, air rushed into my lungs. I gasped and spluttered, my head throbbing as I coughed.

  “El? El?” Preston’s frantic shouts brought me out of my oxygen deprived daze.

  I coughed some more.

  Two hands grabbed under my arms and lifted me onto a board. Hitting the hard shell, I gasped in relief. I could breathe. I hurt like hell. I wanted to throw up, but damn, I could breathe. A warm comforting breath appeared near my ear. “I’ve got you, baby.” Immediately, my tension eased. I hurt like hell, but those words almost undid me.

  I lay on my front, my face splashed by the gruelling waves as we followed the wave on to shore. The moment we were shallow enough, I felt Preston’s strong arms lift me. He held me close to his chest, his muscles bunched and his breathing heavy.

  Beneath my haze of pounding head and nausea, I faintly heard a female voice shouting. I turned to look before the motion sent me dizzy. Preston lay me on a towel next to John, who was on his knees beside me. His face was deathly pale.

  “Holy shit. Is she all right? Fuck, do we need an ambulance?”

  “An ambulance?” I managed to murmur. My eyes felt heavy. All I wanted to do was sleep. I also wanted the shouting to stop.

  “Fuck. El? Ella, don’t go to sleep, okay?” I heard more talking and mumbling before I blacked out.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I purposefully refused to allow myself to become absorbed in the waves. They were amazing and it was hard not to focus on the inviting rhythm of the sea, but my mind and my eyes kept a careful watch on Ella.

  She was a strong surfer and swimmer, but I also knew it had been a long time since she had properly been out in the waves, with the exception of twice this last week. And these waves were pretty big. When I saw her head out toward the green, some of my tension finally released. Closer by, it was easier to keep watch. I’d always been protective of El, even though she was older than me. When I was younger, I would argue with Jo that I was simply being brotherly protective of the both of them, but even back then, in my late teens, Jo had called bullshit and called me out on my feelings for El.


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