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Gloom Rising (The Book Wielder Saga 1)

Page 17

by Sean Davies

  The buildings were dirty and rundown but were alive with activity. Most of the windows glowed with sickly yellow light or the familiar green of witchlight, gutters dripped and pipes poured out Gloom water and industrial sludge waste, vents steamed and chimneys spilled out smoke adding to the pollution above. Many of the buildings had rusty signs that were fixed in place or swung creakily from iron poles. Most of them read along the lines of ‘Exhaustown; a happy place to live. Work hard or die’.

  Along the roads, personnel and cargo spiders scuttled and steamed, cracking the roads as they went. Huge tracked trucks rolled along with big angry features on their front sections, hooting their extremely loud and deep horns if anything got in their way, and other wacky Alternative magic and steam-powered vehicles added to the traffic. An Alt on a demonic looking motorbike, all shiny silvery metal with sharp spikes and a menacing Cyclops eyed front with six big exhausts, plodded down the road.

  “Wow,” Lynette exclaimed. “Kavarne, take a look at that bike!”

  “That is a pretty sweet ride,” Kavarne growled, impressed.

  “You want bike? You have bike!” TL said, and approached the Alt on the bike.

  “I on break, I promise!” the biker Alt said defensively.

  “Break over, no more break for you! Meaty people want bike, you give bike! Go work now, Work hard, no breaks!” TL said angrily.

  “I sad now, back work I go. Look after bike, it called Merv,” the Alt said to Lynette.

  Merv revved its engine in the sound of a laugh.

  “Thanks, I will,” Lynette said cheerfully. “Mind if I drive, Kavarne?”

  “Sure minx. It looks big enough for me to be on the back I suppose.”

  “We take train to Pollutia City, you go big road, stay on road, giant worms off road, chomp, chomp, many teeth.”

  Lynette looked pleadingly towards Lucius and Xavier. “Can we go on the road? Please guys? Winston and Lewis have got plenty of protection. Please?”

  “Please?” Kavarne imitated playfully with puppy dog eyes. “Pretty please with sugar and sprinkles on top?” Then Lynette gave him a slap on the arm.

  Xavier sighed. “If you must. Is that alright, Lucius?”

  “Fine with me. Take TL’s advice though and stay on the road,” Lucius said.

  Lynette was giddy. “Yes! Thank you, thank you boss man and Xavier!” She climbed on and gestured for Kavarne to join her.

  He climbed on the back awkwardly but the beastly bike Merv was more than capable of taking the weight.

  “See you there,” Kavarne said gruffly.

  Lynette revved the engines and flared off down the road cheering. Everyone chuckled except for Xavier who shook his head disapprovingly.

  They carried on following TL until they came to the Exhaustown train station where the hulking goliath of a steam train was waiting for them. It had vintage style carriages that all looked as decrepit as most things did in the Gloom.

  “I wish we’d taken the bike now,” Kaine muttered to Lucius.

  “Wow, how cool! Check this train out, Winston!” Lewis said enthusiastically, running off to check out the front of the train.

  “Has he been taking something?” Veronica asked Winston quietly.

  “No more than usual,” Winston replied. Lewis had been a bit odder than usual as of late.

  “Call it Shaman instinct, but I don’t think he’s well,” Brooke added. “I can’t put my finger on it but something’s not right.”

  “Yeah, I agree. Call it Bloodmage instinct,” Veronica said, half-serious and half-jokingly.

  “Hmm... he’s always been like that,” Winston said defensively. He didn’t want to think that something bad had happened to his friend, but maybe he had spent too much time in the Gloom.

  Winston went to see Lewis, who was admiring the burly front of the black steel train. It had a fine curved bar plough at the front and two big angry looking witchlight lamps for eyes. It hooted its steam whistle a few times as Winston approached.

  "How cool does this train look, Winston?" Lewis asked merrily.

  "Are you feeling alright Lewis?"

  "Yeah, of course, why do you ask?"

  "You just seem a little... off lately. Like, you're chirpier than normal, especially in here."

  "I bet Veronica said something, didn't she?" Lewis chuckled. "She's winding you up, man. I'm the same as ever. I'm happy here because we don't need to worry anymore. You're the famous Winston bringer of candy crap! You're Alt royalty now, so none of them are going to touch us. If anything we're probably safer here than we are in the real."

  Once again Winston was defeated by Lewis’ weird way of thinking. "If you say so. Shall we get on the train now?"

  "Definitely. Lead the way oh mighty Winston, lord of liquorish, conveyor of caramel, king of candies, sultan of sugars..."

  Winston laughed. "Okay, shut up now."

  They both made their way to the station platform where the rest of the group were waiting for them.

  TL pointed to the best looking carriage right at the front. "You get on, luxury carriage, plenty good yes? I stay here. You see Sheriff in Pollutia, he take you see Foreman. Many byes."

  The gang got on board the 'luxury' train carriage and TL signalled for the train to go. It hooted its steam whistle as they chugged out of the dilapidated station.

  Inside the carriage was as good as could be expected in the Gloom. It was one big open seating section with dusty and torn padded benches. Witchlight lamps hung in the corners and by the seats, and a broken web encrusted chandelier that was occupied by little red and black spiders with hissing humanoid faces rocked side to side in the centre of the carriage's ceiling. The windows were dirty but intact, and a few of the group began wiping them clean to see out of them better.

  Veronica, Winston, Lewis, and Wayne took a seat on the benches that were close to the front and had a good view out of the nearest window, and the others hesitantly followed, testing the seats with their hands or poking at them before they finally took a seat.

  "Is the Gloom always this... weird?" Kaine asked, trying to get comfy on one of the benches.

  "I wish I'd brought some booze," Blake said. "I could use a stiff drink. I feel great but this place is seriously messed up."

  Wayne nodded. "Yeah, but trust me, it gets worse than this."

  "Yeah, you should try it when there's a whole army of Freaks after you," Lewis said. "Or a Demon."

  "He's right," Wayne agreed. "These highly populated parts aren't too bad. It’s the desolate areas that get seriously fucked up and dangerous."

  "At least if I get some portals open you and the rest of the allied Book Wielders won't have to face it on your own anymore," Winston said.

  "It does make a nice change being here with backup," Wayne said appreciatively.

  "Winston, look!" Veronica said, pointing out of the window.

  The train track was running across an elevated platform along a perfectly straight line east towards the Pollutia, the Gloom version of Industria City. The sky between Exhaustown and Pollutia was relatively pollution free and shone with the actual dull dark purple of the Gloom sky. A road was running parallel to them on the ground below them in the distance, and a few trucks and tankers rolled along venting lots of smoke from their exhausts. They could just about make out Lynette and Kavarne riding Merv. Small flares of green witchfire sparked from Merv's six exhausts as they charged along and dodged passed the slower moving traffic. Off the road there were dozens and dozens of sharp tank traps and big spiked spherical mines littered about at random. The barren grey cracked earth churned with underground activity as giant worms coiled their way here and there, occasionally surfacing and exposing their disgustingly huge pale ridged bodies and giant circle mouths filled with row after row of rotating pointy teeth.

  "Oh look, one's getting close to a mine!" Kaine said, getting up and putting his face to the window.

  The moving cloud of dust
Kaine was looking at got closer and closer to the road. It surfaced violently and slammed down, bearing its mouth down upon the mine. Even all the way up on the train the resulting explosion was extremely loud. A big green sphere of witchfire explosion engulfed most of the worm and sent the rest of it all around in a giant shower of gore. The explosion was so powerful it created a shockwave that sent a wave of dust all around it, and as the fiery sphere rose it dragged up a cloud of dirt and dust, including what had returned after the initial shockwave, and created a mushroom cloud effect.

  "Whoa, maybe we should get our hands on some of their explosives too," Kaine said as he watched the mushroom cloud dissipate.

  "You might be onto something there, old friend," said Lucius. The path that they were all walking down would definitely require all the fire power they could get their hands on.

  “A dangerous mix of Gloom magic and technology. Very interesting,” Alexander admired.

  Veronica looked at Winston concerned and placed a hand on his head. “You’re looking a bit drained, sweetie. You should have something to eat.”

  “Oh yeah, good thinking.” He got some chocolate out of one of the bags and ate it quickly. The only downside to feeling safe in the Gloom was that it was easy to get over-confident and forget that there was any risk at all.

  As the journey continued, the edges of Pollutia became visible either side of the train's windows. Spanning far into the horizon, glowing buildings and smog spewing chimneys towered high into the sky. Like Exhaustown, its skies were filled with fluffy yellow, white and brown churning clouds of smoke, all enclosed behind tall thick brassy walls. Big searchlights lit up the sky and old looking dirigibles floated up on high.

  “They look worse than ones we had at the beginning of the war, Alex,” Blake said as she stared at the dirigibles.

  “At least they’re safer without you behind the controls,” Alexander joked.

  Blake pulled a funny face and carried on looking out of the window.

  “Have you met this Foreman before, Wayne?” Xavier asked. “Just want to know what we can expect.”

  “I haven’t met him, Xavier, but I’ve seen it. It’s difficult not to. It’s big. Really big.”

  “How big is big?” Xavier was concerned.

  “If we could see out the front of the train we’d probably be able to see it from here. No exaggeration, I’m afraid. I know of the Sheriff though. He was a hard bastard to deal with before he could speak our language, but we’ll soon find out how he is nowadays I guess.”

  The group was silent for the rest of the journey, their imaginations working away at what the Foreman would look like.

  The train went through a pitch black tunnel in Pollutia’s outer wall and came out into an empty half-broken train station inside the city. They got out of the carriage, and the train blew his steam whistle in the sound of a goodbye.

  A ticket master Alternative was waiting for them, wearing a black and red old fashioned train station uniform. “The Sheriff asked me to guide you outside to meet him. He’s not trusting of outsiders, I’m afraid.”

  “Thank you, my good man,” Blake said, and gave the ticket master a boiled sweet.

  He examined it carefully before carefully unwrapping it and putting it into his mouth. “Oh, my!” He became weak at the knees and staggered out of the station. “Sir is too…kind…”

  They walked after the ticket master, through the old building and out into the vast industrial metropolis of Pollutia. The blackened and crumbling skyscrapers towered high above them into the yellowish sky. The air was thick with smog and the sound of machinery, and the streets were hectic with both worker Alts and vehicles who were so busy they paid them little heed. From the distance Kavarne and Lynette came riding along on Merv, and next to them was an Alt on a steam powered horse wearing a dark brown leather trench coat, cowboy boots, and a hat.

  “Hi guys!” Lynette waved cheerfully as they approached. “That was an awesome ride!”

  Merv revved happily.

  “We found the Sheriff,” Kavarne said.

  “Or was it who I found you?” The cowboy-looking Alt said. “I’m the Sheriff alright. These two said that one of you would be the Winston, and if they’re lying I got bullets with all your names on it.” He gestured to the weird looking rusty rifle slung on his back and twin revolvers on his hips.

  “I’m Winston.” He stepped forward and raised his hand slightly.

  The Sheriff looked him up and down slowly and carefully. “Hmm… you do look like the Winston we’ve heard about. I guess we’ll let the Foreman see for sure. You won’t want to lie to him. You all better follow me, and just keep in mind, if there’s any funny business I’ll blow a hole through you quicker than you can spit.”

  The Sheriff walked them down the streets towards an even more densely packed industrial area. Winston was sure he could make out the head of a brassy and copper coloured statue every now and then in between the buildings and chimneys. They eventually reached a clearing in the factories and depots, and could clearly see a huge clockwork, steam-powered and Gloom magic fuelled colossus, bigger than most of skyscrapers and manufactories around them, seated on a massive throne.

  “And that would be the Foreman,” Wayne said. “Apparently it used to be made of wood back in the day, but in recent years he’s had a bit of an upgrade…”

  “Oh my…” Veronica said, as awestruck as the rest of the group.

  "That's one hell of a thing!" Lewis gasped.

  “Haven’t you seen a Foreman before? You people sure are strange,” the Sheriff said critically.

  The base of the throne looked like massive power plants on thick spider legs, and it was hard to tell if they actually moved or were just for show. The armrests were two rectangular fortresses covered with a nasty array of guns, and the back of the seat was comprised solely of chimneys adding their share to the pollution above. The whole thing was covered in Alts who were maintaining, welding, tinkering, constructing, and painting the superstructure.

  The colossus itself was a terrifying sight. It was a rusty-coloured living image of an Alternative dressed in armour. Steam spouted from its massive joints as it shuffled in its seat, its mouth opened and closed showing a throat full of big speakers, and two angry burning Witchfire eyes gazed down threateningly below. A wide variety of guns and cannons protruded from its fingertips and large mortars sat upon its shoulders.

  A crowd of Alt guards in ramshackle armour were armed with melee weapons made from bits of machinery, nail guns, rifles loaded with railway spikes, and glowing green energy guns. The best armed and armoured Alt out of the crowd rushed to meet the Sheriff and the group. He had a pair of green goggles on and a necklace made of clock gears around his neck.

  “Is this the one known as Winston?” the Alt asked nervously,

  “So he claims…” the Sheriff said dryly,

  The Foreman's burning eyes glared at the group and its jaw creaked open. "Deputy Vice Assistant to the Foreman! Have you found the Winston yet?!"

  "I think so, sir! Not long now!" it shouted back fearfully, before he turned to the group. "As you've heard, I'm the Deputy Vice Assistant to the Foreman. Call me DVAF – it's easier and more efficient! It's my job to do everything that the Foreman doesn't want to do! If you'll follow me inside we'll talk business. Quick, quick!"

  The Sheriff spun his revolvers around on his fingers. "I dare you to try something inside the Foreman, I dare you..." he said menacingly.

  The group followed the DVAF passed the armed guards and underneath the Foreman's throne. A large cargo elevator dropped down and they climbed on board. It slowly but surely elevated them into the superstructure.

  Inside the Foreman was hot and filled with steaming pipes. The DVAF kept them moving quickly and guards opened rotating handled doors to allow them entrance from one section to the next. They went up metal ladders, spiral staircases, and finally another elevator which brought them to the inner wor
kings of the Foreman's head.

  It was a big oval shaped metal room. Its back half was filled with wires and cables that cradled, connected, and inserted into the torso and head of an Alt. It had glowing green goggles on and a more impressively full gear necklace than the DVAF had on.

  "Welcome, strange people from the other world!" it chimed in a mechanical voice. "I am the Foreman, as I'm sure your squishy meat brains have already deduced. I hope you were all adequately terrified by my gloriously technologically polluting outer self! DVAF, you've done well, no punishments for a while!"

  "Thank you, sir! You're too generous!" the DVAF said gratefully.

  "Now, which one of you is the one named Winston?" the Foreman asked with a greed filled tone.

  "That's me," Winston said. He felt like that line was becoming his catchphrase.

  "And you can make portals to bring valuable sweet stuff from your world in exchange for the useless rubbish we have in our world, yes?" the Foreman inquired.

  "Yes I can," Winston replied. "We are hoping to broker a similar arrangement between you and our colleagues, Kaine here being one of them."

  "Yeah... nice to meet you, Mr Foreman..." Kaine said awkwardly.

  "Good, good!" The Foreman smiled, showing a mouthful of silver teeth. "Then get on with it, open up some portals here in Pollutia and let's get trading!"

  "There's a slight problem there, Mr Foreman," Lucius hedged diplomatically. "We don't currently have much of a presence in our world's version of Pollutia. We'll have to open the portals in places like Exhaustown and other neighbouring provinces for the mean time."

  "Then I'll help you take over!" the Foreman said enthusiastically. "What do you need? Weapons? Tanks? Ironclads? Bombs? Oh, we make good bombs. How about man power? There's plenty of people here who would love a chance to get a break and do a nice bit of killing in your world!"

  "Your offer is generous," Lucius began, "but we need to take the territory discreetly."


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