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A Damsel In Distress • Dragon Fighter Romance Book 1 (Dragon Fighter Romance ~ Book 1)

Page 7

by Brenda Williamson

  “How did you get hurt?” Ware asked her.

  “A fall from my horse. It was an error in my judgment, not his. I pushed to ride him too fast on unknown terrain. He tripped and crashed to the ground with me. Luckily, he remained unscathed to carry me until you found me.” Her lashes dropped with the exhaustive words. “Why did you come for me?”

  “Milstead feared you had run away from your wedding. I was concerned you had been kidnapped.”

  “That’s the only reason you came?” She nuzzled her forehead against his lips.

  Before he answered, her head lolled to his shoulder. Ware kissed into her hair, finding more to love about her.


  Irisa woke, drowsy and disoriented. The warmth of Ware’s body helped make her aware of her surroundings and recall his arrival.

  “Excuse me, M’lady.” Henry ducked under the tent flap and smiled at her.

  “How long have I been asleep?” she said low, not wanting to wake Ware.

  “Not long.” Henry crawled toward her. “I must check your wound.”

  Irisa nodded and as Henry touched the blood soaked bandage, she dug her fingers into Ware’s arm, waking him.

  “I’m sorry.” She stared at the laceration in her flesh as Henry opened the cloth.

  “Shhh… ’tis a painful injury you have.” Ware held her tighter.

  Henry washed her leg with rainwater. He lifted a tunic to tear strips from and wrapped the cloth around her thigh to cover the wound.

  “Where’d you get that?” Irisa stared at the insignia of a lions head on a field of red and gold.

  “It was wrapped in the blanket on Sir Milstead’s horse.” Henry put the final addition to the knotted cloth on her leg.

  “Sir Milstead?” She didn’t understand.

  “Milstead was with us searching for you.” Ware shifted when she sat up on his legs. “He returned to Mansfield to inform your father we’d found you.”

  “But where did he get the tunic?”

  “He mentioned having evidence of who kidnapped you. I assume this was what he meant.”

  “It can’t be. The men that grabbed me wore nothing to indicate who they were working for, especially if they were my uncle’s warriors.”

  “Maybe he found the men and they were carrying this on them.”

  “I suppose that’s possible. Ware, I have to get to my uncle. I overheard Elan plotting to take over my father’s land this morning after I left your bed.” She gave Henry a blushing smile and then continued. “They discussed starting a war between my father and my uncle. Elan’s been the one causing the dissension.”

  Ware slid Irisa off his lap and climbed out of the tent.

  “I’ll kill him. Henry you stay with Irisa. I’ll fly to Mansfield.”

  “You can’t fly there and expect to fight him on no sleep and little food.” Henry said. “Stay and rest first. Then, come morning we’ll all fly to Mansfield.”

  “No, I’m going to my uncle before anything else happens to him. He has to be warned.”

  “Your uncle can wait.” Ware got back under the tent. “Henry’s right though, we sleep first.”

  “But, I’m hungry,” she moaned.

  Henry ran out in the rain and came back with a flask and a sack. He offered both to her. “Not a lot, but it’ll do as a meal.”

  The dried meat was tough and the wine sweet. Her greedy appetite made her chew fast. She stole glances at Henry because she found him as equally handsome as Ware. They both had the dark mahogany locks that captivated her fingers and she leaned over and touched Henry’s hair. It was longer and wilder than Ware’s. The ends coiled like a snake much the same as hers.

  “Maybe you’d like to come and sit over here and inspect some more parts of me.” Henry teased.

  They both looked to Ware who had fallen asleep shortly after she started eating. His snore tickled her soul and while Henry was appealing, she’d already lost her heart to Ware.

  “If it were not for my fondness of your brother, I just might have accepted.” She laid her head down on Ware’s shoulder.

  “I take it you won’t be marrying Tulane now that Ware is going to kill him.”

  “He can’t just go and kill him, can he?” She lifted her head and looked at the man she’d fallen in love with, his face was a peaceful expression, so innocent of brutality.

  “He’s killed men in battle, of course. He’ll have no problem with one more scourge of the earth.” Henry folded his arms, shifting to get comfortable.

  “Sir Henry, I have to get to my uncle. If I explain, then he can help my father and go up against Tulane.”

  “Ware will want to go straight for the jugular. We’ll be going to Mansfield castle come first light.” He turned on his side. “Now sleep, M’lady.”

  Irisa fell asleep curled up on Ware’s lap. She kissed his jaw that was showing the dark stubble of a beard growing back already. She loved him, but she’d not alter her plans.

  A Damsel in Distress: Chapter 6

  “Henry! Wake up!” Ware was on his feet and looking, but he knew. He just knew she wouldn’t listen to what he wanted to do. “Irisa is gone.”

  “What? When?” He rubbed his eyes and staggered to a stance near Ware.

  “That girl can charm a man and steal his clothes at the same time if she’s a mind to.” Ware grabbed the reins of his dragon.

  “She was determined last night to go get her Uncle’s help,” Henry’s voice had an apologetic tone.

  “We should be able to catch up to her. She couldn’t have left more than a half hour ago on horseback.”

  They rode fast, but Irisa had to have gone faster. They never saw her and sat looking at the fortress of Lord James Mansfield. Not a castle in the sense of stone and mortar, but a massive stockade he made carved out of the trees from the forest.

  “Ready, dear brother, we could be killed before we make the gate and state our business.” Henry voiced.

  “A chance I’m willing to take.”

  They left their dragons in the forest and walked to entrance.

  “I am Sir Ware Pembroke and I wish to see…”

  “You’ve been expected, Sir Pembroke.” The guard gestured for them to follow.

  Henry kept his gaze wary of the surroundings and Ware gave him a smile.

  “Relax,” he said low. “If they wanted us dead, they could have done that outside the gates.”

  “Seize them,” a man ordered from inside the great hall as they entered.

  Ware struggled under the grip of two guards.

  “Yeah, they could have killed us before,” Henry mimicked. “Or maybe they want to torture us first.”

  Ware twisted trying to break the hold on his arms as he and his brother were led to the man that sat in command.

  “I’ve no quarrel with you Lord James. I’m here as protector of the Lady Irisa.” Ware bowed his head.

  “Yes, well, my niece has given me a wondrous tale of fantasy. No doubt a trap set up by her father to lure me and my men into an ambush at Mansfield castle.” He walked toward them. “Tulane is a smart man to get you in league with him as well.”

  “Tulane is a fop. My brother has stolen his bride right from under his very nose,” Henry boasted.

  “Has he really?” Lord James motioned the guards by a door and they opened it to drag out Irisa.

  “Ware,” she limped alongside the guard that had a firm grasp of her slender arm.

  “Let her go,” Ware demanded. “She shouldn’t be on that leg.

  Irisa’s struggle freed her from the guard, but her new, clean gown tripped her up and she fell to her knees. That was all Ware needed to break the manacled restraint on him and rush to her.

  Scooping Irisa off the floor, he looked defiantly at Lord James. “If you don’t believe her, then all is lost for us both.” Ware warned. “Did you see the bandage she had on her leg? It was a tunic from one of your men and if it wasn’t one of them, that kidnapped her several days ago, then it was an impostor.
Irisa overheard Tulane talking about pillaging all our lands.”

  “A nice speech, but it leaves me in a quandary as to the validity of your words, Sir Pembroke.” Lord James shooed the guard away from Ware. “How can I know that I do not go to my death?”

  “How can you ever think my father would want you dead?” Irisa wailed. “You were always close, so jovial in each other’s company. Has it been that long ago that you can’t remember the laughter?”

  “She’s right father.” Lord James’ son, Lyle exclaimed from the crowd of spectators. “I remember those days and I don’t recall any signs of animosity between our fathers.” He knelt and bowed his head. “It is good to see you again my sweet cousin.”

  Ware lowered her to stand when she pushed at him for release.

  “Lyle, it has been too long.” She hugged the young man of her age.

  “You’ve grown into a beautiful woman, Irisa and I’ve missed you.”

  While it was customary for cousins to marry, he had to trust Irisa’s affections were not wishy-washy and he resisted the urge to wrench her out of Sir Lyle Mansfield’s embrace.

  “Lyle, I’d like you to meet Sir Pembroke.”

  “Sir Pembroke,” Lyle nodded a greeting.

  “Lyle, our fathers are being tricked into starting a war.”

  “Enough.” Her uncle came forward. “We’ll have no more discussion of this until I have a chance to think.”


  “In the morning, I’ll give you my decision.” He motioned to the guards. “Escort my niece to her chambers and show her guests to rooms as well.”

  “Lyle, please talk to him. You know I wouldn’t lie about anything this serious.”

  “I’ll talk to him.” Lyle swept a caress along Irisa’s cheek.

  Ware saw the desire in the man’s gaze. Who didn’t lust for a woman with the face of an angel and a body meant for sinful pleasure?

  “I’ll trust we don’t have any problems from you this evening, Sir Pembroke?” Lord Mansfield raised a brow.

  “No M’lord. A night of rest will be good for everyone.” Ware took Irisa’s arm. “You have no objection if I also escort your niece to her chambers, do you?”


  “Ware?” Irisa whispered. “The delay will give Elan time to strategize his next move.”

  “Pressuring your uncle will not help. Go to your bedchamber and rest. In the morning, everyone will think clearer and we’ll be able to reason with your uncle.”

  That was the only option left and Ware hoped that by morning, Lord Mansfield accepted their story.

  That night, in the privacy of Irisa’s bedchambers, Ware came to her. He shut the door and within seconds of her dash across the room, she was in his arms.

  “Stay with me the night,” she begged.

  The answer came first in his kiss. Deep and sensual, he lavished her with a sweet moment filled with a tenderness that almost made her cry.

  “I didn’t sneak in here, past your uncle’s guards, for anything else but to have my way with you. Be it your lovely mouth or the honeyed eye of your bottom.”

  “No.” She pushed out of his arms. “I’ll belong to no one other than you. If you want any of me, you must have all. Once my father hears of Elan’s treachery, he’ll not think of giving me over to the barbarian.”

  “This may be true. However, it’s doesn’t mean—”

  “I’ve already pleaded with him to let me chose you, Ware. He said he would if he could. He’ll give you his blessing once all is revealed.”

  Ware’s hand went hesitantly to the back of her head. She stared up at him, nodding her approval to his desires. It took him a few minutes of thought before he scooped her up.

  “If you’re lying—” his empty threat meant nothing and she kissed him to cut off his sentence.

  Her father loved her and he’d agree, Ware was the better man for her and she couldn’t wait for the truth to come out about Elan’s treachery.

  Ware carried her to the bed and stood her alongside it. His hands worked at removing her clothing and she remained immobile by the tender graze of his fingers on her skin. She shuddered at the tenderness of his caress. With a longing steeped in anticipation, she was completely ready to surrender to his loving.

  The gown floated to her hips and he pushed it until the brocade dropped into a heap. She stepped out and Ware knelt before her.

  Between the flaps of cloth of her torn under dress, his hands curved behind her knees. He bent his head and kissed her thighs, dragging his bottom lip up in a sucking motion.

  “Oh Ware, I love the way you touch me.”

  He hummed a delightful sound as he connected to her sex. His mouth oscillated up and down and his tongue twirled between the folds, touching the sensitive knot of flesh.

  “Don’t make me wait.” She flexed her fingers on the ridge of his shoulders, exhibiting her impatience.

  “Irisa, my sweet,” he moaned.

  Rising up before her, Ware captured her mouth. His lips pressed hard and then gently pulled away. His gaze drifted over her face as he repeatedly added small kisses to her cheeks and her chin.

  “Ware, you’re taking too long.” Irisa smiled against his cheek as he nuzzled it to her mouth.

  “I’m in no rush. The night is long.” His moves lowered to her neck.

  Tender whips of his tongue tickled her ear. Caressing passes shifted him to her shoulder and her collarbone.

  “Ware, please.” She turned and undressed him.

  “Impatient little minx.”

  She pushed him on the bed.

  Devilishly handsome in his provocative position, Ware grinned at her. His cock angled back, away from her and she watched him wrap his fingers around the base of the shaft and glide them upward. His grip slid down and he pumped the sheath of skin until it hardly gave way to his stroke.

  Irisa got on the bed and straddled his thighs. The heat of his body drew her closer to letting his erection touch her between the legs. He pulled her down on top of him and rolled, putting her on her back.

  His wet kisses splashed over her face. His large body moved over her and before she had a chance to think, the end of his cock pressed against her sex.

  “Relax, Irisa.” He rubbed a hand over her hip and around under her bottom.

  The prominently distended part of him pressed into her.

  “That’s it, my sweet temptress.” His cock burrowed into her as he thrust in short strokes pushing and filling her.

  Irisa accepted the pressure and the discomfort of him jamming against her feminine wall. She whimpered with a low groan when his cock tore through the barrier and shredded the last veil of her chastity.

  “You feel good, Irisa.”

  His heavy body rose and lowered, tickling her skin. She followed the rhythm and moved with him. He gripped one of her legs and dragged it up along his hip. Rising to his knees, he thrust harder.

  “Ware,” she moaned.

  The friction tingled and singed her with a feral sensation. She neared an orgasm, but Ware withdrew before the real pleasure peaked. He turned to his side and dragged her atop him. She sat, straddling his thighs just as she had started their escapade. Panting and watching for what he would do next, she still wasn’t prepared when he slapped the tip of his cock against her open sex.

  Irisa jerked in response.

  He rubbed his arousal between the wet folds again. “Mount me,” he instructed.

  She rose on her knees while he continued hitting her with the plump head of his stiff arousal. When she lowered, the soreness of his previous insertion made her go slow. Ware distracted her with the wiggle of his thumb on the sensitized nerves of her clit. He grabbed her breasts and pumped with several firm squeezes.

  “Ride me.” He twirled her nipples back and forth between his pinching fingers. “Ride me hard.”

  Irisa didn’t think she could move with him lodged in her. She didn’t even realize she hadn’t lowered completely until she rocked he
r hips in a circling motion, and he went deeper into the cavern of her sex. The girth of his cock stretched her and she felt as if she would split in two.

  Finishing her descent, she sat still, impaled by the throbbing flesh of the man she wanted forever. Tilting forward, she dangled her heavy breasts over his face.

  Ware lifted his head and took one of her nipples between his lips. He fingered the other one and pleasured them well as she rocked. She rode him until he roared like a dragon. His fingers tightened on the fold between her thigh and hip, pulling at her as he jerked his cock in and out of her. Her insides clenched on him and she cried out.

  Irisa slumped forward on Ware’s damp chest in exhaustion. Life wore her out, but she was happy and content. All night she and Ware explored the positions of sexual mating when they weren’t asleep.

  In the morning, Irisa arrived in the great hall with Ware in time to hear the start or the finish to a conversation between her uncle and cousin.

  “Father, what Sir Pembroke says is true.” Lyle Mansfield waved to the guards to drag in three men wearing Lord James tunics. “These are not our men and with a little coaxing, I have found out they work for Elan Tulane. We must go to Mansfield castle and give assistance to Irisa’s father. If not for family, then we must for the sake of our country.”

  “Prepare to leave in the hour.” Lord James told them. “I hope I’m not laying my trust in the wrong hands.”

  “You’re not, Uncle. I want our family together again.” Irisa sought Ware’s hand near hers.

  “I want you to stay here.” Ware pulled her to him as everyone rushed about. “You’ll be safest away from the battle.”

  “I don’t want to stay here. I want to go with you.”

  She rubbed the front of his tunic near his heart. His lifted her chin and she stared into his eyes.

  “I know and if I thought there was a chance you would heed my wishes, I’d leave you here. Unfortunately, my stubborn little minx, I know you’ll follow.”

  She smiled and tipped her head down ashamed he knew she’d disobey him.

  “And there is no use in acting all innocent. Save those flirtatious glances for men easier swayed by your charm. I am immune to your playacting.”


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