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Adara and the Beast

Page 23

by Emily Sharp

  For the first time, Adara realized that Louise was indeed beautiful. The scars on her face that had at first repulsed her now did not matter. There was a beauty inside Louise that had been there all along. A deep beauty that Adara had confessed upon first meeting her that she believed in, but until this very moment had never truly felt nor seen before.

  The woman crying on the screen was everything Adara had ever wanted, and could provide her the very thing she had dreamed of.


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Louise lay curled on the padded bench of the gazebo, tears rolling down her face. Looking across the garden, the night sky bright above her. The hedges had turned green, new flowers had started to emerge, and life was starting anew this season all around her. But inside she felt dead. With each passing day without Adara, everything seemed so meaningless. The great castle, the garden, neither had beauty, unless the true Beauty herself was with her.

  “I'm so sorry for what I did to you,” Louise said out loud. Her heart raced, and sitting up, she turned upon hearing a reply.

  “I know you are.”

  Near the post stood Adara, more beautiful than ever in her red cashmere sweater. Her cheeks looked wet, the tears trailing down her face the cause. Louise wanted to run to her, hold her, let her know how sorry she was. But fear gripped her, keeping her at bay.

  “You have hurt me deeply, Louise, the lies, the deceit to bring me here, it separated me from my father, caused my heart to ache.”

  “I know, I am so sorry,” Louise said, the shame inside her great. Placing her hands on each side of where she sat, she pushed herself up so she could stand.

  “And what you did to your very own sister. The cruelty of it all, it still shocks me.”

  Louise nodded.

  “When I first came here, you ridiculed me for my dreams, told me that I was naive with my notions of love. At the time, I think you really believed it, didn't you?”

  Finding the strength to speak, Louise spoke up. “I did. Because how could anyone love me with the way I look? That is what I thought at the time.”

  “And you don't feel that way now?”

  Louise shrugged. “Not really anymore. The fact is my face will always look like this. Yes, it will cause some people to turn away, but I realize the scars on my face did not make me the self-professed beast I swore I was.” Wiping at her eye, she continued. “But it was the scars inside me, the jealousy, the anger, the blaming of everyone like…Sofia,” she said, feeling sick for what she had done. “That is where the beast resided and that would come out when I couldn't get what I wanted.”

  Louise watched as Adara nodded her head.

  “You thought you could buy me. And when that didn't work, you tried everything. I thought the friendship that developed was a beautiful thing.”

  “It was, and still is. When you encouraged me to go to the gates, the fear that ran through me was so great. Each step I took was harder than the one before. But with you at my side, I felt like I could do it. And I did,” Louise said. When Adara said nothing, she continued.

  “And then I began to feel something. Kindness. I began to feel horrible for what I was doing, not only to you but my sister as well. Each day the guilt began to eat away at me, until I could not stand it anymore. There was going to be no more trying to win you over.”

  Louise watched as Adara walked toward her, reaching out and taking her hand.

  “The contract you wrote up ending all of this. Letting my father know I would be home in a few days…why did you do it?” Adara said, her sweet voice still music to Louise’s soul.

  “Because I knew if I truly loved you as I claimed, I had to let you go even if it crushed me. I wanted you to be happy and that wasn't here.”

  “When I first came here, and you showed me your face, do you remember that?”

  Louise nodded.

  “I was repulsed and did not see beyond it. And I didn’t for a long time. But I eventually did, seeing something deep inside you that was beautiful. A woman who could be a friend, kind and full of love. I liked that person a lot.”

  “I like her too. The old Louise is gone.”

  “I know that now. Not even a hour ago, using the ring I saw the Louise that I cherished, who cried out not for pity for herself but for those she hurt. And the woman who stands in front of me, though hurting from guilt, is very beautiful,” Adara said, her voice choked. Louise lifted her head, feeling joy at hearing those words.

  “You never called me beautiful. It means a lot to hear you say that I am,” Louise said, the tears now flowing unable to stop them from the kind words.



  “The last night I was here, you proposed to me something different.”

  Louise nodded.

  “I am not confused or needing any more time.”

  Louise's heart at first raced then soared as Adara finished her sentence.

  “I love you.”

  Louise's body trembled so hard as though the floor beneath her was falling away, and then Adara’s arms were around her, holding and comforting her. Those magic words ran through her mind and heart, destroying every last bit of the old Louise that still held on. The last few bricks inside, not only falling but disintegrating into ash.

  As they both wept holding each other that night, Louise felt the chains of hurt and guilt fall off her. For years she had considered herself cursed, trying desperately to buy everything she could to remove it, from rare artwork to sports cars she never drove. Manipulating and hurting others, trying to ease the pain she felt inside. But money nor power could buy the very thing that could remove it. For love was given, it was never earned. Its cost was priceless and had to come from the heart.

  Soon their embrace broke, and Louise smiled as Adara's hand came to her face, resting on her scars. But there was no repulsed look in her eyes, nor one of pity. In those soft brown eyes was the look of love, and Louise had no doubt her own looked the same.

  Then Adara leaned in, her lips coming to Louise's, pressing gently. It was a kiss of healing, of comfort, and most importantly, of love, and it was the most wonderful feeling Louise had ever felt. Soon the kiss ended, and without another word, they walked hand in hand back to the castle.


  Adara had never felt so wonderful in her life. The confession of love was a beautiful thing, and the realization she was in love drove her to come to the castle this very night. Walking into the dining room, she set the pizza down that had just finished cooking. Taking a seat at the table next to Louise, she reached over and took her hand.

  “You are going to start eating again. No more skipping meals.”

  Louise smiled. “I will. I promise.”

  Smiling, Adara leaned over and gave her a kiss.

  “Adara, I want to ask you something,” Louise said.

  Turning toward her, Adara smiled. The gentleness of this woman she once thought of as a beast pulled at her heart. “What is it?”

  “How do we move on from here? I mean, I have never felt so happy being in love. I am scared now of losing it. How can I make sure I don't mess it up?”

  Adara smiled, giving Louise's hand a squeeze. “All you have to do is be yourself. The same woman who serves cheeseburgers as we dress in ball gowns, or the woman who confides in me as I do her.”

  Louise smiled. “I can do that.”

  “Good.” Adara reached over and began to serve up the pizza. The day that had started with confusion now ended with love. And as they ate, Adara kept looking over at Louise, watching her eat. It caused her heart to soar looking over the woman, her eyes soaking in every inch of her.

  “What are you looking at?” Louise asked with smile.

  “A beauty.”

  The smile on Louise's face was worth more money than Louise had in her bank, it was truly priceless. As they ate, they spoke what was on their hearts. Nothing was held back, and more tears were shared. Later, taking Louise's hand in hers, they w
ent to her bedroom and lay on the bed together, continuing to talk until the early hours of the morning. They spoke of themselves, of others, and most importantly, the love they shared. No road was easy, and Adara knew that more obstacles would soon come their way. But as long as they were together, supporting each other, it would be just fine.


  It has been a week since they confessed their love for one another, and Louise felt as though she had been walking on cloud nine. She could have anything in the world, but she had the most important thing. Love. And the woman beside her at the bay window was the one she did love.

  “OK, then. We will see you later,” Louise said, hanging up her cell phone and setting it to the side. She had just gotten off the phone with Thomas and was happy to hear his voice.

  “He just arrived at the airport. He will be back serving us dinner tonight,” Louise said with laugh.

  Adara shook her head. “It will be good to see him. And Sofia?”

  “She is going with her mom and brother to France for a month. Then she wants to come spend time with us. I told her she can stay as long as she wants.” She missed her sister and Thomas immensely and was happy they would be returning.

  “Good. I am so glad, I must admit I miss Thomas’s cooking. And you need to learn because I am not cooking for you everyday day,” Adara said, poking Louise in the side.

  They both laughed, then Louise reached over and took Adara's hand in hers. “I want to do something today and I'm scared.”

  She watched as Adara nodded.

  “I want to go beyond the gates. I need you to drive though, I haven't driven in over eight years,” Louise said, letting out a laugh.

  “Of course I will. Are you sure you are ready?”

  Louise smiled. Of course she was sure. With Adara at her side, she could overcome her fear, though it would be hard.

  “Can we take your truck?”

  “Yes. Want to go now?”

  Louise nodded. Watching as Adara called for John to bring up the truck, the love she had was outweighing the fear.

  Ten minutes later, Louise walked outside, the truck waiting for them, still running. The sky was blue, the sun out, showing promises of a beautiful day. Getting in the passenger side, she put on her seatbelt. Hearing the click, old doubts began to surface but the hand that reached out to hold hers cast them aside.

  “We are going to do this together.”

  Louise smiled. “Yes, we are.”

  The truck sputtered for a moment, and then it began to move. Going through the first gate, it accelerated until they came up to the main gate, just beyond it, the public road.

  “You open it,” Adara said, looking toward Louise.

  Louise nodded, her hand trembling as she twisted a diamond on the ring, the gates in front of them slowly opening.

  Soon the truck moved forward, passing through the gate and to the public road. To the right was the way into town. The left led to where Adara's cabin was.

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “To your cabin. I want to see where you lived. And besides, I think going to town the first day is going to be too much.”

  She watched as Adara smiled, the beautiful woman giving her hope. “You got it.”

  Louise felt her heart race as Adara pulled the truck onto the road and gained speed. There were people out here and beyond who would stare at Louise, some not liking what they saw. Others like members of the press wanting that one photograph to see what she really looked like, to show the world. And as tears of joy ran down her face, she realized it didn't matter anymore what they thought if they saw her. Glancing up at the mirror on the visor that hung down, she looked at her own reflection.

  She knew what she really looked like and she liked what she saw.


  After getting the grand tour of Adara's cabin, they came outside with mugs of coffee in their hands. Sitting on the bench, Louise smiled, looking at the mountaintops capped with white across from her.

  “This is a great place. You know, if your father wants to come back here, I can have him work from here if he wants. Whatever I can do to make things right.”

  Adara's hand came to her thigh. “I will let him know, but I suspect he will want to stay there. Things are right now, there is nothing more to do.”

  Louise took a sip from her coffee. “I know. I just can’t help but feel guilt at times about what I have done. Yours and Sofia’s forgiveness mean everything to me. But I feel I have not paid you both back. Nor that I ever can.”

  “Listen, that was in the past. Now we concentrate on the future and nothing else. That is what I propose, what do you think?” Adara said, a smile on her face.

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Louise said, feeling a weight lift from her.

  “Well, now that is settled, there is something else I have been waiting for you to ask me.”

  “What is that?”

  Adara laughed. “I have not received an official invite to stay in the castle. I mean, I guess I could stay here and go visit you every day if you want. Not all girlfriends live together.”

  Louise laughed so hard, she almost spilled the coffee on her hand. “Adara, will you move into my castle with me?”

  “Hmm, I don't know. I thought only princesses lived in castles.”

  “They do, and you’re in luck. I am one and have deemed you one as well. So, it’s fitting that you move in immediately.”

  Louise’s heart soared hearing the sweet laugh come from Adara and seeing the smile on her face.

  “Then I accept,” she said. Leaning over, she gave Louise a kiss, a kiss full of passion and love. Heat went throughout Louise’s body, feelings of wanting to be touched and to be made love to. But there was no rush, things needed to go at the right pace.

  Breaking the kiss, she leaned back and took a drink from her coffee.

  “I am so proud of you for coming out today. How are you feeling?” Adara asked, snugging in close to Louise.

  Putting her arm around her, Louise thought about it for a moment. “I feel free. The chains that held me inside the castle have been lifted. It was scary even coming these few miles, but I am already looking forward to the next time.”

  “I am so happy for you. And with each trip all we have to do is just go a little further each time. And you know I will be right here beside you.”

  Louise smiled, though not saying a word. As they continued to sit in silence, a deer came into view and looked at them both. Its ears twitched as it looked at them, then running around in a circle, it took off, its leaps long and graceful, in the direction of the castle. Her home. A home she was going to share with the woman she loved. And who loved her. Not for her money, or out of fear, but of her own free will.

  Though they sat in silence, Louise did not care. Enjoying the nature around them and with Adara beside her was all that she needed. But there were things going through her mind that she knew she needed to work on. And leaving the castle today was just the first step of many she would have to take. But knowing Adara would be beside her, made those steps seem smaller.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It had been a month since Adara confessed her love for Louise, and each day that love seemed to grow stronger. Now Louise was getting ready to take a plunge to go further beyond the gates than Adara could have ever imagined. Looking at herself in the mirror, Adara applied the red lipstick, and then setting it down, looked at her reflection in the mirror. She wore the blue dress that Louise had bought for her and claimed was her favorite. Seeing the plunging neckline, Adara knew why. The necklace was back around her neck, and the key to the castle hung down, hiding between her breasts.

  The nightmares Adara had once had now were gone. In their place was a dream, a dream that she experienced in her waking hours, whether it be dinner at night, or playing a game during the day. Their continued outings, each time going further into town. There once was a curse residing in this castle, and Adara thought it somehow was embedded deep withi
n the marble walls. But the power of love destroyed the curse that had taken hold of Louise, and in some ways the curse that resided within Adara.

  She was now able to look beyond the outward appearances of people and truly appreciate the beauty each one held within them. That was something Louise had shown her, and for that she was eternally grateful.

  The bathroom door opened and Louise stepped out. She had changed into an emerald dress, much like the one Adara wore. With her hair already styled earlier, she looked absolutely stunning.

  “What do you think?” Louise asked. Adara let her eyes roam over the swell of Louise's breasts, the narrow waist, and the legs than ended in the dark heels. Smiling, she walked over to Louise and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “You have money and beauty. Truly you are a lucky woman,” she said, then gave Louise a kiss. Hunger went through Adara. If time had permitted, she would have led Louise to the bed and adorned her body with small kisses, bringing her to new levels of pleasure. But there was something important to do at the moment, and she needed to be focused on Louise.

  “I should ask you how I look more often,” Louise said, a smile on her face.

  Adara laughed, taking her hand. “Are you ready?”

  Louise nodded, and seeing the fear in her eyes, Adara hugged her. “I will be beside you the whole time.”

  “You always are. Thank you.”

  Giving her another kiss, they walked hand in hand out of the bedroom and went to the stairs. Adara could hear voices coming from the library. Feeling Louise give her hand a squeeze, they walked down the stairs together. Adara glanced over knowing that each step was hard for Louise, getting ready to face her biggest fear.

  “It’s like the time we went out on the ATV. I will just hold you for support,” Louise said, a smile on her face as they walked down the hallway.

  Adara smiled, then leaned in whispering in Louise's ear. “But this time do not hold my breasts.”


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