A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set
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“Ok, that will work perfectly for me. I’ll need to know your cost limit upfront so I can figure it into the planning. I’ll be there on Saturday about 11:15 am. Call or text if plans change. I look forward to meeting you and your son. Bye.” Audrey hung up. Jeremiah was already impressed with her professional demeanor; he liked the way she was already making some plans in her head about the party. He wasn’t able to tell her “the sky’s the limit” with Beck’s party, but he sure wanted it to be a nice party for his son. Beckett was finally making some friends and could understand that the party was for him. Jeremiah just wanted to make it special and he was sure that Audrey Decker was the answer to his party planning issue. He was excited about Saturday. He needed to focus on the party and what to do about Shelly and get his sweet angel out of his head. Well, the first step would be to stop referring to her as HIS sweet angel. “God, Jordan, get your head out of your pants and let it go. It was one time. That’s what you wanted. That’s what she agreed to. Let it go.” Jeremiah shook his head at himself as he headed back in to finish his day at work.
Chapter 14
My phone buzzed with a text.
Jeremiah: Hey, Audrey, this is Jeremiah Jordan. I’m still meeting you at 11:15 at the park, but my son will be coming slightly late. His appointment got moved back just a bit so my parents are taking him to that and they’ll bring him to the park after. 11:15 still work for you?
Me: Yep, that works fine for me. I’ll see you there. I’ll be in a pair of jeans and a pink shirt. I have blonde hair.
Jeremiah: Ok, I’m in jeans too. My shirt is gray. I have dark hair.
I laughed at our texts. It was like we were meeting up on a blind date. The mention of dark hair made my mind halt momentarily as I thought back to the other night and the gorgeous dark hair of my Mr. No Name. I really wish I’d at least gotten his name. I wanted to talk to him just to tell him I was sorry for dragging him down with me. But, I didn’t even know his name or if he lived in town.
I worked for about an hour on another party I was planning. This was a 50th wedding anniversary party and the couple had 5 children who were all pitching in to make the party super special. I was happy to be a part of their big celebration. I was also thrilled that this was a huge paycheck for me. I would be able to pay off the repairs on my car with this party. I was glad to have the Jordan birthday party coming up because my other bills were going to need paid. I finalized the room we were using for the wedding anniversary party and shut down my computer.
In the past, I would have never left my house in jeans and a t-shirt without washing my hair. Now, though, I worked hard on being more comfortable with myself as I am. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on deodorant, and brushed my hair. I was working on being more casual and comfortable with myself; I wasn’t working on being a total turn off to those around me. It was warm enough that I paired my jeans with flip flops and headed to my car.
And then I realized I didn’t have my car. How did I forget that? Looks like I’ll be hoofing it to the park. I texted Jeremiah to let him know that I would possibly be a little late and took off on foot. It was a beautiful day in Torey Hope already. I decided I’d keep a little pep in my step but really enjoy the walk. While I walked, I thought about Nicky. I was going to Nate’s place tonight to play video games with Nicky. This had quickly become one of our favorite pastimes. He was very good at video games; I was horrible at them. He never let me win, but he was always patient teaching me how to play the games. Our favorites were racing games. I think, if I can pull a Dr. Xander for a moment, I like the video games because they give me the chance to control something. I love the rush of racing against Nicky. I love the thrill I get if I ever actually win even more!
Nicky had become one of my best friends. Before I really knew him, I assumed he wasn’t smart and couldn’t understand things. I was wrong. Nicky is smart. Learning is just harder for him. He goes about things in a slower way than most. I think if he showed interest in it, he could live on his own. He is completely functional; I think he’s just gotten used to being with his parents. And, honestly, I think the Morgans would be lost without him at home. But, I truly think that he could, and probably should, be out on his own more. But this is a subject that I’m not ready to approach yet. Maybe Beth and I could talk about it and she could mention it to Nate. I just want what is best for Nicky. He’s very happy and comfortable right now, but I wonder if it’s because he doesn’t realize he could be a little more independent? I think about him finding a girlfriend sometimes. He has a heart full of love for those in his life he is close to. It would take a very special girl to love Nicky, but she would be the luckiest girl in the world if he decided to share his love and his heart with her.
With a smile on my face, I headed through the park’s main entrance. There’s a shelter house with tables on the left and I assumed that’s where Jeremiah would be meeting me. I walked toward the shelter and drew up short. Shit, the guy from the other night was sitting at one of the tables. I turned around and started walking the other way. I had a meeting in just a couple minutes; I couldn’t be unprofessional enough to be talking to my sordid sex partner when Mr. Jordan showed up. But, if I don’t talk to him now, or at least get his name, I won’t be able to apologize for the monumental mistake of the other night.
I stopped walking away and stood there contemplating how to handle the situation. I wondered if I had just enough time to talk to him before Jeremiah arrived. Ok, here’s the plan. I’ll go tell him that I was hoping we could talk, get his name and number, and set up a time for us to talk. I’ll promise him that I’m not trying to take back our no-strings arrangement. Then, as soon as I do that, I’ll text Jeremiah and have him meet me somewhere other than right here.
I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and turned back around. And every single preparation I had just made went flying out the window when I saw the man in front of me again. He had moved from the shelter house and he was closer to me than I expected him to be. My stomach clenched and I suddenly had 3 tongues rather than just my one; there was no way I could talk right then even if I had wanted to. I was grateful that he spoke first.
“Hiya, Sweets. I don’t have much time, I’m meeting someone soon, but I’m really glad I ran into you.” His deep voice tumbled out and I fought the urge to sigh and close my eyes at the sound of his familiar voice. Why is he still calling me that ridiculous name?
“I’m actually glad I ran into you too. I can’t talk long; I have business to attend to. But, I was hoping we could talk sometime? I’m not trying to take back our no-strings attached deal, I just needed to talk to you and apologize for some things. Could I get your number so we can make plans to meet up again? Maybe for coffee or something?” I was rambling and I knew it. I just couldn’t seem to form coherent thoughts with him standing that close to me. If things were different, maybe we could be standing here making plans to go out on a date. But, things weren’t different, at least not for him and me at this point. So, instead of dwelling on that, I thought of Beckett’s sweet little voice telling me that I should just say I’m sorry and move on. I wished we had more time; I could take care of this all at once. But, Jeremiah would be here soon so Tall Dark and Sexy and I would have to meet up later.
I pulled out my phone and prepared to enter his number. He looked at me like he wanted to say more, but as he glanced at his watch he shook his head and told me his number. Once I entered his number, the name Jeremiah Jordan popped up on my screen. I stood there, confused and uncomprehending for about 30 seconds, until the man in front of me cleared his throat and spoke to me.
“Um, Angel, is everything ok?” He dipped his head to try to get in my line of sight as I was still staring unseeing at my phone screen.
Is this seriously happening? Is the guy I slept with Jeremiah Jordan? This cannot be happening. Can it? Wait, Audrey, this is ok. You can get this all under control. Apologize for the other night, apologize for not being able
to take the party given the circumstances, and then gracefully excuse yourself. Yes, that will work. Ok, deep breath.
In order to set him as much off-kilter as I was feeling, I tapped out a text to him quickly and hit send.
Me: Hi Jeremiah, it’s Audrey. I’m here at the park. I’m actually standing talking to someone I met the other night. I think he’s about to realize that I’m the party planner he contacted about his son’s birthday.
Within seconds, Jeremiah/guy from the other night grabbed his phone and read the text. I watched, slightly amused, at the look of confusion on his face. That look was quickly replaced by one of defeat.
“You’re Audrey the party planner? My Sweet Angel from the other night is my party planner? What are the odds?” Jeremiah said this with a wry smile on his face and motioned me over to a picnic table. I felt almost like he was using the nickname to get a reaction out of me, so I didn’t act on it. “So, I’m guessing you’re going to say you can’t take the party now, right?” His face was a cross between panicked and crushed.
As we sat at the table, on the same side of the bench, straddling it and facing each other, I laughed slightly. “Well, after the way I behaved the other night, I’m sure you’ll be glad to be rid of me as your party planner. You know that I can’t plan your party after what I did the other night. It just wouldn’t be right.” I said this all while hoping he would beg me to take the party anyway. For some reason, I felt the need to be around this man as often as possible. I knew planning his party would be unprofessional, after what happened between us, but I wanted him to ask me to plan the party anyway. We sat silently for about 30 seconds, but it felt much longer. I watched his face as he thought a few things through. He should tell me the party planning was off; I should tell him that I couldn’t take the job.
“Ok, part of me thinks you’re right and we shouldn’t continue with this business relationship considering what happened between us. The other part of me thinks that we agreed it was a one-time thing, no strings attached, and two adults planning a party together shouldn’t be a problem. I’m game to try it if you are. What do you say?” Jeremiah spoke as if he was trying to convince himself along with me. My stomach fluttered as his gold-flecked eyes watched me. I knew I should say no. I knew this would not go well. But, I ignored all that my head was telling me; I pushed Angel Audrey off my shoulder. I listened only to Devil Audrey; she was in agreement with the butterflies in my stomach. She liked the way my pulse had increased. She and I both liked the warm feeling that spread through my body when Jeremiah Jordan looked at me with those gorgeous eyes.
“I think, if I’m being smart, I should tell you no. I think that we got started on the wrong foot and things are going to be awkward. But, I also think that I need the money and you need a party planned. So, against my better judgment, I’m going to take the party.” My heart, which was already racing, revved up and almost beat out of my chest when Jeremiah smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
“Thank you, Audrey. I’m serious. We can forget the other night and just plan a kick-ass party for my son. It will all work out. You’ll see.” Jeremiah’s thumb traced along my palm as he still held my hand. I don’t think he even noticed he was doing it, but my stomach clenched at the touch and I pulled my hand back quickly. My cheeks flushed at the thoughts my body was having about this man.
“Jeremiah, before your son shows up, I want to talk about the other night. I’m in, well, let’s just say I’m trying to make myself a better person and one of the things that I’m working on is owning my actions and my mistakes. Plus, a wise friend of mine told me that if I make a mistake I should apologize and move on. So, I’m apologizing for what happened between us. I shouldn’t have let that happen and I feel like I talked you into something you didn’t want to do. I’m really sorry for bringing you into my crazy.” I reached over and touched Jeremiah’s knee; it felt natural to touch him like that. For the first time in my life, with someone other than Nicky, I was touching him in a sincere way, trying to drive home my apology rather than trying to seduce him. I watched as his eyes drifted to my hand on his knee and I heard him clear his throat.
“Hey, no apology needed. I’m an adult; I was having a really crappy day which I’m sure you surmised after I poured all my troubles out on you. I made the decision to leave that bar with you. You didn’t force me to do anything; you didn’t bring me into your crazy any more than I brought you into mine. And, even though we know it can’t happen again, can we just agree that it was a really good time? Come on, Sweets, what do you say?” Jeremiah said this with a smirk, knowing that he got me.
“Fine,” I replied. “It was a very good time, although you were a bit controlling for my tastes. But, you’ve got to stop with those ridiculous nicknames.” We stood up then, heading toward a car which I assumed was bringing his son to meet up with us. I nudged Jeremiah’s shoulder with mine as I told him to stop with the nicknames and he nudged me back and laughed.
“What? Your hair reminded me of an angel and sweet cotton candy the second I saw you in that bar. Those names popped into my head and I don’t think I can stop calling you by them. I think you’ll just have to get used to it and chalk it up as part of the party planning.” Jeremiah laughed as I rolled my eyes and muttered a “whatever” before we reached the car.
“Hey, Audrey, I haven’t told you much about my son. He was born with some challenges. They aren’t severe and he’s made a lot of progress; I just want you to be prepared that he walks with a bit of a limp, has hearing aids, a cleft lip, and thick glasses. He also has some speech issues. I’m not trying to scare you, I just never want people to be surprised and react in a way that may hurt him.” All of these words pour out of Jeremiah as the car door opens and I know, even before the child gets out, that I’m going to see Beckett, the little boy from the center who had given me such sage advice. I hadn’t even seen him yet, but I knew without a doubt that I was supposed to take this party. Because of Beckett.
Chapter 15
The only thought that was running through Jeremiah’s head at that moment was, “What the hell did I just do?” The one girl he should stay as far away from as possible, the one girl who had made him feel more alive in one evening than he had in several years, the one girl who threatened his well-designed single-dad, good role model position in life was Audrey Decker. Instead of letting her off the hook and planning the party himself, he had practically begged her to stick with it and all but promised her there would be no problems. That was all well and good, he was truly glad she was going to take the party, except for one small problem, he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind; he couldn’t stop thinking of those gorgeous blue eyes or her beautiful hair or luscious curves. His heart jumped into his throat when he saw her walking toward the shelter house; his breath hitched in his chest when her hand touched his knee; he wanted to hold her hand and start right back where they had left off the other night. But, they’d agreed that this was a business deal only, so he wouldn’t complicate it. They’d get through the party and move on. They were living in the same town; they’d surely see each other. Jeremiah was determined to keep things cool between them so that the party would be a success and they could be friendly toward each other in social settings.
And then, he watched her eyes light up as she knelt down and opened her arms to Beckett. He was gone; hook, line, sinker. Audrey didn’t strike him as the type to be particularly caring towards anyone, let alone a child with special needs. But, there she was, on her knees, hugging his son. Beckett smiled from ear to ear and exclaimed, “Miss Audrey! You’re here! I’m so glad. I’m going to have a birthday party and you can come.” Jeremiah’s heart soared to hear Beck speak like this and he was thrilled to see him so happy about his birthday party. How was it, the woman he had just promised he wouldn’t pursue, was on the ground hugging his child like his real mother never had? Jeremiah’s gut clenched at the thought. He wanted this woman in his life. But, she’d made it cle
ar that she wasn’t interested and Jeremiah wondered if he had lost his chance to indicate any interest. So, he decided he’d have to settle for having her in his life as a friend.
“Hey there, Mr. Beckett! I’m so happy that it’s YOUR birthday party I get to plan!” Audrey ruffled Beck’s hair and stood as he took her hand. She looked to Jeremiah with a sparkle in her eyes; “Well, if I hadn’t already agreed, this kid would have sold me in a second. I can’t believe this cute little guy is your son.” Audrey’s eyes and smile offered a challenge as she spoke to Jeremiah and he had to fight not to gather her in his arms and pull her close to him.
“So, didn’t think I’d have a cute kid, huh? Gee, thanks.” Jeremiah laughed as he spoke and turned to acknowledge his parents who were getting out of the car. He was struck once again with how blessed he was to have his parents in his life to help him with Beckett. That thought made him think of Shelly. He and his dad needed to discuss what Jeremiah’s options might be in dealing with Shelly’s threat. But, for today, he would bask in the warmth of the sun and of having his family close. And, if he was being honest, he would bask in the warmth of having Audrey with him, even if it was just to plan a party. It couldn’t hurt to let himself imagine it was for more than that. It couldn’t go further because of Beckett. Jeremiah had to set a good example; Audrey definitely wasn’t the settling down, step-mom, setting-up-house type of girl that he should be bringing around Beck. But, for now, Jeremiah could pretend.