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Page 12

by Charles E. Borjas

  “How long will it take for that to happen?”

  “The sun will reach full capacity two billion years from now.”

  “Oh, so it won’t happen tomorrow then.”

  “That’s right, Captain.”

  “Plot a course, Gloraine, for that solar system, and Infinity, keep listening.”

  “Yes, Captain,” reply Infinity and Gloraine in unison.”

  “Let’s do this in Quantum Super Hyper Drive 2,” Says Cruise. “That’ll give Infinity some time to keep scanning for more data.”

  Captain’s Chronicles: We reached their solar system in ten earth days. According to the data Infinity had gathered during that time, both worlds are sustaining human life. The planet closest to their sun is named Terrestra, and the other had been named Celestia. Their technology is challenged, but they had managed to build spacecraft that could shuttle back and forth from one planet to the other. They could go no further than that. All the technology they would need for survival and prosperity was at their disposal. The land masses had been divided into countries and states, much like our own worlds in the Twelve Kingdoms. We would attempt communication and socialization.

  Cruise and the new communications officer Tristar Hoiler hailed both planets by stellar radio after Infinity locked onto their frequencies. They were still on the outer edge of the solar system and had slowed down. At their present rate of speed they would reach the farther planet in five earth days. From Infinity’s data Cruise learned that the larger planet, Celestia, was the home of the present ruler or president of their Federation. Infinity’s data also showed from their history that the two planets had fought a war several thousand years before, and devastated most of both planets. The inhabitants now were at peace and took turns electing a new leader every six of their years, which were four of Earth’s years.

  Connection was made and the president who lived on Celestia invited Cruise and his crew down to the surface. He said that this was only the second time they had been contacted since the two planets were colonized. That had been recent, therefore Infinity did not pick it up. She was searching their past, origins, species of animals and plants, and any information to tell us if they were hostile or friendly. Cruise realizes that the visit they had must have been Arthos.

  “Welcome to Celestia, Captain,” exclaims President Cochran. “There is a rich history here, we all share ancestry of Earth.”

  “My mother was an Earthling.” says Cruise. The president looked at him in a peculiar way.

  “So you are a half-breed?” He smiled a forced smile and shook his head.

  “We don’t call it that, Mr. President,” chides Cruise. The president’s assistants, staff and bodyguards all held a breath. “But yes, I’m half Human and half Quewythian.”

  “I don’t know the origin of the other man who passed through here several years ago, in fact, he never would tell us his name. Seemed like the poor fellow was sufrering from memory loss,” chuckled the President.

  “Did he say whoch way he was headed?” asked cruise.

  “When he left I asked him. He said he was headed to Earth,” he laughed. “I think he was delerious.”

  “Why do you say that?” asked Cruise.

  “Are you kidding?” replies the president. “Earth? Why would anyone want to go there? And even if they could get there it’s all waste by now.”

  “Do you have data that confirms that?” Cruise asks.

  “Data?” the president laughs again. “Heavens no...we don’t need data to know that Earth was made a desolate wasteland. That’s what I told the other fellow too.”

  Cruise felt that this man they elected as president was hiding something; protecting something. Cruise cut their visit short. He wasn’t sure he liked the attitude of the president and the people. It seemed like they were prejudiced against races that were not all human. The fact that Cruise was half human seemed to repulse him and the others. Cruise decided they woud not share any technology with them but let them evolve into it themselves. They didn’t seem to mind being backwards, and certainly didn’t have any aspirations to explore other areas of space either.

  The president and his staff bid Cruise and his crew a farewell. Crusie thought it strange that they didn’t offer any gifts of food or drink as was the custom where he came from. He surmised that maybe Earth people were like these people. Proud of being Earthlings, in fact, so proud that they took pride in not mixing with other races. Cruise guessed that may be the reason why they do not even try to venture out. They are satisfied and content with their little bit and don’t want intruders. They want to keep their race pure Earthling. After they returned to Infinity, she told them more about the Celetians and the Terrestrians.

  “Captain, while you were down there I scanned their physiology, biorhythm, metabolism, cell-structure, heart rate and all other vitals of every man woman and child on the planet,” said Infinity.

  “What did you come up with?” Cruise asks.

  “It is true that they are human, but the human genes have differences in their chromosomes. Over the eons of reproducing only as humans, they acquired mutations in their genes that affect their chromosomes. The very thing they reject, mixing with another race, has caused mutations to form in their cells. This has impaired their sense of humanity and caused the recluseness and exclusiveness you observed while there.”

  “So what is the bottom line we are talking about here, Infinity?”

  “Captain, the bottom line is that the humans living on Celestia and Terrestra are not really humans after all. They refused to mix with other alien humanoid races by being recluse; closing themselves off to any intruders, as they see it. In doing so they have also rejected the natural protections of the alien environment and it in turn has turned them into aliens. Their DNA and cell structure is no longer human.”

  “So you’re saying that I’m more human than they are?” Cruise inquires, hinting at the answer.

  “That is correct, Captain.”

  “What does it mean, Captain?” asks Glorainne. Caleo and the other crew members on the control deck also listen.

  Cruise looks in their eyes one at time as he explains. “That means the so called pure humans we just encountered are a new breed of an alien form of life. Through the eons their bodies have absorbed so much of the natural spores, dust, radiation, pollen, bacteria, and even the food they grew all of this time has evolved and mutated. It’s been been genetically modified. They didn’t have the alien humanoid genes from the blending of races to protect them from infection. They’re dying as a race. Infinity, how long do they have before they become extinct?”

  “They will be extinct in five more generations, roughly two hundred of Earth’s years.”

  “Wow, scary,” says Glorainne.

  “I know,” replies Cruise. “I know now that’s why my brother Arthros didn’t stay there long either. He knew somehow.”

  “Captain, one more thing,” adds Infinity.

  “Yes, you have more information?”

  “If you had landed on their planet fifty earth years from now, even you would have been infected with the virus they will be spreading then. It’s dormant now, but in fifty years there will be a horrible epidemic that will take most of the population. The survivors will keep reproducing and the virus organism will be passed on to their offspring. This virus also eats away at their brain cells and produces a catatonic state. The next two generations will be catatonic by the time they reach adulthood.”

  “How will it be for them in the end?” Cruise asks.

  Infinity answers, “Everything hurts, the entire body is screaming in pain. It is unbearable. They will be paralyzed and can't move. The body is too weak, too tired. There will be blotches on skin, blood running from their eyes, ears and noses. It will be apocalyptic condition and eventually no one will survive. I have copied the genomes for our archives.”

  Chapter 18 Prodigal Daughters

  “I’m not sure about this,” expressed Emedria, as they
neared Cassiopeia. “I think we should turn back.”

  “No, Emedria,” Snaps Ophelia. “It’s too late to turn back and I wouldn’t anyway. We’ve come too far to run like criminals.”

  “What if father really hates us and he said those things just to get us to come back so he could really let us have it? What if he wants to kill us?” Emedria continues.

  Yearalai steps up to defend her step father. “Emedria, bite your tongue. He knows we had no choice in following our mother. He couldn’t have let us go free and not the others. It’s better this way.”

  Chajux Motreq, who is sitting in the dining area finishing up his lunch overhears what the girls are dalking about. “Ophelia’s right. We have no choice now but to go through with this. If we turn tail and run now, Casseopeia’s sentinel crafts will only chase us and maybe perceive we are invaders. We could even get blown out of the atmosphere before we even have a chance to get away.”

  Chajux’s spacecraft entered Cassiopeia’s airspace and was hailed. “Identify yourselves and your craft.”

  “This is the transport trade vessel called Providence. We are a cargo vessel transporting and picking up merchandise. We are...”

  Just then he is interuppted. “Are you transporting Daxu Korth’s daughers aboard your vessel?”

  Chajux’s heart raced for a few cycles as fear took ahold of him, wondering what he should say. “Uh...three women named Emedria, Ophelia and Yerali have sought transport aboard my vessel and I am bringing them to Daxu Korth at his...”

  He was interuppted once again. “You are cleared to land at the private landing field of Daxu Korth. Just follow the cyan beam of light tracking your vessel.”

  Looking out the cockpit’s windows he could see a narrow beam of blue light trained on Providence. “Okay, here we go. Keep your fingers crossed. Oh did I just say that?”

  The spacecraft is guided to the field by the beam of light. Chajux seemed to lose control of his vessel when they were just above and the light took over bringing them in all the way. Upon disembarking, Emedria, Ophelia and Yeralai saw a tall, strong figure walking towards them through a misty garden at one end of the landing field. The figure sped up as he got closer to the vessel and they could see it was Daxu Korth, their step father.

  Not knowing how to react, they froze for an instant as they didn’t expect him coming to meet them personally.

  “It’s okay.” He stopped and sighed with tears in his eyes. “Welcome home my daughters,” he said with open arms. They all ran to him and were swept up into his muscular arms as he kissed them and held them close.

  “Oh, father,” spoke Ophelia, “I’m so...”

  “No need to speak about ages past now,” He sobbed, “The only thing you three are guilty of is being the daughters of Dvora. If only she would come back to me as you have with a contrite heart, we could all be a family again.” Daxu Korth then remembers Chajux and looks up at him still standing on the ramp of the vessel. He motions a welcoming gesture for him to join them. “Bring your crew. I’ve prepared a feast.”

  Chajux and his crew joined Daxu and his daughters in the great hall for a lavish feast. There was every kind of edible fowl and fish on the planet, and hundreds of kinds of fruits and vegetables.

  Larger animals were not killed for food, as their meat would not sustain Quewethians, but kept for breeding and to fertilize the land for crops. When they had passed their days of usefulness they were mercifully let out to pasture until they died. After that, their hide was used for making articles of clothing, shoes, bags, purses and wallets.

  There were certain types of large animals bred from Earth samples brought to Cassiopeia ares before that had attractive looking fur so some were used for winter wear and throw rugs. The Quewytians were patient people so they were not in a hurry to kill off animals for their own pleasure or comfort. Hunting and poaching was a crime punishable by prision. No animal would be killed before it had lived out its usefulness, and the euthanization was painless, akin to merely falling asleep.

  “My daughter Ophelia,” announced Daxu Korth rising up form his chair, “has been promised in matrimony to a very brave man.” In the Quewythian culture, bravery, valor and honor were everything along with integrity. “He sits on her left side, as says the custom of our people. After the union ceremony he will always sit on her right.”

  The Northern and Southern Quewythians had similar customs, so they understood each other well, especially after the ages they spent at each others throats. Now they enjoyed a peaceful and friendly relationship as allies.

  As for Emedria and Yeralai, their beaus were also at the feast and at the end had asked Daxu Korth for their hand in matrimony also. Daxu Korth agreed, believing that they would find happy and useful lives with an honorable man rather than be dragged all over kingdom come by their wayward mother.

  “If only the rest of my daughters could break free from Dvora’s tenacious grip,” he said to himself, standing on his spacious veranda overlooking the city that was sparkling like a thousand jeweled crown.

  Daxu Korth contacted Lebag Kralc, secretly as always. “Is everything set?”

  “I took care of it, Daxu Korth,” replied Lebag. “They will arrive in twenty five Cassiopeian phases. Their mother knows nothing of their transfer.”

  Lebag had Daxu Korth’s promise that no harm would come to Valenza, Kyn, Kathara,and Sarita if he had them brought in. Strong persuasion was not necessary. Their boy friends were all working for Lebag Kralc, and had been paid to bring the girls back to Cassiopeia, promising them that clemency would be shown them. Valenza and Kyn wanted to stay and watch over their mother while Kathara and Sarita wanted their lives back. The choice was left up to them. Whatever they decided, Daxu Korth promised protection. His hope was that when Dvora realized that her daughters, or most of them even, had chosen to return to their father, that she would ask for forgiveness and also return. They could be a family again.

  Dvora, however, became even more furious thinking she had been deceived. “I will never go back to that monster who calls himself king,” she fumed when Lebag had presented the plan to her.

  “Kathara and Sarita are already on their way,” he replied. Emedria, Ophelia and Yeralai have been there for quite some time now and have been united in the matrimony rituals.”

  “That means I’ve lost them forever,” she fumed.

  “I implore you to set the other two free. Your welfare shall be provided. Let them have a future,” Lebac pleaded.

  “So that’s what your real business here was. To take my daughters away from me,” she steamed. “You planned to take them all along.”

  “Our daughters, you mean, don’t you?” reminded Lebag. Dvora reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a laser blaster and fired it at Lebag. She was fast, but he was faster and was gone, vanished into thin air before she pulled the trigger. She had now done the unforgivable thing. Attempted murder of not only the king, but her first husband also.

  Lebag had wiped his hands of her blood after that last show of disdain and hate for him, the king and also her daughters. There was nothing left to do but to take Valenza and Kathara forcibly, with the help of their beaus, and leave Dvora on that planet to suffer the gruesome fate of her own choosing. The criminal planet of Togaran would be under seige and all wanted criminals captured, including Dvora.

  Sertis had a new vessel provided by Lebag. He would not ride with them, but would take his own spacecraft. Valenza and Kathara had the most striking resemblance to their biological father than any of the other sisters. Thet were highly intelligent and if they saw Lebag, it wold not be very long before the resemblance was obvious. That is why he could not even meet with them. They could not even know of his existence.

  Lebag had a crew of loyal men and women and since he worked for the king as a top spy, enjoyed special priviledges. Dvora’s daughters all thought their real father was dead. Long before Dvora was united with Daxu Korth in matrimony, Lebag served the king as his top agent. Lebag
had tecniques and talents that only he could perform. It was necessary for Lebac to be away most of the time, and he dedicated himself to the kingdom for that purpose, returning only long enough to visit his wife and then his family after children started coming.

  His daughters never really knew him but had faint memories, even when they were growing up. The situation grew vital for Lebag not to meet his family anymore as they would already be in danger. Enemies sought to get revenge, and since they could not get to Lebag, they tried to kill his family.

  That’s when Daxu Korth, out of the kindness of his heart, brought Dvora to the Citadel and adopted her daughters after pronouncing Lebag dead. It was actually Lebag’s idea he do that and Daxu Korth at first refused vehemently. At that Lebag threatened to kill himself to save his family. That was when Daxu Korth caved to Lebag’s request and took Dvora and her daughters to the Citadel were they would be safe. Lebag didn’t know if he could ever face them after letting them believe their father was dead. Only Dvora knew the truth but never told her daughters. She knew if they ever found out that their lives would be in danger again. She hated them both now and blamed Daxu Korth as well as Lebag Kralc for ruining her life. She also hated The Subjugator for making her life miserable on Togaran. She had saved her precious earnings to get her own space vessel and had amassed enough to hire a crew. She knew she needed a way to control them, because they were cutthroat pirates, Argranian. They were aggressive and needed a strong hand.

  She remembered someone she knew from the club she owned. He was the bartender and bouncer all in one. She remembered how he toed the line and got everyone else to also. If anyone got out of line, Mortak Rawgue got them back in. He liked Dvora a lot and respected her he; would do anything for her.

  “ lady Dvora. What an honor. Haven’t seen you in a long time. What brings you to The Dark Matter Tavern?” Asks Mortak Rawgue.


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