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Page 22

by Charles E. Borjas

  “The next portion of the Holy Book I read is from the section called The Revelation of Jesus Christ,”

  And the armies , which were in heaven, followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

  “These are just very small portions of the wonderful writings contained in this Holy Relic; this Holy Book. It shall be made available for every citizen of the Kingdom of the Galaxies of Light. Our Kingdom of Light shall always be fighting against the Kingdoms of Darkness and according to this book, we shall be those who overcome and shall be the victors.”

  After the assembly had been dismissed, a message came in from the commander of patrols searching the galaxies for Lebag Kralc, Gynythian Zee, The Subjugator and the prisoners that escaped with Zee.

  “Sir, we have very convincing evidence that the space vessel owned by Lebag Kralc that was carrying Gynythian Zee and his army, along with the Subjugator, has crashed on The Frozen Planet of Heilix in the Garanzawi Galaxy in the Southern Quadrant.”

  “Can a squadron be sent down there to confirm whether or not they’re still alive?” answered Cruise.

  “Negative, Sir,” replies the commander. “They would never survive the violent ice storms. And our readings show no visible signs of life.”

  “Then discontinue the search and keep patrolling your usual galaxies, Commander,” replies Cruise. “And thank you for your service.”

  “Y...yes, Sir, and your welcome, Sir,” responds the commander.

  Somewhere in the darkness of space on the cold, icy frozen planet called Heilix, the violent winds and ice storms never cease. The entire planet five times the size of Earth is completely covered with a jagged mountainous terrain submerged in snow and ice. Glaciers move one thousand times faster than glaciers on earth as if they were living things.

  Hailstones vary in sizes from small, fist size, to gigantic ice rock the size of boulders. The atmosphere is helium and hydrogen, combined with the rapid speed of rotation constantly produce ferocious blizzards that wrack the planet’s surface, which is dark blue due to its distance from the nearest sun. Gargantuan glaciers crash into the sides of mountains temporarily exposing the jagged dark rocky ranges until they are covered up once again with snow and ice.

  The heavy weight of the atmospheric pressure crush even the largest of the ice boulders and frequently crack the glaciers breaking them apart until new ones are formed again.

  Not only has gigantic hail fallen from the sky, but one fateful day a spaceship carrying fugitives and their three thousand warriors was caught in the tremendous gravitational pull of the planet’s very powerful magnetic field and fell like a meteor. The outside of the spaceship hull was charred and shields ripped off. Most of the three hundred thousand warriors burnt up in the descent.

  The vessel crash-landed, barreling through a mountain of snow and ice sending it sky high with the force of its speed. The spacecraft skid and rolled, dove up and down into the snow and out again repeatedly, until coming to an awful stop in a crevice. Now completely covered with ice and snow, the atmospheric pressure begins its work crushing the hull little by little.

  The cockpit of the vessel has a few instrument panels that are giving off faint red, green and blue light, as sparks glimmer like hand held fire works. In the pilot’s seat is the lifeless body of Lebag Kralc. Upon crashing, a jagged piece of sharp rock from the side of the mountain pierced the nose of the ship and impaled him right in his seat. He died a quick and merciful death.

  Lying on the floor as strewn garbage is the mutilated body of Gynythian Zee. Refusing to buckle his safety belt, he was ripped from his seat by the force of the ship hitting the surface. During the extremely turbulent skidding and skimming, he was tossed violently from wall to wall inside the ship and smashed up against every panel and instrument in the cockpit until he looked like he had been chewed up and spat out. His blood covered the inside of the smashed cockpit.

  Having been in a narrow space and locked into his seat belt was Hyukitron Hoxenyth; the Subjugator. He was still alive but barely conscious. Having been repeatedly hit in the head by flying debris and having his neck broken, he was paralyzed from his neck to his toes. He was bleeding in several vital places and was in excruciating pain. He looks up through his dim eyes as he hears the slow whining and creaking sound of the atmospheric pressure crushing the ships hull.

  “It'll be over soon, I know it. It’s the end and there's nothing I can do about it. Fine. I just wish I could've done things differently. I could have been king. But none of that matters now; it'll be over soon.” He didn’t know how much time had gone by since they crashed. His head was dizzy and he couldn’t move. “Oh, Dvora, I never dreamed it would end like this, lying in my own blood. My life, crushed in an instant like a damned bug. Fine then, let it be. There's nobody to save me, not anymore. Oh Dvora, I wish...I wish...”

  The howling of he wind sounded like a thousand wolves, the creaking of the hull little by little was torment to his ears. Large balls of hail hit the hull of he ship causing it to shudder.

  “My body feels like it’s been pulled into pieces. The pain, it’’s...but then it’s okay. I’ve never been afraid of pain. My body is wracking with pain. It seems I can't even die comfortably. Blood everywhere. My clothes are drenched with it. My blood or someone else’s; maybe mixed. My blood is dripping down my arms to my fingers. It's warm, but in this freezing air it will soon freeze. Oh, Dvora. I loved you, but you spurned me for my brother. You broke my heart. I'm going to die. I can feel it, I'm going to die...”

  The ship heaves and undulates as the giant hail keeps up its assault. The hull creaks and cries. The sound is awful. The closed in walls around Hyukitron begin to move closer together. He looks up in terror as the top of the hull is starting to rip open and cave in. The air escapes from the cockpit while the atmospheric pressure from outside the ship is sucked inside. The weight of the atmosphere finishes crushing the ship’s hull leaving it looking much like a can that someone has stomped on.

  Several minutes before, just above the frozen planet of Heilix, Infinity has a stabilized orbit. Her Anti-Planetary Magnetic Field Booster counteracts the powerful magnetic field of Heilix and keeps her in orbit around the planet. Cruise has located a signal transmitting from a location below. The crashed ship’s instruments had been emanating radio waves on a frequency that Infinity picked up. A life form that is faint moves Cruise to bring up a 4-D photon-graphic of the vessel and the contents. He sees what happened to Lebag Kralc and Gynythian Zee and then focuses on the small space at the rear of the cockpit and the person sitting there bleeding and mumbling words.

  We only have a couple of more minutes before the hull collapses under the weight of the atmosphere,” says Millennia. No sooner said than done and Cruise is gone and then back again in a flash. In his arms is Hyukitron, barely breathing.

  “I’ve got to get him to the hospital; start plotting coordinates back to Cassiopeia and teleport us back,” says Cruise to Glorainne. He then teleports himself and Hyukitron to Infinity’s fully staffed hospital’s emergency room. “His neck is broken, but he’s still alive. I think he’s paralyzed though.”

  The head physician orders treatment. “He’ll need emergency surgery to remove a piece of metal from his neck and his ribs. He’s lucky to have survived that crash.”

  Back on Cassiopeia, Hyukitron is transferred to the Citadel’s hospital and admitted to the Special Attentive Treatment Care Division for Extreme Severe Incidents. Cruise orders an around the time gauge guard just in case Hyukitron makes a miraculous recovery and decides to leave.

  The head physician took his case and performed the surgery. He said that with the Quewythian speedy regenerative eicosanoid hormones, he would recover from his broken neck, wounds and paralysis in time. But for now he would have to be restricted to bed rest and then in a few cycles be able to start treatment for rehabilitation.

  “You should have just let me die there,” said Hyukitron. “Why risk your life savin
g a wretch like me?”

  “We all have to battle with the past and present, but what tests the mettle of a man, is how he chooses to respond. How he handles it all,” replies Cruise. “We can’t make excuses for the darkness in our minds. The scars don’t go away, but we are the ones who must decide our own fate.”

  Koupiton had lengthy conversations with his brother Hyukitron over the next several Solar Cycles. Dvora did also, as did her daughters. Cruise and Millennia also visited him and assisted him with his rehabilitation, both biologically and spiritually. They often read him passages from the Sacred Word.

  Whether he would be prosecuted for his lengthy life of crime or not depended upon his reaction to those conversations, his attitude now; magistrates, barristers, defenders, statements, witnesses and most of all and finally, the new Daxu Korth, King of the Kingdom of Light and his Queen, Millennia.

  After all had been considered and deliberated, at the closed trial Hyukitron was found guilty as charged of crimes brought against him; there could be no denial of that. However, the law keepers, magistrates and all officials connected with law enforcement inside of the Citadel all agreed with the King and Queen.

  “Hyukitron Hoxenyth, you have been absolved of all crimes against you and are hereby a free man,” proclaimed the high court magistrate. “However, we must assert a probation period within which time you will be required to perform service to your King and Queen and your kingdom. Refusal on your part of comply with the specifics and logistics of this service will result in your banishment from the Kingdom in which case, nothing would be preventing you to return to a life of crime. Should you do so, you would be immediately hunted down and brought in for the maximum sentencing.”

  Hyukitron looked at the magistrate and then looked around the courtroom at his brother, and also Dvora. Looking over to where the King and Queen were sitting, he saw them smiling. Dvora’s daughters and their husbands were also smiling.

  “I do accept whatever the service may be, and for whatever time period it will be for. I do understand that I have no rights to any inheritances, titles, riches or even houses and lands. I accept the title of citizen of the Kingdom of Light with no reserves.”

  After the trial, Koupiton, who was retired now, but was still living at the Citadel with full benefits, asked his brother to have a talk. “I was asked to be the one to present you with your new duties, brother.”

  “I somehow thought it might be you,” he replied. “Don’t worry, my promise is good. I will do whatever is necessary to be reconciled with the kingdom.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. Your new job, should you decide to accept it, entails a bit of espionage,” Said Koupiton. You see, we have a vacancy in that division. The new Daxu Korth and Regenia Korth want you to take the place of our former top spy Lebag Kralc.”

  “Why, I never knew he was your top spy. I thought he was a double agent for our organization...I,” Hyukitron responded.

  “That’s how good you need to be. We want you to help stop and capture pirates terrorizing the galaxies here and beyond. You must never let them suspect who you really are.”

  “Of course I accept,” he replied.

  “In that case,” spoke Cruise walking in the room, “I name you K-2000, your code name, the new director of our espionage division.”

  The Queen walks in next. “You know how the pirate system works, and you can do the job well. Beware of temptations and do not be beguiled as Lebag Kralc was. His problem was jealousy and too much ambition.”

  “I have commissioned InfinityII to be the royal vessel that you will be in command of,” says Cruise. “It’s a self contained city with a crew of seven thousand.”

  “I don’t know what to say...I certainly don’t deserve it, I know,” responded Hyukitron.

  “It’s not an easy job,” said Cruise. “Don’t disappoint us.”

  And then...they heard the word through the Quantum Cyber Interstellar media that Gynythian Zee was still alive. Somehow he had managed to escape from the crushing atmospheric pressure that was pulverizing the spacecraft. Only seconds after Cruise had teleported with Hyukitron escaping the crushing death trap, another spacecraft had snatched up Gynythian Zee by teleporting him to their ship. His extremely damaged body was taken to the healing waters of Ghujik. The planet’s suns quickly rejuvenated Gynythian Zee’s brain and provided the energy he needed for a full recovery after being submerged in the pools of Ghujik.

  What they did not know was who rescued him from that crushing fate. Unknown to anyone was the fact that Gynythian Zee had a secret lover from the planet of Kioxizart, five billion of Earth’s light years away from the icy grave that had threatened to take his life.

  Hylatalai, commanding a highly technologically capable spacecraft, swooped down and snatched Gynythian Zee up into her clutches.

  “I will not see my beloved die; crushed to death upon an icy and forsaken moon.” Hylatalai could not and would not accept the death of her true love. She had been secretly following him on his quest and would not let him out of her sight

  Hylatalai hailed from the high mountainous planet of Alair, a true paradise. There is where she took Gynythian Zee to nurture him back to health. He was never the same. Though she saved his life, she was not able to cure the catatonic state the crash left him in. Not wanting to lose him again, she kept him in a room, in a bed hooked up to life support devices that fed him intravenously. His brain was hooked up to a monitor that recorded all of his mental activity. Most of the time he was alone. It was one of these times that the brain monitor flared up and was very active. The monitor beeps, but there is no one to hear. No one would hear it until Hylatalai comes the next morning to check on him. Gynythian Zee opens his eyes and looks around him. He cannot open his mouth. He cannot move his arms or legs. He doesn’t know where he is. He feels like he wants to scream, but no sound comes out. His body is in pain, but he has no relief. He is paralyzed from the shoulders down. Body wracked in pain, he becomes unconscious.

  The End




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