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Back From Hell (Marine For You Book 2) (Contemporary Military Veteran Romance)

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by Marissa Dobson

  “Foot.” He smirked, unable to believe he was joking about his condition.

  “Feet, foot, what does it matter? What matters is you’ll be walking again. Then driving, and everyone should watch out for that.” She smirked.

  For some reason, he had a feeling this was the beginning of his new life. The time had come for him to start working to better himself because, if he was going to live, this wasn’t the way to do it. He needed to be able to walk, drive, and do everything that he could do before. He had to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get on with his life.

  First of all, there was a widow he needed to see and a little boy who needed to know that his daddy was a hero. Weber, I’ll make sure your family is okay.


  Part Two - Chapter Six

  Two months passed and for Kyle it made a world of difference. Physical therapy had restored his ability to walk with the aid of the prosthesis. While it wasn’t the same as having both of his own legs, it helped him move on with his life. With long pants on, he could almost forget that he had only one good leg. His arm was a different story. He had worked to be able to use the prosthetic arm, but no matter how much he tried, that damn hand just wasn’t the same as his own. It proved difficult to grip anything with that stupid thing and, in the end, it made him more frustrated than not having it.

  Dressed, he pulled down the pant leg to cover his prosthesis. He was getting comfortable with it but he still preferred to keep it hidden from sight. Only around the house did he ever wear shorts and even that was rare. Staci had seemed to accept him for the man he was now. Maybe it was the fact she hadn’t known him before the accident that made it easier. Either way, all that mattered was—they had bonded.

  They’d gotten close in a friendship way and there were times when he wanted more, but he refused to act on it. Even though he had quit calling himself a cripple, he couldn’t get past the fact she deserved someone better than him. He was broken.

  As if his thought provoked her to call to him, her voice drifted across the hall toward his room. “You ready?”

  “Just about.” He grabbed his wallet from the nightstand and slipped it into his pocket before donning his watch. The idea of meeting Staci’s friend from back home had him slightly on edge. While he had tried to be more social over the last few weeks, mostly chatting with some of the other local injured warriors, tonight he was completely out of his element.

  It would be the first time he faced a stranger who didn’t know his past. While he might be able to hide his prosthetic leg, he could do nothing about his arm or the burns. The latter made him the more self-conscious of the two. They ran nearly the length of his side. A few of the flames had licked the side of his face, leaving scars along his ear and cheek. The worst was hidden below his shirt, down his chest, and across his hip.

  He looked at himself in the mirror. There had been changes over the months since the explosion, some for the better, while others he was still in the process of accepting. His military buzz cut had started to grow, adding a little extra length to the top while he kept the sides tight. The burn scars had healed and added a certain ruggedness to his appearance. But it was the added muscle he had started to build since his injuries that proved the most surprising. As his way of working through things he had taken to the gym and learned exercises he could do with his new condition.

  He grabbed his keys from the dresser and sighed. “Avoidance of social interactions will only make future ones harder.”

  The phone rang in the distance. He turned from the mirror just as she called out that she’d get the phone. He made it to the door in time to see her scurry down the hall toward the living room. She had a habit of leaving her cell phone on the entryway table, but the house was cozy enough that, if the volume was up, it could be heard through the house. With the times the ringtone had interrupted them, he still hadn’t decided whether that was a good or bad thing.

  The evenings had become their time. It didn’t matter what they did, but they spent them together. Sometimes they’d watch movies, play cards, board games, or just sit and talk. No matter what they did, it was special to him. He had grown closer to her than he had with anyone before. He had shared things with her that he had never told anyone else, not even Weber. Growing closer had made him want her more, as well. She was an amazing woman and as selfish as it seemed, he wanted her all to himself. He wanted her in ways he had never wanted a woman. Not just sexually but as a companion to spend the rest of his life with.

  “Is she okay?” The fear that prickled in her voice chilled his blood and had him closing the distance between them. “I…I understand. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Keep me posted.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and hit the end button.

  “What is it? What happened?”

  “M…Mom.” Tears rolled down her face. “She’s had a heart attack. I’ve got…got to go home. Surgery…open heart surgery.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and held her to him. “It’s going to be okay.”

  After a few minutes, the tears stopped, and she pulled the pieces back together. “They’re still doing tests so they’re not sure how bad it is, but the doctor said it looks like surgery tomorrow. I’ve got to call Heather and let her know I can’t make dinner.”

  “I’ll let her know while you pack. I’ll make flight reservations and we’ll leave right away.”

  “We?” She tipped her head up at him. Surprise filled her whiskey brown eyes, making them at least two shades darker.

  “I’m not letting you make this trip alone. If you don’t want me there, that’s fine, but I’ll see you to Tennessee until you’re surrounded by family and friends. You are in no condition to travel by yourself.” He rubbed his hand down her arm. “You once told me to let you help me and now I’m asking for you to do the same.”

  “There’s no one else I’d rather have at my side. I just thought…you’re meeting with some of the guys from base tomorrow.”

  “They’ll understand; you’re more important. Now go pack and I’ll call Heather and get us reservations for the first flight out.” She stepped back and looked at him. The tears had streaked her face and ruined her makeup but to him, she was beautiful.

  “Thank you.”

  He watched as she dashed down the hall before picking up her discarded cell phone to find Heather’s number. He’d call her first to cancel their dinner plans, make reservations, and then check on Staci again to make sure she was okay enough to pack. He could tell from her reaction that, even though she and her mother had their differences, she was taking the news hard. It might be hard for him to comprehend the connection between a parent and child, but he could see the pain in her eyes. That was enough to want to stand up and fight whatever had caused it. He cared about her deeply and didn’t like to see her unhappy.

  Admit it, you’ve fallen for her.

  * * *

  The plane ride had been uneventful and even checking into the hotel a few blocks away from the hospital did little to ease Staci’s fears. She knew Colin, her mother’s lover, was with her. Even though the two weren’t legally married, they were bound like married couples. Colin had tried for the last several years to get her mother to marry him, but she refused. It had only been recently that Staci had uncovered the true reason. Her mother hadn’t wanted to marry again because she was still in love with her father. Even though death and years had separated them, her mother remained deeply devoted to her husband. Sweet in a weird sort of way. Yet, she loved Colin in her own way.

  “Why don’t you call him? You can get an update and let him know you arrived.” Kyle sat their suitcase next to the dresser in the hotel room. They had thrown everything into one to avoid the additional luggage charges as they flew. “Maybe with an update, you can get some rest.”

  From the room she could see the hospital buildings and through the darkness the lights glowed bright as a beacon. “You know Mom was always disappointed that I went away to college when the University here was j
ust as good. That was almost a bigger fight than my major or the horse ranch. Now I’m only a few days away from graduation and she won’t even see it.”

  “Don’t say that.” He came to stand next to her at the window and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Everything you’ve told me about your mother says she’s a strong woman. She’s going to get through this.”

  She leaned into his embrace and pressed her head against his shoulder. “Thank you for coming with me.”

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  “I better call him and let him know we arrived.” Without stepping out of his embrace, she pulled her cell phone from her pocket and dialed his number. It rang without any answer until it finally went to voicemail. “Colin, it’s Staci. I’ve arrived and checked into the hotel room. Since I won’t be able to get in to see her tonight I’m going to get some sleep and I’ll be there in the morning to see the doctors. Call me if things change.” She ended the call and slipped it back into her pocket. “Guess there’s nothing to do but wait.”

  “You need some sleep. That will pass the time.” He led her toward one of the two queen size beds in the room.

  Under the stress, her thoughts seemed to want to focus on anything besides what was happening to her mother when they chose this hotel room. He had asked for two adjoining rooms but this was all the hotel had available. They could have gone to another hotel, but this one was the closest. She couldn’t help but wonder if this wasn’t the ultimate tease. Here she was sharing a room with a man she couldn’t chase from her thoughts but remained off limits to her.

  The way he ran his fingers down her arm made her reassess the situation. It wasn’t that she couldn’t touch; she refused to allow herself to pressure him in that way. He had enough going on and while he had come a long way, a relationship shouldn’t be top priority right now.

  “I should change.”

  He nodded and let his arm fall from around her. “Yeah, it’s been a long day.”

  Without his simple touches, she felt alone and the fear flooded back. Her mother was all she had left and she didn’t want to lose her. With a deep breath, she forced herself to go to the suitcase and grab what she needed. A little bit of space between them, even just for the few minutes it would take her to change and wash her face, would allow her to regain control of her emotions. She wanted him now more than ever because she needed the comfort she knew she’d find in his embrace.

  A few minutes later, she strolled from the bathroom wearing only a tank top and shorts. Her thoughts had become more jumbled than before. She wanted to ask him to hold her, even if just for another moment. To be back in his embrace and have him dispel all her fears would stop her heart from thumping against her chest like a jackrabbit.

  “Come here.” Stretched out on the bed, the covers already pulled down, he held his good arm out to her, beckoning her.

  She wanted to deny it, to tell him she was okay, but that would have been a lie. He knew what she needed and offered it freely. Without too much hesitation, she slipped onto the bed and curled up against him, so his arm wrapped around her back. “Thank you.” She blinked away the tears as she found that special place in the crook of his arm to rest her head on.

  “There’s no need.” He squeezed her tighter to him and placed a soft kiss on the crown of her head. “Try to rest.”

  Rest? How was she supposed to do that when her thoughts spun from the kiss? It wasn’t like a kiss on the lips but it rattled her nonetheless. Did he feel something for her besides friendship? Or was she reading into his support and comfort? Please don’t let me start imagining things that are not there…


  Chapter Seven

  The phone call came a few hours before dawn, drawing Staci from Kyle’s warm embrace. It had taken her a few moments to realize where they were and what had happened but the minute she had, it all rushed back to her. The phone call had only brought worst news. Her mother had suffered a second heart attack and surgery would happen within the hour.

  Not bothering to go into the bathroom, she slipped off her shorts and into a pair of jeans. She had to get to the hospital to see her mother before they took her in for surgery. Grabbing a sweater and bra from the bag, she headed for the bathroom. While she might have felt comfortable enough to change her bottoms, since everything was hidden behind her bright pink bikini panties, she wasn’t going to pull off her tank top and show him her breasts. Not yet at least.

  She had just pulled up her hair into a ponytail when Kyle’s voice came from the other side of the bathroom door. “Fresh coffee is waiting.”

  She pulled her sweater over her head and pulled the door open to find him standing there enjoying his own cup of coffee. He was dressed in jeans and a blue button down shirt. “You didn’t have to get up.”

  “I’m not going to have you sitting around the hospital for hours by yourself.” He sat his mug aside and picked up a second one to hold out to her.

  “Colin will be there,” she reasoned, taking the coffee from him.

  “But he’s not me.” A smirk spread across his face before a trace of doubt crept into his eyes. “Unless you’d rather I didn’t…”

  “Don’t be silly.” She took a sip and it helped to wake her up the rest of the way. “I just meant you have to be tired. We barely got any sleep and I don’t know how long I’ll be there.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve come here to be with you, not stay in some hotel room. I’d rather be sleep deprived and with you than here wondering what was happening.” He took another long drink of his brew, finishing it, before setting it on the kitchenette counter. “I’m ready if you are.”

  She took a few more quick gulps and sat hers aside as well. “Let me just grab my bag.”

  Fifteen minutes later, they were walking down the hospital corridors to her mother’s room. From her volunteer work, she had grown used to hospitals but this time was different. She was there not to visit someone she barely knew, but for her mother. That thought iced her veins and made her stomach want to revolt.

  “Staci…” Colin’s words died off as he noticed Kyle. “Who’s he?”

  “Colin, meet Kyle. Kyle, this is my mother’s friend, Colin.” She did the introductions quickly so she could get to the real reason they were there. “How is she?”

  “It’s serious, but she has one of the best heart surgeons in Tennessee.”

  “Sir.” A nurse stepped out of the room directly behind Colin. “You can go in now.”

  “Come on, they’re taking her for surgery soon.” Colin turned on his heels.

  When she tried to follow, the nurse stopped her. “Excuse me, only family is permitted in there at this time.”

  “I’m her daughter.” When the nurse looked to Kyle, she added, “My fiancé and if he’s not allowed in there, then Colin shouldn’t be either considering he’s not family by any means.” She knew she sounded snippy and as her mother would say, she’d have caught more bees with honey than vinegar, but she wasn’t in the mood to deal with this. She wanted Kyle with her and she’d go to whatever lengths necessary, even pissing off her mother and Colin.

  “Very well, but don’t upset her.”

  As the nurse moved away, he leaned in close. “Fiancé? Wow, how things have progressed.”

  “Keep quiet or I’ll have security boot you to the curb,” she teased.

  As much as she thought she was, she hadn’t been prepared to step into her mother’s room. To find the strong woman she knew in the hospital bed, her pale face drawn and all the wires, proved almost too much. She’s going to be okay, she tried to reminder herself, but panic rose within her. Kyle wrapped his arm around her waist, his fingers pressed tight against her hip as if to cement her in the moment instead of being carried off with fear.

  “Daughter, it’s nice that my heart attack brought you home after months of being away.”

  Staci ground her teeth and refused to be bated. “Mother, you know with college, work, and everything else, things have
been busy. I promised to visit once I finished.”

  “I see you brought a man home with you. Unscrupulous timing though. You can send him away now.”

  “Mother.” She was embarrassed by her behavior. After everything Kyle had done for her, to have her mother treat him like that was beyond rude. “Kyle was nice enough to come here and support me. I won’t have you being disrespectful. Now, Mom, why don’t you tell me what the doctor said?”

  “Oh, no. We’re not going to gloss over your friend.” Her mother pressed the button on the bed to raise it. “Come a little closer so I can get a better look. What did you say his name was?”

  “Kyle.” She tried to keep her patience but right now discussing Kyle was the least important thing. Her mother was about to have surgery and she wasn’t even sure of the full extent of things.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Pence.” Kyle forced them to step closer to the bed.

  “My daughter always wants to fix everyone.” She shook her head. “But no matter how much you fix him you can’t help him regain his arm. You don’t even have the common sense you were born with. Stupid child.”

  “Mother!” Tears welled in her eyes. Kyle went still beside her.

  “I might agree that Staci’s timing to bring a man home is unfortunate but that was out of line.” Colin stepped close to the bed.

  “I’m only pointing out the obvious. She must have picked him up at that dreadful hospital.”

  “Ma’am, my injuries cost me more than I care to discuss, but they also brought an amazing woman into my life.” He glanced down at Staci. “I care for your daughter, and while you may say what you’d like about me, there’s no reason to disrespect her. She has traveled many hours to be here with you.”


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