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Full Potential

Page 24

by L. J. Kentowski

  “Honestly, I don’t know the details. All I know is they dated a while back. Ivy is pretty tight-lipped about personal things, and the guys won’t talk about it.”

  “Dax didn’t tell you?”

  “No, but I haven’t asked outright yet, either.”


  “That’s trouble right there.” Dax’s voice carried across the bar.

  Jena peered over her shoulder to find him standing inside the door with Tyler a step behind. They seemed to suck the air right out of the room with their natural, alpha male sexiness. Jena heard a sigh, not sure if it was Riley’s, her own, or some other female’s in the room. Tyler’s gaze made a direct line to hers, and a sappy smile took over her lips as he floated toward her. Jesus, they’d become a cliché.

  “Hey baby,” he said when he squeezed in next to her stool. Leaning in, he planted a kiss near her ear. “I missed you.”

  “We’ve only been apart for like two hours.”

  “I know. Way too long. I think you should just move in with me.”

  “You asked me that like ten times last night, Tyler. I told you—”

  “Yeah, but that was last night. I figure if I ask you every day, eventually I’ll wear you down. I don’t like the word no coming from those lips.” He brushed a thumb across them for emphasis.

  “I also know how relentless you can be.”

  “See how well we know each other? You should definitely move in with me.”

  “Damn, Tyler,” Riley said. “You are a softy.”

  Tyler straightened. “Dax, get your woman under control.”

  “Yeah, Dax,” Jena said with a giggle. “Tyler’s man card is being threatened again.”

  Dax faced his fiancé’s expectant gaze. “Did I ever tell you how long Tyler slept with a baby blanket?”

  They all laughed. Well, everyone but Tyler, who was shooting his best friend a glare that might have killed more innocent beings.

  Dax and Tyler each took a seat and ordered drinks.

  “So, how’d it go?” Jena asked Tyler.

  He glanced at Dax, whom, in turn, nodded back. “He’s in. So is Zane. We should be able to knock it all out in two to three weeks after Dax and Riley get back from their honeymoon.”

  Late the previous night, after they’d exhausted themselves sexually, Tyler had Jena map out her expectations of the daycare’s internal layout. She certainly didn’t assume he’d take up such a huge project, but he refused to let her hire anyone else, especially since he’d already started it. Apparently, rehabbing the shop was always his plan.

  “You guys are so amazing,” she said, tears clouding her eyes. “I swear, I don’t think I’ll ever get over how nice everyone is here. Thank you.”

  Riley grabbed Jena’s hands. “Get used to it. You’re here for the long haul now, and we come with the deal.”

  After returning her friend’s smile, Jena turned to face Tyler, the most beautiful man she’d ever known. She put a hand to his cheek. “How lucky does that make me?”

  He brought his lips to her palm and kissed it. “I plan on showing you how lucky you are for as long as you let me, Red.”

  Jena leaned in to whisper, “Does this plan include the tool belt promise?”

  “Oh, Christ,” Dax said.

  Apparently, she wasn’t as quiet as she’d thought. Tyler didn’t seem to mind, though, because he took her mouth as if he didn’t have a care in the world about who was there. When he was done melting her body onto the stool, he said, “That’s a hell yes.”

  “Okay, kids,” Dax cut in. “Let’s cool it down. This is a professional establishment. How about a toast?”

  While Jena pulled away, Tyler groaned, but they each raised their drinks.

  Riley cleared her throat. “To Seeton’s newest addition. We’re so happy you decided to stay, Jena. May your days here teach our children to be as beautiful and smart as you, for years to come.”

  Dax flicked his head toward Tyler. “And this one on how to be a real man, if that’s even possible.”

  Tyler tapped his bottle on the top of Dax’s, causing an endless stream of beer to come shooting out of the spout.

  “Asshole,” Dax muttered before attempting to chug down the overflow.

  As Jena joined the others in outright laughter, she thought about how much she already loved living in Seeton, childish men and all. In fact, she didn’t want to change a thing in her life anymore. This one had way more potential than she’d ever dreamed.


  Riley’s wedding went off without a hitch. Well, aside from Evie breaking a beak off one of the kissing swans sculpture and launching it at Wade’s head. He vowed to bring her up on charges. Oh, and the throwing of the bouquet turned chaotic when it landed in Tanner’s lap. He freaked out and flung it away, smacking Ivy in the face. She caught it, but didn’t want it, so she tossed it back at Tanner. That started an all-out screaming match between the two until Dax, Tyler, and Wade grabbed them, locked them in a room, and made them work out their differences away from prying eyes of the general Seeton public. Jena wasn’t sure why the guys had done that. They might have killed each other. But who was she to tell the Seeton alumni how to handle the miscreants of the town?

  Other than those few episodes, and a possible Mr. Johnson peeping incident, the wedding was beautiful. The weather cooperated, bringing gorgeous blue skies above and green country surrounding them, so they’d been able to keep the ceremony and reception outdoors. Sunset was upon them now, and lamppost lighting, along with tabletop candles, sparkled like white, glowing gems all around.

  Jena stood on the outside of the makeshift dance floor, watching Riley and Dax sway to the slow music of their first dance. The way the couple gazed at each other was the stuff of fairy tales and romance novels, a dream playing out before her eyes. Jena almost lost it every time she witnessed Dax discreetly brush a hand over Riley’s abdomen as if reassuring the little one he or she was part of their beautiful day.

  Strong arms wrapped around her own waist from behind, settling hands on her stomach. “Maybe that will be us someday,” Tyler whispered into her ear. “Soon.”

  With the way he rubbed her stomach, not so different from Dax’s baby bump caresses, she was confused about whether he was referring to being married or having a child.

  “Soon?” she asked, smiling because she couldn’t help it.

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  Jena spun, needing to see his expression. No way could he mean that.

  The intensity of his gaze told her he wasn’t teasing.

  “What exactly are we talking about here?”

  “Everything. Anything. I’m ready for it all, Jena.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Why not? I have everything I want here. My job, home, family, friends, a gorgeous woman who is an animal in bed. I’m set. Why wouldn’t I want to lock it in?”

  “Lock it in?” Shit, she was officially a Seetonite. She’d developed the Seeton repeater affliction.

  “Yes. Make it official. Make you mine, fill you with my super sperm. Give mom those grandbabies she’s been after.”

  “Oh, my God.”

  Tyler chuckled as he placed gentle hands on her shoulders and rubbed the sides of her neck with his thumbs. “Okay, okay, scaredy cat. I’ll slow it down.”

  She exhaled the breath she’d been holding. It wasn’t that she didn’t want any of those things, just not right away. She’d only recently gotten comfortable with moving four hundred miles away from home and owning a daycare center.

  “As long as you move in with me,” he added with a wink and a sexy smirk.

  Jena rolled her eyes. He was relentless, and sometimes a royal pain in the ass, but she loved him. With every fiber of her soul, she loved Tyler Cole and couldn’t imagine her world without him. Every glimpse of the future included him. The opening of the daycare, getting married, having a family, she couldn’t dream of any of it without him.

You know you want to say yes.”

  Jena inched toward him and wrapped her hands around the back of his neck. “I think the idea has potential.”

  An eyebrow rose. “Yeah? Like, potential, potential?”

  “Definite potential.”

  “How about a yes potential?”

  Jena giggled. “Yes, Tyler. I’ll move in with you.”


  “What’s wrong, Mr. Confident? You seem surprised now.”

  With a twinkle in his eyes, he leaned in, a cocky grin plastered on his face. “Nah, I knew I’d get you to say yes.” He kissed her long and deep, leaving her breathless, and then trailed soft lips along her jaw. “I was merely looking forward to using more of my man skills to get you to scream the word out.”

  Latching his mouth onto her lobe, he sunk his teeth into the flesh.

  “Feel free to act as if you still need to convince me.”

  The vibration of Tyler’s growl rumbled against the pulse of her neck, setting off a tsunami of tremors throughout her body.

  Somehow, through the fog of lust overwhelming her, Jena heard a throat clear near them and opened her eyes. Mr. Johnson stood two feet away, staring at them while chewing on what appeared to be a piece of chicken.

  “Mr. Johnson,” Jena blurted, admonishing him with her tone.

  “What?” Tyler spun. “Damn it, Mr. Johnson. I told you—”

  “Ack.” Mr. Johnson waved the chicken in the air. “Unbundle your frillies, boy. They’re calling you two horndogs out to the dance floor. And if you don’t want anyone starin’, get a room.” With a huff, he turned and ambled away.

  Jena scanned the dance floor, and sure enough, the entire bridal party and other guests were focused on them.

  “Shit, c’mon, Red.” Tyler grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor.

  She followed, gaze down the whole way. When they stopped, Jena glanced up to find Riley with a hand at her mouth, trying to suppress the laughter threatening to bubble out of it.

  “Okay, laugh it up,” Jena said.

  “Oh, I will. You know, I think I just figured out why he calls you Red.”

  “Ha ha. Very funny.”

  After swaying to the music with other couples on the dance floor for a while, Tyler nuzzled against Jena’s head until his lips found her ear. “Lately I’ve been thinking about a name for your daycare,” he whispered.


  “Yeah. How about, Future Mrs. Cole’s Red Bottom?”

  Jena burst out laughing and pulled away to stare up at him. “What? That’s horrible. We can’t call it that.”

  “Oh, wait, that’s what I was fantasizing about for later. I meant, Red’s Dream Daycare.”

  “Hmmm,” she said. “I might be able to work with that one.”

  “Yeah? So, it has potential?”

  She smiled. “I’m never going to live the potential thing down, am I?”

  “You could work at it.”

  “Yeah? How?”

  “By saying yes more often. I like when you say yes, Jena.” She met his gaze and saw all the love she had for him reflected in his eyes. “And by telling me you love me every day for the rest of our lives.”

  “I see no problem with that.” She slid closer and placed a tender kiss on his lips. “I love you, Tyler.”

  He kissed her back, longer, more passionately. “I love you too, future Mrs. Cole.”

  She knew, down in the depths of her soul, his new name for her had more than potential, it was destined to be her reality.

  The End


  Saving souls for the angels can wreak havoc on a girl’s social life…

  “This book was a very strong, excellent start that paranormal romance and fantasy romance readers will find intriguing. Excitement, seduction, suspense and two extremely hot and definitely mysterious men are only some examples of what readers have to look forward to. L.J.'s creativity and writing skills are very impressive and will leaving you craving for more of what Fate is to bring!”

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  More books by L.J. Kentowski

  Heart of Seeton Series:

  Love Owned

  Fate Trilogy:

  Guardian Of Fate

  Seeker Of Fate

  Angel Of Fate

  Coming Late 2018/Early 2019 A New Urban Fantasy Novel

  Sign up for L.J.’s Readers Group to get updates on New Releases

  Learn more about all these books at


  The acknowledgements section is seriously the hardest part of my books to write because there are just way too many people to thank. I could probably fill a whole other novel with all the people that help to make my dreams happen. But I’ll try to keep it short and sweet this time.

  My husband is a hero. Like Tyler in Full Potential, he’s not only a first class fireman (Fire Lieutenant actually), but he’s the love of my life. Funny, supportive, handsome, dedicated, loving—he’s my rock. Every step of this writing journey he’s cheered me on, pumped me up, and pushed me out of my comfort zone toward success. I couldn’t do any of this without him. He’ll forever be my hero. O

  Darcy Fischer, you’ve once again been such a patient and supportive friend. Through my back and forth ideas, you kept me grounded and made me feel like no matter which direction I went, I couldn’t go wrong. Thank you for putting up with my crazy. When we’re old and gray, I promise to let you win the wheelchair races. O

  Mom & Dad, you both have believed in me from when I was young. You’re the reason I believe in myself and continue following my dreams. Thank you for supporting my career, as well as so many more aspects of my life. O

  KC & Jill, thank you for giving me inspiration—doesn’t matter how it came about (Cards Against Humanity). I look forward to more hilarious motivators from you two! O

  To my Beta Readers (Jane, Janell, Kate, Mom, Darcy): You guys are such a huge help. Honestly, I don’t think you know how much your feedback impacts the outcome of the final version. You help piece it all together. Thank you! O

  Kathy Case, you make diamonds out of dirt and that, to me, is simply magic. You inspire, motivate, and teach me with red ink  I’m so happy I found you so many books ago. You’ve truly made me shine. Thank you! O

  To my fans: Holy Hell, you guys rock!!! Without you, this simply would not be my life. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be able to live my dream and have all of you standing behind me and cheering me on. Every word, every book is for all of you. If I could list all of your names here, I would, because you mean that much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. O O O




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