Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I like that idea. In previous years this event went into the evening because of the jack-o’-lantern display. This year we have blow-up bouncy houses, blow-up slides, and other events that could easily be lit up for nighttime. The revenue would be such a plus for the town. Just think about it,” Doc said, and they all started adding their thoughts and jotting down information. Pretty soon they were talking about organizing what vendors would be where, who needed to be contacted for the tractor-ride operators, and a list of volunteers to help out.

  “You may want to create a shifting schedule so that your volunteers don’t get bored of their spots,” Lucia suggested.

  “What do you mean?” Abigail asked her.

  “Well, every hour there should be a shift change. The person moves to the next position and the event or the location they are watching doesn’t start until the next volunteer arrives. That way there aren’t extra safety concerns and your volunteers won’t get bored stuck in the same place the entire day. They also get a chance to see all the events.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea, Lucia. Last year we had a lot of complaints about volunteers missing certain activities,” Anna told her.

  “Well, if you can get enough volunteers, people could work half the day. You can have morning volunteers, afternoon volunteers, and evening volunteers. Plus, if certain aspects of the festival only last for part of the time, then you might need fewer volunteers in the evening.”

  They were all making comments and complimenting Lucia.

  “I think I found my assistant committee director,” Abigail said and winked. Everyone chuckled.

  “What do you mean?” Lucia asked.

  “I pick you, dear. You and I are going to make this the best event Pearl has ever had,” Abigail stated, and everyone cheered Lucia on and welcomed her to her new position, and she had no idea how it happened, but by the end of the meeting her head was spinning and she found herself submerged in their excitement.

  It was another indicator of how amazing this town and its citizens were. She wished she felt this comfortable and at home back in South Carolina. But instead, thoughts of home brought on fear and pain.

  She wished she could stay in Pearl forever, and that her past, her life in South Carolina, could be a distant memory. But that really wasn’t a reality. She was using a fake name. She couldn’t use her real license or credit cards for anything or Derek would track her down. In fact, she wondered how he hadn’t found her yet. She was certain he would use all his resources, including his cousins’ law firm and their private investigators. But as stuck-up and high on their law firm Frank and William McMillian were, they liked her. They respected her and many times witnessed her stating her disinterest in their cousin Derek’s advances. Perhaps they wouldn’t help him at all?

  “Lucia?” She heard her name and turned to see Abigail and Doc Jones.


  “Are you okay? You looked so upset for a moment and you didn’t hear us at all,” Doc asked her.

  She swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I was just thinking about all the responsibilities of this event.”

  “Don’t feel overwhelmed. We’ll have more help than we even need.”

  “You mean volunteers? Are you sure?” she asked Abigail.

  “Oh yes, quite sure,” Abigail said as she looped her arm through Lucia’s and began walking from the town hall with her.

  “I was just wondering where you learned how to be an event coordinator.”

  “Oh, I’m not an event coordinator,” Lucia said, and Abigail raised one of her eyebrows at Lucia. Lucia laughed. Abigail was such a nice older woman. Her husband was very kind, too, and the local town physician.

  “Where did you learn to help organize events? You definitely have some experience. Was it where you lived before coming to Pearl?” she asked her.

  Lucia tightened up and took an unsteady breath. Abigail stopped walking, turned, easing from holding on to Lucia’s arm, and took her hand.

  “You are safe here, Lucia. No matter what danger or circumstances you may have had or fled from, know that this town is special in so many ways.”


  Abigail shook her head slowly.

  “You are safe here. When you’re ready to talk, when you feel it’s safe, know that I’m here for you, and so are any of the others. No one is out to hurt you or make you feel scared. We’ve all had bad experiences. I could tell you some doozies, but I’ll leave those up to the people of Pearl as they get to know you.”

  “Doozies. Ma’am?” she asked, and Abigail released her hand and led her down the steps of the town hall and along the side streets of town.

  “Just about every person walking in this town has their own story. You know, some might be typical and not so eventful, and others, well, others had pretty scary experiences that nearly killed them. But we have the best sheriff’s department, never mind retired military men and women, as well as government officials, security, even a few retired spies,” she said and winked.

  “Spies? Really?” Lucia asked as she looked around her.

  Abigail chuckled.

  “All good people. All ready to use their resources, their abilities, and compassion to help anyone in town in need. I just want you to know that you are safe here. That if you need us, we are here.”

  Lucia didn’t know what to say. Her gut was in turmoil. Believe this nice older woman and follow her gut, or give in to the fear of trusting someone that would only be so shocked to hear what her parents did to her? How they sold her through some sort of ancient, barbaric custom of an arranged marriage. That as she fought against it, she was drugged, raped, and assaulted by the man who was to be her husband so that bloodlines could be crossed and money could be made. Thank God she was on birth control, or she could be pregnant right now with Derek’s child. She covered her belly with her hand and felt the nauseous feeling nearly consume her. Her head felt funny, and multiple thoughts scattered through her mind.

  She heard the gasp, and then strong arms lifted her up.

  When she saw Gabriele’s face, his big blue eyes filled with concern and then the feel of his strong muscles surrounding her, she snapped out of it.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him as Abigail called to her husband and Gabriele sat down inside town hall with Lucia on his lap.

  He caressed her face, looking so worried and upset. For such a big man, filled with muscles, he was being so gentle. She could feel his hard thighs underneath her ass and sensed the difference in size between her and him.

  “Are you okay? You looked like you were going to get sick or pass out,” he said to her.

  She saw Doc coming over with a look of concern on his face. She tried to slide off of Gabriele’s thick thigh, but he held a hand on her waist and one on her thigh, instantly making her feel hot and on edge.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Let me check you out. What happened?” Doc asked her. He went through a series of questions, and when he asked her if she had eaten today, her eyes widened and she shook her head. He gave her a concerned expression and shook his head.

  “Young lady, you need to eat and to drink to stay hydrated. You could pass out, knock your head, or land on something and break bones. You must stay hydrated and you must eat. Especially with all the walking you do,” Doc reprimanded her.

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll be more careful,” she replied.

  “You sure will. Starting with joining me right now for some lunch at Francine’s,” Gabriele said as Abigail handed her a bottle of iced tea. “Drink that before you stand up and start walking with Gabriele,” she told her.

  “I’m okay. Really.”

  “You’ll take a few sips and we’ll wait a few minutes or I’ll carry you down Main Street and into Francine’s,” Gabriele threatened.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she stated.

  He raised one of his thick eyebrows, his firm, muscular jaw set and making him appear in charge and the boss of eve

  “You take care of her, Gabriele Walters. Make sure she gets some food in her and a ride home,” Abigail warned him as she pointed at Gabriele. Abigail was just a little shorter than Lucia, and Gabriele had to be six foot four when he stood up straight. Lucia eased off his lap as she took a few more sips of tea.

  “Thank you, everyone for your concern. I’m sorry if I worried you. I guess I forgot about eating this morning. I was nervous about coming here to the meeting and trying to fit in, I guess,” she admitted.

  “You’re a very smart, creative, beautiful young woman, with great ideas. How could you not fit in?” Doc said and winked. He reached out and Abigail took his hand.

  “You kids have fun, and Gabriele, make sure she drinks enough water and eats a good meal,” Doc added before they walked away.

  Lucia stood between Gabriele’s open thighs as he sat on the bench. He kept a hand on her waist right above her ass and thoughts of feeling that large, firm hand gliding across her bottom aroused her.

  “Seems you need a lot more looking after than you think,” he said as he stood up.

  “I don’t need looking after. I was fine.”

  He took her hand and walked slowly with her, opening the door for her and not letting go of her hand.

  “I say otherwise. A few seconds more and you would have landed face-first on the main sidewalk on front of town hall.”

  “I would not,” she stated firmly and stopped walking. He pulled her close, released her hand, and cupped her cheeks as he looked down into her eyes.

  “You scared me, sugar. You looked so out of it, and then you grabbed your belly and your face went white as a ghost.” He lowered his mouth and gently touched his lips to hers. It was a slow, yet quick kiss as he released her cheeks, took her hand, and led her toward Francine’s.

  She felt out of sorts. Half excited, encouraged, and half fearful and scared. She couldn’t get involved with Gabriele romantically. Not with the others either. Intimacy was something she could never have or face safely enough and trustfully enough to engage in. All because of Derek. All because of what he did to her months ago.

  * * * *

  Gabriele was relieved to arrive when he did. He saw Lucia immediately, standing by the steps to the entrance to town hall. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back, and she wore a pair of black dress slacks, a thick knit sweater in brown, and looked beautiful. To feel her in his arms as he lifted her up and carried her inside to the bench before she fainted sent a series of thoughts and emotions to invade him. She felt good in his arms, and as if he were her protector, her own body of armor to keep her safe and to be here for her. The thought that she could have fainted and any number of men other than him or his brothers could have come to her aid upset him. He knew he was already feeling jealous as he walked down the sidewalk and saw other men watching her.

  He had never had such strong and instant feelings for a woman before. Right now, as he held her hand, that feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness was growing stronger. Especially as the townspeople noticed them together and looked at Lucia. He wanted every man and woman to know she belonged to him and his brothers. It was barbaric, so caveman-like. The thought of banging on his chest and yelling at the top of his lungs, “She is my woman,” came to mind.

  “Gabriele? Are you okay?” Her sweet voice interrupted his crazy thoughts as he glanced down at her and smiled softly. He squeezed her hand snugger and touched her cheek as they stopped a few feet from the entrance to Francine’s.

  “I was worried about you. You need protection.”

  He gently brushed his thumb along her lower lip. She lowered her eyes.

  “Don’t say such things, Gabriele. I’m fine.”

  He gave her a stern expression.

  “You weren’t fine. I’m worried, and my brothers will be too when they hear.”

  She touched his forearm. “No, don’t tell them. They will worry, and really, I can take care of myself. I usually don’t forget to eat. It was just this once, because I was nervous about going into that meeting in town.”

  “You shouldn’t be nervous. You’re a smart, beautiful woman. They probably liked you instantly.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she said and shyly turned away. He held her hand as they approached the stairs. She was shy, modest, and perhaps didn’t even realize how lovely she actually was. He liked that about her, too.

  The door to the diner opened. Wyatt was there. “Good afternoon, Lucia, Gabriele. Y’all come to join the rest of the Walters clan?” he asked.

  Gabriele smiled as he shook Wyatt’s hand hello.

  “Sure did. Just went to get Lucia from the fall festival meeting.”

  “How did that go? I haven’t had a chance to speak with Anna yet. I’m sure she’s excited.”

  “It went very well, thank you,” Lucia told him.

  Wyatt looked her over. “You feeling okay? You look a little pale,” he asked, filled with concern.

  Gabriele nodded his head and placed his arm around Lucia’s waist. “She’ll be fine once she gets some food into her. I’ve got it covered, Sheriff.”

  Wyatt placed his Stetson on his head and gave Gabriele a nod.

  “Be sure you do. Take care, Lucia. See you soon.”

  Lucia nodded her head and then tried massaging her cheeks with her hands.

  “That isn’t going to work. You need food, darling, and some rest. My brothers and I will be happy to take care of you.”

  “I told you, Gabriele, I don’t need taking care of.”

  He smiled as he waved hello to other people in the restaurant and directed Lucia toward a booth in the back. He saw his brothers and then the expression on Lucifer’s face as he ended a call on his cell phone. He was clearly upset.

  * * * *

  Lucifer received the call from Lisa Burgos about Lucia nearly passing out on the front steps to the town hall. He had asked her to call him and let him know how the meeting went, if everyone was nice to Lucia. Lucifer knew they would be. The town was filled with great people, and the few bad apples didn’t socialize much at all.

  He was worried, but the moment Gabriele showed up with Lucia he felt a bit better. He absorbed her attire, thinking she looked very classy and beautiful. But her complexion was pale and seemed to get worse the closer she got to them. Lucifer stood up and placed his palm against her cheek.

  “Are you okay?”

  “She’s okay now. She needs something to eat and drink. She’ll be good in a jiffy,” Gabriele said as he squeezed her shoulders.

  “What’s going on?” Maxwell asked, and now he sounded concerned. Gabriele explained about what happened.

  “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill. I’m fine,” she said. Lucifer cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes.

  “We’ll make sure you are.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

  “Lucifer.” She covered her mouth and stepped back. He pulled her toward him and motioned for her to slide into the booth next to Maxwell. Lucia was visibly shaken from him kissing her and showing his concern. She would need to get used to all of them and to learn they meant her no harm, only good things.

  “I don’t think I should join you.”

  “Why not?” Maxwell asked her. She glanced at him, her cheeks gaining some color as her eyes seemed to look his brother over. She was attracted to him, to all of them. But she was holding back, and it was their job to find out why.

  “Please, Lucia, sit down, have something to eat, and rest a bit while we talk,” Gabriele said to her, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth then slid along the seat and next to Maxwell.

  “You look really pretty today, Lucia. Doesn’t she, Salvatore?” Maxwell asked, holding Lucia’s gaze.

  Her eyes went from Maxwell’s to Salvatore’s as Salvatore softly replied, “Yes.”

  * * * *

  Lucia felt her body shaking. Being this close to them, having them kiss her on the lips, which was not just a friendly th
ing to do, made her uneasy. Then came the lustful thoughts and her damn body’s reaction to them. Her breasts felt full, her core tingled, and she found herself wondering if Maxwell and Salvatore wanted to kiss her, too.

  Their care and concern for her was different. Was it a control thing? Despite how bossy and macho the men were, they did ask her what she would like to eat and then suggested the soup and a whole sandwich, not just a half sandwich. It appeared that they were worried about her weight. She had never been so thin.

  “You need some meat on your bones, Lucia, if you’re going to make it through the winter here,” Gabriele teased.

  She eyed him over, muscles and more muscles, trim and fit, capable, and her belly tightened as she forced a reply from her lips.

  “I’ll be okay,” she whispered.

  “You always been this thin?” Maxwell asked her. His brown eyes held hers, and it almost felt like he could read her mind. These men were more powerful, intimidating than the next, yet she felt compelled to reply, to not run from this seat and escape. That was a first. Especially after the assault.

  Maybe these months that had passed, remembering what Derek had done to her, had helped her move on and gain the strength she needed. Perhaps it was this amazing town and all its people that made her feel important, existent, and more than just a puppet, someone to control. Sometimes she felt like most of her life had been spent on a stage, strings attached and a puppet master in charge of her every move and decision. The analogy in her head made her rub her arms and almost feel like those strings were gone, cut, and she was finally free.

  “Lucia?” Maxwell whispered her name and gently ran his large, warm hand along her thigh under the table. Her legs were crossed, and yet she felt the fire begin to simmer between them. Maxwell had a way about him. Seemed almost like he was interrogating her but not in a forceful way. He eased his questions in there and it seemed to make her loosen up a little. For every question one of them would ask, she asked her own. Problem was, were they seeking information to use against her, to hurt her sometime later? Or, were they really just trying to get to know her because they cared?


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