Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’ve been traveling a lot, until I got here to Pearl, actually. Being on the road, trying to conserve my money made me be overcautious, I guess. I need to get back on track with my meals.”

  “You traveled far?” Gabriele asked then picked up his glass of sweet tea and took a sip. He held her gaze with those big blue eyes of his. The man was very handsome.

  “From the South,” she replied. “How about you guys? Did you always live in Pearl?” she asked as Lucifer gave her an inquisitive expression to her vague response about “the South.”

  “We grew up in the house we live in now. Spent some years in the service, then came back here,” Maxwell told her.

  “Where in the South did you live?” Lucifer asked.

  She held his gaze.

  “I’m sorry. I’d rather not say,” she whispered as she lowered her eyes to her lap and squeezed her fingers together on her lap. Maxwell reached over and covered her hands with his, gently squeezing them.

  Lucifer placed his large, warm hand over her thigh.

  “You don’t have to be afraid to tell us. We’ll keep it a secret if you want. We’re just trying to get to know you,” Maxwell told her.

  “Why?” she asked, head down.

  Lucifer removed his hand. She felt the loss of his touch, which really messed with her mind, but then felt his palm against her cheek as he tilted her face up toward him.

  She locked gazes with Lucifer, and those dark chocolate eyes of his.

  “Because we like you. Because we feel an attraction to you just as you do to us. We want you to know that you’re safe with us, that we won’t hurt you but instead protect you. Now, where are you from in the South, and what has brought you to the town of Pearl, our home?” he whispered.

  She was lost in his eyes, in the scent of his cologne and the feel of two men touching her, protecting her at the same time. She swallowed as she glanced toward Salvatore, who looked fierce and angry, then toward Gabriele who just looked firm. She wondered if these were normal expressions for them. It seemed to be the case.

  “I used to live in South Carolina. A traditional Southern town with charm and sophistication but nothing like Pearl. Please Lucifer, please don’t tell anyone, and don’t ask me so many questions. I’m just not ready to answer them.” She lowered her head and swallowed. “Things happened there. Things that forced me from my home, from the area.”

  “Things, Lucia?” Maxwell pushed. She didn’t find offense in it or anger, she knew he was an investigator, a detective, and that made her shiver a little more, yet she hoped her gut was right and the man would not investigate her.

  She was saved by the server, as the waitress brought over their food.

  * * * *

  Lucia’s vague answers and nervous replies put Salvatore on edge. He watched Lucia, absorbed her beauty, her fragility as she tried to hold back information in her responses. She was walking on eggshells, holding back, thinking of her answers before she spoke as if she were trying to keep up with her lies. It made him wonder if anything she was saying was true or made up.

  She ate slowly, taking her time, and he couldn’t help but to think that she was stalling so they wouldn’t push for more answers. Despite his own hang-ups and fears about getting romantically involved in her life, he felt compelled to be her guardian. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that she was in some kind of trouble and she felt she was all alone instead of fully supported. He wasn’t sure what could have possibly happened to this young woman, but he wanted to know. He wanted to protect her, and that was a first for him.

  He finished his lunch and leaned back, watching her play with the last piece of crust from her sandwich. Her chicken noodle soup was all finished, and her coloring already looked better. Why wasn’t she taking care of herself? What was on her mind so much that she didn’t eat today until now?

  “Your coloring has improved already,” Salvatore told her, and she dropped the piece of crust and sat back in the chair. She reached for her glass of sweet tea and took a sip.

  She placed it down.

  “I told you that I could take care of myself. I was nervous this morning about coming into town and attending the meeting. I don’t know a lot of people here, and well, I’m kind of shy,” she told him, holding his gaze but not with confidence. She really was shy, yet back in Mrs. Higgins’s home when she spoke about decorating, remodeling, and her ideas, she seemed confident and sure of herself. What was it that made her otherwise seem intimidated?

  “You seemed more confident at Mrs. Higgins’s place when you were talking about redesigning her rooms and working with us doing the construction.”

  “That was different. I love designing and decorating.”

  “Why do you love it?” Gabriele asked her.

  She glanced at him.

  “It makes me happy to have a clean, empty space and to turn it into someone’s ideal room. Sometimes people envision what they want a space to look like but don’t know how to go about achieving the look, or sometimes they have no idea what they want. Either way, I enjoy completing the project and seeing them more than satisfied with the end result.”

  “I can relate to that. I take a piece of wood, bare, boring, and look at it, the lines, the layers of age, and begin to craft it into something more,” Salvatore told her.

  “Like an outdoor bench swing for our front porch,” Gabriele said and smiled. An authentic, proud smile. It seemed that these brothers cared for one another, were close and supportive. That must be nice.

  “You’re an artist, Salvatore?” she asked him.

  The others chuckled, and Maxwell leaned back and smiled.

  “I wouldn’t accuse him of that if I were you.”

  “Quit it,” Salvatore replied.

  “What? You don’t consider yourself an artist?” she asked, curious about him, about each of them.

  “I just enjoy carving wood and creating things.”

  “Salvatore has people begging to buy his finished carvings, but they sit in the barn at home and he won’t give them up for some crazy reason,” Lucifer told her.

  “I won’t give them up because they’re mine and took a lot of work and time to create. Maybe one day I will,” he added.

  “No way. Can’t see it happening. They’re beautiful pieces, Lucia. You should see them,” Gabriele told her.

  “I’d love to, unless that upsets you, Salvatore,”

  * * * *

  She held his gaze, and his eyes swept over her. She practically felt the heat of his stare move over her breasts, her neck, and to her lips.

  “Why would you want to see them?” he asked her, and she shrugged her shoulders. “They sound beautiful. I guess if that makes you uncomfortable—”

  “No. I can show you, if you really want to see them,” he added.

  She nodded her head.

  Gabriele waved his hand to the waitress, indicating that they wanted the check.

  Seems she just made the decision to go with these men to their home. She didn’t really know them. She should heed caution right now before she wound up in bigger trouble then back in South Carolina. But something was making her react to them, to Salvatore’s hint of vulnerability.

  They paid the bill, and she walked out of Francine’s with all eyes upon them, people smiling, waving, and something clicked inside of her.

  She felt safe. It had to be because she was surrounded by four large, muscular men. Older men, who seemed to know how to treat a woman with respect and protectiveness. But she didn’t want to fall for some act, if this was one. She wasn’t exactly trusting or compelled to be hurt again. Men this big, with their military experiences and their professions, could really hurt her badly.

  She paused on the sidewalk and moved toward the wall as to not block the sidewalk from pedestrians.

  “Lucia?” Gabriele said her name, and all four men stood around her. She looked up at them. They were tall, handsome cowboys. Snug flannel shirts, Carhartt jackets, cowboy boots, and an air
of strength, power, and control about them. She was scared. She would be defenseless against men like this. She already was.

  “Lucia?” Gabriele took her hand and brought it to his chest. His hand encased hers, making her feel so feminine and sexy. It was wild. She never knew attraction like this, never mind one times four.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I…I think maybe I should head back to my place. It’s been a long morning and—”

  He reached up and cupped her cheek, ran his thumb over her lower lip, causing her to look up into his eyes. Everything about him, about them was a turn-on. The firmness and masculinity of his fingers, his body ignited feelings in her that were foreign.

  “Don’t be scared of us. Ever. We’re not trying to trick you into anything. Never think that we’re trying to hurt you or make you do something you don’t want to do. We’re going to take things slow, Lucia. As slow as you need. Hell, as slow as we need, too. Now come on, we’ll drive to our place and you can see for yourself how cool Salvatore’s stuff is. Then we’ll drive you home.”

  He moved his hand from her cheek to her neck, gave a gentle squeeze that she felt vibrate all the way to her pussy, and she knew she was in trouble. She liked them. All of them, and suddenly her focus went from them hurting her because they might be dishonest, to them touching her and her being unable to handle such a gentle aspect of an attraction or relationship.

  Gabriele took her hand and led her along the streets of Pearl and to the parking lot where they parked their big black pickup truck. She was doing this. She was taking another step toward trusting these men, and she prayed to God she didn’t just get lured into some kind of trap.

  * * * *

  Lucia sat between Lucifer and Gabriele in the backseat of the truck. A thousand thoughts were running through Lucifer’s head. The scent of her perfume, the feel of femininity between him and his brother, all aroused many thoughts and emotions in him. He never really gave full thought to sharing one woman with his brothers. Not that they never discussed it, but he didn’t think they really understood the power, the uniqueness of such a relationship.

  Sitting here now on their way to the ranch, he began to think about all the possibilities if Lucia was the one. There would be many a day spent with her in town, walking, holding hands, and even shopping. There would be dinners in town with friends, socializing like only a woman was capable of making her men participate in, and of course having her in their home. Waking up to the feel of such femininity and beauty in his arms would be like a dream come true. The fact that they all seemed to be feeling this attraction and perhaps thinking the same thoughts aroused him even more. Especially since Salvatore seemed comfortable with Lucia and even shared his talent with her. He hadn’t shared that with any woman, ever.

  Lucifer reached over and covered Lucia’s entwined hands. She stared up at him as she allowed him to clasp her one hand with his as they held gazes.

  “We’re almost there. Our parents built the house when they moved here over thirty-five years ago. We put on the additions to make room for all of us and to update the house.”

  The truck slowed down, and Lucia looked out the window.

  “Oh my, that is beautiful,” she whispered, and he squeezed her hand. He was proud of their hard work. They had all completed it together, a form of therapy after losing their parents and of course leaving the service. Lucifer and his brothers grew closer during that time in their lives. They had all changed so much over the years, but their bond hadn’t. It only seemed to grow stronger.

  They all got out of the truck, and Gabriele took her hand and pulled her by his side. He stared down into Lucia’s eyes, and Lucifer witnessed the exchange of attraction.

  “You like it?” Gabriele asked her.

  “What’s not to like, Gabriele? It’s a stunning home. That porch is breathtaking. Oh, and that swing. Wow,” she said, heading toward the steps and right to the large custom-made swing that Salvatore had just installed.

  “This is incredible,” she said, smiling as she rocked on the swing.

  Lucifer leaned against the porch column by the stairs while Maxwell, Gabriele, and Salvatore joined them. Salvatore watched her run her hand along the wood.

  “It’s so smooth. Oh,” she said as if it just clicked. She looked at Salvatore. “This is one of your pieces, isn’t it?” she asked him. Salvatore nodded.

  “Why don’t you show her the other projects, Salvatore?” Maxwell suggested, and Lucifer felt a little nervous. Salvatore was the one to convince about starting a relationship with Lucia. So far he seemed to be leaning toward it despite his verbal statement of not wanting to get involved and being afraid of hurting her. But Lucifer could already see the difference in his brother when he was around Lucia. He watched as Salvatore placed his hands in his pockets and motioned with his head for Lucia to follow him. For a man who had faced death numerous times in the service, he sure did look a bit intimidated by Lucia. But Lucia seemed to pick up on it as she walked closer to him and looped her arm through his as they headed toward the barn together.

  “What do you think?” Maxwell asked him and Gabriele.

  “I like her. She feels the attraction too,” Gabriele said.

  “I like her too, but she’s definitely not keen on sharing her life in South Carolina. I could do a little digging,” Maxwell suggested.

  “I’d hold off on that. We don’t know enough about her or her situation. Let’s try getting her to open up to us first, and then if things progress and she’s still untrusting, we could do a little digging,” Gabriele told them, and they agreed.

  “So what do we do while Salvatore shows her around the barn and his projects?” Lucifer found himself asking. He was already missing her. Feeling on edge that she would take off or something.

  Maxwell chuckled.

  “We need to give her time to get to know each of us. This is good that she and Salvatore seem to be hitting it off. Let’s wait inside.”

  Lucifer looked toward the barn, hoping that things went smoothly. Salvatore could use a good woman in his life. They all could. And it didn’t matter to him what was in her past. He just knew that he wanted her to be part of their future, of their family. He would do whatever was necessary to ensure that happened.

  * * * *

  Salvatore couldn’t help it. Her reaction to his work was genuine, and it seemed to bring the walls he had built up down a little. He watched Lucia run her hand along the wood on the chair he made, and then she looked up at him.

  “Can I sit in it?” she asked him, and he nodded his head, keeping his arms crossed in front of him while he watched her.

  She rocked in the chair and closed her eyes.

  “My God, Salvatore, you’re so talented. You could probably open your own store. Are you going to place some of these things on display for the fall festival?” she asked him, and then stood up.

  “No. I don’t let anyone see these pieces.” He sounded snappy to his own ears, and Lucia heard it, too. She walked closer, checked out some of the other things.

  “I get it. Maybe you’re more critical of your work because you’re the artist. Artists never think their projects are perfect.”

  “I’m not an artist. I told you that earlier,” he replied. She was standing a few feet in front of him and in front of the workbench.

  They were both silent. It was like they were both trying to fight something inside of them. He knew what his hang-up was. The fear of hurting her like he hurt Lindsey, like he was capable of hurting anyone when he was lost in a nightmare.

  “I guess we should head back,” she started to say, when he reacted. He grabbed her hand and closed the space between them. His hands moved to her waist, and she tilted back over the desk slightly, a look of concern on her face.

  He stared at her, and the brown of her eyes, the appetizing look of her lips.

  “Lucia, I...”

  He got quiet. What could he say to her? What was he trying to tell her? Maybe warn he
r of his violent behavior and inability to be gentle? He wanted to be gentle with her. He wanted to caress her skin, hold her in his arms, and protect her, possess her, yet he feared his own capabilities.

  “Thank you for showing me these things you made. I’m impressed,” she whispered.

  “I want to kiss you. I want to be gentle with you and move slowly.”

  “Your brothers mentioned that you were in the service. What branch?” She ignored his statement, and she looked scared, timid, and it aroused something masculine and strong within him. She needed protection, compassion, and care. She was a gorgeous young woman, and he and his brothers were older, intimidating men. He wanted to ease her mind and his own.

  “The Marine Corps,” he whispered. She swallowed hard. He stepped closer, pressed his body against hers, and felt her shaking.

  “I want to kiss you, Lucia, but you look scared of me.”

  Her eyes roamed over his lips, his face, and his dick hardened.

  “I am scared. I’m very scared for a lot of reasons.”

  He stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “You heard about her, didn’t you? About Lindsey and what I did? I knew it. I knew that’s why you’re looking that way at me. Like I’m some monster. It was a bad time in my life. I had recently returned from serving and I was all fucked up. Lindsey was there. We spent the night together and—”

  He stopped, ran his hands through his hair, and then slammed his palms on the workbench next to her. He was shocked when he felt the hand go to his hand. Her dainty fingers caressed his thick, callused hand.


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