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Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  A moment later they heard the scream. Gabriele was never so frightened in his life as he immediately swung his head toward the woods. As Gabriele went running, he caught sight of Ron Anders jumping off his back porch, shotgun in hand.

  * * * *

  Lucia had been walking through the woods, just in the beginning part that bordered the Anders property. She thought she heard voices and then looked to the right and could see some men in the distance with backpacks on. Immediately, she knew should get out of the woods quickly, and she picked up pace and tried to remain behind the bigger trees. But apparently one of them saw her and started yelling and whistling.

  She wasn’t too far from the entrance by the Anders home when she saw the flash of something to her right and then felt the shove to her shoulder. Her arm and shoulder hit the tree, and she screamed in terror before landing on her ass in the leaves and brush.

  Two big men stood over her, looking dirty and up to no good. She was in trouble, and she tried scooting backward on her hands despite the pain in her shoulder.

  “Look at what we have here. Now ain’t this a lovely surprise,” one of them said as he licked his lips and looked her body over. She felt the tear emerge. She wasn’t prepared for this. Her mind was all frazzled with worry over Maxwell, Lucifer, Gabriele, and Salvatore, and what they thought of her. She was shocked that she thought of them right now, and wished she had been with them instead of fighting their help, their interest, out of fear of her past.

  “What are you doing out here, darling, all alone? Ya know it’s dangerous in the woods at night?” the other one teased as he knelt down and touched her ankle. She kicked his hand away and went to get up when the other one grabbed her by the jacket.

  “She’s a wild one. May need a muzzle.”

  She pulled from his grasp turned and stood up, her shoulder aching. She wasn’t going to get touched or assaulted by these creeps. Back in South Carolina, she had been drugged and abused and couldn’t fight Derek off because of that. Never again would a man, would anyone take advantage of her.

  She slowly backstepped as the man reached out to grab her jacket. She screamed and struck him just as she heard some hollering. The one big guy shoved her down to the ground, and she fell backward, hitting her shoulder again. Before she knew what was happening, she saw a large shadow then heard the thump and the cry from one man. He fell instantly to the ground. Then the second one cursed then moaned.

  She heard Gabriele’s voice, and then she made out the outline of his thick body and his fists flying.

  “Lucia, are you okay?” She swung her head around to see Dave, Shay, and Ron Anders. Dave was holding a shotgun. Ron hurried toward Gabriele.

  “Gabriele, you’ll kill them. That’s enough. Lucia is okay. Get to Lucia,” he told Gabriele.

  She cringed as she tried to get up.

  “Lucia?” Gabriele looked so wild. His eyes were wide, his face red and filled with anger, and his fists were bloody.

  “Is she okay?” Kelly Anders appeared with the cell phone in one hand and a revolver in the other.

  “She’s okay, but the two thugs who tried to hurt her are out cold in the dirt thanks to Gabriele,” Ron Anders told his wife, and the men chuckled.

  “Served them scumbags right,” Dave said as Gabriele reached out to touch Lucia then pulled back.

  She didn’t know why he wouldn’t touch her. Then her mind jumped to conclusions about what was revealed to them about her past, and about being sexually assaulted.

  “Gabriele, you’re hurt,” she whispered. She looked at his hands, and when she reached out, she cringed.

  His expression of concern caused a reaction in her, and she reached out, wanting him, needing him close. He understood as he gently lifted her up into his arms and carried her from the woods. Ron and Shay stayed with the guys until Wyatt and his deputies arrived, while Dave and Kelly made sure that he and Lucia were all right.

  * * * *

  Gabriele called his brothers and told them what happened as Dave and Kelly left them alone to head back to speak with Wyatt. He washed his hands with soap and water in the sink, seeing the swollen knuckles and feeling the sting. Lucia stood next to him, unwilling to remove her sweater to let him check her shoulder.

  She stared at his hands, and the emotion in her eyes was overwhelming. She appeared to be about to lose it. She patted his hands dry with the towel, her delicate fingers soothing to his body. He was feeling so much and worried that she wasn’t.


  She shook her head and then looked up toward him, her head tilted way back, her eyes glistening.

  “You saved me,” she said, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

  He reached out to caress the stray tear from her cheek. “Of course, Lucia. We told you that we were here for you to protect you always. Didn’t you believe us?” he teased. The pure, honest look of uncertainty in her eyes tore through his heart as she shook her head.

  “I didn’t,” she said and then hugged him tight. He ran his hands along her waist as he held her in his arms. When she looked up at him, he cupped her face between his hands and he lowered his mouth to hers. He had never been one to be called gentle, compassionate, and sensitive, or anything close to it. He was a welder, a soldier, and a hardened man. But with this beautiful young woman in his arms, he felt capable of all those things and only for her.

  That kiss grew deeper.

  She kissed him back, gripped his shirt in her fists, and held on as he explored her mouth thoroughly. He trailed kisses along her throat, her neck, as his hands explored her body. He could feel her tense as he maneuvered his palms under her sweater to her breasts.

  “Easy, baby. It’s me. No one else. No one that will hurt you. I’ve got you.” He kissed her skin, and she relaxed a little.

  The feel of her feminine curves delighted him. He ran his palms upward, cupping her abundant breasts and feeling the lace of her bra against his fingers. The material of her sweater irritated his chaffed skin, but the feel of her breasts, the taste of her skin eliminated the ache.

  He lowered nearly to one knee and lifted her sweater to kiss her skin. Her flat, taut belly and skin, silky smooth and smelling of soap and female, aroused his senses. He licked and kissed her skin then across the light-pink scar.

  “Gabriele.” She sounded desperate, concerned that she wouldn’t be able to let him go further, but he knew she needed to get comfortable and trust him.

  “You’re mine, baby, as I’m all yours. Touch me too. Take from me whatever you want, whenever you need it,” he told her then pressed lips to her ribs then higher to the cleavage of her breast.

  She gripped his shirt and ran her hands slowly under the buttons to his skin. He felt the singe of heat and desire.

  “I love your hands, Lucia. They feel so good on my skin,” he admitted.

  “I like how yours feel on mine, Gabriele,” she whispered. He reached for her sweater and began to raise it upward.


  “I want to check over your shoulder. Trust me,” he said, tilting his head up toward her face.

  She tightened up, obviously in pain as he carefully removed her sweater. As he kissed her hip and ribs then turned her to face the mirror in the bathroom as he stood up, he cursed.

  “Motherfuckers. I should have broken their fucking necks.”

  “It’s okay, Gabriele. Calm down, please. You saved me. It’s okay,” she told him through the reflection in the mirror. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, his hands holding her by her hips, and he locked gazes with her. “You need some first aid. Do you know if there’s anything in here?” he asked.

  “Under the sink, I think,” she said. He lowered down, opened the cabinet, keeping a hand possessively, protectively on her hip and ass. She swallowed hard as he stood up straighter and opened up the box.

  “Why did you go out into the woods tonight?” he asked her as he opened up an antiseptic wipe to clean out the large scrapes and some blood from th
e wound.

  “I wasn’t planning on it, but as I sat on the bench, my mind wandering over too many crazy things, I felt compelled to go for a nice long walk. To clear my head.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her good shoulder as they locked gazes through the mirror’s reflection.

  “No more walking in the woods, day or night. Those guys were bad, baby. They could have—” He stopped and took a deep breath and released it. She turned her head sideways to look at him, and he leaned forward to kiss her lips. When she reached up to hold his face between her hands as they kissed, he knew she was feeling the full power of the attraction. He was hoping that he was gaining her trust. He would never fail her. She needed him and his brothers’ protection and love.

  He pulled her into his arms, lifted her up, and placed her ass on the vanity.

  They battled for control of the kiss as she entwined her arms around his shoulders and pressed her breasts against his chest. His hands maneuvered everywhere. Her breasts, her bare back, and her waist, then to her cheeks as he kissed her deeply.

  He released her lips and spoke against them, holding her gaze.

  “I’ll always protect you. Do you trust me, Lucia?” She nodded her head. “Do you want me like I want you? Like my brothers want you?” he asked.

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, and she nodded her head.

  “I need slow,” she whispered.

  He gently kissed her lips then her chin, her neck and shoulder, then back to her lips again.

  “Is this slow enough?” he asked and she smiled as she squeezed his shoulders.

  The sound of someone banging on the door outside alerted them to the arrival of his brothers.

  “They’re here, baby, and their concern will be just as great as mine was.”

  She nodded her head and then reached for the sweater. He shook his head.

  “Leave it off. I want them to see it and make sure I cleaned it out good enough. Salvatore knows more about being a medic than I ever did.” He gave her a wink and headed out of the room.

  * * * *

  Salvatore walked into the bathroom, his eyes zeroing in on Lucia facing the mirror with only a white lace bra and her jeans on, a bad, bloody scratch on her shoulder that appeared to be bruising.

  “Jesus,” he exclaimed and locked gazes with her through the reflection in the mirror. His arm went around her waist and he kissed her good shoulder. “Are you okay, sweetie?” he asked. She nodded her head. He could hear her heart pounding. Hell, his was, too, she looked so damn sexy.

  “Lucia?” Maxwell said her name, and then Salvatore grabbed the first-aid kit.

  “Let’s go into the bedroom where there’s more room.” He took her hand, and she walked with him toward the bed.

  Maxwell cupped her cheek and stared down into her eyes. “We were so worried about you. Gabriele beat the crap out of those guys, and Wyatt and the deputies are going after the other ones. They’re wanted for numerous robberies and assaults across three counties,” he informed her.

  “They could have killed me?” she asked.

  “Don’t think about it. Gabriele was there to save you. We told you that we would protect you always. But for us to do that, you need us with you all the time. Do you understand?” Maxwell asked her. She nodded her head, and his eyes roamed over her bodice before he leaned down and kissed her.

  Lucifer sat on the bed next to her. He took her hand into his and brought it to his lips while Salvatore bandaged her shoulder.

  “We can’t be apart from you like this. Worrying, wondering if you’re okay and safe. We need to make some changes, Lucia,” Lucifer told her, and she nodded her head as he kissed her. Salvatore finished up and leaned down and kissed her shoulder.

  Lucifer moved her to her back and stared down into her eyes.

  “We know that it’s going to be difficult to let us love you and touch you intimately. But, baby, the moment we found out that you were in trouble and that you got hurt, it scared the crap out of us. What if Gabriele wasn’t there? What if the Anderses weren’t and no one heard your screams? God, baby, we are your guardians and you need to trust us, let us care for you, protect you, and love you. You have to, because I can’t take not being with you. I can’t handle wondering if you’re safe. I want you in my arms and in our bed where we can love you and show you how real men treat their woman.”

  “I want that too. I know you’re worried and that you’re all scared just like I am. But I realized in that woods, when those bad men were taunting me and they had bad intentions, that I might miss out on having you. I realized that all four of you make me feel safe and loved, which I never experienced before. So why run from it? Why not embrace it? God, Lucifer, Maxwell, Gabriele, and Salvatore, I need you. Please. Make me feel whole and beautiful again. Please,” she begged.

  Salvatore nodded his head.

  “Slow, Lucifer, and one at a time,” Salvatore said as Lucifer leaned forward and kissed Lucia.

  * * * *

  Lucia felt her heart racing, but the feel of her breasts tingling and her pussy throbbing was stronger.

  Salvatore undid the buttons to her jeans as Lucifer kissed her on the lips and Maxwell kissed her on the shoulder. As they pulled her pants off of her she rolled to her side and hugged Lucifer.

  “Easy, baby. You’re beautiful, and so very sexy,” Maxwell told her then kissed along her spine.

  Every touch, every sensation seemed to be tattooed into her flesh. The feel of manly lips, strong, hard fingers, gently moving along her skin. She felt the clip come undone on her bra and her panties pushed down her thighs.

  Lucifer pulled her on top of him, and she straddled his waist, and her bare, wet pussy made contact with his jeans.

  She lifted up, and Maxwell removed her bra while he cupped a bare breast on one side. Salvatore cupped her breast on the other side.

  “You’re a goddess, Lucia,” Gabriele said, and she looked toward him standing by the side of the bed naked and aroused. Her belly quivered and her chest tightened.

  “Focus on all of us and how much we care about you,” Lucifer encouraged her.

  He slowly rolled her to her back, and she cringed.

  “Are you okay like this?” he asked, and she nodded as he smiled then slid down over her. His tongue licked her nipple, and she gripped his head. Lucifer used his hands to spread her thighs open, and then she felt his tongue against her clit.

  “Oh God, Lucifer.”

  “Let me have a taste, baby. Don’t hold back. Don’t be scared. Give me all of you as I’m giving you all of me.”

  He used his thumbs to press her pussy lips wider before he moved a digit to the hole.

  She anticipated pain, as her mind tried to rule over her body.

  “Look at me, baby,” Gabriele said, stroking his cock in his hand.

  “It’s us, not him. We care for you. You want us like we want you. It’s your decision. Move on and continue this, making us all one, or stop it, if you’re not ready.”

  She shook her head.

  “I want you. All of you. Please, Gabriele.”

  Just then Lucifer pressed a digit up into her pussy and she moaned aloud. Gabriele knelt on the bed, leaned down, and kissed her as Lucifer aroused her cunt and got her wet and ready for his cock.

  Lucia had never felt so many deep, wonderful sensations before. Thank God she had sex a couple of times before Derek, or she might really be having difficulty right now. Gabriele was right. She needed to focus on them, not Derek. These men wanted her, staked a claim to her as her protectors. This was right.

  She felt her body tighten, and then she gasped as Gabriele pulled her nipple between his teeth then suckled her breast. Her pussy wept, and Lucifer suckled and slurped at her cream.

  “Fucking delicious,” he said then lifted up. He moved to the side and Gabriele took his place.

  “You ready for me, baby?” Gabriele asked as Lucifer undressed.

  “Yes, Gabriele. I want you.” It was a wild
, intense moment. She truly thought her life was over and that she would never be able to let another man touch her. But these four men were amazing. They made her feel so beautiful and loved, she never wanted to leave them or leave here. They made her believe that was more than possible. It would come true.

  Gabriele aligned his cock with her pussy and slowly began to push into her. They locked their fingers together above her head, and Lucia held his gaze, his big blue eyes bored into her soul, and she smiled.

  “I want you. Take me, Gabriele. Make me yours forever.”

  “With pleasure, Lucia.” He sank deeper, her tight, wet pussy muscles gave way to his girth, and soon he was fully seated in her. He slowly pulled back then thrust into her.

  “Oh God, you’re so big. It feels so good,” she said, and even she recognized the surprise in her voice.

  Lucifer touched her cheek and looked at her in confidence as he stroked his cock with his other hand. “Just wait, Lucia. It’s going to get even better,” he informed her, and she felt her cheeks warm.

  Gabriele leaned down and kissed her deeply as he matched the thrusts of his tongue with the strokes of his cock into her. She felt like crying for joy, as she realized all her fears for a happy future were being eliminated with every thrust and endearment from Gabriele and his brothers.

  She explored Gabriele’s body, too. Squeezing his large muscles, caressing his waist, and then reaching back as he thrust deeper and raised her hips higher while she squeezed his ass.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. You feel so tight and wet. I’m there, Lucia. Come with me, love,” he coached her, and she gave in to the sensations, the connection between them as she cried out her first orgasm. Gabriele followed, pumping into her again and again then holding her and kissing her before he lifted up.

  “You’re so special, Lucia. So very special to me.” He kissed her softly before he rose up and Lucifer took his place.


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