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Fallen Angels: BeguiledWantonUncovered

Page 13

by Lori Foster

  With renewed resolution, Dane said, “It seems like the best solution, honey.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “Because as soon as I can manage it, we’ll be married.”


  ANGEL STARED AT DEREK…no, Dane. She had to remember that. This man—a man she’d slept with—was a total stranger. He’d betrayed her, used her, and as far as she could tell, despite all his assurances to the contrary, he was no different from his family. But everything about him had seemed different.

  No, she didn’t trust him, and she’d been right to fear him all along.

  “We could make it a Thanksgiving wedding,” he said, sounding absurdly enthusiastic. “Not very romantic, I know, but there you have it. I really do think the sooner the better.”

  Angel could only shake her head. “I’m not marrying you.”

  “Have you forgotten my family, honey?”

  What a joke. As if she could ever forget such a thing. “It’s not likely, not when I’ve suspected them most from the start.”

  “Suspected them?” Dane sounded confused, his eyebrows slowly drawing down.

  “They, more than anyone, have reason to want me gone. After all, I know firsthand just how unscrupulous Derek could be, when they’re bound and determined to make him out a saint. If I chose to go to the papers…”

  “Being snide isn’t going to help anything.”

  “It’s making me feel a damn sight better!”

  “Angel, my family wouldn’t try to physically harm you.”


  He sighed. “Okay, look at it this way. It’s obvious whoever tried to run you off the road, succeeded with Derek. Now surely you’re not going to suggest my family could be responsible for that? The two incidents are too closely related to not be done by the same person or people.”

  He was right, and that made the peril even worse. When she’d thought she knew who was after her, it was bad enough. But not knowing…

  “I just found out about Derek today. Before now, my reasoning seemed sound.”

  “Possibly. I had my own suspicions about why my mother has been so accepting of Derek’s death. Normally, she’d be looking for a person to blame, and you could have been a target. But I think you may have hit the nail on the head. She knew he was unscrupulous, knew the way he’d treated you lacked any sense of professional honor. Could be she just didn’t want any reporters getting wind of the story and embellishing on it.”

  Angel’s brain felt stuffed to overflowing with problems, and she needed to get away from him so she could think. She looked toward Mick, but Dane quickly regained her attention.

  “You still need my protection from the family, honey, just not in the way you thought. Look at yourself. You haven’t made the best first impression on any of them, and believe me, they’ll use your little show today to their advantage. They’ll call you a crazy woman running in here all mussed and smelling of smoke. Just the fact of the danger involved is enough to give them an edge. They’ll gladly use anything they can to cow you. My mother would love to claim you unfit, taking into consideration your financial predicament, your insecure life, compared to everything their money and influence can provide—”

  “All right!” Angel stood and began pacing. It seemed her options were sorely limited, and by her own design, she’d put herself in his family’s righteous path. She couldn’t, wouldn’t lose Grayson, not to anyone, not for any reason.

  Dane slipped up behind her, not touching her, but his warmth did and her stomach gave an excited little flip. Fool, she thought, disgusted with herself and her feminine responses to him.

  Well, she’d wondered many times why things were different now, why she would be more attracted to Derek now after the way he’d used her. She had her answer of sorts, the mere fact that it wasn’t Derek, but his brother instead. Again, she shuddered with the humiliation of it. Everything Derek had told her of Dane had scared her spitless. He’d been like a dark, silent enemy, someone she’d wanted to avoid at all costs. But now, she didn’t really fear him at all. On the contrary, she was madder than hell.

  “As my wife, they couldn’t touch you, Angel. Grayson would be safe, and you would be safe, from them and the threats.”

  “Why?” Angel whirled around to face him, his motivations very suspect given everything she now knew. It had seemed strange enough that Derek would be interested in her, but then she’d found out he only wanted to use her. What could possibly be driving Dane? “Why would you want to marry me, damn you?”

  Dane’s eyes lifted briefly to where Mick hovered in the corner. Then he leaned down until their foreheads nearly touched. He didn’t look at her face, choosing instead to stare at her mouth. “Grayson is my nephew, but I care about him as if he were my own. I’d gladly kill, or die, for him. And we’re good together, babe. Last night proved that.” His fingers touched gently on her cheek, then dropped away. “I think we could make a go of things. It’s the only logical solution.”

  Weary defeat dragged her down and she rubbed her forehead. He hadn’t said anything about caring for her. His reasoning was so far from love as to be laughable. But then, she didn’t love him either. She didn’t. How could she possibly love a man she didn’t even really know? She felt boxed in and almost desperate, as much by the circumstances as her own emotional needs. “I’d want a marriage of convenience.”

  Dane straightened with a short, curt laugh. “Hell no.”


  “I love how you say that, Angel. You have no idea how damn difficult it was being called by another man’s name.”

  He was impossible and she couldn’t deal with him. She felt caught between a good cry and a hysterical laugh.

  Dane took her shoulders and gently shook her. “Let me take you home. To my house. You look exhausted and we need to talk without the threat of my family bursting in any minute. You need to tell me everything this time; no more secrets. And Grayson needs to get settled down. We have a lot to take care of today.”

  Since she didn’t know what else to do, she finally nodded. Dane let out a long breath of relief and smiled at her. “Don’t look so glum. Marrying me won’t be nearly the hardship you’re imagining. I promise.”

  Her look of intense dislike was rudely ignored.

  The outer door opened then and Dane’s sister marched in, looking militant for all of three steps—until Alec’s long arm appeared, grabbed her by the shoulder, and tugged her back out again. The door closed quietly on her outraged complaints.

  Dane chuckled. “I think my sister is anxious to meet the baby.”

  It was almost impossible to beat down her panic. “Dane…”

  “Shh. I won’t let anything happen to him, honey. You’re going to have to trust me on this.”

  Before she could tell him she had no intention of trusting him ever again, he continued. “Let me do the talking, okay? I don’t want my family to know everything yet. My mother might want to start her own campaign to find Derek’s killer, and that could put you at risk.”

  “Then what will you tell them?”

  He shrugged. “As little as possible.”

  He went to the door and opened it. Angel could see Dane’s sister standing on her tiptoes, one manicured finger poking at Alec. Angel marveled at how the woman stood up to him, as scary as he appeared, so cold and hard. But Alec seemed to ignore her, arms crossed over his chest, his black gaze pinning Raymond across the room. Dane’s mother sat quietly beside Raymond, her hands clasped in her lap.

  “Celia, would you like to meet your nephew?”

  Halting in midcomplaint, Celia squealed, loudly, which caused Alec to wince. “Then he really is Derek’s son? I wasn’t wrong in that?”

  She looked so anxious, so excited, Angel felt her heart twist. Dane laughed. “Yes, he really is.”

  Casting only a quick triumphant glare at Alec, Celia rushed in. Alec shook his head and chuckled behind her.

  As Celia cooed over the
baby, Mick willingly giving him up to her. Seeing her baby in Celia’s arms made Angel begin to shake. This was exactly what she hadn’t wanted to happen, what she had always feared the most.

  There was more chaos as Dane’s family started their interrogation. He gave an edited version of how they’d met and when. He managed to make it sound romantic while excluding any suggestion of suspicions, and explained about Grayson in the process. He told them of the fire and why Angel had appeared looking so harried. They waited to hear why she’d called him Derek, but Dane ignored that and Angel realized he had no intention of explaining. It seemed he didn’t care what his family thought, and given his closed expression, they were just as reluctant to question him.

  “How do you know the baby is Derek’s?”

  Silence fell as every face turned to Mrs. Carter. Feeling stiff from the roots of her hair all the way to her toes, Angel met the older woman’s glare and refused to look away or give any sign of defense. Mrs. Carter could think whatever she wanted; Angel had no reason to be ashamed.

  But Dane laughed. “Excellent, Mother. If you don’t believe the baby is his, then I don’t have to concern myself with your interference.”

  Raymond looked at Grayson over Celia’s shoulder. “I don’t remember Ms. Morris ever dating anyone else. In fact, it caused a buzz in the company that she was dating at all, especially that Derek had shown an interest. But the baby is…what? A couple months old? That’s cutting it close.”

  Dane narrowed his eyes, and he suddenly looked near violence. “He was born six weeks early.”

  “Ah. Then the timing fits, doesn’t it?”

  Celia beamed. “Of course it does. He looks just like Derek and Dane. Mother, I don’t have a single doubt.”

  Angel had always heard what a formidable dragon lady Mrs. Carter was, but now, she looked so vulnerable it pained even Angel. As she approached the baby, she breathed hard, her nostrils quivering as she tried, and failed, to find some measure of control. Her hand came up to touch the baby’s head. “He does have a family resemblance.”

  Celia smiled and rocked the baby.

  Dane’s tone was very gentle, but firm, and only Angel seemed to notice the way he watched his mother. “I don’t mean to rush off, but we have a lot to do today and we’d better get to it.”

  Stepping forward, Raymond looked at each family member in turn. He wasn’t a scary-looking man, like Alec, but he did appear rather cold and calculating.

  “I’d be glad to help you out around here, Dane. It does seem you have your hands full at the moment, and as you’d been saying before the…ah, interruption, you have your own business to run.”

  Angel wanted to deny her familiarity to Dane, but the truth was, she could already read him, and what she saw in his complacent gaze was a sort of evil anticipation. He didn’t smile, but she could see the satisfaction in his gaze as he faced the other man. “Thank you, Raymond, but I was going to suggest Celia take over. The board will, of course, have to approve her, but with my mother’s backing—” he glanced toward his mother, who gave an imperial nod of her head, but withheld any verbal comment “—and of course my own, I don’t think it should be a problem. Anyone who wants to fight it, would have to fight me. And I assure you that’s not a pleasant prospect.”

  Angel noticed that Dane had just made his sister a very happy woman. Like her mother, she kept still, but as she kissed the baby again, Angel could see a small exuberant smile on her face.

  With that apparently settled to his satisfaction, Dane glanced at his watch. “We have to get going. I need to get Angel and Grayson settled down in my house.”

  “In your house?”

  “Yes, Mother. I’ve asked Angel to marry me as soon as I can arrange it, and she’s agreed.”

  Dane’s announcement started a new flurry of comments and Angel wished there was some way to remove herself and Grayson. They all deserved to fight among themselves; she just didn’t want to take part in it. Mick sidled up beside her, and she had the feeling he was as disoriented by the Carter family as she.

  “I can keep the baby while you go on a honeymoon.”

  Angel’s heart skipped a beat at Celia’s anxious offer, but Dane easily covered her reaction. His arm slipped around her shoulders and gently squeezed, offering her reassurance, she knew. But with him so close, she felt far from comforted.

  “Thanks, but we’re not going to even think about anything like that for a while. And Grayson is too young to be left. If you want to visit him, you can come to the house and sit with Angel sometime.” His arm squeezed again, and he added, “Call first, though, and clear it with Angel. I know you wouldn’t want to wake Grayson from a nap or interrupt his feeding.”

  Celia looked at Angel, and there didn’t appear to be any animosity in her expression. “You’ll join us for Thanksgiving? Please? I realize it’s short notice, but then all of this is, and we’re very anxious to get to know the baby better.” Tears welled in her eyes and she snuggled Grayson closer. “He’s all that’s left to us of Derek, now.”

  Angel licked her lips, feeling cornered. Celia’s sincerity smote her, made her feel petty and mean. But she was still afraid, and she refused to trust any of them. “I…Dane and I will discuss it.”

  Dane gave her an admiring glance for her tact. “Yes, we’ll let you know, sis. It may be we’ll have our wedding by then, if I can get a wedding together in two days. I really have no idea how these things are done.”

  “I can help.”

  “No thanks. Angel and I can handle it, I’m sure, once we have a chance to sit down and put our heads together.”

  Regaining her aplomb, Mrs. Carter said, “This is absurd! I’ve just discovered my grandson, but you’re refusing us any rights. You can’t simply cut us out this way. I won’t have it.”

  Dane smiled at his mother. “Watch me.”

  “You’ve always been deliberately difficult, but this time I insist you be reasonable! We’re talking about Derek’s son, his heir, and you want to whisk him away?”

  “No one is stopping you from visiting, Mother, as long as you check with Angel first.”

  Her face flushed darkly. It was apparent to Angel that Mrs. Carter wasn’t used to asking permission for anything. “Check with her? Don’t be outrageous! We have as much right as anyone to be with the child. In fact, more.” Her eyes narrowed. “And frankly, I think it’s unconscionable that she’s dared to keep this a secret.”

  Dane stared at his mother, his eyes narrowed. “I’m sure you can understand her reasons.”

  “Dammit, he’s my grandson!”

  Having heard enough, Angel stepped forward, away from Dane’s side. She lifted her chin and spoke firmly. “But I’m his mother.”

  The two women stared at each other, and Angel had the feeling they were coming to an understanding. It wasn’t easy to face the older woman down, but she couldn’t allow Dane to continue shielding her. Now that they knew about Grayson, they were bound to have regular contact.

  Mrs. Carter looked undecided on how to react, but Celia interceded and smoothed the waters. “The important thing is that you’re going to be family, Angel. I hope you’ll let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you get settled.”

  Angel didn’t want to be a part of this family; the very thought appalled her. But Celia was so sincere, Angel didn’t have the heart or the energy to tell her that. “Thank you.”

  Raymond took Mrs. Carter’s arm and consoled her, as if she’d been horribly victimized. Dane rolled his eyes, then began making plans.

  “Alec, could you take Mick with you to the apartment and pick up whatever Angel or Grayson might need?”

  Alec nodded and Angel noticed a look passing between them. She started to question Dane, but Mick looked thrilled for the excuse to be with Alec and Angel couldn’t disappoint him by countermanding Dane’s order.

  Then Dane handed Alec a credit card. “And stop at the store to buy whatever needs to be replaced.”

glared at him. It was time she stood up to Dane, too. She went on tiptoe to look him in the eye, then whispered low, “Don’t press your luck.”

  He grinned, but quickly removed the sign of humor. “Uh, did you have a better suggestion to make?”

  “No. But you’ve been steamrolling me and I don’t like it. Stop treating me like I can’t make my own decisions.”

  “Is that what I’ve been doing?” His words were soft, intimate. He totally ignored the rapt faces of his family.

  “Yes, and I don’t like it.” She tried to sound firm, rather than affected by the tender way he watched her.

  “I’ll try to reform.” His sincerity seemed doubtful, but then, right in front of his whole family, he kissed her. “It won’t be easy though, honey. I like taking care of you.”

  Bemused, Angel wondered if this was part of his plan to convince his family they were marrying by choice, rather than need. Before she could completely sort her thoughts, Dane took control, settling things to his satisfaction.

  WITHIN AN HOUR they were ensconced in his house, a spacious ranch out in the middle of nowhere with a wraparound porch and too many windows to count. It sat about a quarter of a mile from the road and was surrounded by gently rolling hills and huge, mature trees.

  Angel had shivered at the isolation of it; her life would be irrevocably changed now, but then, that had been true of so many recent events: meeting Derek, being dismissed from her job, the car accident. Grayson’s birth. Because of the baby, she couldn’t truly regret her ill-fated relationship with Derek.

  And if she hadn’t met Derek, she’d never have met Dane.

  That thought shook her, and made her face her own feelings. Lately, she’d been so busy surviving, getting through one day at a time, she’d almost underestimated how precious life could be. Not once had she ever considered that Derek might be gone. What if it had been Dane? What if the murderer had finally reached her?


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