Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2)

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Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2) Page 2

by HK Savage

  Miracles happen. A shoe scuffed on the stone at the base of the steps and Becca could breathe again.

  Black didn’t move. “Michael, well timed.”


  As he approached, Michael’s expression remained blank, giving away nothing of the carefully controlled feelings he wrestled. His nature threatened to flare, had been doing so since Black altered his request that he leave them alone for fifteen minutes before he join them. A quick flick of the eyes and he saw that, although clearly stressed, Becca was unharmed. She moved and he caught a flash of faint silver lines spiderwebbed over her cheek from the mission that nearly took her from him. Gritting his teeth, he held back his vampire need to take his woman far from where Black or anyone could touch her. It was impossible. Black could find her anywhere and Michael couldn’t take one step if Black ordered him to stay. His rage threatened to compromise him and, falling back on skills developed over many years, he quieted his body and mind. “I’ve come as you requested, Sir,” he said, benignly. “The others are on their way.”

  Black waited several heartbeats before switching the subject. “I wonder, Rebecca, if Michael has informed you as to the nature of our business in Washington?” A faint glimmer of amusement twisted his lips and Becca caught sight of his fangs. Unlike Michael’s, Black’s never fully retracted. It was an age thing, Michael had told her. “I’m confident his first stop after returning was your quarters?”

  Blood rushed to her cheeks and Becca ducked her chin. With her hair up, Michael could watch the red wash over her face. “We didn’t discuss the details of the trip, Sir.”

  A deep rumble from Black’s chest sounded vaguely like laughter, maybe the closest the sick bastard got. “Then tell me, my dear, what did you do?”

  For some reason Black was endlessly amused with the fact that they were sleeping together. He was actually pleased; he’d even told Michael to bed her to secure her loyalties. After some initial adjustment issues, she believed him when Michael reassured her that his desires were entirely his own.

  “All due respect, Sir,” Michael spoke up from the other end of the table where he stood by his chair. “Our visit was personal and your affairs were not the subject of our private discussions.”

  The admiral averted his gaze from where Becca squirmed and stared at his second in command. “Then I will leave the subject matter of your visit to my imagination.”

  Michael was grateful the admiral had yet to show a sexual inclination toward anything. If he wanted to take her, Michael would surely die trying in vain to protect her. The rapid heart rate of the sole human in the room was the only response to the admiral’s crude insinuation. Both of them waited for the admiral to move on.

  “Rebecca, you are new to us and might not comprehend our unique relationship with the rest of the United States government.” Black resumed his standard upright position and pushed his chair aside with a foot.

  Becca’s eyes followed the admiral, careful not to touch his eyes for more than a second at a time. She remembered what Michael had told her about his ability to get into her head with anything more than that. Thus far she hadn’t asked if he had the same capabilities and he hoped she wouldn’t. It would pain him to have her compare him to the vampire that ruled them all.

  “You have seen firsthand that we serve the needs of our soldiers, protecting both human and otherwise among our ranks as well as civilians around the world.”

  She nodded. That was true. Confounding as he may be, Black had proven he would go to any lengths to protect those serving. Especially the supernatural beings who found places within their ranks. With their strength and intelligence, the military had shown itself to be a perfect match for many non-humans; Special Forces and wet work being a particularly well-suited destination for those with certain thirsts.

  “We recently learned there are those in Washington who question the relevance of our work.” He let that hang.

  Her uncertainty at where this was going was visible in her pinched brow. The freckles he could see in the bright light and the puzzled expression made her look young and Michael felt that same protective instinct he’d gotten the first time he met her, helpless in a hospital bed.

  “Your recent discovery of this new ability of yours affords us a rare chance. It would be helpful to be ‘inside,’ so to speak, to determine the source of this sudden dissension.”

  Predictably, her frame tightened and the glance she aimed his way was glazing already. Her sight was warning her the danger of Black’s proposal, or maybe it had more to do with what might happen if she couldn’t perform. His own insides twisted at the thought of the admiral bringing harm to her.

  Becca took a deep breath through her nose and lifted her chin. “I’m not certain how it works, Sir. It’s possible I wouldn’t be able to jump into a stranger, on command.”

  Leveling a heavy gaze upon her, Black gave her objection no regard. “Your goal over the next two weeks is to figure out how it works, master it, and be ready to use it at my command.”

  “Hey Mike, when did you get back?” Ryan called, moving to take his seat across from Becca. Gabrielle sashayed a few steps behind and took her seat beside the big Marine.

  Ryan’s casual air was clearly meant to distract and diffuse. He was the only one who got away with that sort of thing, though typically he was more subdued in front of Black. It must have been pretty obvious the tone their little “catch up” session was taking.

  Black tracked the newcomers with a pointed stare. Michael cast another appraising glance her way and she caught it. Becca lifted an eyebrow and widened her eyes in question. He raised a shoulder, subtly trying to let her know he hadn’t known this was coming. It was unknowable if she believed him or not. He wished it could be otherwise and hid his disappointment in himself that he wasn’t the man she deserved.

  Their exchange ended when the admiral opened his mouth. “Now that we are all together, I would like you to familiarize yourselves with our next mission.” Gliding in his creepy way around the table he passed out the files, pausing a moment longer behind Becca. She sensed without knowing what he’d done exactly, that something had transpired between Michael and himself. It had only taken a second but the mood of everyone at the table changed. Frowning, Ryan gave Becca a curious look confirming her suspicions it involved her. Gabrielle feigned boredom. And the heat rolling off of Michael was palpable. Becca shot him several nervous sideways glances.

  “Is there something you would like to say Michael?” Black had resumed his position at the head of the table and leaned forward, putting his features directly under the overhead light. He glowed, eerily wraithlike.

  The vampire climbing its way out of Michael gnashed its teeth, demanding blood. Black openly challenged him on the flight back from D.C. He was going to use Becca for something. Did Michael have an issue with that? The knife Black put between his ribs hadn’t been what stopped him from objecting more than he had. It was the damned bond Black controlled him through. There was no stopping the admiral from using Becca, she was one of his soldiers now like the rest of them. But Michael already struggled to make absolutely sure he was able to offer protection against those he could defeat, while letting her believe he was treating her the same as the others in the unit. She was intelligent. Eventually she would figure out something changed while the admiral and he were in D.C. And as much as a part of him wished he could tell her, Black had forbidden his mentioning his new plans for Becca, he also dreaded it. There was no chance she would believe him to be anything other than a weak coward for doing nothing to defend her from Black. As her commanding officer and lover it was his duty. Too soon, his only happiness in over half a century was going to come crashing down and he was powerless to stop it.

  “No Sir. I believe I’ve expressed my opinion already.” From his periphery he caught Becca’s sharp intake of breath and the direction of her eyes. He could almost see her picturing the fading scar that would be gone entirely the next time he fed.

  Thankfully, Black let it go. He was confident he’d made his point and everyone at the table knew Michael was allowed a certain amount of leniency given his elevated position in the unit. They couldn’t know why Black chose him as their leader though they were more than willing to keep him as the go between. No one wanted to spend any extra time with the admiral if they could avoid it. That was the only reason no one had discovered his ties to Black thus far. Only Becca had gotten close enough to him to be in a position to be suspicious. And this jumping ability had him shaken. If she guessed at the depth of his supplication she would withdraw for self-protection, if not for disgust. How could she not? He was half a man, or monster; unable to exercise his own will. And if she didn’t guess the cause of his compromised strength, she could only believe him a coward. It was only a matter of time before she left him. A strong woman could only want an equally strong man, and he was not that. He wished he could tear his dead soul from his chest and break the bond he would obey until his end.

  Leaning back, Black removed himself from the light and let his hands drop by his sides. “If you will turn your attentions to the case files…” He went on to briefly outline the details of the crime scenes, what little information they gave about the potential creature they were facing, and when they would be leaving. The crime scenes were standard issue psychopath complete with disemboweled bodies and removed hearts. Of course there were pictures. Because the hearts hadn’t been found, the police assumed the killer was keeping them as souvenirs. Black believed they were being eaten which indicated an animal, maybe a were. Or a demon.

  All eyes turned to Becca at mention of the last. Staring at her file, she avoided looking at any of them and kept her shaking hands beneath the table. They all sensed her systemic panic, her faint scars were still easily visible to all non-humans present. He vowed to keep her safe from this one.

  “Wheels up at zero-seven hundred.”

  Chapter 4

  Their briefing complete, all were excused. Becca pushed her chair back and gathered her file under her arm. She made her way as quickly as she could without running to the stairs, half expecting to be called back for more one on one time with the admiral. The spot between her shoulder blades itched from all the eyes surely fixed there. A quick stop in her room to toss the file she should be reading on her bed, and Becca did a quick change into running clothes. She left her iPod on her dresser. She wanted to clear her mind and a quiet run in the desert was more likely to do the trick than a head full of driving bass.

  Minutes after she’d stepped out the front door, Becca felt peace returning to her frayed psyche. The sun was on its way down, tinting the few wispy clouds brave enough to be near it to glowing pinks and oranges; a tiny line of silver luminescence on the undersides. Early spring brought with it the first signs of life. Browns, grays, and pale woody greens were brightening to vibrant peeks of yellow, lavender, and even the lightest hints of pale blue through the bland landscape. The cacti were budding. Everything was readying for a brief yet vivid display that would be peaking within the next few weeks. Even the scent of dust and dry earth was starting to give way to the occasional sniff of something living. Not sufficient to identify yet, but enough to whisper that it was on its way.

  By the time Becca returned the sky was deep blue and already dotted with a handful of stars. The now visible half moon had risen and was casting its white glow on her shoulders as she mounted the cold gray steps to the estate. Its grand outline stood dark and jarring against the starlight. Whoever had decided an English estate belonged here in the desert where Spanish styling and earth homes were prevalent was beyond her. Probably the admiral, Becca thought with a roll of her eyes. It most likely never occurred to him that he might want to fly under the radar, being what he was. After who knew how long as a giant pasty monster, he’d probably forgotten it was even possible to do such a thing. She shivered as the evening cool mixed with sweat and her date with a hot shower became primary in her thoughts.

  Becca was wrapped in a towel and combing her hair when there was a knock at her door. Assuming it was Michael, she bit her lip to hide her smile and felt her body stir. It wasn’t just his stronger senses she’d borrowed for the time being. Becca put her comb on the dresser, one hand on the doorknob, the other readying to drop her towel, when she opened it and gasped.

  Amber eyes, carefully deadened to feign her standard general disinterest rolled. “Jesus Becca, put some pants on.”

  Backing up, Becca did nothing to stop the female werewolf’s forward momentum into her room and sat hard on her bed while Gabrielle leaned against the door she closed behind her. “And to what do I owe the pleasure, Gabrielle?” Becca didn’t call the woman by her nickname, Gab, like the others did. It didn’t seem right, nor had the familiarity been offered.

  Always the suspicious one, Gabrielle went straight on the offensive. “What the hell was that downstairs this afternoon?”

  Her hands clutched the towel, top and bottom. It was the only armor she had shielding her from Gabrielle’s onslaught. It felt woefully inadequate under the circumstances. The spots beginning to cloud her vision agreed. “What are you talking about?” Becca wrangled her emotions to get them under control before her warning system got the better of her.

  Body rippling forward with the grace of a predator, Gabrielle moved off the door and approached the bed. Becca forced herself not to scoot away. The last thing Gabrielle needed was more evidence that she was weak, and human. “Michael’s thing with Black. What’s he getting all caveman about? And why was Black taunting him?”

  “Taunting him?” Becca was clueless.

  Again the eye roll. “Oh come on.” Tanned hands rested on perfectly curved hips clad in black fatigues that looked so much better on her Becca wondered if she had hers tailored. “He waited until he had Michael’s undivided attention and got down, close enough to your neck to be sure Michael got the picture. You’re his.” Leaning back, Gabrielle crossed her arms over her enviable chest. “Any particular reason those two are having a pissing contest over you?” The way she said the last made it abundantly clear Gabrielle’s previous friendly overtures toward Becca were going to be her last.

  Shaken to think the admiral had gotten close enough to bite her, making a point of showing her vulnerability to her only protector, Becca was nearly blinded with the overwhelming warning of impending danger. Breathing became difficult and she clutched at her stomach. As panic overtook her, Becca’s defenses shattered and cold fear flooded her.

  There was nothing from Gabrielle for a long moment while Becca struggled to regain some functional bit of her senses. The combination of fear and Black’s earlier assignment came back to her and she had an idea. Using the visual of Gabrielle’s honey blonde hair visible outside the blinding bright light washing out her face, Becca focused on her and jumped.

  Or she tried. Nothing happened. Fearful she wouldn’t be able to complete the admiral’s assignment within his deadline, terrified that meant he would make good the implied threat everyone but she had seen at the briefing, Becca’s heart went into overdrive. The sides of her ribs ached as her heart thudded hard within its bony cage, threatening to tear her asunder and leave her body broken like the victims in the case file. Surely that was what the admiral had planned if she proved less than useful. He never kept anyone around he didn’t need and he had no patience for failures. Shadows joined the bright spots in a laser show of yin and yang just for her. Where her hands had been white knuckled clutching at her towel, they came away to break her fall as Becca fell backward.

  “Shit. Becca? Are you all right?” Anger gave way to concern and Gabrielle reached out to shake the girl by the shoulders. “Don’t have a heart attack on me.” Was she old enough to have a heart attack? Her supernatural hearing told her the organ was going far too fast to be good for her. Maybe if she passed out she’d calm down. Unsure what else to do, Gabrielle sat down next to her and patted her shoulder awkwardly.

  It didn’t take long for h
er relief to come. The wooden door flew open to reveal a very pissed off vampire glowering at her. Normally he didn’t scare her and Gabrielle typically made sure to show Michael he couldn’t intimidate her. But years of seeing what fangs like those could do and not being a masochist, Gabrielle hopped to her feet and held her hands out in front of her. “Michael, I swear I didn’t do anything.” Both of them glanced over at the human struggling to breath. She was making weird groaning noises and her towel had fallen open. Nudity was normal in the world of a werewolf, that wasn’t what caught her eye. Gabrielle stared at the flesh that had been burned to a crisp only two months before. Michael had really done it. He had brought her all the way back with scarring barely visible even to a creature with enhanced vision like theirs. And even those were fading. Eventually she would be flawless, she was sure. He was stronger than she thought. That had to have left its mark on the girl. She couldn’t be completely human anymore. Gabrielle determined to keep an eye on her, watching for signs of transformation or servitude. Would Black allow Michael a human servant? And was he really willing to turn his lover into a servant to save her? There were ramifications for these sorts of drastic overtures.


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