Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2)

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Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2) Page 3

by HK Savage

  “What did you do to her?” Michael appeared next to Becca. His hands reached out to take his woman and in a blink, very gently, cradled her nude body to his chest. “Becca, can you hear me? You have to calm down.”

  Amazed at this side of her formerly emotionally closed leader, Gabrielle watched as he cooed to her, hands stroking her hair. The gentle side of the admiral’s whipping boy brought Gabrielle’s suspicions to heel. The admiral was a typical crazy-ass vampire in that he coveted things. It was possible he didn’t like the fact that his underling had found something that divided his attention and was asserting his control. Unlike Gabrielle and Ryan who were smart enough to keep their sex lives private, these two were stupidly obvious about the fact that they were together. And seeing the fear in the captain’s eyes, both at the admiral’s threat and now that his human was in trouble, she realized that the admiral most likely didn’t care for the distraction Becca caused Michael. He must really value that whole “prescient sight and future visions of danger” thing she had. Or was it this new “jumping” thing she could do? Honestly it freaked the crap out of Gabrielle. She didn’t want the woman in her head. What if she could poke around while she was in there? She was getting twitchy watching for some weird tickling or foreign jabbing feeling in her head when she was around the human. Nobody got in and poked around in there.

  “Get out,” Michael growled low and dangerous, yanking Gabrielle back from her thoughts.

  Blinking at the naked human lying prone, she could hear the heart calming under Michael’s ministrations. Not yet ready to go and wanting to see more of this curious relationship, she took a half step toward him. “I’d like to help.”

  He was having none of it; typical vampire. Selfish creatures that smelled like dirt and ash, her lip curled in distaste. Narrowed eyes burned almost black as he hissed at her. “You’ve done enough.”

  Then Becca made a funny choking sound and Gabrielle was forgotten. “I’m here. You need to calm down. Breathe for me. Can you do that?” His hand touched her forehead and again the heart slowed.

  Curiously, his touching her seemed to have a profound effect and Gabrielle had the feeling she was seeing something she wasn’t meant to.

  Reinforcing that vibe, Michael glanced up at her. “I told you to get out.” This time, his human was out of danger and he was not going to be distracted from ejecting her.

  Gabrielle saw that it was time and she carefully backed out, shutting the door on them. Standing outside her room, she ticked her fingernail against her teeth, thinking. “Hmm.”

  Just then, Ryan happened to come up the stairs. He smelled of apples and peanut butter. The display of power, loyalty, and the girl’s surprisingly attractive form had Gabrielle in a mood. Stepping forward to put herself in his path, she put a hand in the middle of his amply muscled chest and purred. “What are you doing right now?”

  A broad grin cracked Ryan’s strong features and he reached out behind her to playfully grab at her ass. His physique was enviable. He’d been a Marine, and a good one, before he’d been infected. The years of shifting back and forth between human and wolf had left him even broader and firmer than in his purely human life. “I have an idea.”

  Gabrielle slid her hand down his t-shirt and scratched lightly over the front of his pants. “Me too.” Securing her fingers in his waistband, she turned and led him down the hall to his room on the other side of Becca’s. If she were more self-conscious she would have been grateful for the thick walls of stone that deadened almost all sounds. But, as Michael had just made evident, not all was silenced from supernatural ears.


  Back in his room, Ryan let Gabrielle take control, as she was wont to do. Shutting the door, she pushed on his chest and he let his body follow her direction toward the bed until the mattress hit the backs of his knees and he plopped down. She was on him in seconds, all teeth and nails.

  Ryan thought about making a joke about how revved up she was until she caught his throat in her teeth, a gesture more wolf than human and he sniffed. She was close to changing; her control was thin. They weren’t supposed to change in the house. It wasn’t close to the full moon, but still. It wasn’t safe, this close to a human, when she was this jacked. Sexual desire could easily shift to the desire for the kill when they were in their animal form. Ryan knew he would have to let her burn off a little juice with him to avoid trouble. He would have to change and go for a run after this so he could heal. She was going to leave marks.

  He wasn’t wrong. Fingers tipped with claws tore his shirt from his suntanned shoulders, leaving thin trails of blood in their wake. Instead of her violence cowing him, Ryan felt his body waking, responding in kind. His teeth grew while he willed his snout to stay back. He wanted to stay human with her; it was more personal. Taking her shirt in both hands, he ripped it open and grabbed her lean arm, pulling her toward him until she sat astride his hips. Elongated canines scraped her throat, asking her permission.

  Arching her back, Gabrielle gave in but not without a price. Her claws tore his back in long raking trails. Groaning, needing more control, Ryan pushed off the bed, taking her with him and backed her up against the wall. Roughly, he tore at her pants while she ripped his zipper in two. Not taking the time to unlace their boots, he turned her around and pushed himself into her, feeling her readiness as he slid inside.

  Growling, she reached around to grab onto his backside and help him drive into her. He knew she would want it rough in a mood like this and the scent of blood in the air had him needing to bite something. He snuffled at her collarbone and she tossed her long honey blonde hair off her shoulder and tipped her head, allowing him access. Getting close, Ryan reached around her front. One hand tweaked her nipple, twisting it painfully to make her clamp down harder on him and the other found its way between her legs to bring her to the edge he was already riding.

  Claws dug into his ass and she clamped her core down on him hard. Pulling back his lips, Ryan lunged forward and drove his canines into her shoulder to hold her while he pounded into her at a punishing speed. Gabrielle ducked her head and took it, panting and flying over the edge seconds after she felt his release pumping inside her.

  The explosion faded and she came back to herself, feeling Ryan’s tongue cleaning her shoulder where he’d drawn blood. With a satisfied moan, she pushed back and hinted that she wanted up. He eased back to allow her a little breathing room. His hands were slower to let go and they, as well as his tongue, continued to work languidly on her hypersensitive skin.

  “Was that what you were thinking?” He teased her with his tongue, bringing his hips forward; making hints that he was willing to help her if she wanted to work at it some more.

  Twitching at the sensations he was causing, Gabrielle pulled away and faced him with heavy lidded eyes. “Couldn’t you tell?” She checked the flesh under her nails and winked. “I think we could both use a run. Are you too tired?”

  Ryan knew they weren’t done yet. She was going to be looking for more as soon as they were out the door. Impersonal sex was what she could handle and he was okay with it. He tortured himself wondering if she was like this with the other guy. The one she called out for in her sleep sometimes. Luc. He hid his displeasure by ducking his head and shaking out his shaggy auburn hair, peering up at her through it. This was the woman he’d chosen, baggage and all. With a smirk and a wink he leaned down to unlace his boots. They were his only pair and he didn’t want to lose them somewhere in the desert.

  Chapter 5

  “How long was I out?” Becca blinked back into the world, horribly embarrassed but no worse for wear. “Tell me Gabrielle didn’t see me faint?” She put her hands over her face and groaned.

  All signs of tension he’d been showing in the meeting were gone from Michael’s face as, chuckling, he pulled her hands away and held them. “If it helps, she felt guilty when she thought she killed you.”

  “No, that doesn’t help.” Becca breathed deeply into her sore lungs. S
he felt like she’d swallowed half a swimming pool and then coughed it back out, leaving her chest stretched and sore. Pushing herself up to a sitting position and leaning back against the short, squared-off wooden headboard, Becca let her shoulders slump. “I thought we were getting somewhere, Gabrielle and me. Now she thinks there’s some sort of thing going on between you and the admiral and I’m in the middle.” Her eyes searched his face, not missing the shadow that crossed it at mention of the admiral. Gabrielle was right, there was something going on there. “Michael,” she stopped him before he could argue, “she told me what he did during the meeting.” Hazel eyes held his darkening blues. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s a power play, nothing more.” He leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth, lingering.

  Becca studied his features, carefully controlled and giving no sign that he was telling nothing but the truth. She felt her insides burn in warning. “Okay, if you say so.”

  Reclining beside her, Michael pulled her onto his chest. Becca nestled her head under his chin and sighed. After their false start, when she’d believed Black to be behind Michael’s romantic interest in her, he promised no secrets. As far as she knew, he’d honored that oath these past couple of months. It seemed they’d come to the end of their run; Michael had just lied to her. Of that she was certain.


  Studying their files gave everybody who needed one an excuse to keep quiet on the plane ride to their next mission in River Falls, Wisconsin.

  “Pack warm,” Ryan cautioned them, confessing he’d been a Midwesterner before joining the service before the war. Although which war or which state he wouldn’t say. “It’s spring in Cali but it’ll be a few more months before the ice is off out there.”

  Becca had gone through her pack that morning at five, waking early and creeping down to the command center to have some alone time. Michael had gone back to his room some time in the night after she’d fallen asleep and she wanted a few more hours before they ran into each other again.

  The night had offered perspective; that any lies Michael told were the result of whatever gag order the admiral had given. And that was exactly where she kept getting stuck. Could anyone have a relationship where the admiral was involved? He had his hooks in all of them in different ways; he could manipulate each one.

  Somewhere over Colorado Becca nodded off, not to wake until rubber hit tarmac in River Falls. Staring out the porthole-sized window of their private jet, Becca frowned. Snow, and lots of it, lay in piles all around them with endless stripes of white and black along the runways from planes melting their way through the ice that had covered the ground since November. Arching her back and reaching over her head, she stretched and settled back until they reached the hangar.

  “Alright folks, we’re here.” Gabrielle’s voice crackled over the PA system. “Grab your shit.” She had a different sort of pilot’s speech for her departing passengers than your typical pilot.

  Becca wondered if she’d been in the Air Force or maybe a Navy pilot before meeting the admiral. They were all from different branches of the service. Admiral Black seemed to pick the attributes and it didn’t matter from where he gathered. Michael and Ryan had been Marines, Becca Navy. One could guess Black was Navy as well because of his title, only no one knew for sure. Maybe he just liked the sound of it.

  The seat across from her shifted and Michael stood, blocking the light. The next few minutes were filled with the sounds and easy conversation of old acquaintances deplaning.

  “Hey Mike, maybe while we’re here we can make snow angels,” Ryan teased.

  Michael shot back something about Ryan being too warm; he’d have an unfair advantage for clean outlines. Ryan, not one to give up the last word, said something back about it not being his fault he was so hot.

  As usual, a car was waiting for them. This time they had a dark blue SUV with tinted windows. Unlike the myths, Michael could walk in the daylight but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Packs in the back, all four loaded up with the men in front and women in back; they were on their way.

  Once the flat expanse of the airport was behind them and they were out on the main highway, Becca was struck with the beauty of the landscape. Rolling hills rose on either side of the road. In some parts, elevated bridges carried them over narrow rivers littered with ice, cutting through the farm fields below. The skeletons of trees, shrunk by distance and accentuated by the evening’s shadows, offered negligible cover for the black and white cows patiently waiting for food or some sort of distraction from the desolate white surrounding them. It was her first trip to the middle of the country and Becca ached to see it in bloom. The green would be breathtaking. There was so much countryside, so much distance between houses. Even the towns were a fraction of the size of those she was used to on the West Coast. Up ahead a white cliff face overlooked a bend in the road. A lone tree stood sentinel from the top, watching the traffic below.

  Just after the bend the land below changed, opening to a wide valley hemmed in by pale, jagged-faced limestone cliffs on either side. Michael navigated the vehicle around the cloverleaf exit and after a few more twists and turns, brought them to a long, two level building with a black and white sign designating the location simply as “Motel.”

  The lot was open. They parked in the center giving them some amount of privacy, though in a small town such as this they were guaranteed to get some extra attention. Ryan went in alone to check them in. With a black knit hat and blue parka over his jeans and boots, he could almost pass for a big-shouldered local country boy. Maybe he was before the Marines got a hold of him, he sure never was small.

  Fifteen minutes later they had split into couples, their usual when on the road, and were settling into their rooms. Absently Becca wondered if Black didn’t mind them pairing off because it was more cost effective that way and snorted at the thought of the admiral caring about cost.

  Michael looked up from where he was laying a cooler with his “on the road” supply next to his pants in a drawer. Not wanting to talk yet, she smiled and turned her attention back to her own unpacking and effectively closed the door on any conversation.

  When everyone was unpacked they all met in Michael and Becca’s room. Not a fancy motel, their room had two queen beds and slightly more floor space than Ryan and Gabrielle’s king suite. Suite was the motel’s term, not theirs. Becca curled her legs underneath herself and scooted her pillows over to lean back on the headboard. Michael stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed. Ryan and Gabrielle lounged casually on the farther bed. Becca couldn’t help but wonder if they’d already had a quickie, if that was why they were so relaxed. Or maybe she and Michael were just that tense by comparison.

  All having had sufficient time to study the files, they brainstormed. The attacks were random by all counts. The places varied from outside a bar to the middle of a farm field. The choosing of its victims also had no apparent rhyme or reason. The youngest was a recent high school graduate while the oldest had been a semi-retired farmer coming in from checking on his livestock. A variable the admiral’s people considered that the regular police didn’t, lunar cycle, also offered no insight. The only real pattern was the time of attack. Full night, and the victims were always alone. All of them had occurred after the Winter Solstice as well. Five kills in just under three months.

  “Okay, so what do we know about our potential demon?” Michael caught his eyes from wandering to Becca at mention of the same type of creature that had nearly killed her, though not before she caught his slip.

  The way they held their breath when someone said demon had Becca’s teeth on edge. “How do we know it’s a demon? What if it’s some other sort of thing that likes to,” she fought the lump in her throat while she shut down her mental pictures of the last demon she met, “eat people parts?” She’d read about human serial killers who did horrible things like that. Dahmer was a known cannibal and Gein used skin to make lampshades. She mentioned as much.

�Because of the screams,” Gabrielle answered first. Seeing Becca’s confusion, she went on. “Locals reported hearing a woman shrieking on the nights those people were killed, but not all the victims are female. Ryan called the DNR and there aren’t any mountain lions around here. I doubt it’s a shifter, they aren’t known for going after humans. It could be a werecat of some sort although with the kind of frenzy we’re seeing with the victims the moon would be a more consistent factor. ” She shrugged. “Nothing else sounds like a woman screaming, so it’s got to be demonic. There are a couple of them that use shrieks to freak out their victims. Part of the game for them.”

  A game. No matter how many creatures they’d gone after, nor how many humans she’d apprehended as an MP, Becca couldn’t get past the sick way some hunters toyed with their prey. Her stomach clenched and a few spots appeared in her vision before she shut them down.

  “Ryan, Gab, you can keep tabs on outside tonight. Becca, you and I are going to do some bar hopping and see what we can find out from the locals,” Michael said, assuming his role as their leader.


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