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Romance in Dallas - Tycoon!

Page 10

by Nancy Fornataro

  "I need to reach her," she said again.

  "Hang on," and she heard rustling of sheets and then papers. "Well, I just have Ram's number. His private cell. Do you have that one?"

  Natalie read it aloud to him and he confirmed it was Ram's cell.

  She said irritably, "Yes, damn it, that's the one I have. Where do you suppose they went?"

  He laughed now. "With Ram you just never know. He's been telling me how much he cares for Jace. They probably are on the high seas somewhere. His yacht is down there by Nassau."

  She groaned. "I may have to go to Nassau and find her then. I wouldn't want her to get hurt. She's been through enough." Natalie remembered the months of Jace's depressed state after she found her then husband Ralph and the other woman together. Then there was the ugly divorce, with months more of Jace's suffering.

  Warren said, "I don't understand. What's so blasted important that you'd have to interrupt them? Maybe they're having fun somewhere."

  "That's just what I'm afraid of. She's starting to care for him, and now I'm looking at this picture of Ram with another woman in an intimate pose."

  "I just don't see it happening. Not with the text messages I've been getting from him. What paper is it?"

  Natalie mentioned the name.

  "It's a rag," Warren said calmly. "I would never believe anything they published. Whatever they said happened, my girl? It never happened, period. End of story. Now, what else can I do for you? Natalie?"

  "You can promise me Jace won't get hurt by Ramsey. That would make me breathe easier. Whatever your name is." And, she hung up in his ear.

  Chapter 11

  Warren called her back immediately. "You always hang up in a person's ear? Someone who's trying to help you? And, my name is Warren by the way."

  "Well, you didn't help me. Big deal." She reached out and threw the file folder on another stack on her desk, sighed, and put her feet up.

  Natalie heard him stifle a laugh, before he said, "What did you say your name was again?"


  "Ram will want to know."

  "What are you, his toady or something?"

  "I'm his attorney and his best friend. We share just about everything. Not girlfriends though. Next question."

  "All right, who is he really? I mean underneath the façade of mister rich guy."

  He paused for a minute. "Well, I suppose like all successful people, he's a bit of a control freak. But I think he sees it in himself and only uses it when he really needs it. The control, I mean. Generally, he's a laid back guy who is really hurting mentally and physically."

  "Because of the car crash you mean?"

  "Yeah, it was really bad. And I was the one that had to break the news of his wife's death." Sighing, he continued, "He still feels like the accident was his fault. And still takes taxis everywhere he goes. Doesn't trust his own driving anymore."

  Natalie couldn't think of anything to say to that.

  "And Jace?" he asked, "What do you think drives her?"

  "She's the best, and I mean the best at what she does. But her divorce was nasty, and I guess my protective instincts come to play when I see her start to get involved with anyone."

  Warren was silent for a minute. "Why don't we get together tomorrow? Maybe by that time Ram will call me and I'll have good news. How about it? Are you married or what?"

  "Or what," she replied dryly. "All right. Meet you at noon at Books 'n Things Bookstore, we'll have coffee. I'll be the one dressed in sweats."

  "Sweet. All right. See you there."

  Jace was so totally embarrassed after they'd made love, she couldn't even look Ram in the eyes. She sat at the dining table now, while he padded in his bare feet around the kitchen.

  But, he noticed it eventually, and she felt his eyes on her. "Hey," he said, his two fingers pointing to her eyes, then back at his own, "What's going on?"

  Finally, she was able to meet his gaze. "I was so noisy. You must think I'm a harlot or something."

  He laughed as he leaned on the counter. "Haven't heard that word for a while. You're what they call a screamer. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I love it. It turns me on totally. And," his eyes were warm as they scanned her face, "I love you Jace. But do you love me?"

  "It's hard for me to love. It's a long story."

  "I've got time," he replied gently, "that's why we're here. So you can tell me what's going on with you."

  And, she noticed he didn't press her. She was grateful for that. He rustled around and within half hour had made them a simple meal of salmon with twice baked potatoes and green beans.

  They ate in silence, with him looking up at her now and then. He poured her some wine, a type she'd never heard of.

  It was delicious and she almost gulped hers all down. Her nerves were on edge and she wasn't sure if she could talk with him or not about her inner feelings and fears. That scared her.

  "Let's go on the deck," he said, "it's a beautiful evening."

  They sat side by side on lounge chairs, watching the stars.

  "So, tell me about our friend Ralph," he said.

  She groaned. "Only if I have to. He's a real piece of work."

  "How so?"

  Jace sipped her wine. "We'd only been married a few years. He worked in the hospital, that's where we met. He was a nurse."

  She continued, "Apparently he'd been having this torrid affair with another nurse, a woman I mean, and everyone was afraid to tell me. So, essentially, they looked me every day in the face and none of my friends at work had the guts to tell me about it. The only reason I found out was when I was sick at work, came home early, and there they were, naked in the bedroom. In our house. In our bed." Her voice wavered and she couldn't continue.

  "And yet, he still calls you?" Ram asked softly.

  Jace continued sipping her wine, as he refilled her glass. "Yes, he's like a bad penny, just keeps rolling back. I've told him that I hate him, I despise him, and he still calls. I'm going to block his number when I get home. Nat and I spoke about it before I left, but I just didn't have time."

  "I understand. Now I see why you're so reluctant to get involved. I can't even imagine it, that ultimate betrayal moment. And no one deserves that treatment," his voice lowered, "most especially a lovely little woman like you, darlin.'"

  Feeling a bit looser now, she said, "I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be, Ram."

  "No, I want you to just be yourself with me. Even if you get airsick and can't swim." She heard the smile in his voice.

  "Will you teach me to swim?" she asked him, "Tomorrow?"

  "You bet, sweet pea." He got up from his chair and took her hand, bringing her up to his chest. "But we have some things to work out before that."

  She laughed. "Like what?"

  He guided her towards the spiral staircase, "I need you to scream a bit more."

  At noon the next day, Natalie entered the bookstore and realized that, not only did she look like a slob in her sweats, but she also didn't have a clue who she was looking for.

  Sitting in a comfortable chair, she picked up a novel which was lying there on a table and began to read it.

  A few minutes into her read, she heard him clear his throat.

  "Natalie I presume?"

  Looking up, she was surprised to see he was black, like her, around thirty, not too much taller than she, with a very muscular build dressed casually with a white shirt and black pants. He wore no tie and she wondered if he'd really told her the truth about being Ram's attorney.

  Not getting up, she offered her hand. "Nice to meet you, Warren."

  He sat in the chair next to her. "Right back at you," he grinned, showing even white teeth. "Come here often?"

  "As often as my schedule allows. I'm pretty busy."

  Smiling, he said, "How about lunch? I know of a nice place not far from here."

  "First, did you get Ramsey on the phone yet?"

  "Not yet, but he usually checks in with me every day. I'm expect
ing the call anytime. Just one more reason for lunch. Maybe he'll call."

  Natalie sniffed. "All right. I'm dressed pretty casually today, so keep that in mind when picking a place."

  He grinned. "Sure, no problem."

  But, in the end, the restaurant he picked was an upscale place she'd never even been to.

  The manager seemed to know Warren as he ushered them to a table in the back, somewhat intimate, Nat thought.

  Natalie clutched at her pant leg as she perused the selections and the hefty prices for a simple lunch. "I think I'll just get the Cobb salad," she told him.

  Then, as he continued to smile at her, she said, "Is that grin permanently attached to your face?"

  "I just wasn't expecting such a beautiful woman is all. I pictured you as plain but with a dynamite persona. So now you're lovely along with having a fun personality. I love it."

  She wasn't sure what to say about that. "Thanks, I guess," she finally managed.

  His phone rang, and Natalie stared at him as he answered.

  "Ram, where you been my man? I have a woman sitting across from me here who's just dying to know."

  He handed the phone to Nat. "Hello, is this Ramsey?"

  "No, Nat, it's me Jace. I'm sorry you were worried about us."

  "Where were you? I was upset when I couldn't get you."

  "It's a long story. We're heading back to shore now. Hey Nat, I learned how to swim today."

  Natalie sat back and smiled. "Good, sweetie. How's the PT going?"

  "Well, I have a theory on that. I need to research it more, though, and call Doctor Seth."

  "Okay, I won't hold you up then."

  "Nat, are you with Warren?"




  "Hey, you need to start somewhere. Is he cute?"

  A doll, Nat thought, as she stared at him. "Yes, actually, I might have a muffin, I'd say blueberry."

  Jace laughed. "Stud-muffin. I love it, and I'll have to talk to you later about that. Well, have a good time, and you should be able to call me in a few hours when I'm back to my cell phone and e-mail."

  They rang off. "Does Ramsey have a boat then?"

  Warren laughed. "You could say that. A very long, long boat."

  She thought idly this man had very warm brown eyes.

  Warren knew she was checking him out, and he was amused by her steady stare. And, what he said earlier to her was the truth. His gaze took in all of her, the shoulder length shiny brown hair, heart shaped face, nice figure, but what he really loved was her eyes. They had a certain slant and a very sensual quality as she looked him over.

  "How about dinner?" he pressed, thinking his luck couldn't be that good.

  "Sure," she said, "I clean up good."

  Jace and Ram arrived back at the penthouse an hour after she'd spoken to Natalie. A pile of newspapers, she noticed, was on the dining room table.

  "A little light reading," Ram joked, as he spread them out.

  Jace unpacked, getting a load of clothes ready for the laundry. Although, they hadn't worn clothes too much of the time on the yacht. Her mind wandered back to their hard, persistent lovemaking, thinking she'd never experienced anything like it before. She came time after time, as he'd thrust into her, and she grew warm just thinking about it.

  Although, she knew she needed to work on him as she saw him limping on the way up on the elevator. Wandering out to the dining table, she glanced at the paper from the day they'd left, wondering what was new in the world.

  But, as she flipped through the sections, she let out a gasp as she saw the picture of Ram with another woman, who had her hands placed on his in an intimate pose.

  She looked up at him as he came out of the other bedroom. "I don't know about you but I have a stack of laundry for some reason…" his voice trailed off as he saw her. "What?" he asked.

  She thrust the newspaper on the table again. "This was the night before we left for parts unknown. Is this your little late night rendezvous?"

  Ram smiled. "Victoria. No threat, don't worry. I needed to talk to her and tell her to back off."

  Jace looked at him accusingly.

  "You're not worried about her, are you?" he asked.

  "No," she said coolly, "she doesn't bother me a bit."

  "You're such a bad liar, sweet pea. Will you let me explain?"

  "Nothing to explain," she said shortly. "Did you want me to work on your back? If not, I'd like to rest for a while."

  Frowning, he said, "Of course. If you're tired. Feel free to lie down. Let me know if you want an explanation."

  She nodded, before she walked quickly into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Pacing the room now, she felt like a caged animal with no escape.

  Actually, she thought she could never think of a thing he could do to her that would be quite as bad as meeting with another woman.

  She called Natalie, who chattered on about Warren and his attributes, before she asked, "Hey sweetie, how's everything going with you?"

  "I want to come back."

  "What? To Dallas? Why?"

  "It's the picture of him with that woman."

  Nat paused. "Did he explain?"

  "There's no explanation I'd want to hear from him. As I said, I'd like another assignment please."

  "All right," Nat said slowly, "I'll come over there and replace you. I'll get plane reservations as soon as I can. Have you explained to Ram yet?"

  "No. I wanted to talk to you first."

  "Okay, sweetie. I'll be in touch.

  After pacing for another few minutes, Jace took a deep breath and went into the living room, where Ram sat on the couch staring absently at the artwork on the wall.

  "I'm leaving here," she said, "Natalie will take my place. It will be another day or so. She's getting plane reservations."

  His sigh seemed to echo in the room. He didn't look at her as he replied levelly, "Y'all are still under my employ. The hours are from nine in the morning until nine at night. And overtime is at my discretion, mentioned in your contract."

  "I see. Anything else?" she said tersely.

  "You'll follow me. Come to my meetings. I may need you. And, right now, darlin,' I need you to work on my back as soon as you get settled. Within fifteen minutes," he drawled.

  She noticed the absence of 'please' and 'thank you.' And she grew angrier with his every word. "I understand," she said.

  Ram heard her go back in the bedroom. He called Warren.

  "Hey, buddy," Warren answered, "where you been?"

  "To heaven, now I'm in hell. Jace said just now she wants Natalie to replace her over here."

  "Wow. What happened?"

  "Paparazzi. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

  "You said Nat's going over there?"

  "Yeah. You know her?"

  "Intimately. Why don't I come over there with her? Maybe the both of us could talk Jace into staying. You sound like you're too wrapped up in the thing to be impartial."

  "I guess. Do whatever you think is right, guy."

  They hung up and Ram heard Jace set up the table. "Ready when you are," she said in her most professional tone. He stripped off his clothes, leaving his underwear on, and lay on the table. But his reserve started to crumble as she worked on his muscles. It hit him hard that she was leaving, and he had no clue how to stop her.

  He heard his own groan from far away. His mind riveted back on the accident and Susan. As Jace worked his lower muscles, he thought of Susan's laughter and their plans for children, and when the massage was over, he just stayed on the table, unable to move.

  Jace knew how badly he was hurting, and she let him lay, face down still, while she retreated to the second bedroom, where she sobbed into a pillow.

  About an hour later, she came out, her eyes puffy, and saw he'd folded the table and dressed again. He stood by the window looking out at the panoramic view of the ocean. He said softly, "You'll come with me all day, you'll attend my
meetings and if I need you, you'll be available for me. You can also make suggestions on my routine and how I can be helped. I need your expertise while you're still here."

  He continued, "I've ordered you some night clothes. I can't have you walking around nude. Right now, it doesn't seem appropriate."

  Just then, he answered a knock on the door and accepted several large packages.

  His turquoise eyes met hers as he turned back around. "Here you go." He placed the boxes on the couch. And before he walked into his bedroom, said, "Also, I need you to accompany me to a gala tonight, so rest up. I've approved your overtime with Natalie already. You'll find a new dress and shoes from the boutique in these boxes, along with the nightclothes."

  Victoria was ecstatic when her contact told her Ram was back in town. She knew, from her sources, that he'd been on the yacht with his consort, the woman, and she would see him tonight at the gala. She remembered how thrilling he was the last time she saw him, a new and vibrant side to Ram that she just loved.

  Marley was almost asleep in her bed and she shoved him, trying to wake him.

  "What?" he said irritably.

  "Are you coming to the gala with me tonight? Do get up, you ass. I need your company."

  "That's a first," Marley said irritably, "what do I do, jump and you say how high?"

  "Don't be ridiculous, you know I care for you very deeply," she said offhandedly.

  "Right," he replied, shaking his head and trying to wake up from the wine they'd had earlier. "Don't count on me to buy anything, my dear, as the allowance hasn't hit my bank account yet this month."

  "Whatever do you do with your money, Marley?"

  "Why," he replied, pulling on his slacks, "I waste it the same way you do, lovey."

  Chapter 12

  Jace sat at the bedroom desk later that evening, wearing one of the negligees delivered earlier. She thought it was quite nice, gold, with a floor length nightgown and shimmering robe. They weren't leaving the penthouse for the party for another hour, and she'd wanted to research her theory on the computer, so her door was closed.


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