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Secrets of a Kept Chick, Part 2

Page 5

by Ambria Davis

  “I told you that we had something in common,” Margie spoke up. For a minute, I had forgotten that she was still here.

  “Shut up. Everyone just shut up. This shit ain’t real. This bitch ain’t no fucking Mimi,” she still repeated in denial. No matter what anyone said, she just wouldn’t believe it. There was only one way I could think of to get her to believe me. I decided to bring up something that only we would know about. I knew the shit was going to hurt both of us, because we’d vowed to never speak on it again, but I had no choice.

  “Troy, remember when I first met Kaylin? I was about sixteen years old.” She looked at me and waited for me to finish. “Remember when I stayed home from school the week of finals, you thought it was because of Kaylin and it wasn’t?”

  She looked at me, stunned. I knew it would convince her. That was a day that she would never forget.

  “What happened that week that made me stay home, Troy?” I asked as tears rolled down my face. The memory popped up fresh in my mind like the shit happened yesterday, and it was just as painful as when it first happened. I needed to relive it though so she could believe me, and that was the only way that I knew how.

  “Tell me what he did to me, Troy. Tell me what Magilla Gorilla did to me,” I said, calling him by the horrible nickname I had given him. Just the mention of his name and remembering everything that man did to me had even more tears rolling down my face.

  “He . . . he . . .” she stuttered.

  “He did what to me, Troy?” The tears drenched not only my face but the front of my shirt as well.

  “He raped you!” Troy wept as she actually realized I was indeed standing in front of her.

  I walked over to her and embraced her. She squeezed me for dear life as if I was going to leave her again. “What? How did this happen?”

  “A miracle I guess,” I simply replied.

  “But how?” she asked, confused. “I seen you with my own two eyes. You were lying there in a pool of blood on the floor. You were dead!”

  “I guess it wasn’t my time yet. They said it was the mortician who found a faint pulse on me.” I shrugged. “In fact, Margie was the one who told me that I had died twice, but they were able to revive me both times,” I said, pointing to Margie. “She was my nurse at the hospital. It was her helping me get well this whole time. In fact, if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be standing in front of you now. She was the one who helped me escape from the hospital, away from the detective who’s been acting like my personal bodyguard. To top all that off, I apparently have some memory loss. I can remember some things, but others are very fuzzy. Doc said my memory could return, or it may never come back.”

  “Oh, my God, you’ve been through a lot. That’s probably why his old ass was giving me the runaround.”

  “Who?” I asked, wanting to know who she was talking about.

  “Detective Webber,” she replied. “Ralph from the funeral home told me that your body couldn’t be found. I tried to get in touch with Webber’s ass, but I couldn’t get him. It’s like he got ghost or some shit. Hell, now I know why no one could find your body. You alive instead of being dead.”

  “Yes, I’m alive,” I repeated. “So, who are your friends?”

  She looked over to the two guys who were standing by the door, and she motioned for them to come over. They both looked at each other confused, and then they slowly made their way over to us. They were walking like a couple of zombies. They started to make me nervous.

  “Umm, this here is Mark,” she said, referring to the light-skinned dude with dreads. Homebody was fine as fuck, too. Troy gave me a warning look that said, “I know you, Mimi, and I see it in your eyes. He’s my friend. Hands off.”

  “I’m sorry, boo,” I said to her because she caught me. Reaching out my hand, I said, “Hey, Mark, nice to meet you.”

  “Sup, ma. Likewise,” he said, shaking my hand.

  “And this here is Jayden,” she said, pointing to the dark-skinned dude. I couldn’t put my mind on it, but I swore it felt like I already knew him.

  “Hey, Jayden,” I said, waving. I reached out my hand for a handshake, but he didn’t shake it. He picked me up and gave me a huge bear hug.

  “I’ve missed you so much, ma.” He was hugging me so tight that I barely could breathe.

  “Umm, you’re hurting me.” I pushed away from him so he’d let me go.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, putting me down. “It’s just that I thought you were dead and, now that I know you’re alive, I’ll never let you go again.”

  “Umm, so we do know each other?” I asked him.

  “Yes, we do.” He winked, flashing a killer smile.

  “I had a feeling that we did, because from the moment that our eyes connected, I couldn’t help but feel like I already knew you.” I gazed into his eyes once more. Dude had a set of dreamy eyes that would send a woman straight to the bedroom.

  I was about to ask him how well we knew each other, but I couldn’t help but notice Troy giving him this look.

  “So, Mimi, do you remember anything about what happened these past couple of weeks?” she asked nervously.

  “Well, umm, I don’t remember everything, just bits and pieces. That is why I came here. I need your help.”

  “What do you need help with?” She looked back and forth between Jayden and Mark. I couldn’t help but notice the way she was acting like she was nervous.

  “Troy, what is going on?”

  “What do you mean? Nothing is going on. Why you ask?”

  “Because you’re acting funny, Troy. Whatever it is, you can tell me,” I said, reassuring her.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” she replied.

  “Amina, I’m going to head home now,” Margie said, getting up from the sofa.

  “Okay, hold on a second,” I said, going to retrieve the duffle bag that I had left in the hallway. I picked up the bag and tucked up under my right arm. “Here,” I said, walking over to her and handing her the bag.

  “What’s this?” She looked at the bag like it was a disease.

  “It’s for helping me out these past weeks.”

  “If it’s money, I can’t take it,” she said, pushing my hand away.

  “You can and you will,” I said, passing the bag back.

  “No, I’m not,” she said, taking a step back.

  “Margie, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to make it here. You’ve been a great friend and a mother when I needed one. Please take it,” I pleaded, reaching out my hand with the bag in it again. She looked at me and then at the bag. “Take it, Margie, please!”

  “Okay, but I didn’t do it for a reward,” she said, taking the bag. “I did it because it was my job and you needed someone to guide and help you through your healing process. You needed a friend.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m giving you a reward anyway,” I said, hugging her. “Thanks again, Margie.”

  “You’re oh so welcome. Don’t be a stranger now. You can call me if you need me.”

  “Okay. I’ll walk you to the door,” I said to her.

  As I walked Margie to the door, I noticed Troy, Mark, and Jayden in a circle whispering back and forth. I made a mental note to ask about that shit.

  “Thanks again, Margie. Be sure to call me when you make it home, okay?” I called out as she made her way to her car.

  “You’re welcome and I will. Good luck with everything!”

  “Thanks,” I yelled from the door. I watched as she got into her car and backed out of the driveway. I gave her one final wave as she beeped her horn, and she was gone.

  Closing the door, I locked it and made my way back into the living room. When I got in there, I heard Troy whispering. “We can’t tell her right now,” she said. “She said that she don’t remember anything and this will crush her.”

  “What can’t you tell me?” I asked, scaring them.

  “Damn, you scared the shit out of me!” she declared, holding her chest.
  “I can see that,” I replied. “Now what is it that you can’t seem to tell me?”

  “Uh, nothing. Would you like something to eat or drink?” She quickly changed the subject.

  “Nah, I’m not hungry or thirsty.”

  “Well, do you need anything?”

  “What I need is for you to stop trying to change the subject and tell me what is going on, Troy,” I yelled. “Where is Kaylin and where are my kids?”

  “Ma, calm down. You don’t need to be getting all upset. Troy is just looking out for you,” the dark-skinned dude with the dreads said.

  “Excuse me, what is your name again?” I asked.

  He looked both shocked and confused by my question. “Um, it’s Jayden,” he said, looking like I had hurt his feelings.

  “Well, Jayden. Lemme let you in on a thing or two. I’ve been in the hospital for weeks with no visitors or anything. I was left to look at four white walls, alone! My mind was all over the place, not knowing what was going on. No one wanted to tell me anything, and when I’d ask them, they’d just blow me off and give me the runaround.”

  I looked around the room, furious. “I’m tired of people keeping shit from me, which is why I came home, to find out those answers. I thought my best friend would be the perfect one to tell me what was going on, but now I’m seeing that I was wrong,” I said, looking at Troy. I shook my head at her and then made my way toward the garage. I was heading out there to jump in my car and find my own damn answers.

  “Hold up, Mimi. Wait,” she said.

  “What?” I asked, turning around.

  “I asked you earlier what you remembered, because I wanted to see just how much you already knew.”

  “I don’t remember much. All I know us what they’ve told me.”

  “Well, ask me. What do you want to know, Mimi?”

  “I want to know everything, but I’ll save that for later. Right now, you can give me the CliffsNotes version. I’m just tired of being in the dark, and tired of not knowing.”

  “Well, the day that you was supposed to be leaving Kaylin, you called me to tell me that you were leaving, but you had to stop by the house first. You promised me that you would call me, but you didn’t. So I got worried and headed to your house. That’s when I found out that he had shot you four times and that you was supposed to be dead.”

  “I know all that. What I don’t know is why?” I said, walking over to the sofa. I took a seat and began shaking my leg. “Know what? I have all the time in the world. You can tell me the whole story tonight.”

  “Everything? Are you sure you want me to tell you everything right now?” she asked with uncertainty, confusion, and worry plastered on her face.

  “Everything,” I firmly repeated myself.

  “Okay, but I think we may need a drink or something, because this is a lot of shit that I’m about to tell you. So can we do this at my house?”

  “Nah, I really don’t feel like moving right now. I’m more comfortable here.”

  “All right, shall we take this to the bedroom? I want you to be comfortable for this.”

  “Yeah, that’s fine with me. Um, will you guys be staying here tonight?” I asked.

  “Uh, nah, we’ll just go back to the hotel. We don’t want to be in your way,” Jayden replied, moving toward the door.

  “Nah, that’s okay. You guys can stay here. We have more than enough room,” I said to them. I swear, every time I looked in dude’s eyes, my heart nearly skipped three beats.

  “No, ma, we’re good.”

  “No, I insist. You guys already looked like y’all was going to stay here, so it would be rude to let y’all leave.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I said. “Wait! Are you all killers or something? Because I need to know if I’m going to have to sleep with one eye open.”

  “Nah, we ain’t no killers. We gentlemen,” Mark replied, laughing.

  “I’m just playing with y’all,” I replied as the room erupted with laughter. “Follow me. I’ll show you guys where y’all will be sleeping tonight.”

  I peeped Jayden out while I waited for them to grab their suitcases. I didn’t know if he could tell I was flirting, but I damn sure wouldn’t have minded getting with him.

  When they were ready, I showed them down the hall to the two bedrooms on the right side of the house. “One of you can take this room over here,” I said, pointing to the first door. “And the other one can take this one. The bathroom is across the hall right here, and the kitchen is across from the living room. I may have to run out and buy a few groceries.”

  “Oh, no, ma. That’s okay. We’ll go and get some groceries. You’ve already done way too much for us already by letting us stay here,” Jayden said, shaking his head.

  “You really don’t have to. Y’all are guests in my house.”

  “No, ma, we insist. We’ll get settled in first and then we’ll go ahead and run to the grocery store.”

  “Yeah, we can’t have you going out there anyway. Let us do something for you since you’re letting us stay here,” Mark added.

  “Well, okay. We’ll be in that room over there if y’all need anything.” I pointed to the one door at the end of the hall on the left.

  “Okay, thanks again,” they both said at the same time.

  “Y’all are very much welcome.” I grabbed Troy by the hand and made my way toward the master bedroom. Once we were inside the room, I slowly closed the door behind me. When I turned around, Troy had this sneaky smile on her face.

  “Girl, what the hell is the matter with you?” I asked, playing dumb.

  “You ain’t slick, Mimi. I know what you’re doing,” she said, waving her finger at me.

  “What? I’m not doing anything,” I said, blowing her off.

  “Yes, you are. I seen you flirting with Jayden.”

  “I was not.” I broke out in a shy smile.

  “Oh, yes, you were.”

  “Girl, I know I’m wrong for doing that shit, but I couldn’t help it. Dude is just so damn fine.”

  “Yes, you are wrong for that, but you might as well just give it up. He’s kind of already taken.”

  “Damn, really?” I asked, plopping my ass down on the bed. She just looked at me and burst into laughter. I looked around the room trying to find out what was so funny. “Really, Troy?” I asked, catching a slight attitude. “So you just gonna stand there laughing at me?”

  “I’m laughing because if you could’ve seen the look on your face when I told you that he was already taken, you would’ve laughed ya damn self.”

  “Fuck all that shit. Tell me where Kaylin and my kids are,” I said, changing the subject.

  “Well, we’ve been looking, and we can’t seem to find them,” she said, changing the look on her face to a more serious one. “That’s why I called Weedy for a little help.”

  “Hold up, who is this ‘we’? I can’t believe you called Weedy.”

  “Me, Mark, and Jayden. I had no choice. We couldn’t find him, so I needed the extra help.”

  “What’s up with them and why would they help you find my fiancé and kids?” I asked, confused. It was time that I knew the truth, the whole truth at that.

  “You really don’t remember what happen to you, huh?”

  She was annoying the shit out of me. “You think if I knew, I would’ve risked breaking out of the hospital to ask you?”

  “I meant that he was taken by you,” she said, confusing the shit out of me.

  “Say what now?” I didn’t think I heard her right.

  “Yeah, you heard me right. Before you was shot, you and Jayden had a thing.”

  “What you mean? What happened to me and Kaylin? Why did I have ‘a thing’ with Jayden?” My ears were obviously playing tricks on me. Kaylin and I were going to get married. Why would I cheat on him?

  “You were leaving Kaylin, Mimi. You finally got tired of his dog-ass ways and decided to leave him.”

What, Troy? I mean, I know about Kaylin cheating on me with Stacy, but I thought I let that go in the past. I was in love with Kaylin, so how did I end up with Jayden?” I was confused because I just didn’t get it. Kaylin and I had been through a lot together, and I didn’t see myself leaving him. I was mad because, if Troy was telling the truth, I couldn’t remember shit, and I hated being clueless. I knew Troy wouldn’t lie to me. I trusted her with my life. “Explain this shit to me.”

  “Well, it’s all a part of the story that I’m ’bout to tell you,” she said, sitting down on the bed. I just stood there looking at her like she was crazy.

  “You might as well get that look off of your face and hop on in.” She patted the spot beside her. “Make yourself comfortable, because we’re going to be up all night.”

  I stood still in the spot where I was. I wasn’t too sure if I was ready to hear what she was about to tell me. This shit was beginning to confuse me, and she ain’t even told me half of the shit already.

  “Come on, girl. You said you wanted to know, right?”

  “Um, yeah,” I said. I slowly walked over to the bed, mentally preparing myself for whatever it was that she was about to tell me. After saying a silent prayer, I sat down and prepared for what would soon be my biggest heartbreak yet.

  Chapter 7


  Words couldn’t describe how I was feeling right now. I mean, I was still speechless about this whole thing. I couldn’t believe that Mimi was actually alive. I really thought I was dreaming, but I wasn’t. She’s really alive, bruh. I really didn’t know how, but we could count this as a miracle. She pulled a Tupac, like when he got shot five times and still survived. I didn’t know what it was. All I knew was that I was happy that she was still here with us.

  My mind was so heavy, and I was in dire need of some fresh air, so I decided to take the trip to the grocery store alone. Mark tried to tag along, but I convinced him to stay there and look after the girls. I needed this time alone. So much shit had been happening these last few weeks, but I didn’t count on no shit like this. I was happy but afraid at the same time. I was happy because she was, in fact, alive, but I was afraid because she didn’t remember anything and I hoped like hell that the shit wasn’t permanent. I wanted to just wrap her up in my arms and never let her go, but Troy said since she didn’t know anything, we’d have to take it slow. I didn’t know how long “slow” was supposed to last, and I didn’t know if I could dig this slow shit for a minute.


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