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Page 21

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  I’ll spare you the details, but I survived.

  I wondered if my drink had been spiked by something. It’s possible, but then, what would have been the point, because I was up all night and didn’t pass out. Not even close.

  The only other thing that happened was that my friend complained about the drinks not being the same as the first lot, so the bar tender added some tequila. We ended up going back to the same bar tender each time, and then taking our drinks back into where the band was. I wonder if they were just over-‘egging’ the drinks, maybe.

  When I told one of my friends (who is an experienced partier) he said that dehydration can be a big problem. “You’re in Austin now, honey!” he reminded me.

  So that’s it. Either I never drink again, which was my first inclination… Or I just have to be super careful to not over do it, and make sure I drink water.

  Basically all the things we’re told as teenagers.

  Go figure.

  Poker vs the Late Night Booty Call

  So for the first time ever, I needed to cash out of the cash game in poker this week. (We play a tournament first and then while that finishes those of us who have been knocked out play a cash game.)

  Normally I just play until I have no more chips left – in both cash and torney.

  But this time was different.

  I didn’t know the protocol.

  So I asked.

  Big mistake.

  Jason: Why are you cashing out Ellie?

  John: Why are you leaving now Ellie?

  Nick: Ellie’s got a booty call! I saw her on her phone a minute ago!

  (OMG. Could these guys be any more embarrassing?)

  Ellie: No. no I haven’t. I’m just going to meet a friend.

  (Nick, Jason, et al… All jeering and teasing.)

  Ryan (the wise one): What I don’t understand is why you’re not giving them shit back, Ellie. Nick said that like he was surprised. Why would he be surprised that you’ve hooked up? Eh Nick?

  Nick shuts up.

  Ellie says her goodbyes and leaves, now knowing:

  how the lobster mind responds to winning and losing,

  how to shut a poker player up in short order. (Although, I suspect this turning things around on a guy is something that most females have already mastered by the time they’re wearing a training bra. I’m sure I’m behind the curve on some of these things, but thank goodness for the good guys who can teach me in a relatively controlled, and safe environment!)

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written May 2, 2018

  First, THANK YOU for not only reading our story, but now my little Author Notes after the amazing version Ellie just supplied.

  I suck.

  Actually, I’m behind on writing a book and writing my Author Notes after Ellie gave me DAYS to finish them was just horrible. I have no idea why I didn’t remember to do them Sunday night.

  Hell, I hope that I didn’t do them and forgot; that shit would be tragic. We are talking past Romeo and Juliet-level stuff here if I write these and then find out I forgot that I had done them already.

  You know, Ellie is one of the most decent individuals I know, and certainly the smartest. I do give her a bit of trouble sometimes about what I would perceive is a given, but she will keep focusing on why it just isn’t “right.”

  Like Lobsters.

  If you haven’t read her Author Notes, you really must. Otherwise, what I’m going to write here will make absolutely no sense at all.

  No, go ahead, I’ll wait…

  Ok, you back? Good!

  So, Ellie has been pro-humanity con-stupidity (read that as leaning toward why-can’t-we-all-just-get-along) ever since I have known her. Not that I knew that originally. What I knew originally was that Sean Platt knew her from an Internet Mastermind group he was involved in.

  I learned the above PHCS focus during our effort to work the beats on The Ascension Myth (I just pronounced it correctly in my mind, Ellie…just saying.) and I LIKE to work the feels of my collaborators into our story, or it doesn’t resonate.

  However, I did feel that perhaps Ellie and I would never see eye-to-eye on things about humanity and reality. However, I have always admired her perseverance in her beliefs.

  Even when I told her to “Michael Bay the shit out of that scene!” I knew deep down she didn’t understand why to do it.

  Cheese vs. Pepperoni Pizza

  One of the best ways to exemplify this is one argument we had about a year ago (can you believe that Ellie has put out ten Molly Books, two Giles books and two Dark Messiah books in twelve months?)

  TAKE, THAT GRRM! (George R R Martin—Game of Thrones.)

  (Personally, I understand if GRRM is freaking out because of the stress of ‘getting it right’ with his next book. I wouldn’t trade my life for his right now for any amount of money. If that isn’t his problem? Well, then I’ve not a clue why it is taking him so long to produce his next book.)

  Ok, back to pizza.

  Ellie is all about cheese pizza. Part of it is her no-meat diet focus.

  I, of course, am about laying down a good layer of pepperoni on the top, letting the meat melt, the oils from the pepperoni fat soak under the cheese, mixing in with the marinara sauce (no chunks of tomatoes! That’s apostasy.)

  Finally, the pepperoni will curl up, the edges blackened and crispy so that when I bite into them I hear a crunch when the explosion of flavors hits the back of my mouth.

  Not the same as biting into a cheese pizza.

  Which is a good metaphor for books without explosions.

  I’m a guy, I want explosions…

  I do like looking at trouble and how to solve issues from multiple directions. I will admit—without the need for torture—that solving problems intellectually IS the better solution.

  But…lobster brain.

  The lobster brain in me wants EXPLOSIONS! BIG FANTASTIC EXPLOSIONS WITH body parts and spaceship parts and lots of (enemy) gore flying everywhere!

  Definitely enemy gore, not good-guys gore.

  Until recently, post lobster video, Ellie and I had NO ability to cognitively discuss our pizza issues.

  She was cheese, I was pepperoni.

  The two were not going to meet.

  Now, after Ellie watching said video and explaining what it meant to her to understand the issue, I am finding it so much easier to discuss our pizza disagreement.

  (Our conversation regarding her watching and understanding the video was enlightening in and of itself. I rather wish we HAD captured that first hour as she explained to me what helped her understand the missing link such that both cheese and pepperoni lovers would come out of our ‘revelations’ video understanding the frame of mind of the other party so much better.)

  But, alas, we didn’t. We might have been able to bring about World Peace had we put that conversation up on YouTube.

  Opportunity lost.

  Either way. I am now much more aware that my confusion with Ellie had nothing to do with Ellie not being willing to see reality (meaning, she could see everything but chose not to believe it.) But rather, she was seeking a biological understanding of why guys liked pepperoni pizza and couldn’t find a logical reason.

  ‘Cause it’s fucking delicious, and we are wired that way.

  As guys, we don’t question the love of our pizza, we just love it. (We can be simple that way.)

  Wednesday is Poker Night.

  Thursday morning comes around every week, and every week I wonder if my Facebook thread is going to have a comment from Ellie about her previous night.

  Why? Because she plays poker on Wednesday nights and she could sell a set of stories just on what goes on with her friends until wee early in the mornings.

  Personally, I feel sorry for those who play with her. I’m very aware of two (2) things:

  She is a genius, and poker IS about learning the rules and the percentages and strategies, not winging the shit out of it.

  I suc
k at poker, cause I like winging the shit out of something and the numbers hurt my little brain.

  But, the guys at the Wednesday night poker are going to feel sorry for her, her British accent, and teach her the rules of the game.

  Because, there is no fucking way she will ever be a challenge to them, right? It takes years to build up a working knowledge of poker…

  Those poor fuckers.

  They won’t know what happened until she is right there, knocking them out time and time again (after the first few weeks of them thinking she just ‘got lucky.’)

  Oh, she got lucky all right. She got lucky they didn’t realize how fast she learns shit.

  Remember, she went from “I haven’t read a fiction book since I was twelve” to BESTSELLING Sci-Fi author in one hundred days with multiple releases.

  No one does that because they are lucky, and you don’t become good at poker because you are lucky either.

  Nope, she is going to be wearing that “#1 Poker Player in Austin” hat when she is on television, sunglasses on, playing with the big kahunas in Atlantic City or in Las Vegas sometime and we will all be cheering her on.

  Even the lobsters from her Wednesday night Poker nights.

  What am I going to do about it?


  So, Ellie and I are doing a Jayne Austin set of stories. (Nope, not like Jane Austin the author. Think female James Bond in space with a 60s version of free love.)

  Something that is going to Rock and Roll the future—Interplanetary Spy for Hire.

  One of the things we do when collaborating (and it is so much fun) is discuss our characters and go back and forth on beats and stuff. While working on this series, I’m constantly asking, “how did Wednesday go?” and she tells me the latest on poker.

  Then, I’m thinking that we need to put this love of poker into Jayne Austin, cause it’s funny as hell and she (Ellie) can add that additional reality to the character that helps the character come alive. I’m stoked about the story and hope we do justice to our vision.

  If nothing else, the poker scenes will be accurate.

  I wonder if her poker friends want to be in a book?

  Thank you SO MUCH for reading and to loving Molly and everyone here. We have two more stories coming at you to finish The Ascension Myth!

  All the best,


  Books by Ell Leigh Clarke

  The Ascension Myth

  * With Michael Anderle *

  Awakened (01)

  Activated (02)

  Called (03)

  Sanctioned (04)

  Rebirth (05)

  Retribution (06)

  Cloaked (07)

  Bourne (08)

  Committed (09)

  Subversion (10)

  Confessions of a Space Anthropologist

  * With Michael Anderle *

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Instigator (02)

  The Second Dark Ages

  *with Michael Anderle*

  Darkest Before The Dawn (03)

  Dawn Arrives (04)

  Ell Leigh Clarke Social Links



  Want more?

  Join the email list here:

  Join the Facebook Group Here:

  The email list is changing to something…New. I don’t have enough details but suffice to say there is so much going on in The Kurtherian Gambit Universe, it needs to go out more often than “when the next book hits.”

  I hope you enjoy this story!

  For a complete list of Michael’s Kurtherian Gambit Universe books please click this link.

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:


  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04) - Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)


  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10) - Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13) - Don’t Cross This Line (14)


  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17) - Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20) - Life Goes On (21)


  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  The Dark Messiah (01) - The Darkest Night (02) - Darkest Before The Dawn (03) - Dawn Arrives (04)


  *with Paul C. Middleton*

  Evacuation (01) - Retaliation (02) - Revelations (03) - Redemption (04)


  *with Justin Sloan*

  Justice Is Calling (01) - Claimed By Honor (02) - Judgement Has Fallen (03) - Angel of Reckoning (04) - Born Into Flames (05) - Defending The Lost (06) - Saved By Valor (07) - Return of Victory (08)


  *with TS Paul*

  ALPHA CLASS (01) - ALPHA CLASS: Engineering (02)

  *with N.D. Roberts*

  Discovery (03)


  *with Craig Martelle*

  Nomad Found (01) - Nomad Redeemed (02) - Nomad Unleashed (03) - Nomad Supreme (04) - Nomad’s Fury (05) - Nomad’s Justice (06) - Nomad Avenged (07) - Nomad Mortis (08) - Nomad’s Force (09) - Nomad’s Galaxy (10)


  *with Natalie Grey*

  Risk Be Damned (01) - Damned to Hell (02)



  *with CM Raymond and LE Barbant*

  Restriction (01) - Reawakening (02) - Rebellion (03) - Revolution (04) - Unlawful Passage (05) - Darkness Rises (06) - The Gods Beneath (07) - Reborn (08)


  *with Justin Sloan*

  Shades of Light (01) - Shades of Dark (02) - Shades of Glory (03) - Shades of Justice (04)


  *with PT Hylton*

  Storm Raiders (01) - Storm Callers (02) - Storm Breakers (03) - Storm Warrior (04)


  *with Candy Crum*

  The Arcadian Druid (01) - The Undying Illusionist (02) - The Frozen Wasteland (03) - The Deceiver (04) - The Lost (05) - The Damned (06) - Into The Maelstrom (07)


  *with Brandon Barr*

  Rogue Mage (01)


  *with Amy Hopkins*

  Dawn of Destiny (01) - Dawn of Darkness (02) - Dawn of Deliverance (03) - Dawn of Days (04) - Broken Skies (05)


  *with P.J. Cherubino*

  Knight’s Creed (01) - Knight’s Struggle (02) - Knight’s Justice (03)



  *with Haley Lawson*

  Unleashing Madness (01)



  *with Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Awakened (01) - Activated (02) - Called (03) - Sanctioned (04) - Rebirth (05) - Retribution (06) - Cloaked (07) - Bourne (08) - Committed (09) - Subversion (10)


  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01) - Giles Kurns: Rogue Instigator (02)


  *with Amy Duboff *

  Covert Talents (01) - Endless Advance (02) - Veiled Designs (03) - Dark Rivals (04)


  *with Craig Martelle*

  The Bad Company (01) - Blockade (02) - Price of Freedom (03) - (04) Liberation


  *with Sarah Noffke*

  Formation (01) - Exploration (02) - Evolution (03) - Degeneration (04) - Impers
onation (05) - Recollection (06)


  *with Justin Sloan and PT Hylton*

  Valerie’s Elites (01) - Death Defied (02) - Prime Enforcer (03) Justice Earned (04)


  *with Tom Dublin*

  Gravity Storm (01)


  *with S.R. Russell*

  Etheric Recruit (01) - Etheric Researcher (02)

  Other Books

  *with Craig Martelle & Justin Sloan*

  Gateway to the Universe



  *with Martha Carr*

  Waking Magic (01) - Release of Magic (02) - Protection of Magic (03) - Rule of Magic (04) - Dealing in Magic (05) - Theft of Magic (06) - Enemies of Magic (07) - Guardians of Magic (08)


  Feared by Hell (01) - Rejected by Heaven (02) - Eye for an Eye (03)


  The Lone Ranger Returns (Pew!Pew!)

  You Don’t Touch John’s Cousin: Frank Kurns Stories of the UnknownWorld 01 (7.5)

  Bitch’s Night Out: Frank Kurns Stories of the UnknownWorld 02 (9.5)

  *with Natalie Grey*

  Bellatrix: Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 03 (13.25)

  Challenges: Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 04


  Available at and iTunes


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