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Archer Page 6

by Haley Jenner

  "This ol' thing? Nah," I attempt to joke. Its lame, but I can tell he appreciates the effort, that or he’s embarrassed at my hideous attempt at humor. Lord knows I’m embarrassed for myself.

  "Where ya headed?" he asks, taking a seat on the sofa opposite Jake and I. Even the way he sits, he takes up so much space with just his presence. His legs are spaced wide, elbows braced on his knees, leaning forward, clearly showing interest in my words. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise when I declare Everett as my destination.

  "Aubrey lives in Bellingham, so Darc and I meet her halfway every so often," I clarify.

  "The red head?" he questions, more to himself, but I nod my confirmation.

  "The love of Jake's life," I joke and Jake pushes me softly in reprimand. Archer seems comfortable by this exchange, watching us with open amusement. My laughs taper’s off when I notice Archer’s stare and even if I wanted too, I wouldn’t pull my eyes away. “What are you guys up to tonight?” I ask, clearing my throat.

  Jake, oblivious to our heated stare, answers. “Ma’s working tonight so Archer and I are gonna chill, watch a movie, have a few beers,” he tests.

  This pulls Archer’s attention from me as he glowers at Jake. “Not a fuckin’ chance in hell, kid, few more years before that’s a reality.” Archer’s next words shock me and I have no doubt the surprise is clear on my face. “No way you’re gonna be a dropkick like I was at your age. This means no booze until you’re legal.”

  Rolling his eyes at Archer’s words, Jake gives him a mock salute before making his exit, bending to kiss me quickly before he disappears. Archer takes a breath, about to speak, just as my phone starts ringing and I cringe apologetically. “That’s my ride,” I say, standing. “Bye, Archer.”

  I turn to walk towards the door pausing to put my shoes on and collect my bag. I know he’s right there and it makes me nervous. I stumble as I stand on one leg to put my foot in my shoe but Archer’s strong arms grab hold, steadying me. His touch is electric; our bodies close enough that I can feel his breath on my face. My mouth feels dry and I dart my tongue out to wet my lips, causing his eyes immediately to drop to my lips as he swallows deeply. We must stand there like that for a few minutes because Darci calls again and our pull is broken. I use Archer's arm to keep myself steady as I fit my other shoe and adjusting my clothes I offer him a small smile before disappearing through the front door. He watches me the entire way, his eyes burning into my back with a heat that has me flushed. I wave as I meet his eyes over to the top of Darci's car before folding myself inside.

  "Is that Archer Dean?" Darci questions her tone is a mixture of astonishment and confusion.

  I giggle and Darci eyes me as if I'm certifiably crazy. "Just drive," I squeak and she pulls away from the curb.

  I calm down enough from my fits of giggles to fill Darci in about all things Archer as we make the drive to Everett.

  "Wow. I can’t believe this. I cannot wait for you to tell Aubrey," she smiles.

  Returning her smile my tone turns serious. "Between you and me though, what do you think?"

  She's silent for a time before answering, contemplating her words. "I'm not the best person to come to for love advice, but I'm a romantic. I love the idea that fiery passion and magnetic connections exist. What's the point otherwise?" she meets my eyes on a shrug. "Annabelle, no one has ever had you mixed up like this, not even Max and you guys dated for years. This is good," she implores. "You should go with it; Archer Dean could be the love of your life.”

  I have to laugh at her eternal optimism. "Right now Darc, that boy has me so worked up, I'd settle for a good lay."

  My phone sounds with a text as Darci pulls into the restaurant carpark and I pull it from my bag as I climb from her car.

  Jakey: Archer has requested you text me when you get home so 'I' know you have arrived home safely. (Insert eye roll)

  I smile to myself, giddy at Archer's worry and amused by Jake's obvious dispirited response to being our middle man.

  Annabelle: What if I don't come home? :P

  Jakey: Hahahahahaha! I think he’s actually going to self-combust from anger. He's looking for his keys …….

  I laugh out loud drawing Darci's attention. Showing her my cell, she shakes her head on a smile. "You're playing with fire, Annabelle.”

  Annabelle: Tell him to chill and to stop putting undue pressure on his old heart.

  Jakey: He’s mumbling to himself now, something about spanking your …… gross. I resign as your in-between.

  I know I’m smiling like a complete goof as we enter the restaurant and Aubrey notices my ditzy grin immediately, eyebrows rising in question. My cell pulls my attention once again as I ignore her curious stare, dropping my ass into my chair.

  Jakey: Tell Aubrey I'm having withdrawals.

  Turning my screen to Aubrey, she laughs loudly. Taking the device from my hands, she poses; lips pursed into a kiss as the camera on my phone sounds with a loud click. Handing my phone back, a sly grin decorates her face and I know she’s texted it to Jake.

  Annabelle: There you go baby, add that to your spank bank ;)

  "Fuck, Aubrey. Really? That’s disgusting," I complain. “Next time use your own phone to text inappropriate shit to the underage kid.

  "Annabelle, as much as you don't want to hear it, little Dean is about to enter his sexual prime and he’ll be an animal in the sack," Aubrey states as I pretend to gag. "Sucks I'm not single," she adds as a side note and Darci and I can only shake our heads on bewildered smiles in response. I text Jake my own resignation as in between and put my phone away.

  Dinner flies by and before we know it hours have passed. Aubrey and I embrace in a tight squeeze as we say our goodbyes. I hate this part. Leaving her. I miss her every day and wish she’d move home.

  "Give it a chance babe, this shit has me excited. Throw yourself at it," she winks at me before hugging Darci just as tight. "Don’t think I’m not onto your game Miss. We didn't get a chance talk about your love life in all this Annabelle excitement," she chances at Darci.

  "Goodnight, Aubrey," Darci sings before folding into her car, winding her window down to grab Aubrey’s hand before reversing from her park.

  Our drive home is quiet and after talking non-stop about Archer, I’m thankful for the reprieve in conversation.

  I shoot Jake a quick text when I arrive home, telling him I've been kidnapped and to send help.

  Jakey: Not funny. Keep it up, I'll kidnap your smart ass.

  Smiling to myself, glad that Archer has Jake’s phone, I respond.

  Annabelle: Sounds exciting.

  Jakey: Invite me over.

  Annabelle: Night Arch x

  Jakey: That's not very nice.

  Jakey: Sweet dreams.

  My smile is permanent as I ready myself for bed and I fall asleep with my grin giddy, welcoming dreams that are most definitely my kinda sweet.

  Chapter Seven


  The soles of my sneakers are hard hitting on the road, my breathing harsh, my body hot while the cool air creates the perfect contrast as I run. Running each morning helps in clearing my head from the memories that invade my sleep. It works to pull my mind from my dark thoughts as I push my body harder, further, faster.

  Coming home has been good, seeing Ma and Jake. They seem well, happy. My worries were completely unfounded; Jake was stoked to have me home. Getting to know him better, actually being part of his life, fuck, it feels good. Almost helps keeps the nightmares at bay.

  As seems to be her way, Belle infiltrates my thoughts for the umpteenth time today and like always, my dick twitches instantly. Fuck me. I still haven’t felt the warm inside of a woman since I touched down and my cock is holding a grudge. It’s fucking hard. Constantly. Reminding me. Taunting me. I’m in pain, so much pain.

  It’s not that there hasn’t been ample opportunity, but the only person I want to bury myself inside used to hate my guts. I smile at the thought, relieved that time seems to h
ave mellowed her dislike.

  My first week back, I wasn't quite sure what my interest in her was about. Sure, I knew I wanted inside, but it’s turned into somewhat of an obsession. Thinking about her. She railroads my thoughts constantly. I can’t concentrate. I sure as shit can’t think straight. Unless it’s imagining myself balls deep, then I’m focused. Then I’m 100% committed in seeing my thought process through.

  Originally, I put it down to the fact that I hadn’t fucked someone in a long time. But as each day passes, I know it’s more than that. She makes me smile. Fuck, she makes me laugh. I wanna know more about her, actually spend time with her. Confusing thing is, my thoughts aren’t always sexual. They make up a large part of my attraction, but there’s more to it than that. The snippets of time I’ve been gifted with her have made me realize, I like her. A lot. Which is odd for me, women were always a means to an end. Nothing more. A way to get off. So, the effect she seems to have over me is unchartered territory.

  She’s intriguing. She’s smart. She’s funny. She’s sweet, I ain't stupid though, I know the attitude I was so used to seeing is still firmly ingrained inside. I see it every time she raises a perfectly arched eyebrow or that scowl quirks at those juicy pink lips.

  Fuck me, those lips, an unintentional pout constant, I can't wait to see what they look like… Ah, fuck me, now I'm hard.

  I slow down to a jog and attempt to control my sex depraved brain. The Chapel comes into view and I pause my jog, my feet ceasing their movement for the briefest of seconds before walking slowly towards the building. My hands brace the back of my head, opening my chest to allow my breaths to come easier.

  I take in the white brick of the Chapel, all strong rigid lines, a cross standing high and present up top. Standing here feels a little surreal, like my recollection of this image was a different life. In reality I guess it was. A different me, anyway. I haven't been here since Josh's funeral and I pause to take a moment to remember my best friend. Such a waste of a life. I miss him. Miss his ability to find the fun in anything, the way he pushed the drama of life away, his only interest making sure he lived life the way he wanted, not how other people thought he should. Fuck, he could be an asshole when he felt the need, but I miss that too, kicking his ass when he was being a dick. I lift my chin in the direction of the Chapel, in acknowledgement of my lost friend as I turn to walk away.

  My eyes fall to the large Maple sitting to the side, more specifically to the jean clad legs stretched up the trunk. A smile breaks along my face as I recognize the thick brown hair tangled along the grass. Belle’s back is to the ground, ass firmly fitted against the base of the tree, legs stretched upwards, ankles crossed.

  Last time we were both here, our positions reversed, her approach wasn't overly welcome. Truth be told her concern at the time threw me completely off guard. It was the first time I actually saw her. Even at 16, Belle was beautiful, but before that moment I’d never seen her that way. Then she sits in front of me, nerves radiating from her big chocolate eyes and I felt like a sick fuck. My best friend had just died and my cock stirs to life for a 16-year-old girl. I couldn’t understand it. Why was she talking to me? Why was she looking at me, like I was her, confused as fuck that she wanted to reach out and touch me?

  If she hears me coming, she doesn't let on, keeping her face looking skyward. I lie down next to her and mirror her position, turning my head to face her. Her eyes are closed as she lets the sun wash over her, so I take the opportunity to really look at her. Her thick brown mass of hair is spilled out around her creamy skin. I can’t see her chocolate colored eyes, but I see the dark lashes that line them, resting lightly against one another. My eyes move down to her nose, it’s cute, small, like a button. I drop my gaze to her lips and I have to stop myself from groaning out loud. I could spend hours looking at them. Their fullness. Their softness. I could let myself get lost in the fantasy of seeing them doing all the things that spur the thoughts keeping me awake at night. I move my appraisal on quickly, trying to rid the pout of those lips from my mind and subsequently my standing cock. My eyes travel along the long line of her neck and drop to the expanse of her chest, I lick my lips at the thought of her tits, even in her sweater I can see they’re full. Her body looks soft; she's not skinny, but curvy in the best possible fucking way. All tits and ass. I skim my eyes up her legs, they’re long, firm and compliment her ass nicely.

  My eyes move back to her face and she’s watching me, a small smile decorating those lips, an eyebrow arched. I only shrug in response. We stare at one another for a few beats before I say hi, her smile breaking into a wide grin before she mouths hi yourself.

  I turn my head and stare towards the sun peeking through the grey sky. Belle’s eyes remain on me and I feel her begin her own perusal. Much like my own, her eyes travel along my face and body before she turns her attention upward again.

  We sit in silence for a long time before she speaks and when she does, her voice sounds hoarse from lack of use. "Janie and Jake are really happy to have you home, Arch. It's nice to see."

  I think on that for a moment. "Just Janie and Jake huh?" I tease.

  Her small laugh meets my ears, making me smile. "Well, I'm sure a few other people are happy to see you, especially Bartie. She’s no doubt been rather lonely these last few years without you warming her bed. I'm sure she was very…. excited….to have you home,” she mocks me and I turn my head to see her wide grin laughing at me.

  I bark out a laugh before responding. "She can keep on being lonely, not interested." I meet her eyes and hope that I’m communicating what I'm not verbalizing.

  Her creamy skin flushes slightly. "In that case, it's nice to have you home, Arch," her voice is soft, her eyes dropping to my mouth briefly before meeting my eyes.

  Our faces turn upwards, our gaze on the clouds again as we sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I speak again. "I want to take you out."

  Belle morphs her face into a front of mock concern. "Now, that’s not very nice, you can't just off people when you feel the need, Archer Dean."

  I laugh out loud at her terrible joke and her smile breaks wide in response. "On a date, Belle. I wanna take you to dinner."

  "Well, you need to be more specific in future. Your career, one can never be too sure,” she pauses briefly, considering me for a small moment. “Why me?"

  I think on her question for a few beats, contemplating my response. I get her curiosity, previously we weren’t exactly…. friendly.

  "Because you make me laugh, which as you know, I don't tend to do a lot and I’m finding it’s a nice change.

  Because you're really fuckin’ nice to look at; all dark hair, creamy skin and big brown eyes.

  Because I'm hoping that dinner goes well, I get to feel those fucking gorgeous lips against my own."

  I glance over to her watching me; her eyes hooded over in want. Fuck me, can she tell by looking at me that I need her to say yes. "Just a kiss?"

  "Trying to get into my pants already, Belle, baby? I'm a good honest man, treat me with some respect." I combat her teasing and she laughs, like really laughs, her neck arching slightly as her heads tilts back. Her laugh is loud, deep, so beautiful and the beating of my heart actually stutters at the sound.

  Holy fuck.

  As her laughter finally subsides, she looks at me shyly before nodding her head. "Yeah?" I ask.

  Yeah she mouths.

  We smile at each other for a minute or so before she makes a move to get up and I follow suit. "Walk me home," she suggests and I nod in agreement.

  Our conversation continues through our walk, no moment left to silence. She tells me about her life and I enjoy listening to her talk, hearing the husk of her voice. I discover that she manages the local florist and I’m not surprised at her occupation. It suits her. She talks about her job and it’s clear she loves it, as she gives me the details of what her day entails. Her face is alight talking about flowers I have no fucking idea about, but I love hearing ab
out them, hearing her explain working within the seasons, styling for weddings and whatever else she is saying. I'm mesmerized by her lips, by the way they move as she talks. The way she drags her full bottom lip through her teeth when she hides a smile or the way she bites the corner when she’s thinking.

  I ask about her Gran and she gives me a sad smile before telling me she passed away about when Belle was 19. She confesses that she misses her and it hurts not being able to see her. “You know, she was the constant in my life, from the very start. Saying goodbye to her was, tough. Really hard for me but she was old, she’d lived a good life.”

  I tell her I admire her strength, that with all her loss, she continues to live a full life. She smiles before she tells me she hasn't lost all her family that she still has Janie and Jake and it makes me smile.

  She asks about me, about my time away. I don’t deny that after Josh died I wallowed for a while before I woke up and needed more out of life. I joined the forces as an escape, to try and make my life count. I don't go into detail about my deployment, but tell her the shit you see over there is unlike anything you could imagine. That the evil I’ve experienced is greater than she could possibly know. I don't know why I share, but I tell her that my memories invade my thoughts and affect my ability to sleep some nights. Her eyes are wide as she takes in my words, but she doesn't offer advice or commentary, which I appreciate, she just listens.

  Before I know it, we’re standing in front of her house and I don’t want to let her go. "Tonight?" I question, the eagerness in my voice apparent.


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