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Archer Page 7

by Haley Jenner

  She nods in agreement immediately. "What do I wear? Where are we going?"

  "Something nice, let me take you to dinner. I'll pick you up at 7." She offers me a shy smile before she disappears into her house and I blow out a long drawn out breath before a shit eating grin crosses my face. I glance at my watch and note it’s only 5:30pm. I jog up the stairs to Ma's house and spend the next hour and a half wasting time, thinking only of Belle.



  I jump at the knock at my door. Exactly 7pm and I suddenly feel nervous, my heart pulsing fast in my chest. I put it down to the unexpected. I don’t know what to presume from tonight, specifically, what to expect from a date with Archer.

  Never in my wildest imagination would I have ever pictured myself here, ready to share a meal with him.



  I haven’t stopped second guessing myself. Is this something I should really put myself into? What if it goes bad? Will it affect my relationship with Janie and Jake? Do I risk that? For Archer Dean?

  I know that I want this and I don’t want to worry about it going wrong. I want to take the risk on Archer and if for some reason it goes horribly wrong, I’ll deal with all the what ifs then. He’s plagued my mind for years and intrigues me like no one has ever done before. He excites me, turns me on more than I ever imagined possible.

  I must have changed my outfit at least a thousand times, wanting to look good for him. To tempt him as much as he does me. I check myself in the mirror one last time before I answer his loud knock. My playsuit sits nicely on my shapely figure. Black mid-length shorts add to the height of my legs, the cinched-in waist flattering on my mid-section. Loose fitting along my chest, its V-neck sits low enough to hint at cleavage but it’s still modest, finished with long sleeves cuffed at my wrists. My wavy hair is pulled into a high ponytail with my fringe pinned back to add volume up top. Minimal make-up to emphasize my features, my lips hot pink. Smacking my lips together I make my way to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

  Archer is leaning casually against my door frame and his eyes slowly drag the length of my body, starting at my stiletto clad feet, finishing on my face. I swallow deeply at the attention and his gaze drops to my throat to follow the movement. Leaning into my body, he skims his nose along the length of my jaw, inhaling. “You smell fucking amazing."

  I pull the door closed behind me, the movement pushing me closer to him, bringing us chest to chest. Struggling to keep my wits I glance up at him through my lashes and his eyes have shaded to a deep moss green. His voice is a gruff whisper as his lips meet the shell of my ear, causing goosebumps to break out along my skin. "I'm gonna kiss you now. I thought I'd wait ‘til after dinner, but …." He leans down to brush his lips across mine, lightly at first, pulling back to watch my eyes before leaning in again and crushing his mouth over my own. The tip of his tongue drags along the seam of my lips, silently demanding me to open. I obey, immediately, moaning into his mouth as his tongue glides across my own in introduction.

  One of my hands slide up his chest to wrap around the side of his neck, feeling his pulse, strong under my fingertips. His lips are amazingly soft, such a stark contrast to the rest of his hardness. He tastes of toothpaste and the briefest hint of cigarette smoke. It’s intoxicating, like his smell and I feel consumed by it.

  Our lips fit perfectly and the kiss is hungry, as if we’ve been starved of the contact. I almost feel as though I have, I have kissed my fair share of men, but I've never felt like this. Archer is kissing me, taking complete ownership of my mouth and I love every second of it. One of his hands has wrapped itself around the back of my neck, the other cupping my ass, hard. Pulling me up and into his body, his chest causes the most delicious pressure against my nipples and I moan into his mouth. He swallows the sound with a growl, his fingers flexing into my ass in a way that I know will leave marks.

  My panties are damp, wet with the clear truth that I want this man. Badly. The need to stop this kiss before it escalates further has me breaking away, breathing heavily. "Hi," I greet, my lips, swollen from his kiss, held between my teeth tightly to contain the almighty grin wanting to break my face.

  Hi yourself he mouths back, his face splitting into the most predatory grin I have ever seen. I lift my thumb to remove the hot pink lipstick that has smudged along his mouth and he kisses it, winking at me before taking my hand and leading me to his car. My hand feels so small in his large one, his calloused thumb brushing along my knuckles softly. His hand remains around mine as he helps me into his Jeep, smiling up at me as he closes my door.

  Time seems to pause as I sit in his car, alone with my thoughts and I laugh giddily. Holy shit! I almost let Archer Dean fuck me on my porch, for all our neighbors to see. More concerning, I don’t care. I feel hot with the thought. Flushed with the need he’s blasted into me.

  I’m so screwed.

  I take him in as he rounds the Jeep to his own door. The fitted white dress shirt he’s wearing is folded up his tanned arms, showing off the tattoo decorating the corded muscle of his forearms. His muscular legs are encased in denim, his look finished with a simple canvas high-top sneaker. Although so simple, I have never seen a man look more attractive, more desirable than Archer does at this moment. Granted, my body is on the verge of experiencing the unicorn of orgasms. Delayed gratification, running solo, no touching, just the memory of the greatest first kiss to ever exist. Yeah, the guy looks good. Really fucking good.

  Tension fills the cab of his car as we drive. We’re both quiet, his big hand resting atop my thigh, my fingers entwined with his. Watching the darkened sky, I stare out the window as we drive trying to gather my thoughts. The last thing I want Archer to think of me is easy. But the want, the need I have for him is suffocating. I’ve never felt this way before and I'm unsure how to navigate it all. Do I embrace it? Or do I take a step back and make myself take things slowly? Never in my life have I felt more at ease around a person, comfortable in my skin. Fuck, he makes me feel so desirable, so sexy.

  My voice cracks from nerves as I finally speak. "I'm not 100% sure how to navigate this. I want to be completely honest with you because your input would be nice," he smiles in my direction, encouraging me to continue. "I've never felt this want for someone before, it consumes my every thought. It terrifies me in the best possible way and I'm not interested in games……" I glance down at our intertwined fingers as I take a steadying breath.

  Before I can get any more words out, he continues for me. "But you're afraid I'll judge you, that if we go too fast -"

  "Yeah," I cut him off, taking in his profile as he drives.

  "Way I see it, we're both adults, we want what we want. Let's not get caught up in what we think is the right thing to do and just go with what feels right. Yeah?"

  Teeth graze the corner of my mouth as I think on his words and he must think I take too long to respond because he brings my hand to his mouth as he kisses my knuckles. "If it's any comfort, I feel the same about you. It's crazy, I feel like I barely know you, but I'm so fucking into you. The need, the want you talk about, I'm going fucking crazy with it. I feel like a teenager, I get hard just thinking about you, your lips, that body," he groans and it I feel it right between my thighs.

  I feel brazen. Maybe it's the reminisce of what happened on my porch, his words, our honesty or maybe it's just the raw sexiness of the groan that has me pulling his hand back to my leg before slowly gliding it up my shorts. His eyes are wide as he swallows hard and I watch the lump of his Adam's apple work as both our fingers reach the apex of my thighs, where I let him feel my wetness. "Hard. Wet. I get it," I whisper and my voice cracks on a moan as he slips a finger beneath my panties and strokes me softly, feeling my excitement.

  "Open," his voice his hard, demanding and my body obeys immediately, legs widening, giving him complete access. Archer’s eyes remain fixed on the road as he drives, glancing at me occasionally to see my reaction to
his hand. His stroke is hard and fast; bringing me close to my peak before lessening his touch, alternating to ghosting over my clit softly. The change in pressure and rhythm has my eyes rolling back in my head and before long I come apart effortlessly against his fingers, my harsh breathing and pleading moans echoing in the stillness of the cab.

  Coming down from my orgasm he glides his finger across my clit one last time, making my whole-body shiver as he removes his hand from my panties. A wolfish grin breaks across his face as he holds my eyes, licking his fingers clean.

  Yep, I think I just came again. "It's official, I think you might actually kill me," I laugh. It’s breathy, needy and full of sex.

  Archer’s returning laugh is soft. "I actually don't know what's hotter; hearing you moan my name when you come or the taste of you on my tongue."

  Definitely official. I am totally, fucking, done for.

  We arrive at the restaurant shortly after and he kisses me softly when he helps me down from my seat. I can taste myself on his tongue and I’m surprised at how much that excites me. Pulling me into his side, Archer smiles and it’s sexy as fuck.

  We head into a small, homely Italian restaurant in Washington State. I take the seat across from him, as we’ve been shown to our table and he waits until we’ve ordered our drinks before he commands that I sit next to him.

  "I can see you better this way and the table’s so small, why do I need to move?" I arch an eyebrow in defiance.

  "Because you're too far away.

  Because I wanna touch you, want you to touch me.

  And because I want to be able to kiss you when I want."

  Dragging my bottom lip between my teeth I attempt to hide my smile as I move to sit beside him without any further hesitation. We sit in close, both feeling an overpowering need to be touching constantly.

  Dinner is amazing; the wine, the food, but it's mostly Archer. I'm not sure what I expected, but I've never enjoyed a date more. He’s attentive, charming, engaging. Hours fly by as we talk, laugh, eat, drink. At times, he stops mid-sentence just to plant soft kisses to my lips, as if the need became too much, like he physically couldn't help himself. In those moments, I know I could do this forever. He captures more of my heart every time he surprises me with his sweet and I’d be lying if said tonight wasn’t the beginning of me falling for him. Deeply.

  Before we know it and before I’m ready for our date to end, the restaurant is closing and we’re making our way back to Archer's car. Leaning against my car door, I pull him into me. "Thank you for tonight, I had really nice time." My stilettos give me the added height I need as I lean up to kiss his neck, along his jaw before opening my lips against his. As seems to be his way, Archer takes over the kiss, pushing my back into the car with his hips, his arousal thick and hard against my stomach. Strong hands are braced on the back of my neck, calloused thumbs stroking the length of my jaw as his tongue pushes against my own. I whimper when he slowly breaks the kiss, touching his soft lips just below my ear before opening my door. He playfully swats my ass as I climb into the car offering me a wink as he closes my door and makes his way around the front of the Jeep.

  Our drive home isn’t anywhere near as exciting as our drive in, but it’s nice in a different way. We hold hands the entire way, content in our silence. I rest the side of my face against my seat so I can watch him drive and I don’t know if it’s the motion of the car or the fact that I am completely at ease in his company, but I soon drift off to sleep, stirring only slightly when strong arms lift me effortlessly from the car and carry me inside.

  I throw my arms out in a wide stretch as I wake, my body revealing in the feeling. Slowly I open my eyes, following the length of my arm, noticing I’m still dressed in my clothes from the night before. I bolt upright in a sitting position and take in my surroundings; I’m in my own bed and it seems I slept here, alone. I glance at my bedroom door and notice my shoes and clutch have been placed neatly against the wall. “Archer?” I call out, but am met with silence. My eyes scan the room before coming to rest on the note left on my bedside table.

  I had a nice night too.

  P.S You snore

  His writing is print, neat for a man and is finished with his cell number and a large bold A. I laugh out loud, throwing myself back onto my bed. I can’t contain the smile that spreads across my face remembering our night. It was intense, sure, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I loved every freakin’ second of it.

  Holy god! Archer fucking Dean.

  I shower quickly, removing the remnants of last night’s makeup from my face. I feel refreshed as I make my way downstairs, grabbing my phone to text Archer. Unlocking the screen, I notice 3 missed calls and 5 separate texts from Aubrey.

  Aubrey: So…. details please? (11:00pm)

  Aubrey: Bitch, it’s midnight and you haven’t answered my call or responded to my text……you dirty slut bag – you let him fuck you, didn’t you? ;) (12:01am)

  Aubrey: Please tell me you let him fuck you …… (12:35am)

  Aubrey: Okay, seriously. 2 missed calls and 2 ignored texts. My feelings are hurt. CALL ME (6:00am)

  Aubrey: I am only forgiving you if you are comatose from too much sex. (9:00am)

  I shake my head on a laugh as I type out a quick reply.

  Annabelle: Keep your hair on, all is well. Date was AHHHMAZING! And no, I did not let him fuck me. Well, not really.

  I knew that was a bitch move, but my phone will start ringing in three, two…. “Morning,” I sing into the phone.

  “What exactly does ‘well, not really’ mean?”

  “Now, Aubrey, that’s not proper phone etiquette,” I tease.

  “Stop fucking deflecting and answer my question, and don’t even think about skimping of the details…. I’ll know,” she demands.

  I laugh before giving Aubrey what she wants. Dead silence meets my ears when I finish recapping my night and I pull the cell from my ear to check I’m still connected. “Aubs, you there?”

  “Holy mother of fuck me, Annabelle. Babe, that sounds….”

  “Amazing?” I finish for her.

  “That’s one word. Holy shit. Who knew a good finger fucking could be so…? hot?”

  “Shit, Aubs, I’m fucked. He’s so commanding, rough, intense……. but he’s playful, attentive, and sweet even - in a pure masculine way. I can’t even describe it. It was only one night, but I couldn’t get enough. I can’t wait to see him again. Like I said, I’m fucked.” I laugh into the phone.

  “Good. You deserve that intense kind of happy. I haven’t heard that light in your voice in forever, babe. Run with it,” her voice if soft, encouraging.

  “Plan on it.”

  “Love you, babe, chat soon yeah?”

  “Love you too, Aubs. I’ll call you,” I finish and end the call.

  Grabbing Archer’s note, I program his number into my cell before I text him.

  Annabelle: I most definitely do NOT snore.

  PS Very gentlemanly of you to leave me in my clothes. Didn’t think it was your style.

  My phone chimes almost immediately.

  Archer: No. But you do talk and trust me, I tried. I have no fucking clue how to remove that…. thing. I’ve decided I hate it.

  My laugh is happy as I turn to make coffee, my phone sounding again.

  Archer: I’m gonna see you again today.

  I love that it's not a question, not even a demand, just a statement.

  Annabelle: Yes. When and what do I wear?

  Chapter Eight


  I didn't quite think this through. Inviting Belle along. My cock hasn't settled since she walked out her front door. You’d think hiking gear would be unappealing. You’d be wrong. Especially on Belle. Her legs are encased in long black tights and clearly showcasing the outline of her legs, her ass. Teamed with her hiking boots, jacket and beanie, she’s the most adorable fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Her thick brown hair is knotted at the nape of her neck, tucked into the coll
ar of her jacket. The cold of the air mixed with the warmth her body is emitting, has caused her creamy skin to rose. Wide chocolate eyes take in every detail of the surrounding mountains and forest as we walk. Shocks me, having lived in Carnation all her life that she’s never walked these tracks before.

  "This is amazing, Arch. Thank you so much for bringing me along," she stops, turning back to smile widely at me. I return her smile and grab hold of her hand as we begin moving again. "I'm not slowing you down, am I?" she questions, her eyes scanning my face.

  "Not at all, baby," I answer softly, dropping a quick kiss on her pink lips.

  I haven't traipsed through Tolt McDonald Park in years and it's good to be out here again. Surrounded by the lush greenery and the stark but welcomed change from the desert. The hike takes us about 3 hours as we walk in companionable silence; Belle taking in her surroundings while I reflect on my time away and subsequent return.

  Coming home has been different than I imagined it. I'm happy and that’s a foreign emotion for me. Happiness. How sad is that? Being 26 years old and struggling to remember one single moment where happiness sat front and center.

  I always imagined settling back into civilian life would have been harder, especially in a place I spent so long resenting. But I feel good being here. It finally feels like home and surprisingly, here in Carnation, I’ve found happiness. Squeezing Belle’s hand, I smile down at her and she returns my gesture with enthusiasm, leaning up to touch her lips to mine. Like always, I take over the kiss, wanting to taste her. I hear her breathy moan as my tongue strokes against her own and without delay my cock hardens. It's painful. I have a severe case of blue balls; forced to jerk off more often than I’d like to admit instead of planting my cock where I long too.


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