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Page 14

by Haley Jenner

  I need to taste her. I need to feel her warm, wet heat against my tongue. I need to hear her begging me to fuck her while I eat her, when I feel her come against my tongue. I slowly undo her robe when I reach her, kneeling in front of her position on the couch and parting the material, I groan out loud at her naked form. She’s fucking perfection; her body is soft, not angular. Her hips, ass and tits all full. I blow lightly along her neck, her tits and watch as her nipples harden at the feeling of my breath along her skin. She moans softly in her sleep, brushing her hand along her stomach. My lips skate across the naked skin on her hip and she clenches her thighs together to relieve the pressure building up from my barely there touches. Using the palm of my hand I raise the knee on her right leg, pinning it against the back of our couch. She’s completely exposed to me and I stop to count my blessings. How a punk like me can lay claim to someone so fucking beautiful is beyond me. Blowing a soft exhale of air across her folds, her breath hitches and she begins to stir awake.

  I bring her consciousness about with a long stroke of my tongue against her pussy and her eyes flutter open on a smile. "Hi, baby," she whispers before throwing her head back on a moan when my tongue meets her heat once again. "God. Yes," she whimpers out, pulling her right knee towards her chest, opening herself to me more.

  I love how comfortable she is with me, so open with her body in any and every way. Jake was right, when Belle loves, she gives you everything. She’s given me access to every inch of her body, welcomes my touch, craves it. But it's not just physical, its deeper. She gave me her heart. Handed it over, trusted it to me. She lets me take what I want and gives me what I need in return. There’s no hesitation between us. No barriers. Just Belle and I.

  I'm completely feral in my drunken state and I do exactly as I need. I eat her. I consume her. Taste her in my mouth. Feel her throb against my tongue. "That's it, baby. Come against my mouth," I groan out against her sensitive flesh and she shudders at the feel of the vibration my voice makes against her. "Fuck. You taste like fucking heaven."

  "FUCK. ME," she stutters. "Like that. Yes. God. Don't stop, baby. Yes," her voice is broken, cracked as she begs, moans and cries out for more. I don’t stop. My touch is messy, greedy and she comes against my tongue on a shout. Whole body shudders overtake her as she pulls her knees in before her entire body stretches out at her climax.

  I kiss along her hips and her open thighs as she comes back into the moment. “I’ve decided that’s the only way I care to be woken up, going forward,” she laughs quietly, coming up into a seated position and pulling me forward to touch her lips to my own.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I run through the final steps in my closing routine; cashing my register, balancing receipts, cleaning workspaces and fridging arrangements as I ready myself to leave and get back to Archer. He’s been working like a Trojan since the house settled.

  Our house.

  Mine and Archer's.

  We own a home.


  It seems so surreal and I don’t even attempt to hide the smile permanently etched on my face. I have this constant sense of giddiness that we’re starting our life, that we’re moving towards our future. He’s done so much in just a few short weeks. Finishing work with Brian, he throws himself straight into work on the house. The porch has been sanded down and re-lacquered to a glossy dark wood. Looks a million bucks against the newly painted light grey and white exterior. He gave me my red door, bright and effervescent against the bold neutral colors he chose for outside. His cell is forever fused to his ear, calls to and from contractors, suppliers. I’m bloody tired and I’ve barely lifted a finger. But he seems energized by it all, watching him lose himself in something for us is nice.

  I’ve started rushing through my work day, to get home faster. If I'm early enough I catch him before he’s finished for the day and I am treated to something really fucking amazing. I’m welcomed home to the sight of a half-naked, sweaty, dirty Archer Dean. Muscles gleaming and more pronounced from use. Nothing compares. Absolutely nothing.

  Setting the alarm, I fumble through my hand bag for my keys, before locking up. My focus solely on returning home, I miss Archer standing across the street and so pulling my coat tighter around my body, I begin my walk home. Large arms wrap around my waist and pull me in tight after I’ve taken only a few steps. "Missed you today, baby."

  Closing my eyes softly, I breathe in our embrace, feeling such contentment in his touch. Smiling large, I turn my face to meet Archer's wide grin. "Hi," I greet, tipping my lips up, encouraging him to kiss me. He accepts my invitation without hesitation, closing his mouth over mine in a quick, closed-mouth kiss. I furrow my brows in disappointment as he pulls away, not liking not being able to taste him. He never lets that opportunity pass, and I happily show my disapproval at this quick touch, which only amuses him.

  "Soon, Belle. Have somethin' to show you first," he informs, blowing into his large palms to warm his hands before covering my eyes and turning me back in the direction of the shop.

  "Just in complete honesty, I'm a little disappointed you're here," I begin and he bites my neck in reprimand.

  "Oh yeah. Why's that?"

  "Well, I quite like coming home to you all dirty from working. I look forward to it all day. I feel deprived," I finish with a huff and I feel his body shake with quiet laughter behind my own.

  "Noted, Belle Baby. Promise tomorrow you can come home to me all dirty and have your wicked way. Today, I think I'll be forgiven for depriving you. Actually, I think you may want to do all kinds of nasty things to me. Preferably with your mouth. If you can note that," he plants an open-mouthed kiss on my neck, making my eyes roll back.

  "Is that so? Any further explanation?"

  Removing his hands from my eyes I take in the steady stream of traffic on Main Street. I look left and then right, repeating my movement. Looking for something, anything that should be drawing my attention.

  "What am I missing?" I prompt, turning my head back to Archer.

  Digging into his pocket Archer removes a car key, pointing back in the direction of the street before unlocking the car with a beep. I feel my eyes widen at the bright white Jeep parked across the street. Shiny and new.

  "It's yours, Belle Baby," he answers, grabbing my hand and dragging me across the street.

  "What?" I breathe.

  "It's yours."

  "What?" I repeat, my voice still coming out as barely a breath. My feet stumble as Archer pulls on my hand, almost dragging me towards the shiny car across the street.

  Stopping in front of the Jeep Archer turns me to face him. "Baby." I don't even know what that means. That one word. Baby. Like it explains what is happening at this moment.

  "I can't accept this. Arch, babe, I'm fine catching the bus, walking, driving with you. I don't need this. I…I'm struggling to find words right now……. I’m sweaty,” I ramble nervously.

  Archer’s face is filled with amusement at my stumbling words. "Belle, we need another car. Don't like you walking everywhere all the time. This was always on the agenda, even before I left, before we bought the house. Just say thanks Belle, don't make a deal of this," he warns.

  "Let me give you this. Say thank you. Kiss me and let's go home so you can thank me properly?" he prompts after another beat of silence.

  Blinking slowly, taking a large breath, I offer Archer a wide smile. "You bought me a car?"

  "Yeah, baby, I bought you a car. You like?" he replies.

  Throwing my arms around his neck I push my lips against his. He smiles against my lips, offering me the opportunity to swipe my tongue into his mouth, finally giving me the chance to taste him. "Thank you, Arch. I love it. So much," I gush against his lips.

  "You're welcome. Let's take it for a spin yeah? Then home."

  I can't help but squeal when he hands me the keys. Shaking his head, he slaps my ass playfully before opening the driver's side door as invitation for me to climb in
side. It smells new and I inhale deeply to take in the scent. Settling into the black leather seats, I lean forward to adjust my positioning, making it comfortable. I run my hands across the dash, feeling the steering wheel, the built in sat nav. I turn and watch Archer climb into the passenger seat, offering me a wink before leaning his body forward and touching his lips to my own. He meant for it to be quick, but I thread my fingers into his hair, keeping his mouth close. Dragging the tip of my tongue against the seam of his lips, I groan as he opens his mouth at my invitation. I begin to show him my appreciation through my kiss. Our tongues stroke against the other deeply, his hand coming up to cup my jaw.

  Archer’s a fantastic kisser. The contrast of his hard jaw against the softness of his lips is magnetic. While his lips are the perfect softness, his kisses are not and while they aren't hard or forced, his mouth always has the right level of pressure, giving the right contrast of hard and soft.

  He grazes his teeth against my bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan from my mouth before breaking the kiss, much to my disappointment. "Drive, Belle. Not gonna fuck you in Main Street. Take your new baby for a spin then we can pick up when we get home.”

  Starting the car, I smile widely at Archer when it purrs beneath me. "Seatbelt," I prompt, pulling on my own. Archer ignores my instruction instead only adjusting his seat to make room for his long legs. One knee cocked, the other stretched out straight, body to the side, arm propped at the window. "Archer," I repeat and I stare down his challenge.

  "Belle, it's fine. Just drive."

  "Archer, my car, my rules. Seatbelt," I snap and watch as a smile tugs at his lips as he pulls on his seatbelt, keeping his eyes glued ahead, refusing to witness my victory grin.

  I drive around town for a short while, getting a feel of the car. Its weight, its power, the steering. It feels amazing to drive, so smooth. I love it and I tell Archer this. Pulling into our drive next to his Wrangler I turn off the ignition and angle my body towards him. He watches me quietly as I take numerous breaths, readying myself to speak, trying to find my words. "Archer, I……. I don't even know how to say thank you. I love it. Really, I do. I……. I’ve never had anyone in my life to do things like this for me. Completely unexpected and it means so much. Not that I need people to buy me things to show they love me but…." taking a deep breath, I pause. “I’m rambling.” My voice drops as I look up to meet his eyes. "Thank you. Really, Archer. This is amazing. I really do love it. I love you."

  "Me too, baby. You're welcome," he speaks softly clasping my hand. "Now how about we go inside and you can thank me a little more," he says, raising one dark eyebrow.

  "You want my mouth?"

  Offering me only a chin lift in acknowledgement, I lean my body forward, releasing my seatbelt, allowing me to move into his space. "Tell me."

  He doesn’t hesitate, but then that’s not his style. "I want your pouty pink lips wrapped around my dick. I want you to use your mouth, your tongue, your teeth. I want you to lick, suck, graze. I want it rough. I want it hard. I wanna come in your mouth, see it decorate your lips and run down your chin."

  Swallowing, I clench my thighs together to relieve the pressure building between them at his words. I moan, lips against his skin before I drag my tongue along the column of his neck, offering a final quick kiss as I pull away. Meeting his eyes, I smile softly before turning to jump from the car. Walking backwards I begin unbuttoning my shirt, showing the swell of my breasts as the material opens. He hasn’t moved, instead he watches me intently through the front windshield of my shiny car. Turning on my heel, I jog up the front steps, unlocking the door quickly. Removing my shirt entirely as I step through the door, I don’t turn back to see his approach as I continue to shed my clothing until I’m naked and waiting in our lounge.

  Archer approaches the front door slowly, deliberately. Kicking the door closed behind him, he refuses to move his eyes from my naked skin. “I don’t know how an asshole like me got so fuckin’ lucky,” his voice cracks as he speaks, his eyes running the length of my body and back up again. A large palm comes up to rub his jaw roughly as he considers me for a moment longer.

  Leaning against the door he uses one hand to unbuckle his belt. “Come here” he orders tenderly, undoing the top button of his jeans and sliding the zipper down.

  I do exactly as he asks and stand directly in front of him, looking up to his bright green eyes through my eyelashes.

  “Drop, baby,” he demands softly, running his thumb along my bottom lip.

  Again, I do exactly as he asks, settling on my knees in front of him. Meeting his eyes once again, I’ve never felt more beautiful than I do in that moment; naked and vulnerable. A stark contrast to him; fully clothed and completely in control. The way he watches me, his eyes dark with hunger but the love he feels for me clear and bright, shining out. My eyes drop to the bulge straining his boxer shorts and I lick my lips, edging closer. I use one hand to free him, feeling him heavy in my small hand. Skating my free hand up his abdomen, I feel the heat of his body, hitching his shirt up and out of my way. I slide my hand up his length softly first, feeling him jerk at my touch.

  “No playing today, Belle. I told you what I want. Say thank you properly,” he grins and I can’t stop the small smile that tugs at my own mouth.

  I do say thank you. With my mouth. I do as he asks and wrap my lips around his dick. His large hands twist into my hair as his eyes watch heatedly. Thrusting his hips forward, his hands keep my head in place as he fucks my mouth. It’s beyond erotic and I hum my approval around the weight of him.

  “Nothin’ hotter than seeing your sweet mouth work my cock, Belle,” he grounds out.

  I use my hand, mouth, tongue and teeth. It’s rough and messy and the sounds he makes are raw, causing me to clench my thighs together to relieve the wetness pooling between them. I lick, suck and graze; exactly like he asked.

  When he’s close, he instructs me to pull back as he comes against my lips and watches hungrily as his release drips down my chin, my neck and in between my breasts. “You are so welcome, baby,” he groans.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I take the smoke Toby offers, balancing it between my lips while searching for my lighter. Toby beats me to it, flicking a flame in front of my face as I cup my hand around the small orange fire dancing in the wind. Breathing in deep as the ember burns, I welcome the taste and the nicotine into my lungs. "Thanks, man," I offer on an exhale, settling back onto the log we’re perched on.

  It's dark out, the only light filtering across the yard from the fire sitting in front of us. It cracks and spits as logs slowly break down from the heat, turning into ash. Belle and Willow sit together, huddled in close, gathering heat from their bodies as well as the open fire. Belle's friends, Darci and Aubrey sit alongside them, all gooing over the rock decorating Willow's ring finger.

  "Seems you have their seal of approval," I gesture towards the girls.

  Toby barks out a soft laugh around his smoke, smile lingering on Willow. Nodding at something Aubrey says, Willow senses his stare, turning to meet his eyes. I watch as her lips tip up slowly as their eyes anchor. I feel like I'm imposing, watching their interaction. Witnessing a moment that should be private, so I stand to move towards Bennett. He turns is attention towards me, away from the girls as I drop down next to him.

  "I need to get laid man," he confides, turning his attention back to Belle and her two friends, Willow having migrated away from their click and onto Toby's lap. "I envy Toby. And you. I'm happy for you both, but I want it too, the connection you have with your women. I can’t even bring myself to bang random women anymore," he finishes, watching Toby and Willow briefly before tipping his head back to drain his beer.

  "Another?" I prompt and nodding his head, he hands me the empty as I move to stand and head inside. I throw the bottles in the trash and grab two more, winking at Belle when she catches my attention before moving back to Bennett. His eyes are focused in on Darci, who, by the
shade of her cheeks isn't oblivious to his stare. "Staring at her ain't gonna get you there, brother," I offer handing him his beer.

  "Never get close enough, man." Twisting the cap of his bottle he turns his attention to the small metal circle, bending it between his thumb and index finger. "I just want to walk into her shop one day, bend her over, fuck the shit out of her and spank her ass for making me wait so long," he smiles over at me and I can't help but throw my head back and laugh at the image. It's loud and draws the attention of everyone.

  "She would fuckin' die if you spanked her ass man. Bit shy, think she might be a dud in the sack?" I question quietly.

  "No," he answers immediately, eyes still focused on her.


  "Not a chance. I see the way she looks at me sometimes. She wants me to do it. I fuckin' know it. She's a caged animal, just needs the right amount of coaxing."

  Darci, as if she can sense we're talking about her turns her head ever so slightly to glance at Bennett, who winks at her and throws her his wide grin, teeth on show. He's right, I watch her peculiar shaped eyes hood over, her cheeks shade further and her tongue peak out to wet her lips. She wants him. Bad. And she'd let him do whatever the fuck he wants to her.

  "Nice smile, fucker. You're like the big bad fucking wolf seducing little red riding hood," I laugh and he turns his wide grin on me.

  "Why Bennett, what big teeth you have," I breathe out, hand to chest, blinking my eyes up at him.

  "Ha. Jokes. Broody, moody, Archer Dean has jokes," he punches my arm before standing and walking towards the girls. I laugh to myself softly before moving to follow him.

  I grab Belle by the waist, lifting her easily as I turn her, encouraging her to wrap her legs around my middle before taking her seat. She welcomes my intrusion with a smile before angling her lips up to my own.


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