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Once Upon A Regency: Timeless Tales And Fables

Page 90

by Samantha Grace

  * * * *

  Charlotte reached her room and quickly closed the door leaning against it. Blimey! What had gotten into her? First she was ogling him and then she was snapping at him. Graham had hardly said a word. But what he did say seemed to rankle her. He set her on edge just looking at her. She wrapped her arms around herself. A few comments from Graham had her all out of sorts.

  Men didn’t usually talk to her like that. That wasn’t entirely true. Some men did but she rarely reacted like that. She usually just ignored them. It must be that she sensed he was a rogue and would take advantage of her.

  A thought suddenly crossed her mind. His lips on her lips. His hands touching her skin. Her body pressed against his. A blush climbed up her cheeks again and she pressed her cool hands against them to calm her heating skin. She willed herself to stop thinking these thoughts.

  A servant entered the room and she helped Charlotte change into her night clothes and climb into bed. She had told the truth, it had been a long day in the saddle. But as she lay in bed, sleep did not come. Thoughts of Graham kept enticing her mind and it felt like hours before she finally fell asleep.



  The next morning Charlotte rose early but the house seemed to already be in full swing. She dressed and headed down to breakfast.

  “Good morning,” she said to Baron Fairfield. “Where is everyone else?”

  “Already at work. The boys are trying to get as much done as they can before the real heat of the day.” The baron’s pride in his sons was clear in his voice.

  “What are they working on?” Charlotte was curious. Most aristocrats were still in bed at this hour. And physical labor was never part of their day.

  “Will is a huntsman when he is not in training for the barony. He has gone to provide dinner for the people of the manor. The other three boys are working on the house.” Baron Fairfield waved toward the front façade of the manor.

  “May I be so bold as to ask what has happened to the manor?” Charlotte bit her lip. It was a rude question under any circumstances, but she had just met this man.

  He did not look offended though and instead answered easily. “The winters have been especially bitter. We’ve been losing cattle in record numbers. Many of the peasants, fearing starvation, have left to work in factories. Without people, we cannot grow again.” He grimaced. “It has been as if a dark cloud has been resting over us. It is not this manor alone but the whole of our area that has suffered.” The darkness in his face brightened. “With Will back home, we can catch other food. And since Nick studied under a merchant, we will begin shipping more of our beef to sell and Tom can build our families respectable homes. We should be able to attract more people to the land.”

  “And Graham?” Her voice sounded frosty even to her own ears. She wanted to hear that Graham was good for nothing. His handsome looks had to mask a deplorable man.

  “Graham volunteered to fight for our country against Napoleon. One brother had to go and he stepped up for our family. When it came time to pick a trade, I let him follow his heart. He chose to be a locksmith. Besides, if we are to begin trading, every ship can use a safe.”

  Charlotte blushed slightly. She had been ready to cast Graham as the ne’er do well brother. Despite annoying her, he clearly was loyal and hardworking.

  Charlotte carried her breakfast out to see the repairs. There, dangling from a window and repairing the damaged siding, was Graham. He was shirtless, wearing only his breeches. Blast, he was handsome.

  His muscles rippled as he stretched first one way and then another to take off broken pieces of siding from the upper floor and replace it with new boards. He worked quickly and easily as the morning sun glinted off his chocolate brown waves of hair. It had flecks of gold in it, she noted. She wondered what it would feel like to touch it.

  His incredibly broad shoulders tapered down to a small waist. Charlotte briefly wondered what he might look like under the pants he was wearing. She blushed at her own thoughts and pressed her hands to her cheeks.

  Graham seemed to become aware of her presence and looked down at her. He gave her a dazzling grin. He pushed off the wall, swinging the rope out from the house. He gave her a small wave as he spun in a circle towards her. She thought for a second, he would crash back into the siding, and she seemed to hold her breath. But he spun back just in time and his feet landed lithely on the side of the house.

  “You frightened me!” she yelled up at him. It seemed he was always putting her out of sorts.

  “Sorry, my lady.” Graham quickly lowered himself down the side of the house. His feet lightly touched the ground. She tried to tear her eyes away as he removed the ropes from between his legs, but she couldn’t seem to look away. His muscles rippled as he worked and she couldn’t help but note the generous bulge between his legs and the rope. A blush crept up her cheeks again.

  “I was in no danger and I can’t imagine a more boring activity than watching us work. I thought I would make it more interesting for you.” He winked.

  Charlotte closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself. She could feel the butterflies rising in her stomach. She would not stutter again. She would also not continue to be rude to a man she had just met. “No, no… my apologies. I am not used to such acrobatics. I thought you would crash…” Charlotte didn’t finish because he gave her the most beautiful smile she had ever seen in her life.

  “We will be working on this house for the next ten years. If there is anything you would like to do today, just ask and one of us will arrange it.” Graham stood with one hand one his hip, still shirtless. His muscles rippled casually as the sun glinted off of him. The butterflies in her stomach beat faster.

  “Thank you. If it would not be too much trouble, I would appreciate a tour of the grounds. It is beautiful country and it would be wonderful to be outside. I know I was outside all day yesterday, but you have to use these days whenever you can and…” Charlotte stopped suddenly, realizing she was rambling. Why couldn’t she just act normal?

  Graham grinned again and Charlotte gnashed her teeth together, annoyed with him further. Why must he notice her gaffs?

  “Of course, I will just wash up and—” Graham began with an easy tone.

  “But, surely one of your brothers…” The words died on her lips. If her father had just heard her, he would have been appalled. It was the height of rudeness to turn down his offer at her request.

  The smile left Graham’s face and Charlotte was even sorrier she had said those words. His tone, however, was still pleasant. “I am sorry my lady, but Will is hunting, Tom must stay with the house and Nick has an appointment with a shipping company. Only I can be spared this morning.”

  She blushed again. “Of course. Thank you so much for your generosity. I…ah…only meant that you look so busy.”

  He nodded once but she knew he didn’t believe it. Again, he had unsettled her but it was she who was acting like a thoughtless cad.

  “Shall we meet in an hour?” she asked.

  “Perfect.” He winked and then made his way into the house.

  The pair met back at the front entrance an hour later. One of Charlotte’s footmen was also in attendance. Armsby was the larger, and less accomplished, horse rider. She would blush if anyone asked her why she had made such a choice. In truth, she didn’t even want to admit it herself. The thought of being alone with Graham was terribly exciting.

  They began a slow canter towards the edge of the forest on the property. Graham gestured to a trail in the grass. “We will skirt around the woods since Will is hunting. Just to be safe.”

  Charlotte nodded. Several questions rested on the tip of her tongue, but all of them were improper to ask. Finally, she spoke. “Your father said you were in the war.”

  “Four years ago. I had just arrived home when my father sent all of us off to learn a trade.” His face pinched as if he were in pain.

  Charlotte felt her breath catch
. “That must have been difficult to leave again.”

  Graham shrugged. His face relaxed. “It was good to keep busy. Learning something new kept my mind and my hands occupied. Had I come home to the same old life, I would have had too much time to think.”

  Charlotte bit her lower lip unsure of how to express her sympathy. Her horse slowed as she searched for words.

  Graham came to a stop next to her. “Last night, when I cautioned you about adventure, I am sorry if I offended you. I thought war was going to be a great adventure, but it was really just suffering and heartache. I am sure it would not be the same for you…”

  Charlotte reached out and touched his arm at his elbow. Tingling sensations shot through her hand and down to her nether regions. She almost gasped at the shock of it. She forced herself to concentrate on the conversation they were having. “There is no need to apologize. I was being insensitive and you were right. For a lady like myself, adventure usually means ruin and heartache.” Charlotte made a mental note to herself. She was beginning to realize that Graham was not annoying but exciting. She must steer clear of adventure with him though. Even if her father considered one of the Fairfields a potential suitor, it would likely be Will and not Graham.

  “Most kind of you, my lady.” Graham smiled one of his beautiful smiles and chills raced up and down her body despite the heat of the day.

  “Please, call me Charlotte.” She smiled back.

  “Well Charlotte, would you like to go a little faster?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she giggled.

  It crossed her mind that after the talk she had just had with herself, she should say no. She should turn back to the manor and steer clear of this adventure. But she didn’t. Instead she said, “Absolutely.”

  She kicked her horse ahead of his and followed the trail at the edge of the forest. She was an excellent horsewoman and she urged her horse faster.

  Graham laughed and called from behind her, “Wait for me!”

  Dimly she heard Armsby call, “Your ladyship, you mustn't.” But that only seemed to spur her on. It was the first time she had any freedom whatsoever on this trip. It was amazing to gallop freely, and she told herself that just a little bit of adventure wouldn’t hurt.

  She urged the horse faster. Locks of hair began to fall loosely around her face and whip in the wind. She longed to unpin all of it and let it trail behind her. She glanced back at Graham, who was keeping pace behind her.

  She felt a little wild on this horse and her gaze drank him in. Their eyes locked and she knew hers were filled with hunger. Hunger for adventure and a dawning hunger for him. The smile died on Graham's lips. His eyes bore into hers and the look in his eyes mirrored the intensity she felt. He urged his horse forward till they were riding side by side.

  Charlotte had no idea how to vent her attraction and so she pushed the animal even faster.

  “Charlotte!” She heard Graham call as he too sped up. She looked over at him smiling but when her eyes returned to the trail, a large log covered the path. She tried to pull the horse to a stop but the horse panicked and too late she realized she should have just allowed the horse to jump it.

  Her entire body tensed as she braced for the fall that would surely come. But just before her horse reached the log, she was plucked abruptly from her saddle. In an instant, Graham had her in his lap. His large arms encircled her. They were rock hard compared with the softness of her body. She caught his scent as the wind whipped past them. It was clean and masculine, and she buried her face in his neck, savoring the smell. His larger horse cleared the log with barely a jump. She peered over Graham’s shoulder to see her horse jump the log but catch her back foot.

  “Oh!” she cried. Graham turned his horse and trotted back to her mare. Now that they were going slowly, she became aware of every point her body touched his. Her hands had wrapped around his hard and broad shoulders. They felt stronger than any she had ever touched before. Her breasts were crushed up against his muscular chest, and her rear was tucked between his legs. Her head tipped back and her lips parted as their eyes met. She had never kissed a man but suddenly, it was all she wanted.

  Graham’s eyes traveled the contours of her face then rested on her lips. Charlotte was dimly aware of straining up to bring their lips closer but Graham moved his face further from hers. “Let’s check on your horse.” Disappointment coursed through Charlotte but was quickly replaced with awe. Graham swung down from the horse, carrying her with him. Charlotte was amazed at the ease with which he lifted her down. She tried to picture some of the soft lords of London carrying her and nearly laughed out loud at the image.

  “What?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  “How do you carry me so easily?” The question popped out before she could hold it back.

  “After carrying large hunks of metal for safes, you are light as a feather.” He tweaked her nose.

  She felt herself blush. It was incredibly comforting and exciting to be nestled against his strong body.

  He set her down and began checking the legs of her horse. “She’s tender in this back leg. I think you should ride back with me. We’ll have the groom check her.”

  He stood up, their bodies inches apart. Without even realizing it, she placed her hand on his arm. “Graham, thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if…”

  “The pleasure was mine.” The tension between them was palpable. She looked into his eyes and then her tongue darted out to lick her lips. His eyes followed the movement of her tongue. She quickly drew it back into her mouth. She could feel their bodies drawing closer although she wasn’t moving. His lips were drifting closer to hers and she strained up on her toes, suddenly desperate to press them together.

  “My lady!” Armsby’s voice rang out. “Are you all right?”

  Graham stepped back and Charlotte could have cursed. Except she didn’t actually curse.

  “No need to worry, Armsby. Mr. Fairfield kept me safe.” Charlotte glanced at Graham's full lips and bit her own.

  “Can she ride the horse back?” Armsby asked.

  “I don’t think so. She’ll ride with me.” Graham climbed onto his horse, then effortlessly pulled her in front of him, nestling her against his hard body.

  “Is it proper?” the footman asked aghast. “Her father tasked us with keeping her safe and…”

  “I’ll go nice and slow so you can stay right next to us.” Graham’s tone left no room for argument. He was clearly annoyed. Charlotte looked at him, wondering what he was thinking.

  Their eyes met and he gave her a tiny smile that touched his eyes. She caught her breath. It was the most intimate thing she had ever experienced in her entire life. She laid her head on his shoulder. So strong. Her hand rested on his other shoulder, and the other slipped around his waist. He snuggled her closer. She ducked her head and smiled. While she had missed the kiss, she would enjoy the slow ride back to the manor.



  When they returned to the manor, the baron was waiting for them. “What took so long?” His deep voice held a dissatisfied note.

  “Charlotte nearly tumbled from her horse and the mare’s back leg is out of sorts. We took it slowly on the return home.” Graham swung them both effortlessly off the horse, but he set Charlotte down a foot away from him. Disappointment coursed through her. She already missed the feel of his body.

  “You should have been more careful.” Baron Fairfield stepped up to his son, his look menacing.

  “The fault was mine. I rode out ahead. I wasn’t thinking.” Charlotte moved closer to Graham in her own act of protection.

  “He should have stopped you. He knows better.” The baron crossed his arms over his chest.

  “He’s right, Charlotte. I should have stopped you.” Graham gave her the smallest wink.

  Charlotte straightened. She didn’t like being dismissed. “I am my own woman. I can make my own mistakes.”

  “Of course. I didn’t mean to s
uggest otherwise.” The baron smiled at her. “Perhaps you would like a bath? We could have one brought up for you.” He began ushering her inside, but she saw the dark look he shot Graham over his shoulder. “We aren’t finished, Graham.”

  Charlotte took a long, delicious bath but when she was finished, she could still hear work on the outside of the house continuing. It was going to be a long time until dinner. At least tonight she had time to properly dress. She picked out a dark blue gown that she hoped brought out the color of her eyes. She blushed slightly and wondered what Graham would think of the dress. Then, she closed her eyes. She had to stop thinking this way. He was the least likely candidate of any she had met. Would her father approve? She shrugged to herself. She doubted he would disown her. She was his only child and heir. But even if he did, Charlotte was wealthy in her own right. Her mother had left her a small fortune. She piled her hair on top of her head and pinched her cheeks one last time.

  Her shoulders immediately slumped when she walked into the drawing room. After a long day of work, the Fairfield men looked tired and were dressed very casually.

  Will’s eyes met hers first and she could see surprise in them. Her cheeks colored at her gaff. She was overdressed. “Forgive me,” she addressed the men. “I was not thinking, wearing such a dinner dress.”

  Graham stepped forward. “On the contrary, it has been a long time since such a beauty has graced our rooms. It is a rare treat to see a lady dressed as such. Thank you, Lady Charlotte.”

  Will nodded, as did the other brothers, but she silently thanked Graham for saving the situation. He extended his arm to her. “Allow me.” His warm brown eyes danced.

  Charlotte felt her heart skip a beat. As her hand slipped around his elbow, the feel of his arm muscles underneath his shirt sent jitters all along her skin. She trembled slightly but composed herself. She could walk to dinner without making a spectacle of herself.

  They ate heartily, except for Charlotte, who watched the men around her. Her respect for them grew by the hour. They had more grace than most of the titled men she knew. Charlotte watched as the hungry men politely ate and talked of the progress they made on their home and their plans for the future. Charlotte traveled in the upper crust of society and yet she couldn’t remember meeting men she liked more than these.


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