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Once Upon A Regency: Timeless Tales And Fables

Page 93

by Samantha Grace

  “Hit the main mast,” Nick yelled over the surf.

  “Easy for you to say. I’ve only got one arrow. I can’t miss!” As the boat bore down on them, Will released the string and the flaming arrow shot like a ball of fire in the night.

  The boat burst into flames as the arrow pierced the main mast of the ship. The fire caught the sail which billowed to the deck, lighting it on fire as well.

  “Bloody bollocks,” Tom called softly as the flames rose higher.

  “Have you ever seen the like?” Nick asked.

  The boat stopped dead in the water. Their small sailboat coasted out of its shadow. Graham sighed. For an instant he thought they were safe. But the boat was burning quickly and it gave a heaving groan then listed to one side. The flames had spread to every inch of the ship and all three masts glowed red in the dark.

  “Nick, steer the boat away, or that mast could come down right on top of us!” Graham bellowed at his brother.

  But Nick couldn’t correct in time and, as the large boat went down, one of its flaming masts smashed into their smaller vessel, splintering half their boat into pieces.

  Will and Nick went diving out the sides of the boat.

  Tom wrenched a piece of wood from the deck and set his toolbox onto the board, pushing it away from the sinking vessel and then he jumped in the water.

  “We have to jump!” Graham stood with Charlotte in his arms.

  “I can’t swim!” Charlotte screamed, panic choking her voice.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Graham yelled back as he jumped off the side of the boat with Charlotte still in his arms.

  Both plunged under the cold ocean water, but Graham quickly kicked them back to the surface. Charlotte gasped for breath. The shrieks of men pierced the air and the boats burned, lighting the scene. The larger boat seemed to heave its last breath and it sank below the water.

  Graham made to shift Charlotte but she clutched him tighter and they both sank below the surface. Graham kicked them up again.

  “Sweetheart,” he crooned softly to calm her fear. “I am not going to let anything happen to you. I have to put you on my back so I can swim to those rocks.”

  Charlotte nodded but as he went to loosen her arms, she tightened again. He held her tighter around her waist. He leaned his forehead to hers. “Relax.” He took a slow deep breath fanning her cheeks.

  “Kiss me again,” her mouth begged in more ways than one.

  “Charlotte,” Graham groaned out. His lips came down on hers in a brief strong kiss.

  * * * *

  Charlotte felt like her bones were melting with that kiss. The first she had been half-dreaming and thought she was asleep. But this kiss curled her toes and made her forget where she was and what she was doing.

  Graham broke contact and immediately shifted her to his back. He kicked towards his brothers who were already on a nearby rock.

  “I didn’t know it would be like that,” Charlotte whispered in his ear.

  “What?” he asked.

  Charlotte could hear the smile in his voice. She would have swatted him if he wasn’t all that stood between her and drowning. “Kissing. I didn’t know it would feel like that.”

  “That can’t be your first kiss?” Graham actually attempted to turn and look at her.

  “Well a few men have planted their lips on mine but those were not like this.” She snuggled closer. “I’m freezing.”

  “Of course, my lady,” he chuckled. They had nearly reached the rock. “Charlotte, kissing is…” He paused. “Almost never like that.”

  “You felt it too.” Her voice came out huskier than she intended.

  They reached the rock. Graham pulled her back around him and then heaved her up onto the great stone.

  If she thought she had been cold in the water, she was instantly frozen when she came up out of the ocean, onto the rock. Graham hurled himself up beside her. She scooted herself back into his arms. The heat of his body instantly warmed her.

  They could see a few of the marquess’ men, but none of them made any attempt to swim towards them. On the rock, Will could easily pick them off with his bow. The soldiers were defenseless. They headed for the shore, hoping to survive the swim. Charlotte wondered how they were going to make it.

  Tom jumped back into the water. He had already collected several boards and he grabbed four more as they floated by. “If we can collect enough wood, I can make a raft.”

  Nick and Will jumped back into the water as well. Will grabbed a length of rope that was floating by while Nick grabbed a few more boards. Graham started to get up to help his brothers, but Charlotte looked at him pleading with her eyes. “Don’t leave me.”

  “It’s all right,” Tom called. “Keep her warm. We’ll start a fire as soon as we hit land.”

  “What will we start a fire with?” Nick pushed two more boards onto the rock.

  “I have flint in my toolbox of course.” Tom rolled his eyes at his brother. He climbed back out of the water and began constructing the raft.

  Tom worked with amazing speed and skill. Will and Nick continued collecting supplies from the wreck. Within half an hour, Tom had fashioned a serviceable raft.

  Will and Nick pushed out of the water and on to either side of the small raft. Tom climbed on the front. Graham stood, still holding Charlotte, and his brothers steadied him as he maneuvered from the rock to the raft.

  “The tide should carry us in, but these two long boards can serve as paddles to speed the process.” Tom handed one to Will and the other to Nick.

  The wind blew damp ocean air towards the shore, but Charlotte felt warmer than she had all night. She was sandwiched between four large men on a tiny raft. They blocked the wind and radiated an amazing amount of heat. Graham still held her tightly in his grasp as she sat in his lap. Despite the danger, she had never felt safer in her entire life.

  The group moved easily to shore.

  Tom jumped off the front of the raft and pulled it up on the beach for the rest to disembark. Then he began taking apart the raft.

  “Are you sure you want to take the time to do that?” Nick yelled over the surf.

  “The raft is a giveaway of our location if more men come. Plus we might need the rope. We will scatter the wood or burn some of it to dry out.” Tom continued to work as he talked, handing any dry pieces to Nick.

  Will began digging a hole with his hands to bury some of the wood. The rest they would let the ocean carry away.

  “Can we risk a fire?” Will asked.

  “I think we might have to,” Graham answered. Now that Charlotte was not trapped between the brothers she was shivering again in Graham’s arms.

  “Without m-m-me here, you w-w-w-would be able to g-g-g-go without a fire,” she chattered out.

  Graham chuckled. “Without you, we would be warm in our beds.” He squeezed her tighter. “This is much more interesting.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Nick laughed as well. “I don’t get to spend the evening holding a beautiful lady.”

  Charlotte blushed. In that moment, she had never been happier to have met any people in her life than she was the Fairfields. She suddenly couldn’t imagine her life without them. She looked at Graham. She wasn’t sure she ever wanted to leave his arms.

  The raft disposed of, the group went inland. Once they hit the cover of trees, Tom started a small fire. The three brothers stripped off their wet boots and shirts and laid them to dry.

  Charlotte turned to Graham, who was still holding her. “Are you going to take off your shirt?” Her voice pleaded in a way that she hadn’t intended.

  A sly smile slid onto Graham’s face. “I think we’ll leave our clothes on.” He scooted closer to the fire.

  Disappointment coursed through Charlotte. She had never felt desire like this before and she longed to explore it. She desperately wished to touch his skin and her hand skimmed down his arm and trailed across the back of his hand.

  “Charlotte.” His voice held a warning
. She drew her hand back like she had touched fire.

  “I didn’t mean, I just wanted…” Her words trailed off.

  Graham lay down, still holding her in his arms. “I know.” He snuggled her closer with the fire to her back and his heat on her front. “Let’s get some rest.”

  Charlotte had slept the entire day, and this had been the strangest night of her life. In addition, desire was curling through her center and spreading throughout her entire body. She didn’t think she would ever fall asleep. She lay there for a few minutes contemplating how she could sneak Graham away and plant more kisses on his mouth. But her thoughts were interrupted by a soft but definite snore. Graham had fallen asleep.

  Charlotte let out an exasperated huff. How could he fall asleep?

  She heard Will, Tom and Nick chuckle. Will leaned over. “He hasn’t slept in two days. He has carried you for the past four hours down towers and through ocean waters.”

  Charlotte scowled. Will was always plain spoken and it irritated her now. She didn’t want to admit that he had a point.

  Tom got up. “I’ll take first guard.”

  She snuggled closer to Graham’s warm body and, in a matter of minutes, fell asleep too.



  The next morning dawned far earlier than any of them would have liked. But they were thankful to have made it without being discovered by the marquess or attacked by his men.

  Will, who had taken second guard, stoked the fire and then left to catch some breakfast.

  Tom gathered more wood, while Nick waited for Graham to wake.

  Graham winked at his brother. Charlotte was still sleeping and determined to stay that way. She pressed her body the length of his, with her arms wrapped tightly around him. Graham’s entire body was rock hard, most notably between his legs. She looked incredibly beautiful and his eyes lingered on her lips, remembering their kisses.

  Nick looked pointedly at Charlotte. “We have a problem.”

  Graham nodded and sighed. “We have several. The first is finding Charlotte some clothes. She can’t travel through Scotland and England wearing a nightdress.”

  “That wasn’t what I was talking about.” Nick stared more fixedly at his brother.

  “I haven’t forgotten my place in this world,” Graham said as he stroked her hair. He wished he could forget his place as the third son of a lowly baron. He would sweep Charlotte up, marry her and keep her in his bed for weeks or months. Then he would build her a life that fulfilled her every dream.

  It wasn’t to be though. She wanted him now, when he stood between her and danger. But when they returned—if they returned—to the civilized world, she would find a worthy duke, or prince, or a marquess to marry. That man would give her the style and comfort that she deserved.

  His only source of revenue was as a locksmith. What kind of life could he provide for her?

  “I just don’t want your heart broken, brother,” Nick whispered.

  “There is nothing to be done for it. I will do whatever I have to do to keep her safe as I return her home.” Graham’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  “That is a heavy price to pay.” Nick shook his head.

  Graham did not know how to explain to his brother that her happiness was more important than his own. He had never been in love and he didn’t recognize the emotion. Instead he changed the subject. “How are we going to hide from Lord Bard?”

  Nick shook his head. “I don’t know. Nor do I know how we are going to acquire horses or clothes or food. We have no money.”

  Will returned with seven fat crabs. “You worry too much, brothers. I’ll catch our food and sell more. Tom is collecting sticks to weave a few baskets. We can use them carry our things and sell a few more and I found this.” He tossed down a soggy dirty coat. “It will have to do for Charlotte until we can get her other clothing.”

  An hour later the group set out. Progress was slow because Charlotte had no shoes, Will was hunting and Tom was weaving. A few hours later, they reached a small fishing village where Tom sold his basket and Will sold his meat and fresh furs.

  They used the proceeds to buy Charlotte proper attire. A simple dress and shoes for travelling. A comb and rawhide hair tie were also purchased.

  The shopkeeper had raised his eyebrows but had accepted their story of a shipwreck. Graham told the man that Charlotte was his wife and the man had allowed Graham and Charlotte to use a small storeroom to change and dress her hair.

  While Graham now felt familiar with every inch of Charlotte’s body, he had yet to see it. He turned his back as she changed.

  * * * *

  Charlotte, on the other hand, felt heat traveling through her, with this man so close to her naked body. She peeled off the tattered coat and filthy nightgown. Graham remained facing the door and she could see his measured, slow breathing as she stood without a stitch of clothes. She felt shy but she also longed to press her naked body against his.

  He continued to ignore her, and Charlotte let out the smallest of sighs before pulling on the chemise. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted from Graham but she knew she wanted more. She imagined him pulling her naked into his arms and could feel her own breath quickening.

  “Charlotte, whatever you are thinking, let it go,” Graham ground out, still facing away from her.

  Charlotte scowled at his back and yanked the dress over her head. She buttoned up the front and then began ripping a comb through her hair. “I don’t need you to be here.”

  “The last time I left you alone in a room, several men carried you off.” Graham turned slightly to see she was dressed.

  Charlotte hastily braided her hair then stomped out of the room. She felt Graham follow her out of the store.

  “What happened?” Tom looked up from the basket he was weaving.

  “Nothing.” Graham shrugged.

  “Ahhhh,” Tom replied as if that explained it.

  Charlotte turned back to both of them, scowling deeper. What did they understand that she didn’t?

  Will approached the group, a rabbit in hand. “It is going to take me a long time to catch enough game to buy horses.”

  “Keep the animal. We’ll have it for dinner,” Graham said. Taking Will to the side, he whispered instructions that Charlotte couldn’t hear.

  When Graham walked away from the group, Will grabbed Charlotte’s hand.

  “Where are you going?” Charlotte’s voice was choked with fear. Had her annoyance driven him away? Was he leaving her with his brothers?

  Graham turned back, a smile of comfort on his face. His eyes were soft and assuring.

  “I have a brief errand to run. Stick close to Will. I will be back shortly.” Then he turned and trotted down the street.

  Will pulled Charlotte along behind him as they headed for a trail into the forest. He turned to her, drawing his brows together. “Some ladies like my company.”

  Charlotte laughed. “I am sorry Will. I meant no offense. It is just that Graham…” Charlotte trailed off. How had Graham become so important in just a few days?

  Will patted her shoulder. “I tease you Charlotte. We all understand what is happening here.”

  She looked at him perplexed. What was happening?

  Will, Tom, Nick, and Charlotte made their way out of town. Will put her on his back, and the group picked up speed. They seemed to be moving slightly inland. Riding on Will’s strong back, Charlotte had time to survey the land. Or perhaps, she could just focus on it without Graham’s presence. Scotland’s green grass and rugged landscape were breathtaking.

  They continued on for several hours and Charlotte grew both tired and hungry. She also was beginning to worry that Graham had lied to her. They were moving farther and farther from the village and he was nowhere in sight.

  The brothers were walking while she was riding, so Charlotte hated to complain but her muscles were starting to ache. “Will we stop soon?” she finally asked.

  “Soon,” Will responded. Charlotte made a face. Of all the brother’s to be stuck with, why did it have to be Will who barely spoke? Neither Tom nor Nick were strong enough to carry her. Only Graham could do both.

  She bit her lip. There she was thinking about Graham again. She sighed and Will turned slightly to look at her.

  “He’ll be here shortly,” Will said. Suddenly Charlotte liked his plain speaking again. She grinned in response but she wondered how he knew what she was thinking.

  They found a forested area, and entered the cover of trees. Charlotte again worried that Graham wouldn’t be able to find them. The group entered deeper into the wood until they came to a small brook. Each took a drink and then Nick began to build a small fire and Will found a stick to roast the rabbit.

  Charlotte sat with her chin on her knees. She had been separated from Graham for three hours and yet it felt like a lifetime. She pondered her feelings. She felt perfectly safe with the other brothers so it wasn’t her safety that made her long for Graham. She paused on the word long. She longed for Graham. This is what her friends had talked about. Why perfectly sane girls started doing rash things like sneaking off at parties into the garden.

  She chewed on her lip. When her father sent her to the Fairfields, did he mean for her to consider the third son or did he only mean for her to consider the first? His lack of directions indicated that he would accept any suitor but then again he hadn’t really directed her to pick anyone at all. She had assumed that was his mission.

  The only way she could ensure that her father would accept Graham was to have Graham ruin her. A thrill of excitement ran down her spine. It was a delicious idea.

  A twig snapped nearby and Charlotte jumped. She yanked her head around to see Graham approaching leading a horse.

  “You’re here.” She jumped up from her spot and ran to his arms. He caught her up in a hug. Just as quickly Charlotte could feel him try to set her down but she locked her arms around his neck and pulled his head down, planting kisses on his face.

  Charlotte heard someone clear his throat behind her and she scowled. Being ruined was going to be difficult with three chaperones in tow.


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