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Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series)

Page 4

by Samantha Bates

  "A lesson you need to learn Beth, play with the big boys and you might get burnt." Now his voice was husky, and the rest of him was definitely heating up.

  "How about we make a deal, when a big boy invites me to play I will learn that lesson, intimately, and then I will give you all of the sordid details, unless of you course you already know said big boy."

  Shit he was so screwed, and as that thought finished Beth turned to leave. As she moved she made to slip and fell right against him.

  "Oh Mr Tsychovsky, I am so sorry." Like hell she was! As she regained her balanced she just happened to squeeze his raging cock, albeit very discreetly before moving on with a smile, and a sway of her hips. He was in serious trouble; he had to find a way to stop this. He couldn’t work with her not even for a day.

  Chapter 8

  The night was ending; she had to say it had been terrific. Her family had left a while ago; well most of them, Claire and Celia remained along with a few of her friends. She had also watched as Vlad left, somewhat disappointed. She had enjoyed their little chat earlier and she was genuinely looking forward to working with him.

  Beth had watched Alan throughout the night. The only sticky part of the evening had been when Alan had asked her why she wasn’t wearing the ring he had given her? She made some speech about it not matching her outfit, which appeased him. So far she had managed to avoid being too close to him, the jerk actually thought he had won her back well he was about to get a shock. The people left in the club were the ones who knew what Alan had done. They had been livid that she had brought him with her not knowing that she planned to humiliate him, just like he had her. A woman scorned as the saying went.

  Anyway it was time to take care of this, walking over to him; she knew her friends were behind her. Alan was with a group of his friends all of whom would have known what he was doing behind her back. Smiling at him, she held her hand out to Ange behind the bar, when she was passed a slip of paper, she turned to Alan who saw her and smiled a slightly drunk smile.

  "Hey sweetie did you have a good night?" She nodded and moved towards him.

  "What about you boys? Did you have a good time?" The men were obviously all a little drunk, and grinning like idiots.

  "Excellent now here is the bill." Handing the paper to them, she pointed at the security staff. "I wouldn’t mess with those guys so it may be in your best interests to pay what's due."

  Initially he laughed until he saw the seriousness etched on her face. "Beth what the hell is going on?" She could see his confusion bless him, he wasn’t particularly bright.

  "This Alan is payback. I needed you to come here and look pretty for my family. You did that, and now it's time for my payback. Do you honestly think I am so stupid that I would allow a jerk like you to cheat on me, and then give me a crappy ring as a sorry?" Beth was smiling a sweet, soft smile, but her eyes were hard.

  She watched Alan's face harden, then twist in anger, as he stepped forward menacingly ……..

  On the other side of New York Vlad was pacing his study, Albert watching him when his cell rung.

  "Shaun, is there a problem?" He had left Shaun at the club watching discreetly, making sure nothing happened to her. Vlad knew that Shaun wouldn’t have rung without a reason.

  "Hey boss, Beth seems to be having some sort of argument with some dude want me to step in?" Ah so this was the boyfriend. Did he intervene, did he let her sort it out? Would he be sending the wrong message if he did intervene?

  "How serious?" Vlad was thinking, trying to make a decision.

  "Well the dude is about to explode. Shit forget it; Ben is going to kill him if he lashes out at her." Decision made he closed his eyes and brought her face to mind.

  As Beth watched Alan move forward she wasn’t concerned; you didn’t grow up with wolves and not learn a thing or two. She braced herself and found nothing; she thought she saw Vlad and then poof, no Vlad, and no Alan. Or was it Vlad now she wasn’t so sure, neither were his friends who were staring in wonder.

  "Did he…. Did anyone?" It was her sister Claire that filled the gaps. While Beth stood there gawping, her brain trying to register what had happened in that split second.

  "Did Vlad poof in here and take your asshole ex-boyfriend, oh yes he did. Did your ex-boyfriend look shit scared, hell yes? Did he kick the shit out of him, I do hope so."

  Beth watched Alan's friends get agitated at her of course, they started raising their voices throwing accusation. Then she saw one of Vlad's men step forward flashing some wicked incisors while sporting a rugged grin.

  "Is there a problem gentleman?" If it was still fashionable for a woman to swoon, her friends would undoubtedly have swooned. With his Irish twang and bright green eyes that twinkled with amusement; he was in a word, a lovable rogue.

  "Now here's a lesson all men should learn from a young age, it was one of the first lessons me da taught me, never go to hurt a woman. Now your friend here missed that lesson. But don’t worry by tomorrow he will know it backwards." With that Shaun stepped back into the shadows.

  Beth just stood there in awe watching as Alan's friends paid the tab. She was worried about Alan maybe she had traded the dog for a wolf, just for a second she questioned whether she was in too deep, that was until a hand patted her on her shoulder.

  "A phone call for you Beth." Vlad's man had re-appeared and handed her a cell.

  "Hello." She was a little apprehensive; she didn’t know Vlad enough to guess how he would react. She knew he was dangerous he had to be, if not he would not be able to rule the vampires.

  "He is home safe and well although expect an apology soon. You should pick you beaus more wisely Beth." Just the sound of his voice melted her, even though she could hear the anger in his words. She took a breath before answering trying to slow her rapid heartbeat, that was beating like butterfly wings in her chest.

  "Maybe I should let you pick my next beau." She could see her friends out of the corner of her eye looking on in shocked amusement at her flirting.

  "I am not sure that would be a good idea, enjoy Europe my Sohl-neesh-kah."

  "What does…?" Just as she was working on a response, she realised the only sound she could hear was a dial tone. Handing the phone to Shaun she watched him walk away, laughing to himself.

  "Shit Beth you are going to cause a war." Claire was laughing yet her face was serious.

  "I don’t know what you are talking about." She started gathering her bag, and slipped her shoes off. "I think we need to go home, I am exhausted." It didn’t matter what she said the excitement building in her stomach was very real.

  "Ben is going to kill you; no Ben is going to kill Vlad first and then you." But Beth wasn’t listening to Claire, she was re-enacting the scene in her head as she wobbled to the door, the alcohol starting to take effect. What did that word mean? The accent was strong she only just caught the words; clearly they meant something to him.

  Chapter 9

  As she woke in her old bed, in her old bed room, it took a minute to work out how she had ended up back at home. Then things started falling into place, she had come home with Celia and Claire with the intention of continuing the party. They had sat outside until the sun started to rise, drinking Tequilla slammers and then it went blank. She remembered nothing. Taking off her dress and putting on a pair of pyjama's she gingerly made her way downstairs, trying not to move the people playing football inside of her head… again.

  "Good morning sleeping beauty." Her mom was in the kitchen frying bacon, not such a bright idea was the response from her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and proceeded to throw up. When she came back into the kitchen the bacon smelled delightful. Sitting at the table her mom had just served her a bacon sandwich, just as Ben came in.

  "Hey Beth, how are you feeling." And then he proceeded to slam the door with a chuckle, causing her to wince.

  "Sorry sweetheart was that too noisy for you? It's just that my morning started very early, about the time when I heard a b
ump in the night, and found three very drunk females on the porch. It was funny really, one was on the swinging chair, another was on the floor with her head on a chair, the third, now she had fallen asleep on porch steps. Do you have any idea Beth who these ladies might have been?"

  Beth lifted her head and smiled at him, as Ben and her mom started laughing.

  "I take it; I would be one of these so called ladies." Claire joined them looking worse than Beth felt; she was still wearing the clothes she had gone out in last night. Today her black boots were undone, the long skirt crumpled, her chiffon top twisted and the makeup was smudged in all the wrong places.

  "You certainly would be. Can I request that next time you pass out on the steps please take off the boots Claire, I nearly put my back out?" With that Claire burst out laughing stopping abruptly when the pain in her head kicked in. It made no difference because the boys chose that moment to come running in, causing the pain in both of their heads to increase to agony.

  "I am going out in a while; I have to meet some friends." Claire had her head on the table not even looking up when she spoke.

  An hour later Beth tried to clear her head with a shower. Letting the water cascade down her back, she marvelled at how much she enjoyed being home. Maybe she wouldn’t move out yet. She quickly washed her hair her brothers were jumping up and down at the thought of helping her open her presents. They wouldn’t wait for long.

  Making her way downstairs she found Celia sat on the bottom step with her head in her hands.

  "Celia, are you okay?" Her friend didn’t even lift her head.

  "No, never again will I touch Tequila. Theo keeps laughing at me. I am dying, a slow and painful death. Do you know how many times I have been sick?"

  Sitting next to her Beth laughed, until the pain in her head reminded her not to laugh.

  "Hopefully not as often I have. Why aren’t you in Bed?"

  "Theo has decided that today is a good day to sand the bed room doors. So I told him, I was visiting you. But what I am actually going to do is climb your stairs, and hide in your bed." And with that Celia did just as she said.

  Beth went into the lounge; the boys were indeed waiting pulling her hand to sit her down. They were so sweet and cute; she just wished that today they were also mute. She let them each pick a present, Logan picked the one with the nicest wrapping paper, Oliver the biggest, and Ethan kept looking until he found one with an odd shape. There were so many that the boys became bored quickly, deeming them not exciting enough when they kept opening silver pens, briefcases and gift cards resulting in them wandering off. Leaving just her and her mom, they ploughed through them, becoming somewhat humbled by how thoughtful some of them were.

  Picking up a small case she untied the silver ribbon gently opening the wrapper. She didn’t know why she took her time trying to preserve the paper. When she lifted the lid of the velvet case her heart literally stopped. Inside was the most magnificent piece of art, for it was art. A twisted platinum band with a diamond nestled into it. Lifting the bracelet to the light she was amazed at the cut and clarity of the diamond, it was glorious. Looking for a card she found none; her mom took it off her and looked at it intently.

  Peering over in awe her mom's eyes were wide at the extravagant gift.

  "Beth who do you think this from?" Shrugging her shoulders she continued looking at the now empty box, surely not; he wouldn’t have done that would he?

  "It doesn’t say." Her mom would throw a fit if she knew what Beth suspected.

  "Wow it is gorgeous. You don’t think it's a real diamond do you?" She didn’t think she knew it was although she wasn’t sure what type, although she didn’t tell her mom that. She tried nonchalantly to put it to one side but couldn’t help but slip her fingers under the lid gazing in rapture at the gift.

  After dinner she had Claire drive her home. Well she did when Claire woke up after dozing in the lounge. The bracelet was secure in her clutch bag, with the rest of her presents in a bag in the back. It wasn’t that any of the other presents lacked importance but the bracelet seemed personal, special.

  Sat next to Claire in the car she let out a sigh, she was conflicted. The trip to Europe was an incredible opportunity but the ticket was open ended for twelve months. Listening to Claire's pounding music thumping with its heavy bass her head started to vibrate. Turning the volume down she rested her head against the window, watching the world pass by them.

  "I take it the bracelet is from the man of darkness." Looking at her sister's profile with her multiple piercings, in her lip, eye brow, and ears, they glinted in the dark, drawing Beth's attention to her tired eyes. Claires black heavy make-up and clothing was a stark contrast to Beth's own clean, bright clothing, and always made her smile at the differences between them. It didn’t matter how different they were Claire and Beth were close.

  "Without a doubt the inside had the Tsychovsky crest, the V crossed with the T." As Claire's old camper bounced over the cracks in the road, Beth marvelled at her sister's complete lack of interest in how she presented on the outside.

  "Beth, would it make any difference if I told you how pissed Ben and mom will be if you go playing with a Vampire especially Vlad?"

  She thought about it, would it make a difference? Would she stay away? Maybe Europe would change her mind. No it wouldn’t although she wasn’t sure why? She almost felt compelled to be near him. She had first seen him when she was fifteen; it had been at her mom and Ben's mating ceremony. He had shown up and stayed in the shadows, his hair billowing in the soft breeze. He had looked mysterious and strong, so terribly strong.

  It had been a difficult time for Beth and her sisters. Her father had been murdered and brought back to life, only to be taken by the Gods and Goddesses. They knew he was alive and well, he had visited each and every one of them in a dream when he first went. In this dream he reassured them that he was safe. And every Christmas and birthdays since then they had always received a gift, something fabulous and almost magical, but they had still mourned the loss of him in their lives.

  So the first day that she had seen Vlad, had been one of conflicting emotions. She had been so happy for her mom yet inside there was a small part of her that was still grieving. As she looked over to where this enigmatic man had stood, his eyes locked with her and her heart literally stopped. She was young and naïve, having been thrust head first into this life where other species were not just those that people she heard about, they were people who had become part of her life. And there was this man whose look pierced her very soul.

  It was a fun and exciting life living with the wolves. Her family had increased overnight and these people, the pack became a part of her family. Ben and the other members had welcomed her and her sisters into their home, and heart. That would never change yet as she grew to know the world she now lived in, she heard snippets about the vampire head for New York the man she had seen. And she thought about him, she thought about his chiselled features, his long blonde hair, and those stony grey eyes. Sometimes he haunted her in her dreams.

  Could she walk away and not question what could have been? She turned to Claire this time with a hint of sadness, for the pain and anger she was inevitably going to cause. "No, it wouldn’t. I wish it would make a difference, but it won't."

  "I didn’t think so; well just call me to give me the heads up before this explodes. I have somewhere you can crash when mom is planning on killing you." Claire laughed. "Shit Beth you certainly know how to cause a war don’t you?"

  Beth smiled at Claire who was watching the road. Seeing past her own dramas, Beth finally noticed how drawn Claire looked, she had lost weight. Her fingers were tapping the steering wheel at a rapid pace.

  "Claire, is everything okay with you?"

  Watching Claire sigh, Beth had a feeling that she was keeping something from her. "Of course it is. Don’t worry about me."

  "Are you sure, it's just that you look a little tired."

  "Duh a night of alcohol abus
e and a sleep on the porch will do that to you." She did have a point.

  "That makes sense; you do know that I am there for you if you need me don’t you?" As the campervan pulled up Claire leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  "Of course big sister. Now go home and start plotting."

  Hopping out the night sky was heavy with rain clouds. The silence in the street unnerved her, making her run into the block of apartments into the safety of locked doors, and lights.

  Claire's words were still ringing in her ears when she let herself into the apartment. Looking at the presents from her friends and family, Beth wasn’t stupid enough not to count her blessings. She had so many people that loved and cared for her. But it was the bracelet that she came back to slipping it onto her wrist she climbed into bed. Her exhaustion from the night before catching up with her as her body fell into a dreamless slumber.

  Chapter 10

  As Vlad rose for the night he sat at his desk going through his emails while waiting for his Elite to arrive. Promptly at eight pm they arrived; the evening meeting went as planned, everyone seemed amenable with not one argument which was unusual. Vlad noticed that Shaun was fidgety, after working with him for 300 years he knew when Shaun was happy about something, and tonight he was. After handing out the duties his Elite stood to leave.

  "Shaun, have you got a minute?" Shaun was meant to be helping out in the office tonight the Elite detested it yet the rotation was necessary. Vlad was a private person and his business interests were kept as discreet as possible. Having people coming in and out of his home was too high a risk, and he certainly was not that sociable.

  "Yes boss." Shaun was always an affable man with his Irish twang, brown hair and sparkling green eyes, he was a man much in demand. It didn’t matter how dangerous things became, Shaun faced everything with a smile and a cheery nature even when this cheery nature was uncalled for. Tonight though, the man was almost giddy.


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