Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series)

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Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series) Page 20

by Samantha Bates

  "Ah, if it isn’t the Russian come to visit. Yes, I know who you are, but are you really stupid enough to challenge me?"

  Vlads stance was relaxed, he did not move as he answered. "It appears that I am."

  With a laugh from the brute of a vampire, his men followed. "And what makes you think; you can challenge me and survive when countless others have failed."

  A slight smile formed on Shaun's face, he didn’t move but the others fell screaming and holding their head. This meant that both the man and woman were now able to move, Beth watched with tears as instead of running she cradled the fallen man in her arms. The men surrounding the head vampire continued to scream until only silence reigned.

  Shaun was the first to break the silence. "That is why he can challenge you. Shit, it never ceases to amaze me. Although I can tell you now occasionally I would like to fight them. Only occasionally mind you."

  "Shaun shut up." Ice's tone brooked no argument. Vlad and the vampire stood staring at each other.

  "What do you want? You want to join me, no problem."

  "I want you to stop preying on the innocent." The fallen man nodded rapidly the fear evident in his eyes. Satisfied Vlad turned to leave; Shaun was helping the sobbing woman to her feet, Ice carrying the injured man.

  Beth could hear the thoughts running through Vlads head, he expected the vampire to act and he was waiting to take him down. Beth watched the other vampire move forward hindered by his obscene weight. But before he was in reach of Vlad, the man was tumbled to the ground by a huge beast. Beth jumped back but only momentarily, when she saw that the beast was in fact her step-father. It was Ben, she let out the breath that she hadn’t realised she was holding. As Ben moved off the man he took a chunk of his arm with him.

  With a roar, the man jumped towards Ben fangs ready, hatred in his eyes. "I hate the fucking wolves, take him down."

  He was ordering Vlad and the other men to attack Ben.

  In his anger the man hadn’t thought it through, and Ben side stepped him as he ran for him. Watching him fall on his face Beth smiled. She then watched as he stood again, and tried again to order them.

  "Do something you idiots." Beth watched enthralled and a little nauseous as Vlad calmly stepped forward, grabbing the man by the throat before plunging his hand into his chest. Pulling out his heart he commanded the fire, and watched as the man crumbled into nothing.

  "Again, ye give us no chance to fight." Shaun was frustrated but only in a playful way. He was happy as usual.

  Vlad turned to the wolf who had shifted back into Ben. "Thank you."

  "Don’t thank me, you could have handled it."

  "Then why did you…"

  "I couldn’t take the risk of him catching you by surprise." Ben was relaxed, but also looked ridiculous in the stockings over his trousers.


  "If he had managed to hurt you, it would have caused untold problems. But now you have taken care of the head vampire you get to take his place."

  "What the hell…No….No, I don’t think so." He backed away from Ben.

  "Come see me at the Silver Tavern when things start running away with you." With that Ben ran off, leaving a dumbstruck Vlad in his wake.

  "For sure this is turning into an interesting night. Well time to head home and take care of these people."

  The woman was no longer screeching, the sound was now more of a devastated sob. The man was still unconscious.

  "Who the hell was that?"

  "You mean the wolf why for sure it's Ben. He's next in line to be the Alpha of Silver Wolf Pack. From what I know he is a good man, respected by most and feared by the rest."

  By the time they arrived back at the house, Vlad was in quiet contemplation. He wasn’t sure what happened when someone killed the head vampire of anywhere, in all the centuries he had tried to stay away from them. Maybe no-one would realise what happened and someone else would take over.

  Shuttling into the spacious four bedroomed house Vlad poured the woman a brandy to calm her. As Ice lifted the man to take him out of the room the woman's hysteria started again.


  Shaun tried to hush her. "It's okay; we are going to help him. Your man will be fine for sure."

  Through the hiccups she cried. "He's my brother, all I have."

  "Shit." Ice had said nothing since entering the alley and on returning home, he had stayed in the shadows. It was Vlad who made the decision.

  "Put them both in my room, Shaun stay with them we don’t know how many exchanges there were."

  Beth looked perplexed at Xin. "Surely you know how a vampire turns someone. Well maybe not, a person has to ingest vampire blood on two consecutive occasions, which is one part. The other vital part is that the person also has to be fed a vampire blood on two consecutive occasions."

  "Oh so they think that this may have happened to him." Xin nodded and she continued watching. The woman tended to her sick brother for a while before she fell to sleep. Shaun watched them both.

  And then came a knock at the front door that reverberated through that house. Beth wanted to be down stairs, and thankfully the scene took them down to the door. Ice opened the door to find two vampires on the step. "We come to meet the mighty one."

  "Fuck off." He shut the door again. Going back into the room where Vlad stood at the window Ice waited.

  "Please tell me that didn’t happen."

  With a shrug Ice responded. "That didn’t happen."

  Then another knock came. "Another one is here."

  "For fucks sake I will deal with them."

  Ice opened the door again. "You two have already been told to fuck off. You can also….."

  Vlad opened the door wider, behind Ice who had no intention of moving. "I believe there has been a mistake now if you will just leave."

  It was the newest visitor that answered. "There has been no mistake. You killed the king and you now reign." Vlad blanched and slammed the door shut.

  "King my ass, a vampire maybe but you are no fucking king Vlad." Ice's tone was serious making Beth want to laugh.

  "Quite, I agree with you." Beth watched amused as her man sat speechless for some time and Ice watched the crowd gathering outside, uttering the occasional 'another one, two fucking more.

  As night faded, she watched Shaun move the woman into another room where Ice slept outside the door. Shaun and Vlad remained in the room watching the man, blinds drawn, blocking out any light. The man slept through the following day, and the oncoming night. The woman woke in the middle of the afternoon nearly having a heart attack to find a sleepy Ice waiting outside.

  Beth was somewhat amused to see Ice trying to calm her down, using only one syllable words. Shaun saved the day; although he received a shock when he sat her down and prepared to remove her memories. She wasn’t receptive to the compulsion; her mind was strong against the compulsions. So with no other option, Vlad explained what they were and what had happened, Ice offered other solutions that terrified her again, specifically the ones that involved her early death and turning her into a vampire.

  When Vlad asked her to explain in minute details what had happened to her brother, she was devastated to be informed that their lifestyle had likely been inflicted on her brother. Beth watched with pride as the woman straightened her shoulders as looked at them.

  "Well then I am Anna, and you may as well make me useful because where Julian is, I am. Let me say though that none of you appears to be of the same ilk as that other. That being said, if any of you touch me I will stake all of you."

  All stared, not saying anything until she laughed. "Cats got your tongue."

  "That's Julian." Beth whispered knowing the answer even though she didn’t turn to see Xin nodding head.

  Ice nudged Vlad to take action. "Um Anna, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Julian, when he wakes will be disorientated and well different."

  "That’s fine, I will help manage him."

  "Well when I say di
fferent I mean…."

  Ice's patience had worn too thin. "What he is trying to say is that Julian will be blood thirsty and strong."

  She contemplated this before answering. "Then it’s a good job, you fine gentlemen will be here to help me. Now I am assuming you feed by night."

  Shaun was clearly impressed by the woman's backbone. "Well aren’t you a darling, can I just ask why you aren’t running from the rafters screaming." Beth got the impression that Shaun although confused was also starting to flirt with the woman.

  "To be truthful Julian is the only family I have. He is a kind man who was intent on joining the clergy and I don’t know how he will cope with this change. Neither one of us can go back to our own lives. So far you three have treated us with kindness, I figure if you had wanted to hurt me or Julian you would have already."

  "A smart woman, I vote she stays." Shaun was certainly enamoured of her.

  "I don’t." Even though Ice was glowering at her, she was not fazed.

  "Let her stay."

  Vlad had initially been silent. "If she is here we know where she is and who she is talking to. She stays until we know that we can trust her."

  With a smile and nod she left them to go into the kitchen. All of the men went back to sleep for what was remaining of the day, although each kept an eye on the door in case she tried to harm them. When they awoke again they found the house immaculate and Anna waiting in the morning room.

  "Good evening, I took the liberty of washing your clothes; all are now pressed and ready to go. May I also point out that there must be fifteen people outside?"

  Sneaking a peak out of the window, Vlad groaned. That number had grown there were now over twenty vampires waiting outside of his home. He had a feeling they wouldn’t leave anytime soon.

  "Shaun tonight I need you to find an empty home outside of the city, somewhere safe and secure. Ice I need you to distract them while I sneak out of the back door." Slipping on his shoes he readied. He should have known that Ice would distract them with abuse. Vlad slipped out of the back door heading for The Silver Tavern.

  It didn’t take long to find it, pushing through the crowds he looked for him. The atmosphere in the bar was light and relaxed. Clearly a popular establishments that at the moment was shy of a female presence. Beth could see Connor and Theo also in the bar; the trio were close even then. From the timeline Ben must have only been a pup himself. Spying Ben behind the bar he nodded at him. Ben dropped the cloth and motioned him to go around the back.

  "What do I do to get rid of these god damn vampires? They are sat outside of my house with the numbers growing."

  "You lead them is what. Their last three leaders have all been power hungry and selfish. It is time New York became acquainted with a leader who can actually lead."

  "What makes you think that I can lead all vampires in New York?"

  "Oh it not just me, remember I am but one person. The witches and warlocks vote you in, the wolves vote you in. The vampires have ruled under one psycho for three centuries now, pillaging and raping whenever and where ever, as well as attacking other species. Right now my wolves are spread so thin across the city working with the witches and warlocks just trying to protect the humans."

  Vlad was listening intently; he had no idea of how extensive this problem had been. "What has that got to do with me?"

  "You ask and I will answer. We have been watching the comings and goings of vampires for over two hundred years. We have been waiting for someone strong enough to lead the vampires, but also one with a grasp on reality, as well as a heart. That would be you, it helps that you already have two very strong men behind you although if the sullen one smiles anymore his face might crack. Anyway I digress, the job is now yours whether you want it or not. More and more vampires are going to show up on your door step, however on the plus side if you want to work with the wolves, the witches and warlocks they are waiting. Let me know and I can arrange a meeting."

  "Is there any way I can stop this?" Ben laughed out loud at Vlads question.

  "Only with divine intervention my friend and I don’t think even the gods and goddesses will help." Vlad left with a slump in his shoulders returning home through the back door. He was peering through the curtains when Anna interrupted.

  "Last count there were fifty out there, although some more have shown up."

  Beth watched waiting for the moment when Vlad decided to do this, to make a difference, it didn’t take long. Ice and Shaun came through to the morning room.

  "How do we get rid of the fools outside?" Ice was clearly unimpressed at the growing crowd.

  "We don’t. Shaun please return to the Silver Tavern, and ask if there is somewhere that we can assemble the vampires. Also, say yes to the other meeting, as long as they can be here within the next two hours. Ice can you go outside and tell the people that I will address them all before the night is out?"

  "Shit why do I have to 'address the people?'" The sarcasm dripped through his tone. He headed towards the door muttering about the bloody idiots outside, causing Beth to giggle.

  "Anna, would you be willing to serve some guests? You don’t have to although they are human, well humanish and that is slightly out of my realm of experience."

  "Of course, I am pleased to see that you have food in the house so it shouldn’t be a bother. Um I am a little worried about Julian, he has yet to wake."

  "I will check on him, I don’t expect him to wake until the morrow." He saw her visibly relax, her fear for her brother evident.

  Beth watched on as Vlad and Anna prepare. Vlad wandered through the house, in quiet contemplation trying to work this through his head. He honestly did not like the thought of being a leader. This notion was bizarre to Beth who saw him as a natural leader, someone strong, yet kind, harsh, yet gentle.

  Beth whispered to Xin. "Is Julian the same one with Vlad now?" She hadn’t been able to get a clear enough glimpse at him when he was attacked.

  "He is but just as importantly, Anna is Alberts Great Great Great ….well you see the picture. Albert is a descendant of Anna's. The family carried on serving Vlad through the centuries. Anna married and had children, who were protected by the vampires. Then when it was Anna's time to pass her children took over."

  Beth was in awe of the woman who should have been hysterical, but instead she did what all women have the capacity to do, she stood tall and carried on without a major drama.

  Shaun was quick to return. "For sure, that Ben is a top bloke boss. He says you can use the old Town Hall; he has some people heading there now to ready it. He also said the leaders will be here in the hour. Which leaders are we talking about and why are they coming here?"

  Ice and Anna had come into the room so he addressed them all, telling them about his conversation with Ben including their roles. Shaun laughed. "For sure this is an interesting City, and it just got more interesting."

  Ice was not as pleased. "For god's sake I only offered to empty a bloody boat, and now I get to serve the magnificent one and 'address the people.'" Although Vlad laughed at his tirade he was serious when he offered Ice an out.

  Vlad was also relieved at his response. "I have nothing better happening today. Besides you need someone other than laughing boy, to watch your back." Instead of being insulted Shaun found this highly amusing.

  Vlad went outside to find everyone staring up at him waiting. "I will address you all in two hours, in that time I would like you to spread the word and meet me in the old Town Hall. The wolves are readying it for our arrival."

  He heard a cheer followed by the chant 'get the wolves' which angered Vlad.

  "No one will touch the wolves without my express agreement. As of today the wolves are not your enemy, if anyone does any harm to them you will face my wrath."

  Beth felt warm inside at his words, this was her man.

  One man stepped forward. "The wolves have always been our enemy, what are you going to do to stop it?"

  Ice jumped down the steps and g
rabbed the man by his throat. "He can and will kill you without touching you; however I am willing to show you in small motions what happens if you do not listen."

  The man blanched and Ice dropped him. Vlad watched and decided a lesson of his own was called for. With a blink the man was on the ground writhing in pain. "I will make your brain explode from the inside out. Now go pass the word and I will meet you at the Town Hall."

  With the door shut they returned to the morning room to find Anna frantically tidying up. "Woman, what are ye doing?"

  Rather than answering she directed. "Shaun please sweep the floors, Ice get a duster and dust these surfaces, Vlad put everyone's clothes in their room. If we are entertaining guests we need to prepare."

  Both Shaun and Ice looked at Vlad with raised eyebrows. "I believe you have been given jobs to do."

  With a curse Ice made a move and Shaun laughed at the expectations of them. "A big strong vampire and I am now sweeping floors, what is the world coming to?"

  When the knock at the door arrived Anna was patting her hair down in front of the looking glass. Vlad moved to answer however Anna shooed him away. "It appears that you are to become an important man, let's start as we mean to go on shall we?"

  Ushering them in, Vlad took the first look at the people he was considering making an alliance with. The man was a tall thin man with a shock of wiry grey hair tumbling to his shoulders, his small brown eyes and thin mouth made him unattractive, at the least. The wringing of his hands revealed his nervousness. The woman on the other hand was lovely, with long auburn hair flowing down her back and soft green eyes; she made you look twice and then a third time when she spoke.

  "Please ignore my friend Charles; he is somewhat nervous of any talk of an alliance with the vampires."

  "And you?" She didn’t seem nervous at his question. In fact she seemed relaxed and comfortable in his presence.

  "Well I am more fortunate than the others; both I and my descendants are gifted with second sight. My coven is somewhat large and we have known of your arrival for some time."


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