Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series)

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Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series) Page 21

by Samantha Bates

Ice sniggered and she turned to address him. "You would be the man of Ice, your pain and suffering has been great but you are a good man. Let me tell you something that will in the future come true and make you believe. Mmm after the turn of the Millenia the woman will find you. A predictor through academics, she will need a protector and that will be you. Through her teaching you will overcome what you fear and stand together to predict the final battle."

  Ice's face blanched, Vlad knew he wanted to leave the room and the woman's scrutiny, but he remained. She then turned to Shaun.

  "People are drawn to you, and through this you become the man with over a thousand conversations in your head. A chameleon and the brightness in every room, it is not your time to find the one to ease your heart. Your loss may have been great but fear not for those who have left your life. Your voice will soothe your destiny; she will need you to become her light. Your joy in life will ease her darkness."

  Turning back to Vlad with a smile, she continued. "Sorry I digress, it is a curse of my bloodline as you will see when my children's, children take my place. I am Sierra and I welcome you to New York."

  "No words of wisdom for me." He was actually disappointed until she smiled.

  "Of Course, you will become the greatest head of the vampire nation, but you will be lonely. This evening you have formed a friendship with a coming leader, together you will support the species through every transition and every fight. That friendship will also lead you to your destiny, although a caution if you will, do not lose your destiny through fear and stubbornness."

  He would have continued but Charles coughed interrupting them. "Of course Charles. Now let me introduce the bear behind me."

  The bear laughed. "No need Sierra, I can do that for myself. Good to meet you, I am Leyland and I believe you met my boy Ben last night. Speaking of which he is supposed to be here, however some of your new subjects have failed to adhere to your words and he has headed to the Town Hall."

  He didn’t need to say anything, with a nod Ice and Shaun left to assist. "Vlad stay here until we return." Ice didn’t ask he ordered, amusing Vlad. With the introductions made the scene zipped forward disappointing Beth. "But I wanted to stay and watch."

  Xin laughed at her. "You just want to see your man negotiate."

  They stopped at what she assumed was the Town Hall, there had been some chaos and Shaun and Ben were scowling at each of their people, waiting for Vlads arrival. He did indeed arrive with Ice and Leyland. All of the groups were ushered into the hall where Vlad addressed them with Ben standing at his side.

  "Tonight heralds a new beginning, somewhat reluctantly I admit." He looked at Ben who winked and smiled at him.

  "However I am now your leader and I have made an alliance with the shifters, witches and warlocks. I expect to make alliances with the other species over the next few evenings. I have made agreements with the leaders assuring them that the vampires of this city will no longer attack and kill them. Instead we will work towards a harmonic city."

  One man in the crowd shouted. "Bullshit. There will be no alliance I challenge you to rule."

  Vlad was not quite sure of protocol, and looked to Leyland who whispered. "If he takes you out he rules."

  Vlad thought this out, Leyland seeing his hesitation added. "He has to kill you first." A nice thought, but not tonight.

  "Please head towards the doors so I can accept that challenge." With a smug grin on his face and claps on the back from his fellow vampires, he made it to the door. Ice knew what was to happen so opened the door for him, the man stepped through the door and turned to Vlad.

  "Come on I want to kick your ass before dawn."

  "Of course you do." And then the man dropped to the floor screaming, while he held his head and with a guttural cry, he moved no more.

  There were some murmurs in the crowd, some of amazement, some 'I told you so.'

  "I do not need to rip out his heart to kill him, he will rise no more. Now would anyone else like to question my decisions?" When no one moved and no one made any challenges he moved on.

  "Now we have some new rules, vampires do not need to kill humans to feed. We did not need to rape to feed and we do not need to beat humans to feed. I would like to introduce my…my Generals to you, Ice and Shaun. As of today other species will be able to report any crimes committed by vampires to them, they have my authority to hand out justice accordingly. I will not accept people arriving at my door and waiting outside. The address I reside in now will become my…"

  "Headquarters." Whispered Leyland.

  "My headquarters, if you have any issues please report them there. It will at some point be staffed during the day for other species to make reports. In the evening I will be available to deal with any issues. I would like to point out that what I have done to your friend, I can do to rather large groups at once. Now finally, I will have humans in my employ, if anything happens to any of these people including attempts to feed on them, what you have seen here today will be child's play. You will die in excruciating pain."

  The vampire community was in shock, they were expected to abide by rules never before laid down. As the last one left he breathed. Leyland clapped him on the back. "Son you did well, really well."

  The only people left now were the wolves, some looking decidedly unhappy. It was now Leylands turn.

  "Tonight there has been a change in leadership with the Vampires, and tonight an alliance has indeed been struck. I expect you to honour that alliance, I can't make you die by looking at you but if any wolf breaks the alliance I will tear you apart. Ben is to become the spokesperson for the wolves. As I am sure you are aware Sylvia will kill me if I take on another role." This was met by chuckles and Vlad was jealous of the easy way Leyland had with his people.

  "If you have any problems with the vampires take them to Ben. However you need to know that any allegations will be investigated and evidence required. We will not have a witch hunt on vampires. Hopefully over time we will require fewer patrols, which will give you more time at home with your families."

  Vlad was amazed to see Ice step up and whisper in Leyland's ear. "While these patrols are on-going can I request that Shaun and I join you? This city is still unknown to us." This suggestion was met with enthusiasm, the wolves seeing this as a step forward in the alliance, trust given by the vampires.

  "So this is how it all started." There was awe in Beth's voice, Vlad had taken mad hungry vampires and become their leader and police. And she had potentially broken the alliance; she had to make this right with Ben. Beth now had a deeper understanding of how close Ben and Vlad must have been.

  "Your journey is nearly over. Just one thing left to see."


  "To be a leader Vlad has had to be ruthless and you need to see the other side of him."

  Slow enough to see, but fast enough to show many incidents at once Beth watched as he beat, maimed and killed vampire after vampire, sometimes many at once. She watched in growing horror at the detached way he handled this whilst building an army of vampires who patrolled the City with the wolves.

  When it ended, she was a little scared at Vlads growing detachment to his emotions.

  "But that isn’t all he is, he is kind, funny, sweet and gentle."

  "You are preaching to the converted. You need to remember that sometimes to deal with atrocity a person needs to separate his emotions. Alas, this is the end of our journey together, I am very proud of the man he has become. I was never gifted with children but from the time that I knew him, I came to see him as my son. And I look at you and see the woman who can help him retain his humanity. You have a journey to make, one that will end his torment without the bloodshed. You see his weakness and that has always been Talia, had I had the courage to defy those up there, she would be no more. But it seems that this is how the fates intended it; I thank you for being part of his life. When the time is right give him this."

  She opened her hand, to find a thick gold ring with the signe
t of an eagle. When she looked to where Xin had been standing there was only emptiness.

  She awoke with a start, the ring still clutched in her hand. Turning it over she could see how old it was, as with all good jewellery it was timeless. Placing it on the necklace she also received from Xin, she pondered this man who had been such a pivotal person in Vlads life. And with a smile she felt blessed to have known him.

  Chapter 35

  Vlad woke to silence again, he did check on Beth several times during the day while she slept. There were no more nightmares, which meant that there was no reason to wake her. That didn’t mean that he had no intention of finding her and making her accept his apology.

  An hour later Vlad realised that things did not always work out how he wanted them to. After valuable time searching for her, he had just started to worry when Ice informed him that Beth had gone to visit her family. Thinking that this would be a lovely place to spend time with Beth without her biting his head off, he visualised her and waited…He didn't move, what the hell? Trying again he closed his eyes, and nothing. Changing his target he closed his eyes and pictured Ben, promptly landing in Ben's office at Silver Nightclub.

  "Ah sorry Ben, I am having difficulty teleporting to Beth and so tried you. I hope I am not interrupting anything."

  Ben leaned back in his chair a weary look on his face. "No Vlad you're not. Look I have been thinking, yes I am pissed at this whole bonding thing, but we have been tight for a long time and I don’t want to lose that."

  The relief Vlad felt was enormous; he genuinely hadn’t wanted to lose Ben's friendship. "I agree, gods I am sorry Ben believe me, I didn’t want to feel like this about her or put you in this situation."

  "I know that Vlad although I have seen some positives in this." Vlad raised his eyebrow in question.

  "Well you do realise that I am now your step father in law, which from what I understand means you have to kiss my ass and please me."

  Vlad laughed a deep belly laugh before turning a little more serious. "Ben I really can't teleport to Beth."

  Understanding the implications, Ben lifted the phone and dialled home only to be told that Beth was there. "She is at home with Celia, getting ready for a night on the tiles."

  With a sigh Vlad slightly relaxed even though he was still concerned at the lapse in his powers.

  "While you are here and Beth is safe, fancy joining me on some sort of secret visit to a club?"

  Vlad nodded as Ben continued. "We are not to tell Lucky we are going, for some reason I have been told to go alone." This sounded ominous, but Vlad joined his friend.

  Travelling in Ben's four wheel drive they made it through the City just before eleven pm. When he saw that they were going to the Underground Club, Vlad was more mystified. Ben had told him about the message from Phil, the girl's father but he was just as confused.

  They headed to the door and were told to join the queue, which was only until someone noted who they were. As they went down the stairs to the cellar hence the name, the music thudded and literally screamed at them. The Underground Club was a Gothic Bar that had a generally satisfactory reputation for being a decent club. A new manager had taken over about six months ago, prior to which Ben occasionally helped out by sending some of his security staff when they were short. However since the new manager the communication had dwindled.

  Neither man was impressed with cleanliness although the clientele looked the same. Ben was checking for Claire, she often came here and if he had been sent here it was likely about Claire. On the way here Ben had raised some concerns about Claire. Over the last three months, they had noticed her becoming more withdrawn and less sociable with family. She was less communicative, and when anyone tried to broach her about it she shut down. Ben had thought it was about Conner, and he could understand that, just the thought of him sent a pain through his chest. Claire and Conner had been close, he had trained her and she often went hiking with him. Ben thought that maybe this was her way of grieving.

  Looking round they could not see her, Vlad watched as Ben spotted someone and made his way to them.

  "A FRIEND OF CLAIRES." Pointing to the left Vlad followed, just able to hear Ben over the din of the music.

  He followed Ben when the man pointed to a door saying 'staff.' Ben moved forward, the door was locked, Ben was about to break it down when Vlad teleported to the other side and opened it. Instead of searching through the rooms, Vlad pictured Claire and teleported to her. He should have thought of doing this before now.

  Taking in the figure lying on the office coach, clothes astray and unresponsive, he shouted to Ben. Ben burst through the door, the minute he saw her, his faced turned portraying a look of horror that Vlad never wanted to see on his friends face again. It chilled him. Ben dropped in front of Claire, shouting her name and shaking her. Vlad was calmer than Ben and immediately rushed into action, as he felt for a pulse.

  "She's alive Ben but weak. We need to get her help. Hold on I will get us to the hospital."

  Vlad teleported all of them to the hospital, when a Doctor saw her, he immediately went into action. Checking her vital signs and drawing blood while Ben was growing more frantic.

  "Lucky's in my head, she know something is wrong but I don’t know what to tell her." Ben's voice was cracked; his friend was pacing the corridor.

  The doctor came out. "Have you informed the mother?" Ben shook his head and the Doctor continued. "Tell her that her daughter has overdosed on something, probably heroin. You need to let me do my job and fetch the mother."

  Ben's looked ashen, heroin he couldn’t believe it. "I will bring Lucky." Vlad motioned before teleporting.

  "Yeah thanks. Vlad, can I ask you not to tell anyone else, please?"

  "Of course Ben, regardless of what has happened with Beth we have been close for a lot of years."

  "I haven’t forgotten Vlad, I just need time."

  Vlad teleported to Lucky who was sat at the kitchen table, Ellie was with her which was a surprise. She had been away for the last eight months.

  "Ellie lovely to see you again, I apologise for the intrusion but I need to borrow your mom."

  Ellie looked at him shrewdly, this girl had always been smart and that hadn’t changed. "Is Ben okay Vlad, oh god what's wrong with Ben?" Lucky had immediately gone into panic mode.

  Plastering on a fake smile he looked at the women. "Ben is fine a little problem in the club that is now being dealt with." Taking her hand he didn’t see Beth anywhere. They left the pack land and arrived at the hospital.

  "Oh my god Vlad, who, who is it?" There were tears pooling in Lucky's eyes, Vlad could hear her heart pounding, wanting answers. When Ben met them, Vlad had never felt worse for the couple, yet relieved that he was not the one who had to tell Lucky.

  "Oh baby, its Claire, she's really sick." He was trying to be strong for Lucky, but Vlad could see Ben's heart breaking. Vlad thought Lucky was going to drop, this was one of the strongest women he had ever met and he couldn’t bear it.

  "What do you mean, sick? What happened? Is she going to be okay? Where is she?"

  It was then that the doctor came out of the room. "She is awake but this was a close call, get her some help and quick."

  "What happened?"

  "Well I need to get the results of the blood test but I suspect it was a heroin overdose."

  "Wh…what? No it couldn’t have been."

  The doctor looked at her, as if she was deluding herself. "Has she been withdrawn, spending more money, out a lot more, quiet, asleep a lot, losing weight?"

  He didn’t need the answer. "She is going to need help and support to get through this. Look at her arms, how bad are the track marks? You can go in now but take it easy, I have seen some parents who go off on their child and it rarely…." Vlad interrupted him, as Lucky and Ben went into the room.

  "She will get that support, and I assure you no-one will go off. If you have five minutes, could you tell me the best way that we can help her?"

/>   Whilst listening to the doctor he watched through the glass as Lucky and Ben hugged her. Lucky checked Claires arms, and burst into tears. It was too much having the doctors fears confirmed. After the doctor finished Ben motioned him into the room.

  Claire and Lucky were crying, while he gave Ben the number of a place that could help Claire.

  "Vlad please don’t tell Beth." Claire whispered to him, the fear evident on her face. He looked at this lovely woman who was adored by her family; her eyes were black from the smudged make up, her body thin and frail. He thought of himself at a time when he was lost in his grief, he remembered that look in his eyes. He remembered looking in the mirror and seeing his haunted reflection.

  "This is not my confidence to betray." Lucky and Ben stepped outside while they made contact with the clinic, given to him by the Doctor. Not sure what to do, but not wanting to leave Claire alone he sat down.

  "Long ago I lost a man who I considered to be my father and the grief tore at me, and I separated from the world around me. Wow it was a long time, I lived like a nomad for nearly two hundred years but I got through. I still miss him now? Although the pain isn’t so raw; the people around me keep me centred."

  Claire was crying, quiet tears. "I miss my dad so much, I love Ben, but he isn’t my dad. And Connor understood me, it was like having an extra uncle and then he was gone and it hurt so much. Sometimes I feel as if everyone's emotions are tumbling into me and I can't cope with it. And the dreams are the worst; I see things I don’t want to see. When I was given the stuff for the first time in forever I stopped hurting, I could sleep."

  "Hurting is good Claire, it is what makes you human and is normal. What is hard is when you have no-one to talk to about it. If I had been open then maybe it wouldn’t have taken me two hundred years. Your sisters would love you no matter what and maybe they can help you open up. You will need their support."

  "I know they would support me, but they are so smart and funny and strong. I have to do this myself, and if I fail then it's my responsibility. I am not ready to let them in yet, I will be but not yet."


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