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Cameron's Quest

Page 7

by Cameron's Quest [Evernight] (mobi)

  “Do you think there will be one this year?” asked Abby.

  “We never know. Could be.”

  “Then I guess Dad better take us skiing before that happens,” Rena joked. “Hard to ski without snow.”

  While they talked, Lacey saw Rena walk to a pantry closet and come back with two huge wooden center sections to extend the table. It was so uncanny how she knew where everything was. She even unearthed a bright yellow tablecloth, making the scene just a little more festive.

  The girls set the table and Winnie put her casserole in the oven to heat. The rolls were in the warming oven of the wood stove, and Lacey had brewed a fresh pot of coffee. “Thanks for thinking to bring a coffee urn, Zakia. With this crew, we’d be forever jumping up and down to make more. Does anyone prefer tea?”

  “Lucas and I should, but we’re fine with coffee,” Winnie answered. “He grabs one every chance he can get.”

  “I used to cater, and the urn does come in handy. I brought a thermos of decaf for Leah and me. Too much caffeine isn’t good for the babies or my nerves.” Zakia laughed, a soft sound that did a lot toward making Lacey feel more like a friend…or a member of the family. Either way, it was a good feeling. The other ladies joined in, and Lacey couldn’t help feeling that there was nothing better than shared laughter to make a person feel welcome.

  Cam entered the kitchen while they were all laughing and smiling. His gaze locked with hers, and she knew just how happy he was to have her here. Maybe it wasn’t too late for them after all.

  “Is lunch just about ready? That brother of mine is always starving.”

  “Yes, you can tell the men to come on back,” said Lacey.

  “And that rascal husband of mine better stick to his diet,” Winnie declared.

  “Aw, come on, luv,” Lucas appealed as he came to stand beside Cam. “It’s a celebration. Don’t be naggin’ on me today.”

  “All right, but just a little of each. I intend to keep you around for a good long time.”

  “Yes, luv,” he said, his eyes lighting up.

  Lacey didn’t know if it was due to his wife’s words or the food set out, but Lucas was positively beaming with happiness as he took a seat at one end of the table.

  When Rena switched seats with Abby, refusing to sit by the patio door, it caused Lacey a brief moment of concern. Was it something to do with her dream? She’d have to speak with her after their company left. Otherwise, lunch was a splendid time of sharing and getting to know one another. Even the twins were well-behaved, which earned them an extra treat for dessert.

  “There’s a new club in town I’ve been wanting to check out,” said Michael. “It’s called The Rodeo, country music, western line dances and everything. Would you girls be interested in accompanying me?”

  “When?” asked Rena, clearly excited.

  Michael smiled in response. “Tonight okay? I have tomorrow off.”

  “Mama?” All three girls looked at her, expecting an answer, even Abby, the shyest of the three.

  “You are all beyond the age where you have to ask permission. I think it’s nice of Michael to want to show you around,” she said.

  “Show them off is more like it. I’ll be the envy of every guy there.” Michael preened comically and laughter surrounded the table.

  “Will you be drinking?” asked Cam.

  “Not planning to, but if I do, I’ll call for a ride back. All right?”

  Cam nodded, apparently pleased by Michael’s assurance.

  “Should we wait up just in case?” asked Lacey.

  “Nope. I have an entire precinct at my beck and call. Not to worry.” Michael’s charming smile eased her tension as much as his words.

  Cam rose and went to the key rack on the wall. “Here. You’ll be needing a key if we’ve gone to bed.” He passed it to Lynne, who was sitting the closest to where he stood.

  “Thanks, Papa.”

  Everyone seemed to take that as a cue to leave. They got up from the table and had everything cleared away and the kitchen spotless in no time.

  On his way out the door, Michael said, “How about I pick you girls up around six? I’ll show you around town and take you to dinner before we hit the bar.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” said Rena, never one to miss out on a good thing. Lynne and Abby only nodded, but Lacey could tell they were eagerly anticipating a night on the town with Winnie’s handsome son.

  Which meant she’d be alone with Cameron. She shot a quick glance his way, relieved to see him in conversation with his brother. For brothers, they certainly looked nothing alike. She preferred Cam’s classically handsome features to the rugged, outdoors look of Lucas.

  What would he feel at their being alone tonight? Would their time together be filled with uncomfortable silence or would they work toward…what? Dare she put a name to it? She’d been so attracted to him in Ireland, yet the fear of his leaving again had kept her at arm’s length. That attraction was still there and had kept her awake most of the night. Should she tell him? No, she’d wait and see how things played out.

  “Thank you for putting up with this crew today. We were all dying to meet you,” said Winnie as she enveloped her in a warm hug.

  “We’ve been anxious to meet Cam’s family, too. Thank you all for providing lunch.”

  “You’re welcome. And I must say, you did a fine job raising those girls. They’re a joy.”

  “Thank you, Winnie.”

  No sooner did the door close behind their departing guests than the girls started squealing and talking excitedly.

  “What am I going to wear?”

  “I need to wash my hair.”

  “I’m going to hit the shower.”

  Their chatter continued all the way upstairs. Lacey stood beside Cam and watched them go.

  “Do they always get so wound up over a simple date?” asked Cam, his lips curved upward in a grin so sexy, Lacey had to lean against the wall behind her or fall in a heap at his feet.

  “No, but this isn’t just any date. It’s their first date in a different country. They’ll soon be back, worried about what to say or do, or not say or do most likely.”

  Cam laughed. “No need to worry. I think they’ll fit in just fine.”

  “I hope so.” A worried frown drew her skin tight across her forehead as she thought about Cam as a randy young cowboy. He’d charmed the socks off her, and she’d fallen so deeply in love with him that no one else had ever come close. She’d spent many lonely nights thinking of the love they’d shared…the love she thought was lost to her for all time. She hoped her girls found a man like Cam—one who would travel to the ends of the earth to find them if they ever had to part.

  That was love, and she looked at Cam with fresh eyes, just now realizing how much he must still love her to go looking for her after all this time.


  Cam sat with a book in his hands, although he’d long since given up on trying to read. Bemused by all the fuss as Lacey ran back and forth between the three girls, he could only imagine what she went through bringing them up by herself. If only he’d known. He’d missed so much.

  “Mama, will you fix my hair?”

  “Can I borrow your green skirt, Mama?”

  “I can’t find my nail polish!”

  Lacey came in and plunked herself down in the chair opposite him.

  “It sure takes a lot of time to get three girls ready for a date,” he commented.

  Lacey snorted a laugh. “You’re telling me? All you’ve done is sit and read.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t me they were hollering for.” He smiled at Lacey and was rewarded with a smile in return.

  “Now they’re worrying about looking out of place in a country bar.”

  “Why would they think that?” Cam asked.

  “No boots.”

  “They have boots by the door.”

  Lacey shook her head. “Cowgirl boots.”

  “Oh.” Cam glanced at the watch on his wrist. �
�Get your coat and boots on. We have just enough time for a quick trip to town.”


  “Yes, really. Now get a move on.”

  He saw Lynne in the upper hallway. “Lynne, your mother and I are going for a drive. Be back in a few.”

  “What? Now?” Her stupendous tone was in direct reaction to his words. That was the only way he could think to describe it.

  “Yep, now. Don’t worry. We’ll be back before Michael shows up.”

  “Uh, okay.”

  Cam shrugged into his coat and boots by the time Lacey returned with her purse. He held her jacket while she slipped it on and then watched as she bent over to pull on her boots. A perfect view to tease him. He felt himself growing hard and tried valiantly to put a stop to it.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Good.” Cam breathed a sigh of relief as she straightened up. He escorted her out to his truck and assisted her into the passenger seat before going around to the driver’s side to climb in behind the wheel. As he turned the key in the ignition, he realized they were alone…completely alone…for the first time. And he couldn’t do a damned thing about it.

  “So where are we headed?”

  “Riley’s has the best inventory of ladies’ boots. I thought we’d check there.”


  Lacey sat primly, her hands folded in her lap. How could she be so calm when they were alone together in the close confines of the truck’s cab?

  “You warm enough?” he asked once the heat kicked in.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  He didn’t know whether to be glad Calgary was such a short distance away or wish it were farther so they’d have more time. Then it hit him. They’d be alone tonight. Bless you, Michael. If Lacey wondered why he suddenly started humming a happy tune, she gave no indication.

  Chapter Seven

  With three girls in tow, Lacey had always been an efficient shopper, and today was no exception. She knew the girls’ sizes and their color preferences and was able to pick out three pairs of cowgirl boots in record time—a splashy red pair for Rena, black for Lynne, and white for Abby. Then Cam insisted that she have a pair as well. Her eyes automatically went to a tan pair with horse imprints in a chocolate brown. He even bought them each cowboy…er, cowgirl hats to match.

  When they returned to the ranch, all was quiet. The girls had been sitting in the living room but came running when she and Cam appeared in the entry, parcels in hand.

  “We were afraid we’d have to leave before you got back,” Lynne said as Cam distributed the packages.

  “I told you we’d be back in time,” Cam assured her. “Although I must admit, your mother is a much faster shopper than you girls are.”

  His grin took the sting out of his words, not that the girls paid any mind. They were too busy oohing and aahing over their new hats and boots.

  “This is great! Now we don’t have to worry about looking out of place,” said Abby.

  “You are all too beautiful to look out of place anywhere you go, but if it makes you feel better about fitting in, then I’m happy to oblige.”

  “Thank you, Papa,” they said in unison and then burst into giggles as they ran to the hall mirror.

  A knock on the door heralded Michael’s arrival. To say he was shocked would have been an understatement. He stood, open-mouthed, and gaped at the visions in front of him as Cam held the door open.

  “It’s seems you’ve made a conquest already,” said Cam. “Michael, if you can gather your wits about you, I think the girls are a mite impatient to be going.”

  “What? Oh, yes. Come along, ladies.” He gave his head a shake. “Wow! I might have to call in reinforcements to protect your girls tonight. Ravishing!”

  The girls giggled. Cam frowned.

  “Is there any danger?” Lacey asked.

  “None whatsoever, but they sure do clean up nice.”

  Rena slapped him playfully on the shoulder as Lynne gave him a once over.

  “I could same the same about you,” Lynne said.

  And it was true. He wore skintight Levi’s and shiny black cowboy boots. He had on a black leather jacket and a black Stetson. Lacey thought he was good-looking, so she could just imagine what her daughters thought.

  “Behave yourselves and have fun,” Lacey said as they trooped outside. The cold wind bit into her cheeks, and she was glad she still wore her jacket as she stood beside Cam to see them off.

  Cam’s arm snaked around her waist as he closed and locked the door. Her skin tingled where he touched. Anticipation had her panties becoming damp at her lusty thoughts.

  “Alone at last,” he said, hauling her close against his chest and embracing her in a warm hug. “I’ve wanted to give you a proper welcome since you arrived. May I kiss you?”

  She glanced up, searching his eyes, his expression, for a clue as to what he was feeling. Lacey saw her own desire mirrored there. “Yes, I’d like that.”

  Their first real kiss in over twenty years was a tender meeting of lips, an exploration on both their parts that she hoped would never end. Cam’s lips slanted across hers, coaxing them to life as only he could. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer…needing him closer. Her fingers restlessly traveled through his shoulder-length hair, the feel smooth, silky. When he raised his head, she felt bereft, wanting to cling to him and never let go. Had she been this wanton with him before? This needy? Or had the years of abstinence just caught up to her?


  “Yes?” she said, opening her eyes once she realized her lids had closed.

  “I’ve missed you, darlin’.”

  “I’ve missed you, too, Cam. What are we going to do about it?”

  A slow, sexy grin replaced his solemn expression. “Well, if I was twenty years younger, I’d carry you off to bed and make love to you.” He glanced toward the stairs. “But even then, that curving staircase may have put paid to that idea.”

  Lacey smiled back but said not a word as she took his hand and led him to the stairs.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, Lacey?” he asked as she stepped up on the first step.

  She turned to him, cradled his face between her palms, and kissed him. “This is exactly what I want, Cam. I’ve been waiting for you for most of my life. Don’t make me wait any longer.” With one hand on the rail, she climbed the stairs, his soft footfalls letting her know he was right behind her.

  He caught up to her at the bedroom door, his arms coming around her from behind. With gentle moves, he pulled her flush against his front and nuzzled her ear before moving down to her neck. She could feel his hardness pressed against her lower back and knew he wanted this as much as she did.

  She turned in his arms, shoved the door closed, and backed toward the bed, pulling him with her. When her knees came up against the mattress, she let go of him to pull her sweater over her head. His reaction didn’t disappoint.

  Cam gasped in surprise, reaching out to cup her naked breasts, testing their fullness before leaning forward to suck a nipple into his mouth. He paused for a moment to look her in the eyes, desire burning brightly in his.

  “You’re every bit as beautiful as I remembered. Maybe even more so.”

  “And you are still my handsome cowboy. More muscular than I remember, but I like the way you filled out.” She grabbed his shirt, the snaps popping open as she yanked the front sections apart. “I want to see you.”

  She pushed his shirt off over his shoulders, and he soon disposed of the T-shirt he wore beneath. A sprinkling of dark chest hair tickled her nose as she pressed her lips against one nipple, her hands making their own foray across his chest and lower until they rested on his belt buckle. “Am I being too bold?”

  “Not at all, my love. I am yours to do with as you wish. I’ve always been yours.”

  He swooped in for another kiss, a scorching hot mating of mouths and tongues that sent myriad sensations running through her body. His hands felt good on
her back, traveling up and down the expanse of skin so tenderly she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feelings he evoked. Soon it wasn’t enough.

  Lacey unfastened the buckle on his belt and undid the snap and zip of his Levi’s before pushing them down his muscled legs, boxers and all.

  “Hang on, sweetheart. The boots have to come off first.” He sat on the edge of the bed and lifted first one foot and then the other as he removed his cowboy boots. Next went his jeans and socks. He drew her into the V of his legs and kissed her belly button, driving her wild with need. Who knew such a simple intimacy could have such compelling results?

  His hands slipped inside the waistband of her jeans and circled around to the front. The whoosh of her zipper preceded the loosening of her jeans, and Cam slid them down her legs and off over her stocking feet. Once she was as naked as he was, Cam held her away and simply looked at her, his eyes eagerly perusing her nude form. When he pulled her close again, he buried his face between her breasts and held her.

  Lacey ran her hands through his hair, luxuriating in their closeness, but when he made no move to further their intimacy, she tipped his head up to face her. “Don’t stop now, cowboy. I want to ride.”

  His sexy grin lit up his entire face, and he scooted backward on the bed, drawing her down beside him. “I have no intention of stopping, I just needed a moment. We don’t want this ending before it even begins.”


  “Yeah, you do have that effect on me.”

  “Good to know.” She knew her face wore a silly smirk, but she couldn’t help it. To have such an effect on him after all this time fed her ego to no end. Then she sobered, biting her lip as she worried at her lack of experience. “Cam, I, ah…”

  His face fell. “You changed your mind. It’s all right, love. We have plenty of time.”

  “Oh, no,” she said, shaking her head. “It’s just that, well, I haven’t…”

  “Any protection? I do.” He grinned and started to rise from the bed.

  “No, you big lug!” She pushed him backwards onto the bed. “Let me finish. You don’t need protection. I had cancer three years ago. The baby basket is gone.”


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