Rebels in Paradise
Page 28
Kerouac, Jack
Kesey, Ken
Kester, Bernard
Kienholz, Ed; The American Way II; Back Seat Dodge ‘38; The Beanery; “Chico Pete” tombstone; divorces first wife; divorces Mary Lynch; Duchamp on; European artists and; Ferus founded with Hopps; Ferus shares sold by; Illegal Operation, The; John Doe; LACMA retrospective; marries fourth wife Lyn; marries Mary Lynch; moves to Germany; Now opened by; Roxy’s; The State Hospital; Story of…, The (TV show); Syndell Studio and; Walter Hopps, Hopps, Hopps
Kienholz, Jenny
Kienholz, Lyn
Kienholz, Mary Lynch
Kienholz, Noah
Kimbrell Art Museum (Texas)
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kingston Trio
Kitaj, Ron
Klee, Paul
Klein, Yves; Monotone Symphony; The Zone of Immaterial Pictorial Sensitivity
Kleiner, Burt
Kline, Franz
Kluver, Billy
Knego, Danna. See Ruscha, Danna Knego
Knight, Christopher
Knoll, Florence
Knoll, Hans
Koenig, Pierre; Case Study House No. 22
Kondratief, Vadim
Kootz, Sam (New York)
Kosuth, Joseph
“Kustom Kar Kulture in Southern California” (Wolfe)
Kustom Kars
L.A. Free Press
Landau, Felix
Langras, Christine
Langsner, Jules
Lanyon Gallery (Palo Alto)
Larson, Jack
Laughlin, Michael
Lautner, John; “Chemosphere”
Leary, Timothy
Leavitt, Thomas
Lebel, Robert
Lebrun, Rico
Le Corbusier
Léger, Fernand
Leiber, Jerry
Leider, Gladys
Leider, Philip
Leigh, Vivien
Leiris, Michel
Lempicka, Tamara de
Lennon, John
LeVa, Barry
Levin, Gail
Levine, Naomi
Levy, Julien
LeWitt, Sol
Lichtenstein, Roy
Light and Space artists
Lippard, Lucy
Lipton, Lawrence
Little, Penny
Livingston, Jane
Lloyd, Frank
Lobdell, Frank
Longman, Lester D.
Los Angeles Buddhist Meditation Center
Los Angeles Conservatory of Music
Los Angeles County Art Institute (later Otis College of Art and Design); American Vanguard Art
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA); Art and Technology; Bengston retrospective; Berman retrospective; Broad Contemporary Art Museum; Kienholz retrospective; Late Fifties at Ferus; Man Ray retrospective; New York School; Young Talent Award
Los Angeles County Museum of History, Science, and Art; Fifty California Artists; Four Abstract Classicists; Post-Painterly Abstraction; Six Painters and the Object
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
Los Angeles Times
Luckman, Charles
Lukens, Glen
Lukens, Sven
Lundeberg, Helen
Lustig, Alvin
Lynch, Allen
Lytton, Barton
Lytton Center of Visual Arts; California Women in the Arts
Macdonald-Wright, Stanton
Malanga, Gerard
Malevich, Kazimir
Malin residence
Mamas and the Papas
Manson, Charles
Marlborough Gallery (New York)
Marshall, Ann
Marshall, Herbert
Martin, Agnes
Martin, Dean
Martin, Steve
Mason, John
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Matisse, Pierre
Mattachine society
McClure, Michael
McCracken, John
McDowall, Roddy
McGuinn, Roger (Jim)
McGwire, Barry
McLaughlin, Dan
McLaughlin, John
McMillan, Jerry
McShine, Kynaston
Mead, Taylor
Mesches, Arnold
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Meyer, Russ
Miller, Henry
Miller, Pedro
Miller, Roger
Minikus, Lee
Miró, Joan
Miyashiro, Ron
Mizuno, Riko; opens Gallery 669
Moderna Museet (Stockholm)
Modernists; architects
Moffitt, Peggy
Monday Evening Concerts
Monday night art walks
Mondrian, Piet
Monk, Thelonious
Monroe, Marilyn
Monte, James
Moonstone (Herms film)
Moore, Don
Moore, Henry
Morandi, Giorgio
Morris, Robert
Morrison, Jim
Moses, Avilda Peters
Moses, Ed (Moses Y Branco); Action I and
Moss, Oscar
Moss, Sayde
Motherwell, Robert
Mucha, Patty. See also Oldenburg, Patty
Mueller, Frederic
Mullican, Lee
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA)
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA); The Art of Assemblage; Schwitters retrospective; Voulkos show; When The Responsive Eye; Word and Image
Music Center
National Orange Show
Nauman, Bruce; Henry Moore Bound to Fail
Neilsen, Gloria. See Bell, Gloria Neilsen
Neilsen, Shirley. See Hopps, Shirley Neilsen
Nelson, Doreen Goldberg
Nelson, Rolf; gallery closes; moves to New York
Neutra, Richard
Nevelson, Louise
New American Painting (London)
Newman, Barnett; Broken Obelisk; Onement VI; Tundra
Newman, James
Newman, Paul
Newport Harbor Art Museum: The Appearing/Disappearing Object
New York Times
Nicholson, Jack
Nixon, Richard
Noble, V.E.
Noland, Kenneth
Nordland, Gerald
Nordman, Maria
Norell, Norman
Norris, Merry
Norris, William
Norton Simon Museum of Art at Pasadena (formerly Pasadena Art Museum)
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Now Gallery
Oberg, Nancy
O’Keeffe, Georgia: Sky Above Clouds IV
Oldenburg, Claes; Autobodys; Dwan show; Soft Good Humor Bars
Oldenburg, Patty (later Mucha); Dwan show
Olitski, Jules
O’Neal, Ryan
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey)
O’Neil, Jimmy
O’Neill, Donna and Richard; Gehry barn for
On the Road (Kerouac)
Orr, Eric
O’Shea, Terry
Outterbridge, John
Pace Gallery (New York). See also Ferus Pace
Pacific Standard Time initiative
Paint As You Like and Die Happy (Miller)
Pandora’s Box rally
Panza di Biumo, Count Giuseppe
Paolozzi, Eduardo
Parker, Charlie “Bird”
Parker, William
Park Place Gallery (New York)
Parsons, Betty (New York)
Partch, Harry
Pasadena Art Museum (PAM, later Norton Simon Museum of Art at Pasadena); Cornell retrospective; de
mise of; Duchamp retrospective; Hopps as curator/director; Hopps resigns; New Painting of Common Objects; West Coast 1945–1969; The Responsive Eye
Pasadena Museum of California Art
Pashgian, Helen; Untitled
Paulsen, Pat
Peace Tower
Pereira, William L.
Perkins, Jeffrey
Perls, Frank
Petlin, Irving; The Burning of Los Angeles
Pettibone, Richard
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Phillips, Duncan
Phillips, Gifford
Phillips, John
Phillips, Marjorie
Phillips, Michelle
Phillips, Peter
Phillips Collection
Physique Pictorial
Picasso, Pablo
Pickett, Wilson
Pincus-Witten, Robert
Plagens, Peter
Pleshette, Suzanne
Pollack, Sidney
Pollock, Jackson
Pompidou, Centre (France): Los Angeles
Poons, Larry
Pop Art
Portland Art Museum
Powell, Judson
Prabhavananda, Swami
Premium (Ruscha film)
Presle, Micheline
Price, Happy
Price, Ken; London shows; moves to Taos; surfing announcement
Price, Vincent
“Primary Atmospheres” (Hickey)
Primus-Stuart Gallery
Proctor, Patrick
Pucciani, Oreste
Purifoy, Noah; 66 Signs of Neon
Quarnstrom, Lee
Ramos, Mel
RAND Corporation
Rauschenberg, Robert; Booster; First Landing Jump; Odalisk
Ray, Man; LACMA retrospective; Rayogram lithographs
Ray, Nicholas
Raysse, Martial
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Rebel Without a Cause (film)
Rechy, John
Redding, Otis
Redgrave, Vanessa
Reed, Lou
Reiner, Rob
Reinhardt, Ad
Resnick, Milton
Richard, Cliff
Richards, Keith
Richardson, Tony
Richer, Arthur
Riot on Sunset Strip (film)
Rivers, Johnny
Rivers, Larry
Robinson, Edward G.
Robles, Esther
Roché, Henri-Pierre
Rodia, Sebato “Simon”
Rohauer, Raymond
Rose, Barbara
Rosen, Seymour
Rosenberg, Harold
Rosenquist, James
Roth, Ed “Big Daddy”
Rothko, Mark
Rowan, Carolyn
Rowan, Robert
Ruben, Richards
Rumford Fair Housing Act
Ruppersberg, Allen
Ruscha, Dorothy
Ruscha, Edward Joseph, IV “Ed,”; Actual Size; Annie; Artforum and; Bachardy portraits of; Burning Gas Station; Common Objects and; Every Building on the Sunset Strip; Five 1965 Girlfriends; Hirshhorn Museum and; London shows; The Los Angeles County Museum on Fire; marriages and divorces with Danna Knego; Royal Road Test photo book; Standard Station, Amarillo, Texas; Sweetwater; Twentysix Gasoline Stations; Williams’s “Crackers” photo book and Premium film; word paintings
Ruscha, Edward Joseph, V “Frenchy”
Ruscha, Paul
Ruscha Danna Knego
Russell, Bertrand
Saar, Betye
Saarinen, Eero
Saint Phalle, Niki de
Sale, David
Samaras, Lucas
San Francisco Museum of Art
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Santa Monica Museum of Art
São Paulo Biennale, 8th
Sarkisian, Paul
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Sassoon, Vidal
Schapiro, Meyer
Schapiro, Miriam
Schary, Jill
Scheyer, Galka
Schiele, Egon
Schindler, Rudolf
Schlesinger, Peter
Schreiber, Taft
Schwitters, Kurt
Secunda, Arthur
Sedgwick, Edie
Seeger, Pete
Segal, George
Seitz, William
Seldis, Henry
Selznick, David O.
Serra, Richard
Shacove, Gene
Shafrazi, Tony
Shakespeare, William
Shampoo (film)
Shapiro, Benny
Shaw, Bobbi
Sheets, Millard
Shulman, Julius
Sickert, Walter
Silverman, Manny
Simmons, Jack
Simon, Lucille
Simon, Norton
Sinatra, Frank
Single Wing Turquoise Bird
Sirhan, Sirhan
Sketches of Frank Gehry (film)
Smith, Hassel
Smithson, Robert
Smithsonian National Collection of Fine Arts
Smothers, Tommy
Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, The (TV show)
Snyder, Anita
Solanas, Valerie
Solomon, Alan
Solomon, Jerry
Sonnabend, Ileana
Sonny and Cher
Spain, Fay
Spector, Phil
Spender, Stephen
Sports Illustrated
Stable Gallery (New York)
Stanley, Owsley
Stearns, Laura
Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam)
Steinitz, Kate
Stella, Frank
Stendahl, Earl
Stewart, Timothea
Still, Clyfford
Stills, Stephen
Stockwell, Dean
Stone Brothers
Story of…, The (TV series)
Stravinsky, Igor
Strick, Jeremy
Stuart, David
Studio International
Sullavan, Margaret
Sunset Boulevard Surrealist show
Sunset Strip clubs
Sunshine Muse (Plagens)
Syndell Studio
Tamblyn, Russ
Tanning, Dorothea
Tarzan and Jane Regained … Sort Of (Warhol film)
Tashjian, Dickran
Tate, Sharon
Tate Gallery
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Joshua C.
Teske, Edmund
Thiebaud, Wayne
Thompson, Eugenie Kondratief
Tierney, Lawrence
Tinguely, Jean
Tivey, Hap
Trip, The (film)
Trova, Ernest
Tuchman, Blossom
Tuchman, Maurice
Tudor, David
Turnabout Theatre
Turnbull, William
Turrell, James; Afrum (White)
Tuttle, Richard
Twombly, Cy
Tyler, Kay
Tyler, Ken
Ubu Roi (Jarry)
Uecker, Rotraut
Universal Limited Art Editions
University of California (UC); Berkeley; Davis; Irvine; Los Angeles (UCLA); Riverside; San Diego
Valentine, DeWain
Valentine, Elmer
Valentiner, William
Vancouver Art Gallery
Van der Rohe, Ludwig Mies
Varsi, Diani
Velvet Underground
Venice Biennale
Vietnam War
von Meier, Kurt
Von’s Café Galleria
Voulkos, Peter
Vreeland, Diana
Waldinger, Albert
Waltman, Jack
War Babies
Ward, Eleanor
Warhol, Andy; Campbell’s Soup Cans; Exploding Plastic Inevitable; Mona Lisa series; shot; Silver Clouds and Cow Wallpaper; Tarzan and Jane Regained … Sort Of
Washington Gallery of Modern Art
Wasser, Julian
Wasserstein, Julius
Watts: Acid Test; Riots
Watts Towers
Wayne, June
Weber, John
Weisman, Frederick; Hockney portrait of
Weisman, Marcia Simon; Hockney portrait of
Welsh, Sue
Wexler, Milton
Wheeler, Douglas
Whitechapel Gallery (London)
Whitman, Robert
Whitney Museum of American Art
Wight, Frederick S.
Wilder, Nicholas; Hockney portrait of
Wiley, William
Williams, Mason; Bus; “Crackers” story; “Classical Gas” song; Royal Road Test photo book; Sunflower
Williams, Neil
Williams, Paul
Wilson, William
Winter, Johnny
Wolfe, Tom
Wolper, David
women artists
Wong, Jim
Wood, Beatrice
Wood, Natalie
Woodward, Joanne
word paintings
Wortz, Dr. Ed
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Wright, Virginia
Yarbrough, Glenn
Young Contemporaries Exhibition
Zappa, Frank
Zeitlin, Jake
Zen Buddhism
About the Author
HUNTER DROHOJOWSKA-PHILP is the author of Full Bloom: The Art and Life of Georgia O’Keeffe—according to the Los Angeles Times, “the definitive life of O’Keeffe as long as the public continues to be fascinated with her story.” Ms. Drohojowska-Philp, who contributes to ARTNews, ARTNET, the Los Angeles Times, and other publications, lives in Los Angeles.
Also by Hunter Drohojowska-Philp
Full Bloom: The Art and Life of Georgia O’Keeffe
Henry Holt and Company, LLC
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Henry Holt® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
Copyright © 2011 by Hunter Drohojowska-Philp
All rights reserved.
“For What It’s Worth” words and music written by Stephen Stills © 1967 (renewed) Cotillion Music Inc., Ten East Music, Springalo Toones and Richie Furay Music. All rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter, [date]
Rebels in Paradise: The Los Angeles Art Scene and the 1960s / Hunter Drohojowska-Philp.—First Edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8050-8836-6
1. Art, American—California—Los Angeles—20th century. 2. Los Angeles (Calif.)—Intellectual life—20th century. I. Title.
N6535.L6D76 2012
709.794’9409046—dc22 2010043025
First Edition 2011
eISBN 978-1-4299-5899-8
First Henry Holt eBook Edition: July 2011