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Deadly Beauties: Blood's Fury

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by C. M. Owens

  Deadly Beauties

  Blood's Fury

  Published by C.M. Owens at Smashwords

  Text Copyright 2013 by Christie M. Owens.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, events, or incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to places or incidents is purely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  "Maybe tomorrow we can find someone to take care of the rest of your furniture," my mother breathlessly releases, as we finish heaving my far too heavy couch into the living room.

  "Or we could finish now since I have to start work tomorrow," I chirp with a grin.

  I know she's not tired, but she's very opposed to doing things the human way. Too bad. That's what I plan to be for as long as I can.

  "I could go persuade some of your hunky new neighbors to help us out," she says while flashing me a scandalous grin.

  The candles in the house flicker before rising to a flame as the fire starts to spread over her eyes, making me scowl in response.

  "No magic in my house," I caution while standing up and heading back out.

  "It would be a hell of a lot easier to get your stuff in using magic," she huffs as the candles stop their blazing intent without leaving a smoky trail.

  "Not concerned about getting it done easily," I chuckle out. "That's sort of the point of my new start."

  She follows me to the oversized truck I rented, and we start lugging out the next set of furnishings.

  "It's part of you, Alyssa. The sooner you start accepting it, the better. You're so pow-"

  "Don't say it," I interrupt, holding a hand up. "If you say it, I'll finish unpacking by myself."

  She crosses her arms in protest, but I roll my eyes as I head back into the house while carrying my two lamps. As soon as I walk in, a growl of agitation slips through my tight lips. All of my furniture, clothes, and everything else has been put into place. Even my pictures are hanging on the damn walls.

  "Seriously?" I gripe, knowing damn well she's out there laughing.

  She walks in, a smug look on her face, and I roll my eyes.

  "What? You can't expect me to spend all day sweating and toiling over all this unnecessary labor when I'm not going to see my daughter for months."

  Guilt. She always uses guilt. Amazing.

  "Fine. I'll order a pizza, and you can grab some wine out of the grocery bags I have over-" I look up to see they've also been taken care of. "Never mind. You can find the wine wherever you put it."

  She lets a bit of a chuckle escape and the television turns on as she passes by.

  "Really? You're so lazy you can't even use the remote?"

  "Not lazy, dear, just special… like you."

  Oh you're special all right.

  I somehow refrain from letting that snarky comment out.

  "Get your hair out from behind your ears. You know I absolutely hate that."

  And she wonders why I'm moving out.

  Like a small child, I do as my mother says and pull my hair out from behind my ears. It's her biggest pet peeve. After the little stunt she just pulled, I should keep both sides of my hair tucked behind my ears all day.

  My attention is drawn to the television when four pictures of young girls my age flash across the screen.

  "If you see these women, please contact the police. They were last seen together on Midwalk Avenue.”

  The television mutes when I press the button, and then I flip the channel quickly, hoping Mom didn't hear.

  "I guess that means you didn't check to see what other immortals were roaming around here?" Mom asks as she walks back in with her phone at her face, reading. "Fifteen girls have gone missing this month alone. I don't like this."

  "There are a variety of immortals all over the world, Mom. It's not like I can avoid living among all of them. Besides, they're apparently blood drinkers, which means they'll be moving along soon enough, and this will be one of the safest places around."

  "It's not safe right now, and you're not immortal yet, meaning you can die as easily as a human."

  And let the fight begin.

  "I'm marked, Mom. If someone gets too close, I'll show them what I'm meant to become."

  She scoffs, "That won't matter. If they give you the chance to show them, they'll just deny it if it comes to war. No one wants another dark ages, so our council will dismiss it as an accident."

  I sigh as I head over to the pantry to pull out some popcorn. I'm exhausted from the move and the woman I stupidly asked to help me get situated in my new place.

  "They're probably vampires or changers, considering the pretty girls they took. I'll just steer clear of pretty boys for a while."

  She groans while rolling her eyes.

  "Don't say vampires. It's so... juvenile. And pretty boys aren't the only night stalkers or changers. Pretty girls are night stalkers and changers too. Besides, this could be lycans, werewolves, werecats, dark users… the list goes on and on, Alyssa. I knew this was a bad idea. Just come home with me."

  Turning around, I shake my head, meeting her determined gaze with my defiant glower. "No. I'm twenty, and I've already been knocked out of going to college because of your paranoia. You swore one of my professors was a changer you knew hundreds of years ago."

  "He was," she growls.

  Again, I'm forced to huff. She's impossible.

  "The point is, this world is deadly for anyone, yet humans exist daily, living to be of old age and dying of natural causes. The chances of me actually running into harm are astronomical. Stop worrying so much."

  She breathes out heavily, and then she vanishes briefly to reappear on the couch. That's one bit of magic I wouldn't mind having. It would save me from trying to afford a car.

  "It just worries me. Promise me you'll use your powers if one of them comes after you."


  "I have no problem using paranormal against paranormal," I say with a shrug. "I just don't want magic to be my life, not yet. I happen to like living like a regular girl. It's… comforting. Now, where's my wine?"

  She smirks before vanishing again, and I hear a cork being pulled free from the bottle.

  Chapter Two

  The diner isn't what I was expecting. You'd think a small town would have small business, but I've hardly had a chance to breathe, due to the ridiculous volume of customers.

  "Thanks," I murmur to the guy who hands me a ten for a tip.

  "My pleasure. You new around here?" he asks, his eyes staring into mine with an obvious agenda.

  I check his eyes for sparks of blue to infuse, showing me his true identity, but they stay brown as he stares at me. His hair is too light to be a night stalker, and his thudding heartbeat is too quick to be a changer. I could be wrong, but judging by his pitiful posture and terrible wardrobe, I'd say I'm in the clear.

  Just a horny human.

  "Very new." I smile sweetly, and then I start to walk away when he pulls at my hand, catching me off guard.

  "We're having a large dock party tonight. You're welcome to come. I could introduce you to some of the locals, help you make some friends."

  He seems harmless enough, but vampires... er... I mean, night stalkers... are strongest under the moonlight. If they're here, they'll be hunting at night. My mother would flip the hell out if I was attacked, and knowing her, she'd level the town before our council could pass a verdict.

, maybe," I lie, having no intentions of risking it.

  "Here," he says, releasing my hand and scribbling down an address on a napkin. "If you decide to show, just come here. We might take one of the boats for a cruise later tonight. There will be a bonfire on shore."

  I smile, showing a little gratitude, and then I wave sweetly at him after taking the proffered address.


  Walking away, I felt his eyes on me. He was cute, but not my type. Unfortunately, I've got a nasty habit for being drawn to the bad, bad, very bad boys. I sure as hell don't want to end up like my mother. She has worse taste in men than I do.

  "Alyssa, can you stay until nine tonight?" Francine asks as I walk behind the counter. "Darlene just called in, and we don't have anyone to cover."

  "Um, yeah. I could use the extra cash."

  Crap. So much for enjoying my first night alone in my new house.

  "Thank you. You're a life saver."

  At least now I'll be one step closer to getting a car.

  The streets are dark, and my feet are killing me. I was supposed to get to leave at nine, but I ended up having to stay until eleven. What a great first day.

  The night is perfect at least, just a slight breeze. Putting the diner to my back, I start walking home. I hate walking.

  A chill hits my neck, as if a breath is being blown against it, but I turn to see nothing. Then I feel it again, and I roll my eyes.

  "You can show yourself, Frankie."

  No one answers, and my skin crawls. I assumed it was Frankie, my mother's best friend. He loves scaring the shit out of me. But he usually always starts laughing by now.

  "Frankie?" I prompt, my hand tingling at my side as my magic starts to stir, ready to be used.

  Nothing happens, and no one answers. Sighing, I turn around and slam into a hard body, almost falling to the ground before strong arms wrap around me, pulling me back to a safe balance.

  "You okay?" a smooth voice asks, and I grumble to myself as I try to look up at him.

  My knees wobble, my heart thuds, and my palms begin sweating as I stare into the gorgeous green eyes of a dark haired beauty. The way I'm shivering over him means he has to be terrible for my health.

  His strong, chiseled face is nothing but flawless, and his dark hair sways with the wind, making me jealous of the fact I can't touch it with such ease.

  I blush when I realize my hands are resting on his incredible waist, and he smirks in a way that makes me damn near dissolve.

  "I said, are you okay?" he repeats, making my cheeks heat more when I realize I've forgotten how to damn speak.

  "Um… yeah… you just startled me. Where'd you come from?"

  He shrugs, nodding his head toward the diner.

  "I was heading toward the diner for some pie, but I see I was too late. They sometimes stay open a little later if there are customers lingering around."

  His smile is disarming, far too perfect. He's too frigging hot to be part of this small town… or human.

  "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I just finished locking up."

  I start walking off, but he jogs up beside me, surprising me a little.

  "You aren't from around here."

  I pause, not sure if I should continue trying to speak to him. If he's a changer, I should probably keep from turning my back on him again. If he's a night stalker, I definitely don't want to turn my back on him.

  "Um, is that a question or an observation?"

  "Both, I suppose."

  He smiles bigger, making my heart trip over itself. Stupid deadly beauty bull shit. What is he?

  “You're right. I just moved here from Colorado."

  He stays at my side, keeping my pace as his hands cross behind his back.

  "So are you going to the dock party? I hear it's supposed to be pretty great, and it's just up the road."

  I look up, expecting to see a glisten of something in his eyes, but there's nothing there. I can't show him my mark until he reveals himself. It could kill a human to see it.

  "No. I don't think so. I'm exhausted."

  I start walking faster, and he keeps stride with me, his steps even and not seeming rushed like mine.

  "Is Frankie your boyfriend?" he asks.


  "You were calling for a Frankie back there," he murmurs softly, not sounding winded like me.

  "Oh. No. Frankie is my mom's friend. I thought I saw him."

  Or thought he was trying to scare the shit out of me.

  "Ah. Your mom lives here with you then?"

  I almost stumble, but I quickly regain my composure before he has to catch me again. I almost wish my mother did live with me right now. She's made me a fucking basket case, and I'm freaking out a little.

  For all I know, this is just one hot human. It's not like every sexy creature is an immortal.

  "Um, no. I assumed she sent him out here to check up on me. He likes to scare me, so I thought he was lingering in the parking lot."

  He bites back a grin, seeming amused by something. He keeps his hands behind his back, casually enjoying the night while I clamber down the sidewalk.

  "You seem… scared. Am I scaring you?"

  Hell yes.

  "A little… are you following me home?" I worry, trying to provoke him into revealing himself and ending this cat-and-mouse game if he's really a blood drinker.

  "Not at all," he laughs. "I'm going to the dock party. It's just around the corner up there. I thought it would seem creepier if I was walking behind you."

  I let out a nervous laugh, finally relaxing a little, and he smiles his panty-dropping grin that makes the junction between my legs heat up and pulsate.

  "Oh. Sorry. I'm just a little freaked out after seeing the news about the missing girls," I mutter, gauging his reaction with subtle scrutiny.

  He nods, his smile fading as seriousness takes place.

  "You should be. It's unnerving. Just be careful, and try not to walk home so late. Why did they make you shut down alone?"

  Because I'm the new girl and a sucker.

  "Because the other girls wanted to go to the dock party."

  "Ah. Well, personally, I feel no party gets going good until close to midnight."

  "Midnight, eh?" I ask, feeling all the more relaxed now.

  Not immortal, just a bad boy human. Crap. I think that's even worse.

  Midnight is the showing hour, and all blood drinkers loathe it because they're forced to reveal the monster they are. It's when their fangs show against their will, and their eyes glow their true color, even though they're not ready to show themselves.

  "Well, it was odd but nice meeting you. Sorry I wasn't better company," I murmur as I start off the sidewalk and down my gravel path to my house.

  "You live here?" he asks, seeming surprised, possibly a little confused.

  "Yeah, why?"

  "It's just… what made you choose this house?"

  It was the first affordable house I found that was far away from my overbearing, paranoid, ridiculously protective mother.

  "It was cheap, I needed something close to town, and it's small. Why? Is something wrong with it?"

  He shakes his head, obviously hiding something. "Not at all. A friend of mine lived here a while back. I didn't realize she was selling it."

  "I bought it from a woman in her early thirties. Jessica… Richards? I think."

  "Sounds about right," he murmurs to himself, staring at the house as though he's looking for something... someone.

  He seems confused.

  "Were you close to her?" I muse.

  "Not really, it's just odd this place made it back on the market without my knowing."

  Okay. I'm curious now, but I'd rather talk about something other than the prior owner of my house.

  He concentrates on the house for a second longer, giving me a chance to examine him better under the moonlight. He's so much hotter than I initially thought now that I can truly gawk at him.

  "I should get going," I str
ain out, knowing Mom would kick my ass for speaking to a dark-haired beauty in the middle of the night. "It was nice meeting you…"

  "Kane," he says softly, giving me his delicious, dissolving smile once again.

  "Nice to meet you, Kane."

  "I'm sure you'll see me around. Especially since you work at the diner. It's my main source of nourishment."

  Butterflies ruffle through my stomach, and I smile involuntarily.

  I don't know if I should stay or go. Now that I finally believe he's human, I'm almost considering going to the dock party.

  "I should head on before all the booze is gone. I'll see you around, Alyssa," he says while turning away, making me sick at my stomach.

  "How did you know my name?" I release in a crackle.

  He just laughs, turning back, mocking my fear.

  "You're still wearing your tag," he says while motioning to my shirt, and then he winks at me before walking away.

  I look down to my uniform, and I roll my eyes when I see the big slab advertising my name.


  I've officially made myself look like an absolute wreck now that I've freaked out for no real reason.

  I turn around and head inside, hoping to fall right to sleep. A shadow passes through the room, and I squeal out.

  "Ha! Knew I'd scare you," Frankie murmurs as he appears in front of me.

  "Stupid warlocks," I grumble. "I knew you were here."

  He laughs harder, reveling in his successful plot to leave me shaking and breathing hard.

  "I know, that's why I didn't bother showing myself back at the diner. By the way, who was that guy you were walking with?"

  A delicious human that I made myself look like a psycho in front of.

  "Spying much?" I scoff while walking by him.

  Frankie looks much younger and acts much younger than he actually is. His soft eyes and timeless face remind me of what's to come.

  "You told your mother you wouldn't be getting involved with any guys until the disappearances stop."

  "I'm not getting involved with anyone, Frankie. Besides, he's human."

  "You're sure?"

  He runs his hand through his blond hair as he stares worriedly at me.


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