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Van, Becca - Leah's Irish Heroes [Slick Rock 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Becca Van

  “I’ll get you some painkillers and a glass of water,” Connell said.

  Leah sank down onto the side of the bed. Connell left for her painkillers, and Seamus left to run her a bath. She could hear the tub filling and couldn’t wait to soak away her aches. Her body was sore from her fall, and she knew a hot bath was just what she needed to help ease her pain. Connell was back moment later, and he handed her two pills and a glass of water. He watched over her as she downed the tablets and then handed the glass back.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. Go take your bath and when you’re done, have a nap. That will help get rid of your headache.”

  “Your bath is ready, darlin’. Go and have a good soak, but call out if you need any help,” Seamus said as he looked at her from the bedroom door.

  Leah unzipped one of her bags, ignoring the sting the actions caused the palms of her hands, and gathered up some clothes. She skirted around Connell and slid past Seamus as he moved back. She scurried to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She had no trouble getting out of her coffee-stained pink uniform, but her bra was a different matter. She won in the end, determined not to have to call for help and have the two men see her fat body clad only in her underwear. The last thing she wanted was for them to see her high-waist granny panties and plain white cotton bra. She never had the money to splurge on pretty underwear and had always bemoaned the fact she had only ever bought the serviceable cotton variety. Not that she should care. No one was ever going to see it, anyway.

  Leah moaned with delight as she slid into the bathtub, the hot water enveloping her tired, aching muscles. Her body had begun to stiffen up from her fall, her knees were aching, and her cut hands were beginning to throb. She rested her arms along the rim of the tub and realized she wasn’t going to be able to wash herself. Luckily Seamus had poured some fragrant oil into the bathwater, so she wouldn’t smell nasty at least, and the water was rinsing away any sweat and grime she may have accumulated since she began her shift at six that morning. She heard heavy footsteps coming toward the bathroom and held her breath as they stopped outside the closed door. A light knock had her jerking upright in the tub, her sudden movement sloshing water over the rim.

  “Are you all right, baby? Do you need any help?” Connell’s voice asked through the closed door.

  “No. I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Okay, but don’t hesitate to yell out if you need any help, Leah. You don’t need to be embarrassed. I promise to keep my eyes to myself.”

  “I–I’m good,” Leah replied hesitantly, then slumped with relief as she heard his footsteps taking him away from the bathroom door.

  She wasn’t good at all, but she was too ashamed of her heavy breasts, wide hips, and plump thighs. She never looked at herself in a mirror and would die of embarrassment if anyone else saw her fat, dimpled ass. The pain in her head had diminished to a dull ache. The painkillers had taken the edge off and her hands were sore from the numerous cuts, but as long as she didn’t try to use them too much, the pain was bearable.

  Leah leaned her head back against the rim of the tub and closed her eyes. She had nowhere else to go now she was no longer working at the diner. She wasn’t worried about losing the job. She had hated working with Earl and putting up with his nasty comments as well as his friends, but she’d had to have money to live and working at the diner had become a habit. She had learned to ignore Earl’s snide remarks about her body, just putting out her hand for her small paycheck each week. Even her mom had tried to get her to look for work elsewhere, but Earl had done a real job on her self-confidence. And wasn’t it better to stay with the devil you knew than to go to the devil you didn’t?

  Leah sighed as her body began to relax and didn’t even realize she was in danger of falling asleep in the tub until it was too late. She slid down under the water and came up sputtering and coughing. She used her hands and gripped the rim of the tubs so tightly she felt her healing flesh split open again. Her hair was in her eyes, covering her face, and she was still spluttering, trying to clear the water from her lungs. The door slammed open, and one set of hands reached for her before she could protest. She was lifted from the tub as if she weighed nothing, and another set wrapped her up in a large towel, and then she was sitting on hard, muscular thighs, her hair being pushed back away from her face.

  “Are you all right, darlin’? What happened?” Seamus asked.

  “I fell asleep,” Leah replied and lowered her eyes. She was so aware of the taut thighs rippling beneath her ass, and she could feel her pussy creaming.

  “You’ve got your bandages wet and your hands are bleeding again. Why don’t you let us help you dry off and get dressed, and then I’ll change the dressing on your hands?” Connell’s voice came from above her head.

  She couldn’t prevent the shiver her body gave as the deep timbre of his voice rumbled against her shoulder and vibrated through her body down to her core, making her pussy quake even more. She thought it over and knew since they had probably already seen her body and she was in no shape to do things for herself, she was going to have to relent and let them help her this time.

  “Do you promise not to gawk?” she asked and cursed the fact her voice wavered.

  “We promise, darlin’,” Seamus replied. “Come on, stand up and we’ll get you dried off.”

  Leah held still and kept her eyes on theirs as they dried her off. She could see Connell’s eyes in the mirror and on the wall opposite her as he gently dried her now-wet, tangled hair. He’d already removed the elastic from around her hair and let it fall down her back. They were both good to their word and kept their eyes on hers until they had her dried and dressed. Connell picked up a brush off the bathroom counter and pulled it through her hair, systematically removing all the knots until her wet hair hung down to the top of her ass. She knew, before the day was over, once it was dry again, it would be back to its wavy, uncontrollable state.

  Leah had never felt so pampered in her life. She’d only ever had her mom brush her hair, and that was as a child. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had taken the time to give her a hug or an encouraging word. Her mom had always been too busy with her lovers, and she had always spent her time working to get money and gifts from her men.

  She lowered her eyes as tears pricked them. She didn’t want to the two men to see how their kind attention and care affected her.

  Chapter Four

  “Relax, baby, I’ve got you.”

  Connell had seen the sheen of tears in her eyes after he had finished brushing Leah’s hair. He wondered how long it had been since anyone had taken the time to give her a hug. He could see the emotional starvation in the depths of her gaze and wanted to take that look away. He wanted to curl her up in his arms and hold her tight. He also wanted to bury his cock so far into the depths of her luscious body that he could feel the head of his erection butting against her cervix, but he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. He slid an arm around her shoulders and the other down beneath her knees and lifted her into his arms. Her shriek of surprise had him biting back a grin. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him tight.

  “I’m too heavy, Connell, put me down.”

  “No, I won’t drop you, Leah. You don’t even weigh half as much as I do, baby. There’s not much to you at all. I’m just taking you out to the kitchen. The light is better out there and I can redo the dressing on your hands. Why didn’t you call out for help?” Connell asked, looking down into her face as he carried her out of the bathroom and down the hallway.

  “I was fine until I fell asleep. I must have slipped under the water and by the time I got my breath back you and Seamus were already there to help me,” Leah replied.

  Connell sat down in one of the kitchen chairs and pulled her down with him. He knew she must have been able to feel his hard cock pressing against her hip, but she didn’t move to get away from it, for which he was grateful. He knew if she was wriggling aroun
d on his lap he would be in danger of coming in his own pants, and he hadn’t done that for over fifteen years, when he was still a wet-behind-the-ears, green lad having erotic dreams.

  Connell gently placed her hands on to the tabletop and began to unwrap her bandaged limbs. He could see fresh blood seeping out onto the surface of the wet, white gauze. Seamus came and sat down next to him and Leah, placing the large first-aid kit on the table. Seamus picked up her other hand and began to remove the soiled bandage. Connell disinfected and rewrapped one hand while Seamus did the same with the other.

  “There you go, baby, all clean and dry,” Connell said and placed a kiss on her temple. “Would you like a drink? How is your head? Are your hands hurting too badly?”

  “My head is fine now, thank you. My hands are stinging like a bitch and I would kill for a coffee,” Leah replied. Then she surprised him by leaning her head back on his shoulder and sighing contentedly.

  “I’ll get your coffee, darlin’. How do you have it?” Seamus asked.

  “White, no sugar, please.”

  “You’re all worn out, aren’t you, baby? Why don’t we go into the living room and you can put your feet up for a while?” Connell asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. He was already lifting her into his arms and striding toward the door.

  “I can walk, you know. My legs aren’t affected at all,” Leah stated, then gave a nervous giggle.

  “I know you can, Leah, but I love the feel of you in my arms. Just relax and enjoy being pampered for a change, baby. Here we are,” Connell said as he eased her down on to the large leather sofa. He sat down beside her, picked her legs up, and pulled them onto his lap. He began to massage her bare feet as she sat with her back in the corner of the sofa, and he loved the feel of her warm, soft flesh beneath his fingers.

  “Here ya go, darlin’,” Seamus said.

  * * * *

  Leah watched as he pulled the coffee table closer to the sofa and put her cup down on it. She couldn’t believe how tender and caring these two men were being toward her. She’d never had that before, not since she was a small child. She reached out for the mug of coffee, but Connell’s big hand beat her to it. He handed the mug to her and waited until she gave a nod indicating she had a good grip on the cup and let go. From the corner of her eye she saw Seamus sit down in the large armchair next to her.

  “How long have you been working at the diner, Leah?” Seamus asked.

  “Four years,” she replied.

  “Has your boss always treated you so badly?” Connell asked.

  “Yeah, pretty much, but he’s been worse in the last six months or so.”

  “Why do you put up with it, darlin’?” asked Seamus.

  “I have bills to pay, just like everyone else. If I don’t earn money the bills don’t get paid,” Leah answered and cursed mentally when she heard her own voice tremble. She saw Seamus give Connell a look, and then they both turned back to her.

  “What bills, baby?” Connell asked quietly.

  “My mom’s funeral expenses,” Leah said, a hitch in her breathing. “My mom did the best she could, but we never had much money. There was no money for luxuries and there was no way she could afford life insurance.”

  “So you’ve been working all the hours you could, taking abuse from that bastard to pay off a debt?” Connell asked.

  Leah was too choked up at his quiet understanding to reply. Her chest and throat felt so tight, like she had a huge lump stuck there, and she was having trouble breathing, so she gave a nod of her head. She closed her eyes as she felt the tears well and knew she wasn’t going to be able to keep them at bay this time. She felt the first tears trickle down her cheeks and tried to turn her face away so the two men sitting close to her couldn’t see. But she knew she’d failed when she felt Connell move his arm beneath her leg, the other around her waist, and he pulled her onto his lap. She hid her face against his chest and gave in to the emotion choking her. Not once did Connell try and get her to stop crying. He held her tight and rocked her as she sobbed. When her emotional storm finally subsided, she wiped her tears away with the back of her bandaged hands and looked up into Connell’s eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t usually cry. I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” Leah said.

  “Hey, don’t be apologizing, baby. You’ve had to be so strong for so long, it was inevitable you would feel so much emotion when you were shown a bit of human kindness,” Connell replied.

  “Aren’t I keeping you from your work? You don’t have to babysit me, you know,” Leah said.

  “I know that, baby. We have a few ranch hands to take over when need be, so don’t you worry over us spending time with you, instead of working. We will get back to work tomorrow, but since the day’s almost done, I didn’t see much point in heading back out.”

  “Well, thank you for taking the time to look after me. I really appreciate it,” Leah said and snuggled back into Connell’s embrace. She felt a large bulge forming beneath her hip and knew Connell was becoming aroused. She tried to sit up again, intending to get off his lap, but Connell wouldn’t let her. He held her firmly against him, but didn’t hurt her. The sound and feel of his deep, lyrical voice rumbling against her side and face made her pussy ache with need. She didn’t know she could ever feel so horny just by the sound of a male’s voice until she’d met Connell and Seamus. Her sexuality was just beginning to awaken, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

  “Just relax, Leah. I promise I’ll never hurt you, baby,” Connell whispered against her ear.

  Leah couldn’t prevent herself from squirming as a shiver raced up her spine. His warm, moist breath on the skin of her ear was turning her on even more. Her nipples hardened into tight little points, and her pussy clenched, releasing more of her cream.

  “Look at me, Leah,” Connell demanded.

  Leah sat up straight on Connell’s lap and looked into his eyes. What she saw in the gray depths made her clit throb and her pussy contract as waves of desire hit her. He was looking at her with such heat in his eyes she felt the singe down to her bones.

  “I can smell you creaming for me, baby. Let me make you feel good.”

  Leah was shocked to hear Connell talking about what she had just been thinking and opened her mouth to speak. The words never left her mouth. Connell smothered her mouth with his own, sliding his lips across hers, and his tongue slipped in between her lips and rubbed against hers. She couldn’t help but respond in kind. She opened her mouth wider for him and hesitantly moved her tongue along his. She shivered when she heard a growl erupting from his mouth into hers and had the air leaving her lungs. She felt him tip her body back onto his muscular arm, supporting her weight as his fingers tangled through her still-damp hair. His large hand held her head to his as he devoured her mouth.

  Leah whimpered as Connell’s free hand glided beneath her top, his fingers and the palm of his hand roaming over her sensitive skin. His hand was so large he practically covered her whole abdomen as he splayed his fingers. She cried out with desire as she felt the tips of his fingers rub the underside of her bra-clad breasts and arched her upper body into his touch. She’d never felt anything so pleasurable in her life, and he hadn’t even touched her intimately yet.

  Leah bowed and whimpered when Connell’s hand enveloped her breast. His large hand engulfing all of her flesh made her blood boil. He shaped and kneaded her with his hand and fingers, and then he rubbed the tip of his thumb back and forth over her hard nipple through the cotton fabric of her bra. The pleasure was so exquisite. She wanted more. She mewled into his mouth when she felt him pinch her nipple between his finger and thumb. She arched her hips up, seeking the relief her body craved. She felt another hand at the waistband of her jeans, pulling open the button and sliding down the zipper.

  She tilted her head back as Connell’s mouth withdrew from hers and kissed his way across her jaw to her ear, giving him easier access to her neck. She cried out when he nipped at her earlobe. He licked an
d nibbled down the side of her throat until he came to the place where her shoulder and neck joined. He scraped his teeth over the sensitive skin, and she pushed her hips up with the pleasure.

  Leah felt her jeans and panties being pulled down over her thighs, calves, and feet. She thought about protesting, but that thought faded away as Connell took her mouth beneath his once more. The taste of his tongue on hers was an aphrodisiac in itself, one she couldn’t get enough of. She wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, holding his head to hers, exploring every nook and cranny with her own tongue.

  * * * *

  Seamus stared at the bare pink mound revealed to him as he pulled Leah’s jeans and panties off. She was so pretty and sexy. The sight of her lush, plump, dew-covered folds was more than he could stand. He gently pried her thighs apart by running his hands up the inside of her silky, soft white skin, leaned over her, and inhaled deeply. The aroma of musky, feminine arousal made his cock push against the zipper in his jeans, and he had to adjust himself to a more comfortable position. She was so sexy with her body aroused because of him and his brother. Her cheeks had a rosy hue, and her drying blonde hair was spilling down around her shoulders and over the arm of the sofa. The sounds she made as he and Connell pleasured her only made him more determined to hear her scream with rapture.

  Seamus licked through her wet folds with the tip of his tongue. Gathering her juices as he went, he groaned at the clean, fresh taste of feminine cream as he swallowed her essence down. He placed his hands on her hips and made himself more comfortable, using his shoulders to spread her legs even farther apart. He flattened his tongue and licked over the sensitive, engorged bundle of nerves peeking out from the top of her slit. He twirled and lapped over her clit and gripped her more firmly as she writhed beneath him. He opened his eyes, and the sight of her luscious breasts, now naked to his gaze, made his balls ache along with his cock. His brother was sucking on the tip of one tit as he pinched the other with his free hand. He lapped at her clit, faster and harder, even more turned on by the incredible sounds emitting from her throat.


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