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Operation: Thrustmaster (Rock Hardin: Agent of A.S.S. Book 1)

Page 5

by Alana Melos

  When Cynthia saw the dead pilot, she screamed. Rock shook his head, trying to ignore her as best he could, but the noise she created was simply ear-piercing. “Quiet,” he said. “I’m trying to concentrate.”

  “You don’t know how to fly a jet!” she said, yet she moved into the cockpit, stepping over the corpse to sit in the co-pilot’s chair.

  “I read about it in a book once,” he quipped. Grabbing the stick, he pulled it up slowly, leveling the plane off before he started to have it climb again. Everything else seemed to be alright. No stray bullets had hit the control panel.

  “You read about it?” she asked, incredulous. However, as the plane leveled off, she relaxed a little, finally shrugging his jacket on. “Oh, funny, smart ass.”

  “Better a smart ass than a dumb ass,” he said, the saying coming to his lips automatically. “Alright, I need you take hold of the yoke and just hold it steady. Don’t move it, don’t do anything but keep it level.”

  The girl looked at him dubiously, and he nodded encouragingly to the co-pilot’s controls. “Alright, but if I crash us, I’m going to kill you,” she said. Cindy wrapped her hands around the controls and when he saw she wasn’t going to freak out, he got up. “Wait, where are you going?!”

  “Gotta close the door so we can pressurize the cabin,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t say that!” she called after him as he left. “When people say that, they never come back!”

  Rock couldn’t help but to smile to himself. It took a bit in the wind, but he managed to close the door and seal it. That task done, he returned to the cockpit and took over again. Now that they could climb, he began to raise the jet slowly while he checked the charts. Their destination had been Stockholm, Sweden, just a hop, skip, and a jump across a pond to Russia. That didn’t feel right to him, though. This didn’t feel like Commie work. It didn’t matter though. He veered the plane to head along the right trajectory, and climbed, picking up speed.

  Turning on his radio-watch, he called, “Tex, this is North.”

  After a few moments, a scratchy, faint reply came through, “Tex here.”

  “Heading to the rendezvous point, over and out,” he said, turning it off.

  “Where are we going?” Cindy asked, buckling herself in.

  “London,” he said, “for extraction. You and your father both.”

  “My father…” she replied, frowning a little. “They weren’t ransoming me? What did they want my father for?”

  “To make him work for them,” Rock said, glancing over to her as he put the headphones on. “Did they say anything to you? Did you overhear them talking…?”

  She shook her head, her blonde locks bouncing on her shoulders. “No, nothing. I didn’t wake up much before you. Where at in--” Her words were lost as an explosion rocked the plane. Hardin looked out the window and saw the remnants of an explosion which had clipped his wing. Although smoking, the controls still worked good enough for him to veer left, trying to dodge any more missiles.

  “What the hell…?” he asked, craning his neck. “Bogies on our tail.” From what he could see--which wasn’t much--it appeared to be an older interceptor. There was no way for him to read the markings, but he knew it wasn’t being ridden by any legitimate government. They’d have radioed first before firing, especially since this was a leisure jet and thus, civilian.

  “Watch oouutt!” Cindy shouted, pointing out the window. He whipped his head around and veered off to one side as another interceptor veered the other way. They were both jostled in their seats as the jet after wash ran over their plane, disrupting their flight like some malevolent demon.

  “Mother f…” he said craning his neck around. “I can’t see them!” He glanced over to Cindy and snapped his watch off his wrist. “Open the top and press the side button.” The girl did so with shaking hands, peering down into the ghostly green miniature screen. “Hold it straight, and tell me which way they’re coming from.”

  “On the left,” she said. “There’s a … thing… I think?”

  “A thing?” he said, banking the plane. “Is it big or--” The answer was given to him as another rocket exploded on the side of their jet, ripping a hole open in the hull. He began to lower the jet trying to pick up as much speed as he could as the masks dropped from the ceiling. Can’t outrace them, he thought, searching the window, racking his brain for any ideas.

  “A small thing! A small one! Bigger one on the right… uh left now… coming close--” her words were cut off as a jet buzzed them, flying so close Rock imagined he could feel the wind of it pass them by. Their jet rattled, bouncing them around once again, and pieces flew off, shredded from the hole the missile had made. “Another small one! Dead behind us!”

  Doing his best without actually seeing the radar, Rock jerked up on the yoke, making the plane groan and climb roughly. The missile streaked under them; they saw it through the window until it was lost in the clouds. “More big ones,” Cindy said.

  “They’re trying to kill us,” he said. “We’re going to have to bail. Look here in the cabin for a package, a parachute. It’ll be big, clunky...” The shores of England began to come into focus. Rock began to jury-rig a mechanism to keep the yoke in place as Cindy unbuckled and ripped through the cabin like a tornado.

  “There’s only one!” she cried, holding it up.

  He glanced behind him to confirm it was indeed a parachute. “One’s all we need,” he said, finishing up with his work and standing up. He grabbed her by the arm and rushed her to the back, close to the hole which had been ripped into the jet. “Give me the chute, keep watching the radar,” he shouted over the wind.

  She handed it over to him and focused on the tiny screen, cupping it with both hands as her long hair whipped around her head like the tail of an angry cat. “I just see big ones… but they’re closing in!”

  He strapped on the parachute as quickly as possible, and grabbed her around her waist. Seeing what she was looking at, he waited… waited… waited.... until finally, a smaller blip appeared. Rock looked out the hole and saw the missile coming. When she saw what he was looking at, Cindy screamed as well, beating on his chest, trying to free herself out of sheer instinct. At the last possible second, he jumped while holding onto her. The missile exploded above them, but the inertia of the jet kept the crashing plane moving forward and down instead of staying right over their heads. The interceptors flew by, and Rock waited still as the wind buffeted them, making sure their attackers wouldn’t turn. The water seemed to rush up to greet them, looming closer and closer by the second.

  Still uncertain if their enemies would reappear but out of time, Rock pulled the cord, triggering the chute. They launched up in the air as the wind resistance slowed their descent. “You can stop screaming now,” he shouted at Cindy, currently wailing right in his ear, death grip around his neck. She did, and buried her face in the crook of his neck. “It’s alright,” he said, loudly as the wind still rushed about them. “I won’t drop you. Everything’s gonna be fine.”

  Chapter Five

  They had dragged themselves onto the cold beaches of England, wet and miserable, but free from pursuit. England wasn’t known for its warmth, especially this time of year, yet despite Cindy’s protests, Rock had made them go further inland, into the woods nearby. An old farmhouse got them a couple of heavier jackets, some food and water, and a shirt for Rock as well as a pair of jean shorts for her which were the only things which fit. He refused to let them stay there or anywhere nearby. If the enemy agents thought they might have survived the crash, they’d be looking. He pressed her hard, and when she couldn’t walk anymore, he carried her in his arms, moving as fast as he could for as long as possible. It was in this way he finally introduced himself and explained his mission more fully, the niceties of civilization having escaped them while they ran for their lives earlier.

  The thicket he found for them to camp in was surrounded on all sides by thick bushes, affording them
some privacy. He gathered wood to build a fire, and finally, as night was beginning to set, they were able to sit down and relax a little, letting the campfire warm them. Cynthia had helped him clean and bind the wounds left on him by LeMarchand, her lips pressed firmly together as she wound the makeshift bandage around his torso. After they’d eaten, Rock tried his watch, but the water had shorted it, leaving them incommunicado. “Maybe we’ll try to hitch a ride to London,” he mused aloud. The thought of walking all the way there didn’t appeal to him one bit.

  “I’m not walking all the way there,” she said, shivering. Cynthia looked bedraggled, but beautiful still. Rock took the time to admire the way the firelight played over her fair features, highlighting her rosy lips and strong jaw. She huddled in his jacket and the stolen one, so he could see her body, but he remembered how warm and firm it had been pressed against his own.

  He shook his head to clear it. “We should get an early start tomorrow,” he said. “I don’t think we’re being followed, but there’s no way to know for sure.”

  “Alright,” she said, glancing over to him. Their eyes met, and the first tremors of desire ran through him. The look between them grew longer and longer until he finally looked away, out of respect for what she might have been through. “Hey…” she said, scooting closer to him until their legs touched. “Hey… you alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” he said, cutting her a glance and giving her a smile. “Just get some sleep. I’ll wake you when we’re gonna head out.”

  Cynthia put her hand on his knee, her fingers tracing a trail up his thigh. “I don’t want to sleep.” Her intent was unmistakable, and his cock began to harden.

  Rock licked his lips, “I don’t want to take advantage of you. You’ve been through a rough time. It wouldn’t be right.”

  She leaned in, and while neither of them were at their best, he could smell some feminine scent, enticing him. “You’re not taking advantage of me,” she whispered, her soft, sultry voice arousing him even further. “I’m taking advantage of you.”

  He smiled again, turning his head and lowering it some so he looked at her akimbo. “And how are you going to do that, huh?”

  “By kissing you,” she said, closing the distance between them to brush a kiss over his lips. His tongue snaked out to tease her before she pulled away. Her hand slid further down his thigh, curving around to the inside meat of his leg. “By feeling you…” The tips of her fingers brushed his groin, and his cock flared into life, aching to be touched by naked skin.

  Rock drew in a sharp breath, but didn’t move to stop her. “I just want to say again,” he said softly, leaning back to give her greater access to where she wanted to go. “I don’t want to take advantage of you, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shook her head, her platinum blonde locks falling over her eyes briefly before she pushed them back with her hand. “He didn’t touch the chalet, at least,” she said. “I think he was going to, but whatever they gave me knocked me out. By the time you arrived… he never had a chance.” Shrugging her shoulders a little, the pair of jackets fell from them, baring her skin. “You’re not going to hurt me.”

  “Maybe you’re going to hurt me,” he teased, smile still playing upon his lips. At that, she laughed softly and her fingers grazed his clothed cock again, causing it to throb with desire. As her fingers walked their way up his zipper to the button of his jeans, their eyes met once more, and he read the want in them. It wasn’t just sex… she wanted to be comforted and held, reassured that everything was going to be alright.

  “Maybe I will,” she breathed as she unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled the zipper down slowly. He’d had no time to dress properly in the hotel room, and his boxers--along with his duffle and other clothing he realized belatedly--had been left behind in Paris. It didn’t matter… not with this gorgeous woman next to him, reaching in to take his cock out.

  Rock leaned back, watching her with slitted eyes as he rested on his elbows, stretching out to let her do as she liked. This woman was no inexperienced shy flower. No… she knew what she wanted. Drawing his cock out, her hand encircled him lightly, teasing him with light touches, barely rubbing him at times. The teases made him throb in her hand, but he kept his face as neutral as he could. If she were seducing him, which made a nice change for once, then he’d make her work for it… at least a little bit.

  Both of their stares serious, she continued to stroke him but the strokes got harder incrementally as she went. She rubbed her palm along the tip of his cock, then slid her palm down the underside feeling the velvety smoothness of the skin before encircling him once more. Her hands were soft and warm. The sensations rumbled up from his cock, heightening his desire bit by bit until he was fully erect, almost as hard as he could be, just from the light touches of her hands. Eyes still locked with his, she leaned down, her luscious mouth opening. Her tongue flicked out and tasted the tip, and he moaned. He couldn’t help it; the bold gaze coupled with the sexy action did it for him. He liked a woman who knew what she wanted and took it.

  Her lips curved up into a slight smirk, sensing a victory there. Her tongue caressed the head of his cock oh so very slowly, running a circle around him until his cock twitched in her hand. Curling her tongue around his cock, she bent over him a little more, her cleavage spilling out from the jacket, barely glimpsed here and there. He reached over and gently tugged the jacket down. Cindy helped him with that, removing one arm first, then the other, all while she licked his cock with deliberate slowness, tasting every solid inch of him. When the jackets were discarded, he watched the firelight play across her breasts, tempting him to reach over and test their firmness. He resisted, but only barely.

  His cock ached, pulsing in time to his heartbeat which ran faster and faster. When every part of him was wet with her saliva, then and only then did she take the head of his cock into her wet and willing mouth, causing him to moan again. Rock closed his eyes to focus on the sensations running through him as she suckled him gently, creating a vacuum with her mouth, then releasing it, over and over again. He thrust up into her mouth unwillingly, a slave to her power and his own want. As he thrust up, she leaned up, so that he was left unfulfilled, needing more of her. When he relaxed, she resumed where she left off, sucking him slowly, taking him into her mouth a piece at a time.

  Rock began to moan in earnest. He simply couldn’t stop the sounds from erupting. Her sweet mouth tortured him, more than LeMarchand ever could. He knew if he pressed, she’d retreat, and so he was forced to sit there, trapped, letting her do whatever she wanted to him. And she could… oh, how she could. Helpless in her grasp, he reached forward and stroked her hair, moving it aside so he could watch her devour his cock, leaving him in wanton agony.

  His mistress of lust swallowed him until the entirety of him lay in her hot mouth, as far as he could go. Rock clenched his fist, watching the sight before him. Her eyes flicked over and met his, and he moaned once more. When she withdrew, it was with the same aching slowness. The seconds ticked away until she was back at the tip of his cock, running her tongue over it teasingly. “I want you,” he whispered, surrendering to her completely. Rock couldn’t quite make himself beg, but it was oh so very close to that.

  “You’re mine, Hardin,” she breathed, her breath hot and wet on his shaft. When she took him into her mouth again, it was almost hard, violent, and he gasped at the sudden shift in sensations. Taken off guard, he could only watch as she began to go down on him in earnest, her head bobbing up and down as she slid her mouth over his dick. When she added her hand to the base of his cock, he knew he was lost.

  In time to his throbbing, she worked his cock hard, stroking and sucking him at the same time. Her tongue worked restlessly in her mouth, adding an extra level to her blow job Each stroke, she twisted her hand slightly, causing him to bite his lip, trying to suppress the groans which were ripped from his throat. “God, yes,” he breathed. “You’re so fucking good at that...yes... yes…” The w
ord ‘yes’ became a mantra to him, each exhaled breath affirming how much he wanted her, how much he needed to come.

  His cock began to grow hard, and he sensed the orgasm coming. Somehow, she did too, and slowed down. She straightened up, stroking him only, and watched him as she slid her hand up and down his rod. Each stroke, he moaned, and he begged her with his eyes. Please… please let me come. He’d had so many women at this point before: begging, writhing beneath him, wanting him, but he’d rarely been in this position himself. If she would have asked the moon, he would have gotten it for her. Somehow, he would have. Anything she wanted was hers.

  “Tell me you want me,” she said, her hand working him steadily, keeping him trapped in that state of arousal, just on the edge of orgasm.

  “I want you,” he said immediately. “I want you so fucking bad, baby.” He would have said more, but another moan was ripped from him as she squeezed his cock.

  “I love seeing you like this,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “I should just leave you like this….”

  Rock shook his head slightly, licking his lips. “I’m yours,” he said. “Yours completely. Just…” He couldn’t… quite… get the word out, and the frustration led him to clench his fist once again, whimpering.

  “Just?” she asked, quirking a brow. When he didn’t answer right away, she leaned down and curled her tongue around the head of his cock again, licking him, driving him crazy.

  “Just do with me what you want,” he said. “I’m yours… yours….”

  Cynthia smiled just a bit, “I guess that’ll have to do.” She bent back to his cock, and worked him like crazy. The suction she’d done before was nothing compared to what she did now. He cried out and threw his head back as she sucked his cock ferociously, relentlessly. The climax boiled up from his balls, and he held his breath. The orgasm was coming… coming… and he burst inside her mouth, coming hard. His entire body tensed as he shot his cum into her greedy mouth. Cindy swallowed every drop, still stroking and sucking him, causing him to whimper and twitch. Each stroke, each suck, sent shivers down his spine as he came down off of his orgasm. When he’d finished, he laid back, exhausted from the climax, still seeing stars.


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