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Behind Closed Doors

Page 8

by Terry Towers

  Chapter 2

  He wasn't sure why he felt they needed to establish that he wasn't technically her father, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Her calling him daddy after all these years was a shock to him. He'd missed her so much - and sometimes he even missed her mother; despite all that had transpired between them. He still thought about Trinity almost on a daily basis, but the woman standing before him wasn't his little girl anymore.

  Of course she was the same person, but there seemed to be a new dynamic between them. When he felt her warm, soft lips brushing against the bare skin of his neck, his cock had come alive. Perhaps it was because it had been so long since he'd been with a woman? What he did know was that he was attracted to the blue-eyed angel standing before him, and not in a way that a father should be to his daughter. Having her call him daddy with that sweet, sensual voice of hers felt wrong. Having her call him by his name, felt - well, less wrong.

  "Wade..." her voice trailed off as if she were testing the sound of it.

  Wade nodded. "Yah, just Wade." Her eyes caught his once more, and again he felt a sexual tension and his cock stiffened in response. He thanked God, his brown leather jacket was long enough to cover his bulging dick.

  "Alright... Wade. Let me grab a few things," she teased smiling.

  Relieved she was fine with it, he proceeded to help her unload ‘a few things’, which turned out to be several large suitcases and a carry-on. "So, how long were you planning on staying with your mother in Bangor?" He asked loading up the back of his truck with her things and pulling the back truck cover over them to keep the snow from ruining the luggage.

  She shrugged. "Five days."

  "Five days? All that for five days with your mother?" He couldn't help the disbelieving tone that his voice took on as he opened the passenger door for her to hop into the truck.

  "You know, Wade, You sounded an awful lot like dad a minute ago."

  Grasping her elbow he steadied her as she scrambled in high-heeled boots - of all things - into the truck. He couldn't help but grin. Maybe he couldn't bury all of his dad feelings towards her as easily as he would have liked.

  Without comment, but still smiling, Wade slammed the door shut after her and made his way to the driver's side. As they drove back to his place, Trinity started with the questions....

  "Did you have plans for the holidays?"


  "Do you still own the construction company?"


  "Do you get bored of it?"

  "It pays the bills."

  She paused as though contemplating where to go next with her line of questions, "do you have any kids?"


  "Are you married now?"


  Why not?"

  Wade laughed and glanced at her quickly from the corner of his eye. "Are you married?"

  Trinity grinned at him, "No."

  "Why not?"

  "Fine, point taken," she continued to grin. "Girlfriend? Special friend? Anything like that?"

  Turning into the driveway of his modest two storey house, he glanced at her with a questioning eyebrow cocked. "Special friend?"

  Trinity blushed. She was so stunning and innocent. He found himself wondering if she'd had sex yet. She would be eighteen now, and to his knowledge most girls were sexually active by fifteen or sixteen these days. Hell, they were sexually active at that age back in his day.

  "Well... you know. Someone to relieve the... tension." Her eyes swept over his crotch, then back to meet his.

  He raked a hand through his short dark hair and let out a loud sigh. "No. No one. Now come on, let's get your stuff inside before the snow gets worse."


  Tossing her carry-on and handbag over her shoulder and with the smallest of the three suitcases in her hand, Trinity made her way up the front steps of the house, with Wade trailing behind, lugging her two larger suitcases. She felt relieved that he wasn't seeing anyone. She supposed she should have felt bad - he deserved a good woman - but she didn't.

  His wanting her to call him by his first name had surprised her - at first - but once she started to consider it, she liked that arrangement. It made her feel that she could allow herself the luxury of the sexual feelings that had begun to rage through her from the moment she'd laid eyes on him.

  Opening the door, Wade stepped aside allowing her to enter first before following. She liked his chivalrous nature. Boys at her college didn't seem to have the respect for women men like Wade had. Why was it so hard for guys her age to open and close a door for a woman?

  Brushing up against Wade as she walked past, she hesitated a moment - leaning into him - to take in a whiff of his aftershave. She could feel herself getting wet, simply from taking in his scent and being close to him. She liked the feeling.

  As she pulled away from him, their eyes locked. There was no doubt in her mind this time; there was a hungry look in his eyes. She was tempted to glance down to see if there was a bulge in his pants to match the look in his eyes, but didn't dare. Instead, she broke contact and stepped all the way into the house, setting her luggage down in the foyer.

  After shrugging off their jackets and boots, Wade led her upstairs and situated her in the guestroom next to his. Wade turned to leave giving her time to unpack, but then turned back to face her with a look that said he had something he wanted to say.

  "Ummm, look. Once you're unpacked, I have a little something for you."

  Trinity's brows furrowed and she cocked her head to the side eyeing him with curiosity. "Something for me?"

  Wade raked a hand through his hair, something she noticed he seemed to do when he was uncomfortable. "Yah. Just... just, come on down when you're ready." Not waiting for her to respond he left her to unpack.

  Alone, Trinity pondered what it was he wanted to give her as she quickly tucked her clothing into the long oak dresser and armoire. Wanting to get out of her partly wet attire, she started to move towards the open bedroom door to close it, but the daring part of her decided against it.

  She'd decided on their way to his house that she wanted him. Whether she did anything about it was another thing. However, it wouldn't hurt to open the door to opportunity. In a way it felt wrong, but her body was craving the feel of his hands on her and longed to know what it felt like to have his lips on hers. Yes, she'd open the door to opportunity, whether he walked through it or not was out of her hands.

  Slipping out of her clothing she threw on a red camisole over her pert naked breasts and matching plaid boxers. Examining herself in the mirror she was pleased by the way the thin, near sheer material of the camisole stretched across her breasts and hugged her lean torso. Matched with the slightly oversized boxers, she looked casual, yet sexy. Just the look she was aiming for.

  Not bothering to throw anything on her bare feet she trotted her way down the stairs in search of Wade, anxious to see what this surprise of his was. Why would he have a surprise for her anyhow? It wasn't like he knew she was coming.

  She found him looking out the large front window of the sitting room, next to a raging fire in the fireplace. A tall tree, beautifully decorated in silver and gold stood proudly in the far corner of the room. The television in the opposite corner was turned onto ‘Scrooged’ starring Bill Murray - one of her all-time favourite Christmas shows.

  Upon hearing her enter, he turned and gave her a smile; a smile so soft and sexy that it made her heart thump loudly in her chest. Now dressed in a simple white t-shirt and faded blue jeans he looked as gorgeous as she knew he would. The muscle in his biceps stretched the sleeves of the t-shirt and the material was pulled tight over his powerfully-built shoulders and chest. It wasn't hard to see that he worked a physical job.

  He extended his hand, holding a small silver box to her as she approached him. "Your Christmas gift."

  Trinity walked slowly over to him then stopped. Standing close so she could breathe in the intoxicating scent of him, she accepted the present,
with a look of confusion on her face. "But... you didn't even..."

  He placed his index finger on her lips, silencing her. "Just open it."

  Upon nodding her agreement, he removed his finger and raked a hand though his hair.

  She started to open the present and then stopped. "But I didn't get you anything."

  Shrugging he shoved his hands into his front pockets. "I've gotten to see how you've grown up, and have your company for the next couple of days, that's all I need."

  Looking up she saw a hint of sadness in his eyes, which tugged at her heart. Looking back down at the box, she began to rip the wrapping from it and then flipped open the lid of the white leather case. She gasped and felt tears begin to well up in her eyes as she looked down at a silver charm bracelet. It wasn't the bracelet that had the tears threatening to stream down her face it was the charms attached to it.

  She and her mother had moved out and discontinued contact with Wade, a week before her twelfth birthday. Every other charm read 'happy birthday' with the appropriate age under the greeting - from ages twelve to eighteen. There were an assortment of other silver charms attached as well, but it was the birthday ones that had gotten to her.

  "Did you..." She looked up at him, but he had diverted his attention back out of the window, pretending to find interest in the falling snow which had turned into a raging blizzard.

  He heaved an unsteady sigh and raked a hand through his hair. "When your mother left and took you I was pretty broken up about it. I thought maybe... perhaps... one day... One day you'd be back and so each birthday or holiday I would just add a charm to the bracelet so I could give it to you when I finally saw you again." He shrugged as he turned to face her, "It's not a big deal."

  But it was a big deal. Trinity stood reeling from the surprise as Wade took the bracelet from the box, opened the clasp, and secured it on her wrist. Once secure she flicked her wrist. The charms made a pleasant jingling sound as the watched the sliver catch the light and glisten all over it.

  "Thank you," she managed to whisper as she stepped up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body tight against his, nestling her face against his neck. She held tight to him, allowing herself the luxury of enjoying the feel of his rock hard body against hers, the intoxicating scent of his aftershave, and the feel of his strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

  "You're welcome, baby," he whispered against the top of her head, after planting a light kiss there.

  She wasn't sure how long she stood there in his embrace, with neither of them saying a word just enjoying the feel of being close to one another, but a different feeling began to develop within her. A burning desire began to emerge between her legs; a desire to have him touch her more intimately overrode her inhibitions and anxiety about him being her father at one point in time. Him being her father, felt like an eternity ago at that moment.

  She pulled away slightly so she could look up into his dark eyes. As they watched each other she felt his cock grow against her and his breathing became ragged - as ragged as hers was becoming. Moving her hands down to caress his shoulders she felt the tension in the muscles, as though he were holding back from doing what he wanted, what his cock and the look in his eyes were telling her he needed.

  What she needed.

  Stretching up against him, her hand slid to the nape of his neck, urging his lips closer to hers.

  "Trinity," he murmured - hesitating - as though he were fighting his own battle about whether it should happen or not.

  But she was insistent. She closed the distance between their mouths, her lips grazing against his.

  "We shouldn't," he protested against her lips as she took his bottom lip into her mouth, nipping lightly and then sucking at it.

  "Yes, we should."

  A deep throaty growl came from him as he parted his lips under her insistent tongue, allowing it entry. He pulled her tight, so tight it was leaving her breathless. Or maybe it was the kiss that was leaving her light-headed, she didn't know and didn't care. She just knew that she loved the feelings that were coursing through her. She loved the waves of desire crashing through her body and exploding within her core.

  Moaning, she slid her arms back around his neck, her tongue playing with his, and exploring his mouth. So lost in the intensity between them she didn't even notice until the backs of her legs were touching the sofa that he had manoeuvred her across the room.

  Dropping backwards onto the sofa, she pulled him down with her. She spread her legs wide so he could settle between them. She was feeling herself rising to the brink just from having his lips on her, and feeling his strong, muscled body hovering over her tiny one.

  She needed to feel more of him.

  Her hands found their way up under his t-shirt and her fingers began to trace the contours of the muscle on his back; so warm, so nicely defined, and so magnificent to the touch.

  When his lips left hers to travel across her jaw and then down the length of her neck, his tongue and teeth nipping and flicking at the sensitive flesh, she cried out, grasping tight to his shoulders, her fingernails digging into the flesh.

  She'd never needed a man so badly. She'd never wanted a man so badly.

  Suddenly, there seemed to be way too much clothing between them. Desperate to feel his bare flesh against hers, she grasped the bottom of his t-shirt and pushed it up. The hard ridge of his cock, restrained under the thick denim, rubbing roughly against the thin cotton of her boxer shorts was only further adding to her agony.

  "Oh fuck, I need you, Wade!" She arched her back and closed her eyes as his mouth made its way across her collarbone. Her pussy was burning, and her panties were soaked from her need.

  Sitting up on his heels, Wade finished pulling his shirt up and off, tossing it to the floor. Trinity ran her fingers along his nicely defined abs, then looked up over his massive chest, the chest of a man who’d spent his whole life performing hard labour and then to meet his eyes. The only emotion visible in his eyes was pure desire - for her.

  Trailing her eyes back down his body she stopped at his groin. A shiver of anticipation shot through her as she noticed the size of the outline of his cock - long and thick. She needed to see it - and touch it.

  Sitting up, she placed light kisses across his stomach as her hands worked fast at undoing his jeans.

  "Trinity." He managed to whisper between low feral groans.

  She looked up at him, but continued with his pants. With the button undone and fly unzipped she hooked her thumbs into the waistbands of his boxers and jeans, tugging them down to his knees. His cock sprang free, thick and anxious to dive deep into her.

  "Oh damn, Trinity." He broke eye contact, letting his head fall back and tangling his fists into her hair.

  Waiting until he was watching her again, Trinity swiped her thumb across the head of his cock, which was drenched from his own excitement then brought her thumb to her mouth licking off the pre-cum.

  The simple act seemed to break whatever resistance he had left, as he pushed her down onto her back and stretched out between her legs. The thin cotton, drenched in her own juices was the only thing keeping his hardened shaft from thrusting into her.

  Claiming her lips, Wade slipped his hand between them, and under her boxers to cup her mound.

  "So fucking wet." he groaned, sounding strained, "we shouldn't be doing this." But as he said it, he slipped two fingers between her folds, stroking her from her tight ass to her clit. She whimpered as he reached her clit and began rolling her swollen nub between his index finger and thumb.

  "Look at me," he demanded when she closed her eyes. She opened them again and could see her own wanton desire reflected in his eyes.

  Trinity bucked wildly under him, but kept his gaze. He was bringing her higher and higher, rapidly ascending to the ultimate breaking point. She was so close that her pussy was throbbing, waiting for the much needed release. Her fingers grasped his biceps as he continued to expertly work her clit until her
body tensed under him. "Oh-my-god!" she cried out as her pussy exploded.

  "Mmmm, so nice," he soothed as his lips touched hers, kissing her tenderly.

  Her body felt weak, almost numb, but when he slipped two fingers into her the weakness went away almost immediately and her desire began to climb once more.

  "Oh lord you're tight, Trinity," he murmured against her lips. His stroking of her became a little rougher, stroking the sweet spot within her inner wall. "So tight," he repeated and then stopped what he was doing, his whole body froze, even the hand inside of her, which had been stroking her so wonderfully, froze.

  She let out an unsteady breath and opened her eyes to look at him and find out what was the matter. He was staring down at her with a curious look on his face.

  "Trinity, are you a virgin?"

  Trinity chewed at her bottom lip for a moment, hoping that it wasn't going to be an issue when she told him she was. "Yes."

  Silence overtook the room as they stared at each other. Her body was still humming with need, demanding he continue stroking and teasing, but she restrained herself from saying or doing anything until she could figure out what was running through his mind.

  "Shit." He slowly removed his fingers from her heated core and she whimpered at the loss. Sliding off her, he slid from the sofa and stood, pulling up his jeans and doing them back up, despite his throbbing cock.

  "Wade? What's wrong?" She knew, but wanted to hear it verified anyhow.

  Chapter 3

  What in the hell am I doing? I spend six years hoping to see my daughter again and I'm about ready to fuck her? Fuck-fuck-fuck. Grabbing his shirt from off the floor he swiftly threw it on and sighed. What was he going to do? Looking down at Trinity, looking so vulnerable and sexy, he was torn.

  She wasn't technically his daughter, and she certainly wasn't a little girl anymore. Looking at her pert little breasts - a perfect handful - with tight erect nipples and that hot little pussy, dripping with desire, he knew damned well she was no longer the little girl he knew and helped raise. But still...


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