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Seven Deadly Sins

Page 5

by K D Grace

  Jacobs nodded. “Last chance, Inspector,” he said, as they both eyed the contract. “Once this piece of paper has been submitted, it will be a week before I see you again. When, hopefully, you’ll be the new Chief of Police.”

  She smirked, adrenaline racing through her veins. Chief of Police, she thought smugly, I like the sound of that.


  Running a finger over her skinned knee, Ali smiled, her pussy twitching at the memory of the night’s tasks. She had never before dabbled in same sex relations before this week. But, five days ago, as the three women had tended to her aching flesh in The Great Chamber, she found herself yearning for more. Twirling her finger around the rim of the beer bottle, she stared at the liquid within and played the week’s events over in her mind.

  She had been scared as she’d entered The Great Chamber on that first night, feeling alone in the darkness. But Abaddon had been by her side. He’d secured the black leather collar tightly around her neck, attaching a thick black leash to a heavy silver loop at the front, before leading her through the entry arch. She’d been naked, with only the collar, a pendant, red lipstick and black eyeliner decorating her form.

  Abaddon had touched her lower back, his palm warming her chilled flesh, and she’d relaxed. She hadn’t known why, but with Abaddon by her side she’d felt safe, protected as his property.

  His property. She smiled and finished her drink before rising, exiting the bar and stepping out into the cold New York night. Glancing skywards she noticed how for the first time in years, she felt free. Ironic, considering the week that had been, but true all the same.

  Returning to her apartment felt strange. She ventured into the bedroom, opening her window to allow the city’s noise to wash over her as she attempted sleep. But sleep evaded her. She was alone and she didn’t like it. Something had been awakened in her, and she struggled to quell it. A burning desire. A stirring deep within her loins. Fingering her neck, she was disappointed to feel the collar gone, but comforted by the presence of the pendant. She fingered it and let her mind wander to her earlier escapades.

  Countless men had tapped her tonight, fucking her until she ached. She had been pushed onto her hands and knees and fucked like an animal, Elder after Elder forcing their hard cocks down her throat until her lungs burned from lack of oxygen. Three women had been present during the ritual, tending to her bruised and used body in the aftermath, but there was one who had captured her attention. Lailah — a mysterious creature with pale blue eyes and cropped black hair. Ali’s breath hitched as Lailah’s face flashed through her mind. Lailah, she thought with a heavy heart — will I ever see you again?

  Chapter Two


  Five days earlier

  “Endurance. That is the key to becoming a good officer...”

  Ali rolled her eyes. She and her fellow officers shifted restlessly in their seats as their pompous superior officer continued his lecture. She couldn’t wait to wipe that smug grin off his face by leapfrogging him to the top spot. It was because of small-minded men like Adler, who thought they had some god-given right to rule over the world, that made her so determined to get to the top spot and show all the male officers that they were not stronger than women. Idiot! She thought spitefully as he continued to spew his tirade of obscenities whilst trying to assert authority over his junior officers. Her mind began to drift to her conversation with Jacobs. That was three days ago. Three days had passed without so much as a whiff of deviance, let alone any ventures into The Darkness.

  “In-spec-tor Smith-son,” Deputy Chief Adler stood in front of her, his breath hot against her face as he spoke. “You will listen when I talk, or punishment, the tasks you face, will be severe. Do you understand?”

  She met his gaze. Tasks? He knows, she thought, a slight panic rising within her chest. He knows and he’s one of them. The Darkness.

  A plain white envelope sat atop Ali’s desk when she returned. Glancing around the squad room, she tried to find evidence of its sender, but there was nothing out of turn. Business as usual. What does that even mean? she thought dryly. The entire force is corrupt. She sat down and fingered the paper.

  “As soon as that envelope is opened, it begins.” She looked up into the concerned eyes of Jacobs. “There’s no going back.”

  “I thought that point had passed days ago?”

  He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Please be careful out there, boss.”

  Then he was gone, stalking off down the corridor and leaving her to go it alone. She ripped open the top of the envelope and slipped the card from its jacket.

  Candidate: Inspector Aliyah Smithson

  Date: October 26th

  Time: 19:00

  Location: The Helmsley, Central Park South

  Propping her legs up on her desk, Ali leaned back and scrutinised the note in her hands. She nicked herself as she fingered its edges and a thin trail of blood trickled across the front. This is it, she thought, a smile on her face, the party has begun.

  That evening, Ali arrived at the location ten minutes early, unable to wait any longer before venturing into The Darkness. It was a normal hotel, one that can be found on any avenue in New York City. She passed the doorman and walked to the front desk with confidence, slipping the card from the pocket of her Burberry coat. She turned it over — no instructions, just her name, date, time and location.

  Now what?

  “Can I help you, miss?” the desk clerk said, her face set with just enough of a knowing smile to let Ali know that she was expected. Before she could respond, the young blonde leaned forward, holding out a perfectly manicured hand. “Your badge, please, Inspector Smithson.”

  With a wary glance at the clerk, Ali retrieved her badge and set it down, watching closely as it was quickly scooped up and locked away in a drawer somewhere underneath the desk. The clerk dialled a number, talking in a very hushed tone before turning back to Ali with that same knowing smile as before. Ali smiled back before chiding herself silently, now is not the time for sweet smiles. Now was the time for game face.

  A man appeared. She hadn’t seen him before. He certainly wasn’t a fellow officer, not in her squad anyway, although he did have a certain...something about him. He was tall, and broad like a football player, with long dark hair gathered into a ponytail at the base of his scalp. Perhaps he worked in Narcotics. They seemed to breed brawn like this. He was dressed in a black suit, making him look like a bodyguard. Maybe he was her bodyguard. Ali allowed her mind to follow that thought a bit further before he interrupted her.

  “Candidate name?”

  Her eyes snapped up, face is pretty nice too. She did appreciate a handsome man. He cleared his throat and looked at her with an expression of disapproval.

  “Inspector Aliya Smithson.”

  He nodded. “Follow me.”

  Following the man through a door to the right of the reception desk, down a dimly lit corridor and into what can only be described as a holding cell, Ali began to panic. Really panic for the first time since she had contracted herself to The Darkness.

  “Take your clothes off and put them on there,” he pointed to a metal operating table in the corner of the cell.

  Ali glanced around. “What should I change into?” There were no clothes in the cell, other than those she was wearing. Those she had been ordered to take off.

  The man laughed and turned to leave. “Get naked. Sit. Wait,” he said. Then he was gone, the heavy metal door closing with a loud boom behind him. She heard the key turn in the lock and then it hit her. She was alone. She closed her eyes and saw Jacobs’ face. Now she understood his warning about entering The Darkness, and she wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth of his hand as it perched comfortably on her shoulder.

  She got naked.

  She sat.

  She waited.

  She fell asleep.

  “I can see that you need a lesson in endurance.”

  Ali woke with a start, bolting upright in her cell. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and stared at the man looking down on her. The same man who had led her here. He approached and snatched the necklace she had forgotten to remove from around her neck.

  “Hey!” She yelled and began to get up.

  “Do I need to remind you how important anonymity is to us here in The Darkness, Inspector?”

  Ali shook her head and sat down again. Kneeling in front of her, the man placed his hands on her knees, a gesture that was almost comforting.

  “For the next week you will remain here, property of The Darkness, do you understand?”

  Ali remained silent, but nodded her agreement.

  “Good. Your name will no longer be Inspector Aliyah Smithson.” He rose and replaced her thin silver chain with a thick gold one, a lone angel wing hanging from the centre. “You will now be known as Parisa — my angel.”

  Ali stared up at him. There was something about this stranger, something comforting in his bulk. She found herself acquiescing easily to his commands. He stroked her cheek and smiled, before crouching in front of her again.

  “What’s your name?”

  “P-Parisa... Sir.”

  “Good girl. No need to be nervous though.”

  She cocked an eyebrow and stared at him as he gently pushed her legs apart, his fingertips creeping up her thighs towards her cunt.

  “Tonight we are going to see just how well you can follow orders, Parisa.”

  His fingers breached her folds and flitted about her most sensitive parts with a gentle tenderness. She gazed at him, this handsome man to whom she’d so easily succumbed. Her breath hitched and her breasts grew tight as he rubbed his thumb across her clit.

  “Do you have a name...Sir?” She asked breathlessly as he slid two thick fingers inside her.

  “My name is Abaddon.”

  And with that, he withdrew his fingers from her pussy and licked them clean. Before he left, he stated blankly, “Tomorrow we test your endurance. Get some sleep.”

  Chapter Three


  “Ah, Abaddon!” one of the Elders exclaimed, as Ali was led into the Great Chamber the following day. “Is this she? Our new subject?”

  “Yes, M’Lord. This is Parisa.”

  Ali looked up at the man, his voice achingly familiar even though his face was concealed behind a black leather masquerade mask. He circled her, commenting on her form as he went. Ali shivered, visibly recoiling as he reached out and squeezed her right breast harshly.

  “Mmmmm, responsive. I like that in a plaything.”

  Orifiel, the High Elder of The Darkness looked Ali up and down, scrutinising her form as she slowly turned for inspection. Her skin was copper, her breasts full, but firm with small round nipples that flushed a ruby red when plucked by the hands of another.

  “She is indeed responsive, Sir. One flit of a finger across her pearl causes it to swell rapidly and her pussy to slicken.”

  Orifiel sneered at Abaddon, angry that a junior member of The Darkness had experienced this beautiful new subject before he had. The unspoken war of wills between Orifiel and Abaddon was known by many, but never discussed, the reasons for its existence remaining a mystery. Taking the leash from Abaddon, Orifiel led Ali into the room.

  The Great Chamber was dark, a large cavernous space with no windows and only the glow from a few candles providing light for its inhabitants.

  “Welcome to The Darkness, Parisa,” Orifiel said. “I trust Abaddon has explained the week ahead?”

  Ali shook her head, but dared not speak for fear of revealing her fear.

  “Tasks, Parisa. There will be a series of challenges that you must complete in order to attain your goal.” Orifiel flicked open a black, leather bound pad passed to him by another Elder. “Ah yes, Chief of Police. You do realise that no woman before has ever achieved such a rank. And at only twenty-nine years of age...I’m certain nobody will ever come close.”

  Ali stood in the centre as instructed by The High Elder. She remained silent, as she had become accustomed to doing, whilst a length of black satin was wound twice around her head, ensuring complete blindness.

  “You will remain here for the entirety of the week under the care of your assigned Elder, Abaddon. Your challenges will focus on a variety of aspects: versatility, compliance, endurance, and pain. Do you understand?”

  Ali nodded.


  She turned on the spot. Once.

  “Again. Don’t stop until instructed.”

  She turned again, this time moving slightly faster and not stopping until Orifiel commanded. His grip on her bicep was firm as he dragged her from her spot in the centre of the room and pushed her into a cage. It was a tall, freestanding structure; black steel with chains hanging from the top beam and shackled to the lower.

  “Abaddon, if you could do the honours please,” Orifiel asked.

  Doing as instructed, Abaddon quickly shackled Ali in place, securing her wrists and ankles in leather cuffs before attaching the chains. With her arms raised high above her head and her feet spread wide, he saw for the first time how truly beautiful she was. Her breasts were ample in size, but as perky as one could dream. Her skin was smooth and lush, not a blemish in sight save for an enticing birthmark beneath her navel. Although her eyes were concealed by the satin, the exquisite look of fear on her face was visible to all.

  Ali concentrated on her breathing, clearing her mind in preparation for what was to come. Whatever that may be.

  “Bring in the Angels,” Orifiel ordered.

  Two Elders unlocked a door to the far right of the room, pulling back the heavy steel to reveal a holding cell where three women waited patiently inside. Standing upon command, they kissed each other in turn before padding their way across to the cage.

  “And who do we have here?” a curvaceous woman with long red hair asked, her voice silky and warm.

  “Charmeine, Iofiel, Lailah...this is our new subject, Parisa,” Abaddon said.

  “And the test?” Lailah asked as she stalked around the cage, her eyes roaming every inch of Ali’s body.


  The three women, dubbed ‘Angels’ by The Darkness for their enchanted sexual talent, had all, for one reason or another, been indoctrinated into The Darkness. However, once their time was up, they had been unable to leave its clutches. They had decided to become permanent residents of The Darkness, and would forever be under its spell.

  Charmeine reached through the bars of the cage and ran a hand along the inside of Ali’s thigh. “Mmmm, as smooth as marble.”

  The other women descended onto the cage, each pawing at Ali through the bars. Her breath hitched but she remained silent, knowing that speaking out of turn would only breed trouble. A moan escaped her lips as a nipple was engulfed in the wet heat of an Angel’s mouth, a tongue swirling around the taut nub in a way Ali had never before experienced. A hand drew her long wavy hair into a fist and pulled her neck back. “So pretty...” the Angel crooned. “Be strong and survive, okay?”

  Ali frowned beneath the blindfold. What did the Angel mean, ‘be strong and survive?’ Her legs trembled as a soft hand ventured ever closer to her naked cunt. She thrust out her hips with a brazenness that shocked even herself, but a gruff laugh from beside her caused her to stop short.

  “It would be wise to listen to Iofiel, Parisa, for she speaks good advice.”

  Orifiel and Abaddon exchanged knowing looks, before he continued to explain the task ahead.

  “Your task today is simple. Endurance. Three beautiful Angels, Charmeine, Iofiel and Lailah, will tend to you, and you must endure their touch for an hour. Do you understand?”

  Ali’s heart thumped violently within her che
st. She had never been touched by a woman before. And now, after just one tweak of her nipple, she was desperate for more. Nodding enthusiastically, Ali replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  “I wouldn’t be so eager if I were you, Parisa, for this is a test of endurance. The Angels will tease your body, caress your flesh, and explore every crack and crevice. It will be a most pleasurable experience, of that I am certain. But you are not permitted to orgasm.”

  Ali grew rigid.

  “Endurance, Parisa,” Abaddon said, “is just as much as matter of the mind as it is the body. Survive this task and pleasure will be yours.”

  Orifiel clapped his hands, signalling for the task to begin. Ali stood there, frozen and shackled in the centre of the cage. It had been so long since she’d felt the touch of another, with the exception of Abaddon’s fleeting touch in the holding cell. The three angelic beauties reached out for her, their hands soft yet demanding, their caresses gentle yet intrusive. They poked and prodded at her most intimate parts and as two fingers rubbed gently along her parted lips, gathering the syrup that seeped from within her, Ali moaned with pleasure, desperate for more of their delicious touch. Something cold hit her nipples causing them to stand proudly from her breasts, ripe and expectant. She moaned again, louder this time, as an Angel teased each swollen bud with a cube of ice, a feeling so overwhelming that Ali begged her to stop, afraid that the sensation would make her cum too soon.

  A gong echoed through the room, startling Ali and causing her to jolt away from the tongue that she had been gently grinding against for the last few minutes.

  “Thirty minutes left!” a faceless voice boomed from the darkness.

  Ali stilled suddenly, drawing all her strength to focus on the task in hand: Not cumming. A task that was exceptionally difficult while Lailah tongued her clit with such expert precision.

  “You would be best advised to control yourself, Parisa, for failing this task will mean immediate banishment from The Darkness. And you will not have a second chance. You do understand that, don’t you?” Abaddon said as he ran a calloused finger across her cheek and to her lips, slipping it inside her mouth.


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