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Claimed by Her Mafia Man

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He released her ass, and with his other hand, found the lubricant. Damon handed the tube to her, and she worked his length, getting him nice and ready.

  Moving back behind her, he placed his cock at her entrance.

  “You’re going to need to push out and not tense up.”

  Again, no words as he slowly started to work his cock into her ass. After each inch, he stopped, giving her time to become accustomed to his length. She’d wave her hand in the air, giving him permission and by the time he sank to the hilt, she was wriggling on his length. This was a lot tighter than her pussy.

  He worked her ass slowly, making sure she was enjoying it, not pushing past her pain, just making it good for her. There was no need to rush this and as she found her second release, he held on, trying to count, to make this last, but the squeezing of her ass, and the noises she made, it was all just too much. He came hard, filling her asshole with his cum.

  Collapsing on the bed, he wrapped his arms around her.

  Philip Drago had asked for him to take care of his daughter. At the time, he’d agreed, believing it would be a convenience to him. He was doing a capo a favor and in doing so, he was going to earn the title and the Drago fortune.

  Not once did he think he was going to fall in love with the woman or kill people to keep her safe. He didn’t know how she did it, or even how he could have fallen so hard, but Isabella owned his heart, and there was no way he was going to ever ask for it back.

  Chapter Eleven

  “This isn’t a good idea,” Randy said.

  “Oh, please. Why not? I’ve lived here my whole life and you’ve been here a lot longer. Stop being such a party pooper.”

  “What is so important that we’re sneaking back to your old house?” Randy parked the car and Isabella climbed out.

  “It’s … not important.”

  Randy sighed. “If it’s not important, then do me a favor and get back in the car and go shopping like a normal person.”

  “You’re not very nice when you say things like that, do you know that?”

  “Yeah, I do, and guess what, it’s for your own good.”

  “It’s not for my own good at all, and you know it.” She glanced up at the place that had been both a haven and a nightmare. “I want to give him Dad’s ring.”

  Randy’s mouth formed into a perfect O.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she said.

  “Like what?”

  “With your judgmental eyes.”

  “I’m not judging.”

  “You totally are.” She slammed the door closed.

  “I think it’s cute that you’re, you know, falling in love.”

  “I didn’t say I loved him.”

  “No, but I do recall a conversation between you and your dad when you said your dad’s precious ring would only go on the finger of the man you loved. I think my masterful powers of deduction have concluded that you’re in love with Damon Romano. You are his wife. You love him.”

  “You sound like a schoolboy.”

  “And you sound like a girl who is … caught up in love.” Randy started to make kissing noises.

  She rolled her eyes and as she tried to walk past him, he wouldn’t let her move.

  “Come on, you’re not serious. The whole, I’m not letting you pass until you tell me the truth.”

  “It works, doesn’t it?” he asked. “Come on. Tell me.”

  “Would you be mad if I said I was?”

  “Mad? Why the hell would I be mad? It would mean that even in this crazy world, you found happiness.”

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t love me.”

  “I don’t think you should underestimate just how amazing you are.”

  “He hasn’t said anything.”

  “Does he really need to? Everything he does, it’s all for you. Everything. He loves you, Bella. He just hasn’t gotten around to telling you yet.”

  At that very moment, Isabella couldn’t remember a time when she was so happy, so gloriously content. The very thought of Damon wanting her, loving her, it was like a dream she didn’t even know she was having was coming true.

  “Do you think it’s possible?”

  “I know it is. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and it’s not just to get you in the bedroom.”

  “Don’t be gross.”

  “Me, gross? As if I’d even dare to.” He placed a hand on his heart and she watched his face as it morphed into pain and she knew why. Blood splattered against her face.

  He’d been shot.


  “Get to the car.” He collapsed to the floor, holding his chest.

  “No. No. No. No,” she screamed, dropping to the floor with him. “Please, no.”

  “You’ve got to get out. Call Damon. Get him here. Fuck.” Randy opened up his jacket and handed her a gun. “Go.”

  She shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “I can’t leave you.”

  “You have to. Go.” Randy, with what little strength he had, shoved her hard.

  She stumbled back.

  In the chaos, she’d lost her shoes. Going to her feet, she ignored the pain of the stones but she didn’t make it to the car. She turned in the opposite direction, breaking onto the grass, and giving her cut feet a break.

  Someone was in her house.

  She opened the gun and checked how many bullets she had. Not enough if this was a full-scale attack.

  To her right, she saw a large stone. Reaching down, she picked it up, holding it within her grip. “I can do this,” she said.

  Working her way around the building, she came to a stop as a soldier was pacing up and down the length of the back part of the house.

  Holding the stone, she made sure her shadow couldn’t be seen and waited as he came to the edge of the property, stopped, and turned.

  She attacked, slamming the rock against his head with full force. He went down, but he wasn’t clean out. She hit him again, and again.

  Throwing the rock to one side, she traded Randy’s gun for the automatic this man was using to guard. Loaded and ready, she made her way into the house. The moment she started to fire, they would be alerted to her presence.

  As she came to the back entrance of the house, she whimpered at the sight of Henrietta. The cook was dead, blood coming from her forehead. She didn’t have time to mourn the loss of her family.

  Firing the gun, she took out a soldier, and a second one. She’d been so distracted that she didn’t see the guard who came up behind her. He hit her hard, and she stumbled.

  He grabbed her hair, which was such a bad move, but he started to pull her across the floor, going toward her father’s old study.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  She looked up into Damon’s father’s eyes. “You!”

  He slapped her hard.

  The guard let her go and she fell to the floor. Blood spilled into her mouth.

  “You shouldn’t even be here.”

  “This is my home.”

  “Yes, but you see, you should be at home, being the dutiful wife. Spreading your legs, and seeing that my son is equally distracted by you.”

  “It was you all this time. You tried to kill me.”

  “Yes and no. I didn’t want you dead. No, that wouldn’t have suited my plans. I knew of Damon’s intentions, and he’s had such horrid luck with women. I needed you out of this house and very much alive for my son.”

  “You could have killed me.”

  “You took out a couple of my best soldiers and you’re still alive, but that’s going to be short-lived.”

  Just then, Randy’s body was being dragged into the room.

  “This is mighty convenient though.”

  “You’re going to frame him?”

  “Why not? Everyone always suspected him. I bet even my son did. The bastard that he is. He should have been terminated in the womb. Stupid sentimental assholes. I don’t understand them.”

  “Why weren’t you
going to kill me?” She needed to keep him talking until Damon arrived. He had to come and save them.

  Glancing at Randy, she couldn’t allow herself to think of him being dead, but she knew he was. Tears filled her eyes. Pain, anger, rage, everything built up inside her, ready to explode. She wanted to kill this man. To hurt him, to destroy him.

  “I wanted you out of this house. You see, your father and I, we had a rather interesting conversation not long before he died and he kind of knew a few little facts about me that I really don’t want to get out.”

  “You’re a monster.”

  “We’re all monsters, Isabella. Some of us just wear our colors differently.”

  She stared at him, trying to figure it out. “It’s you, isn’t it? You killed Daniella, and you framed that accountant. You’re stealing money.”

  “Let’s just say I’ve got plenty of deals going down and I’m a man who’s tired of taking orders. It’s time for me to make my own way, but as you can see, I can’t have the Family or anyone else following me. Your father had a knack for finding out all this useless information, and well, it’s now up to me to make sure it stays dead.”

  “Did you kill my father?”

  “No. He died without me, trust me. I actually liked your father. He was a little weird but then, he put his faith in a woman. Nothing ever good comes from trusting a woman.”

  “You’re disgusting.”

  “No, I’m a realist. Look at you now, you’re too busy being overly emotional at this man’s death. He had nothing to do with you. He is a no one. His own father doesn’t even want him here. He is a disgrace to all that we hold dear.”

  “You’re the disgrace. A despicable excuse for a human being. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  He hit her again and she relished the pain.

  “You hit my wife one more time, and I will make sure you long for death before I even get tired of hurting you.”

  She lifted her head in time to see Damon stepping into the room.

  “Damon, what a pleasant surprise.”

  “No, it’s not. You think I wouldn’t know? I wouldn’t figure it out?”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about. The distress of losing your wife is just too much.”

  “Cut the crap. The Boss heard everything you said. He’s already on his way.” Damon shot his father and the man went to his knees, screaming. Another shot rang out. “That should stop you from running.”

  “Damon,” she said. She got to her feet and rushed toward him. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I wanted to get you a present. I told Randy, and he’s—” She sobbed. “Oh, God, Randy.”

  “I’m still here,” Randy said, rolling over. “I’m still alive.”

  “Wait, what? I watched you die?”

  “No, you watched a planned attack.” Randy pulled out an earpiece. “Damon set this whole thing up. To show the Boss and the other capos what was happening.”

  “Fucker!” Damon Romano Sr. cried out.

  “Wait, if that’s … does that mean you heard?” she asked, looking at Damon.

  Her husband smiled and cupped her face. “I love you too. I love you more than anything else in this world and I didn’t even think it was possible to love anyone or anything.” He took possession of her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around him.

  She pulled away. “Wait!” She looked past his shoulder. “Henrietta.”

  “Was a plant too,” Henrietta said, coming into the study.

  “I don’t understand,” she said.

  “I suspected my father and took all the evidence I had to the Boss. He’s been working with a couple of the MCs, as well as feeding information to the cartels. He intended to leave, to give all of our enemies the necessary information to take our turf, to kill our families. He’d start somewhere else, becoming the Boss.”


  “So with Randy’s help, and Henrietta’s, we plotted this.”

  “How did you know I planned to come here?”

  “I didn’t. I heard you arrange to go out with Randy. He had a hunch of what it was you were after.” Damon reached into his pocket. “You don’t think I’d let something of your father’s stay here while I took you with me, did you?”

  She took the ring from him and smiled. “I don’t know. I’m a little shocked.”

  Randy stood up. “Don’t worry. Damon’s got an eye for the dramatic and this … I could have gotten my head blown off.”

  “And me,” Henrietta said.

  “You did get your head blown off,” Isabella said.

  “No, I just used a little tomato sauce and Damon helped with the rest. One of his soldiers did the shooting and we’re all good.”

  “Oh, God, I killed a soldier.”

  “That was one of my father’s men. He wasn’t part of the plot to bring him down.”

  “Oh, thank God. I don’t want to kill innocent people.”

  “No more innocent people will die,” Damon said. He cupped her face again and tilted her head back. “I love you. I won’t let anything happen to you and you will never doubt my feelings.”

  She took his hand and slid the ring onto his finger. “And I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Now, I need to leave,” Randy said. “I better go and face the Boss.”

  “Hey, maybe give him a hug, seeing as you two were able to work out your differences,” Damon said.

  “What?” Isabella asked.

  “I took Randy with me to organize all of this. To cut a long story short, let’s just say father and son have nothing to argue about anymore. They found something that worked for them. Now, back to my wife. I’m going to leave this piece of shit for others to deal with. I think my wife needs to be taken on a honeymoon and made love to so she knows just how much in love with her I am.”


  Ten years later

  “Daniella, you do not hit your brother like that. Not here,” Damon said.

  “Oh, come on, Dad, he can take it. He’s older than me,” Daniella said.

  “I’ve been told not to hit girls.”

  Damon heard his wife laugh as she stood on the sidelines. She wore a floral dress that didn’t hide her heavily pregnant body. On her hip was their third child, Louise. August, his only son, was their eldest child.

  From their last appointment at the hospital, they had said there would be another boy as well, but he didn’t care about the sexes of his children.

  He loved them all equally.

  “Yeah, well, we’re on the mat so anything goes,” Daniella said.

  “Can I hit her, Dad?” August asked.

  “No, this is just sparing. Daniella, I will put you in time out.”

  “But I’ve got to be big and strong. If I don’t hurt my brother, who can I hurt?” Daniella asked.

  “Show restraint and discipline. It’s not about hurting your opponent, Daniella. It’s about being able to protect yourself and listen to people who give you guidance and advice.”

  Damon eased off the mat, going to his wife. He blew the whistle and he watched.

  “Do you think we should put her in a time out for a couple of weeks?” Isabella asked.

  “Nah, it’ll be fine. She’s going to learn one way or the other.”

  He pulled his wife against him, taking their daughter from her hip and watching as Daniella and August finally sparred without killing each other.

  “Do you regret this?” she asked.

  “Not a single moment.”

  He had his wife, three beautiful children with a fourth on the way, and he was happier than he thought was possible. Each night he had his wife in his arms, and he held her to go to sleep, and each morning, he made love to her.

  Life couldn’t get any better than that.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Breeding Season, 6

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2020

  Sample Chapter

  “None of you have anything better to do?” Dog glared at the growing group of onlookers.

  He ran his free hand through his hair, trying his best to keep still. He’d been sitting on the stool in the main yard for over three hours, so he wasn’t in the best mood.

  One of the old ladies was giving him his latest tattoo, an intricate collage of skulls on his left bicep. She’d been doing ink for decades, and this was the fourth time he’d been her canvas. He glanced at his arm as the crowd dispersed, thankful that the artwork looked about finished. It was better than he expected. Right now, all he wanted to do was get out of the hot yard and grab a cold beer.

  “That’s a nice one.”

  He’d already told everyone to fuck off. Dog didn’t appreciate an audience when he was hot, uncomfortable, and edgy from the needles. When he noticed it was Sable, his anger melted away. She was his only weakness.

  “You think so?”

  She nodded, walking around the tree stump they used as a table to take in every angle. When she came up behind him, she ran her fingertips along his shoulder, bringing his entire body to life. He sat straighter on the stool, adjusting his stance. “Good job, Patty. I think this is your best work yet,” she said.


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