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A Captive of Fear and Desire

Page 4

by Sophie Kisker

  She was still sitting on the side of the bed and as she prepared to lie down, she realized that the one blanket was folded down to the bottom of the bed and tucked tightly under the mattress. The chain was too short for her to reach it with her hands. She tried to pry it loose with her toes but it was too tight. Eventually she gave up and curled onto her side, her naked body trying to warm itself as the tears started to flow again, this time quietly. At some point, her exhaustion won out and she drifted off to sleep.

  ~ ~ ~

  Josh stopped outside the cage, watching the new girl’s quiet breathing. He wondered why she hadn’t pulled the blanket up and then realized that Marco must have chained her before she could get to it. As quietly as he could, he let himself in and made his way over to her bed. He tugged the blanket out from under the mattress and drew it up over her huddled form. With a start, she awoke and looked up in fear at the man looming over her.

  “Shh. Here’s the blanket,” he whispered, tucking it around her. As he let himself back out, he could see her wide and frightened eyes staring at him from the other side of the bars.

  Chapter 4

  The next day the nightmare picked up right where it had left off. A loud buzzer made Laura’s eyes fly open and the memories of yesterday came flooding back along with her fear. The cell door banged open. A new master came in and started unlocking the chains. She had to pee so she risked looking up at him and asked if she could use the bathroom.

  “No talking!” he barked.

  She looked over to Claire who shook her head. She wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom? She stood up stiffly and joined the line of silent women near the door. As soon as the last one was unlocked, a second master led the line down the hall to a large door. Next to the door was a pile of running shoes. Each woman grabbed a pair and put them on quickly until all that were left, to Laura’s astonishment, were the shoes she had worn to work yesterday. A lifetime ago. She slipped them on, still wondering what was going on and needing to pee very badly. The door opened and the women filed out into the early morning sunrise.

  She looked with surprise at the surreal scene in front of her. The door opened onto a large dirt-packed area between their building and a large barn with open doors. The whole area was surrounded by dense woods.

  “Get going!” a voice behind her yelled, and as one, the women started a slow jog. Laura was still gawking when a hand landed on her ass with a stinging slap. She scurried to catch up to Claire, who was last in the group and looking back to her.

  “Claire,” she whispered, “I have to pee. Really bad.”

  Once more, Claire shook her head. “So do we all. But they don’t let us until we’re done exercising. If anyone slacks, no one is allowed to go back inside until they’re satisfied.”

  “What happens if I pee on myself?”

  “You have wet and smelly shoes that won’t be washed. We’ve all done it.”

  Jogging was a nightmare, between her bouncing breasts and her bursting bladder. The women all seemed to know exactly what they were doing as they all set out along the line of trees, then turned left and ran behind the barn, turned left and ran along the side of the barn and then the main building, up to the corner where a tall fence gave way to a gate. She looked longingly at the gate but one of the men was right behind her and snapped her ass with the crop.

  Around and around they went, with Laura growing increasingly unable to keep up. At one point, the leaders of the group were so far ahead that they met up with Laura from behind. She was winded and barely able to walk when they made the turn that brought them near the dirt corral. The women turned and went in and Laura breathed a sigh of relief and followed.

  “Get back out there! You have another round to make, and for trying that, you get to do two. Everyone else will stand here and wait for you.”

  She was propelled back out of the corral by Master 4 who encouraged her to run as fast as she could by applying the crop to her ass every ten feet or so. She stumbled and fell to her knees. The crop descended sharply again and again as she tried to get back to her feet. At the end, she could do little more than walk fast. She limped back into the corral where the other women stood with their hands behind their heads, silent and unmoving. Would they finally be allowed to go back in and pee?

  No. The next activity was a weird version of yoga. She followed the movements the best that she could. By now every muscle was screaming in protest.

  “Final squats!” Master 4 called out. She copied what they did—squatting all the way down while lacing her fingers together on top of her head. She saw him put something under Staci that looked like a mat with pins sticking up.

  “Since you’re new here,” he turned to Laura, “let me explain. You hold this position until one of you falls backwards. Yesterday that was Staci, so today she has a little incentive. If she falls backwards, she’ll get an ass full of tacks.”

  It was barbaric! Laura wanted to scream at him. He must have seen something on her face.

  “Yes? You wish to file an objection?”

  She shook her head. “No, sir.”

  “Good. Cause from the look of your shaking legs, you’re gonna be the one over the mat tomorrow morning.”

  She grit her teeth and held on, but sure enough she was the first to lose her balance and fall backwards. She lay in the dirt, unable to get up and saw the rest of the women stand up slowly. It seemed that the exercise was over. Staci came over and she and Claire helped her to her feet. They all filed back into the building, pausing only to kick off their shoes by the door. Then they supported her on her shaking legs down the hall, back into the cell, and over to the toilets where she finally was able to let go. She didn’t care that it was in front of everyone.

  And then they were allowed to take a shower. To her surprise, there was decent soap, shampoo, and even conditioner, and she was issued a wide comb and an elastic band. She tamed her long damp hair into a simple braid down her back, not sure what else to do with it, then brushed her teeth and even applied some lotion to her face and hands. She was done before some of the others and stood awkwardly, not sure what to do next. Claire came over next to her.

  “They expect you to fall tomorrow; the new girl always does for a couple days until her legs get strong. Don’t wait until you fall for real; fall on purpose a few minutes before that, and you can control it a little better. It hurts but not as bad that way. After tomorrow, we have a system where the one over the tacks moves her foot just a little when she can’t go on any more, and someone else falls over. Except for the new people, we’ve only had one or two times where someone has really fallen onto the mat, and they’ve never caught on.”

  Laura nodded, wide-eyed. “What happens now?” she asked.


  Master 2 came to collect them, and they walked in silence down the hall to a large room with a table and platters of steaming food up front. It smelled wonderful.

  “Don’t get excited,” whispered Claire in her ear. Laura watched as the first woman took a spoonful of scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast together in the same bowl. Then with wide eyes, Laura saw her drop a spoonful of yogurt on top of everything, and at the very end, she picked up a pitcher of orange juice and poured some over the entire bowl.

  It seemed this was a one-bowl breakfast.

  When it was Laura’s turn, she hesitated but the woman behind her shook her head in warning, so Laura tipped the pitcher over everything and saw it turn from enticing to disgusting. Like everyone else, she ate it all and it sat like a lump in her stomach. It only added to the lump of fear that had taken up residence there.

  Chapter 5

  After breakfast, they once again filed silently out the dining room door and down the hall to another room, set up with more than a dozen exam tables. Master 2 stood near a small refrigerator.

  Fear overtook Laura once more, and she turned around to run. Two pairs of strong arms caught her fast as she screeched and fought to get free. She was lifted up a
nd carried, still struggling, over to the closest table and deposited on her back. Her arms were secured over her head and her feet were strapped into foot stirrups. When the men stepped back, she was heaving and gasping but firmly secured with her legs lifted up and spread wide.

  “It’s always the new ones.” Master 6 grinned to Master 5.

  “It wouldn’t be as much fun if they didn’t.” Master 5 turned to Laura. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen. You, and everyone else here, are going to get an enema. You’ll get one every morning so you’re always squeaky clean. Now, there’s lots of different kinds of enemas. Some are mild and just for cleaning out. Some are very painful and given as punishments. Your behavior the day before determines the kind of enema you get. Being new, we’ll just give you a good flushing out. Maybe two, since this is your first time. But it’s not going to be very comfortable when you’re lying on your back, I’m afraid.”

  Laura realized he was right. “Please, sir, I’ll be good. Please let me turn over. I promise I’ll behave.”

  “Sorry. Too late. You get one chance around here.” He stood up and addressed the rest of the women, still at the front of the room. “Step right up and get your bag, girls!”

  When Laura turned her head to the side, she could watch each woman take a bag and tubing and approach the large sink. Under the watchful eye of Master 3, each scooped up a measured amount of white crystals and dropped them in the bag before filling it to the top with water. Shannon had filled hers and was turning to go when Master 3 put his hand on her arm. “Not so fast.”

  She looked at him with frightened eyes.

  “You broke a rule yesterday when you defended Staci.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, please…” The fresh welts on her backside bore witness to the punishment she’d already endured.

  “I’ve got a little lemon juice to add to yours.”

  “Oh, please,” she whimpered, but held her bag out obediently. He picked up a bottle and poured a generous amount in. Her hands shook as she closed it. Laura’s eyes followed her as she quietly walked over to a table, hung the bag on a hook at the end of the bed, then climbed onto the bed to kneel with her ass high and her head low.

  If Shannon was going to be punished for coming to Staci’s defense, what kind of trouble was Staci in? She found Staci in line, Lynn’s arm around her waist, her face pale. As she approached the front, Master 3 smiled an evil smirk.

  “Yours,” he said, pointing to the refrigerator, “is in there. Master 2 has just brought it from the freezer.”

  “No, sir, oh, god, please not cold, it hurts so bad and it takes hours to get warmed up again! Please!”

  “Staci!” Master 2’s voice was behind her, and it expected to be obeyed. “Over here. Now.”

  Tears cascaded down her pale cheeks as she turned and walked slowly to him. Laura saw him open the refrigerator and pull out a bag and tubing and place them in her hands. She had her back to Master 3, but from her position, Laura could see Staci’s expression of surprise as she closed her hands around it.

  “I’ll be giving this enema to Staci,” Master 2 declared to Master 3.

  “Um, you don’t usually concern yourself with punishments, sir.” Master 3 was clearly thrown by his declaration.

  “I always have, and always will, administer the most serious punishments. You know that.” There was no disagreement with that voice. He looked at Staci. “Go.”

  She turned and walked over to the nearest table, right across from Laura. Laura hoped Master 3 would not notice that whatever Master 2 had done was clearly good news to Staci.

  The rest of the women had filled their bags and were now all perched on the tables, heads towards the wall and asses offered up like sacrifices to some obscene god. Master 3 approached Laura.

  “We’ll get yours started so you have plenty of time to experience it.” She watched him with wide eyes as he let the fluid flow down the tube to remove the air. He put his hand on her ass to spread her wide. She stiffened and tried to pull away but the restraints held tight. She pleaded with him as she felt the cold plastic tip against her tight hole, and when he tried to breach the ring of muscle, she tightened it with all her strength. Master 3 looked up at her.

  “Let me in now, or I’ll add a whole lot more lemon juice than Shannon got in hers.”

  She whimpered and tried to relax and it must have been enough because a burning pain lanced through the tender tissue as the tube was shoved in. Her hips reared up at the invasion and she screeched in surprise. Master 3 stood back. She tried to push the tube out. She strained and pushed and nothing happened. He smirked at her.

  “It’s got a balloon on the inside to keep it in place. It’s staying there until I decide it comes out.” He fiddled with a clamp on the tubing and a moment later Laura felt a strange filling sensation.

  “It will take about ten minutes to get this whole bag in.”

  Laura looked at the bag. It had to be four quarts, easy. “I can’t take that much!” she cried.

  “You’d be surprised. Once it’s all in, you’ll stay there for about twenty minutes while it works, and then we’ll let you up to the bathroom. Then we’ll do it all over again, just to make sure.”

  He walked out of her line of vision, and she turned her concentration to the bag on the hook. For a minute or two, she didn’t feel anything too bad except a strange full sensation. She heard the noises of the other women around her—small gasps and groans—as their enemas were started.

  Staci and Master 2 were directly across the aisle from Laura. She heard Staci chanting “Oh God, it’s so cold, oh God, it’s so cold!” To her astonishment, she also heard Master 2’s voice.

  “You can do it, Staci. Deep breaths. Let me rub your stomach a little.”

  “It hurts so bad, master…”

  “Mmm hmm, it does, and that’s because it’s a punishment, but you’ll get through it, I promise—”

  Anything else he said to Staci was lost as a cramp ripped through Laura’s stomach and she let out a strangled cry. She frantically tried to dislodge the tube, but nothing happened. It was one of the most horrible pains she’d ever had and yet the fluid kept draining into her without pause.

  She looked up to see Master 2 standing over her. “Master, please, stop it, please!” She screwed her eyes shut and panted as the cramp worsened.

  She felt him lean over and gently massage her stomach. After a long moment, the cramp eased and she opened her eyes again. “Thank you, thank you,” she panted.

  “Never had an enema before?”

  She shook her head.

  “The cramps are a normal part of it. They ease on their own after a minute or two. It’s worse when you’re on your back. Don’t hold your breath.”

  “There’s going to be more?” she asked with fear.

  “Yes. Probably three or four more before you’re done. The other women have learned to bear it mostly in silence, but they’re having them too.”

  A muffled screech came from Staci’s table, and Master 2 disappeared.

  Down the row, Laura heard Shannon’s sobs. She could only guess what lemon juice would feel like and she hoped she’d never find out.

  Laura tried to relax but a minute later, another cramp made her writhe around, trying to curl up to relieve it. She tried to be quiet but her sobs inevitably drew the attention of Master 3. He came over into her line of sight, but made no attempt to comfort her.

  “Hurts, don’t it? Next time you’ll get on the table without fighting.” He disappeared.

  The cramp eased and she caught her breath. The bag was finally empty. She looked down at her distended stomach and prayed for strength to get through the next twenty minutes. Another cramp caught her and she tried breathing like she was in labor. It helped.

  Now that she had time to think, tears started rolling down her cheeks. Was anyone looking for her? Would the police have any clue? She refused to believe what Claire had told her. This was not her new life. This was not fair! She pull
ed on the restraints in frustration until a cramp came again. She panted through it, still crying, giving into despair.

  Across the aisle there was a continuous soft whimpering and she caught Master 2’s voice, surprisingly gentle. How could he sound like he cared when he was one of the ones who had ripped her and all these women from their lives? He was giving a punishment—a horrible punishment as far as she could tell—and yet Laura wished he were over at her table, talking to her.

  Two cramps later and Master 3 appeared again. He fiddled with the clamp and the tube and Laura felt a little less pressure.

  “Clench tight now, unless you want it all over the floor. Trust me, you don’t.” He pulled the tube out and she suddenly had to keep it all in herself when her body wanted to expel it right then. He unstrapped her legs, then her arms, and pointed to the end of the room. “Bathroom’s there. Be back here in five minutes for the next one.”

  She struggled off the bed and staggered down to the bathroom. She’d never been so glad to see a toilet in all her life. Five minutes later, she was not ready to go back out but he appeared at the door.

  “Table. Now!”

  She made her way back, passing the others who were finishing up. Claire gave her hand a quick squeeze. “Second one’s easier,” she whispered. Laura arrived back at the table and this time crawled up on her hands and knees like the others had done, obediently waiting. She prayed he wouldn’t make her turn over on her back.

  ~ ~ ~

  To her surprise, it was Master 2 who appeared with a new bag. “Let’s get this over with. There’ll be less cramping this time. Put your head down.” He placed the nozzle at the entrance to her hole and she didn’t fight as it pushed past the ring. Once more, the fluid began to flow. The sensation of fullness wasn’t as hard to bear this time and she only had one cramp while the fluid was going in. While she waited the twenty minutes, she thought about her predicament more. She knew slavery existed in other countries—always denied by the governments, of course—but she never dreamed it could touch her life. What was she going to do? She had to get out of this.


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