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A Captive of Fear and Desire

Page 12

by Sophie Kisker

  “It’s fine. That will teach you to keep it tucked away like I told you to. Now, let’s try that again.”

  It was too much. She stared at him for a long moment.

  “No.” The word hung heavy in the air.

  “No?” His voice was incredulous.

  “No.” She shook her head. “No. I’m not doing this anymore!” She folded her arms around her body and curled over as she shook her head back and forth. Her voice was little more than a whisper. “No.”

  The noise in the room ceased as all the other women and the masters turned to look at her. The tension hung thick, everyone waiting to see what happened next and dreading it.

  Laura knew in the back of her mind that there was only one outcome of this situation, and it wasn’t going to be what she wanted. But she couldn’t stop herself.

  “All right,” he said. “I won’t cane your breasts until you ask me to.”

  It took a moment for the words to register and then she looked up at him through her tears in disbelief. “You won’t?”

  “No.” Something hard and glittery shone in Dan’s eyes, and she should have sensed something wasn’t right. “So what you will do now is walk yourself over to that wall, face it, and reach up to grab the chains above.”

  Don’t do it! Her mind screamed at her. But her momentary courage was rapidly fading away. She was in trouble, she knew, and with a sob, she turned and walked like a condemned woman to the wall, where she stood, hands still crossed over her front, leaning her forehead against the cool concrete.

  He made no move to force her to reach up. The silence stretched out, the whole room waiting breathlessly to see what happened.

  To let go of herself, to reach her arms up without being forced, was to make herself vulnerable. To tacitly give permission to him, or anyone, to do anything they wished. She wanted someone to grab her, to yank her arms over her head, because then she could struggle and scream. But she knew that he was teaching her to offer herself willingly.

  Still the silence stretched on. He was going to out-wait her, she knew. He was going to stand behind her and make no move towards her, until she decided to obey, to reach up to the chains, and to offer her body willingly for whatever punishment he had in mind.

  Why was her pussy aching and throbbing?

  She finally straightened up and released the hold her arms had on each other. Inch by inch, her hands crept up the wall. Her terror and the ache in her cunt both increased as they rose. By the time she stood on tiptoes and had grasped the chains, she was almost hyperventilating. The ache had become an itching, burning need that just confused her.

  Suddenly, Dan was at her back, his strong warmth pressing into her bare skin. She felt him hook the chains to her cuffs.

  “Good girl,” he whispered.

  She whimpered with fear.

  Her hyperventilating only increased as he stroked his hands down her sides. He reached around to her front, to the breasts now crushed against the wall. He pulled her back and ran his fingers lightly over her nipples. She gasped. The nipples puckered up into impossibly hard long peaks. He repeated the torment, ever so gently, and her head dropped backwards onto his shoulder in bliss. Her core was alight with fear and arousal and the two blended together to make her weak.

  He reached down between her legs and without conscious thought, she parted them as much as her bonds would allow. He dove two fingers up into her slickness.

  “Wow,” he murmured as he removed them, the juices making a slurping sound. She heard him licking. “Mmmm.”

  He pushed himself away from the wall abruptly. She heard him walk over to a cabinet behind her and she twisted until she could see him. To her horror, he selected another cane. He tested it in the air as he walked back towards her. The ‘swoosh’ noise made her stomach clench.

  “Face to the wall,” he ordered.

  “No, please,” she whispered. It wasn’t courage this time that made her refuse; it was fear.

  “Face to the wall,” he repeated.

  She turned, pressing her face into one of her upstretched arms and bracing herself. She heard the cane travel through the air before it landed on her butt, and a line of fire raced across her skin.

  “Ahhh!” she screeched, dancing to shake off the pain.

  The cane whistled again, and the fire landed on the back of her thighs.

  This time she screamed. Her dancing did nothing to remove the pain that was so much worse on her tightly stretched muscles than on the plush softness of her ass.

  The cane landed again, between the previous two lines, right where her ass met her thighs. Her cry rose up once more, and the frenzied twisting still did nothing to help the pain.

  “Please!” she shouted, “please! I’m sorry! Please!”

  He ignored her as the thin wooden cane landed again and again. She apologized over and over and begged for him to stop.

  And then it dawned on her. He’d told her he would only cane her breasts when she asked for it. And she knew unless she asked for it, this would never stop.

  “Please cane my breasts!” she suddenly shouted.

  The cane ceased swinging but he stayed silent.

  “Please, Master! Cane my breasts!” She was almost hysterical now.

  “Turn around.”

  She let out a huge sob as she twisted around. Her breasts were pulled high and tight from her position, as though they were being presented to him for whatever abuse he had in mind. She let her head fall back, lifting her chin out of the way.

  “Please, Master, cane my breasts.” It was only a whisper this time and it was barely out of her mouth before she heard the air part and the first blow landed. She screamed, stamping her feet, eventually forcing her eyes open to look down. She saw a thin red line start to form on her skin, which grew in width and color until it was almost purple. Ironically, the tears falling from her eyes helped to sooth the sting as they dripped down from her face.

  “Chin up.”

  Her breathing grew fast and irregular again as she leaned her head back. Her eyes were screwed tightly shut, and so she didn’t realize what he was going to do until she felt the impact underneath her breast instead of on top, with a particularly loud ‘snap’ on the outside of her left breast. She howled once more, the pain seemingly centered in that one little area of impact.

  He put the cane down and walked up to her, reaching out to run a finger along the line on the top of her breast. It was sore, and she flinched at his touch. He stroked the line on the underside, growing sorer by the moment. He ended his finger’s journey at the painful spot on her left breast and pressed into it slightly. She hissed.

  “The cane lines will fade in a few days, but this little sore spot will remain for weeks. What is it going to remind you of?” His voice was soft and almost tender.

  “Never refuse your orders, Master,” she said softly.

  He nodded and turned away, handing the cane to Master 4 and walking out.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next morning Master 3 smiled evilly at her as he poured a healthy dollop of lemon juice in her enema bag. Laura had anticipated this follow-up punishment and simply gave him a level stare. Nonetheless, the following twenty minutes were awful as cramp after cramp rolled through her stomach and she knelt on the table crying and praying she’d make it though the enema alive.

  ~ ~ ~

  Her stomach still didn’t feel right when dinner rolled around. It had been a bad day, with Master 3 taking the opportunity to make her life more miserable than normal. Claire had listened to her whispered frustrations and given her as many hugs and hand squeezes as she could manage, encouraging Laura to hang on.

  Just before dinner, Master 2 escorted her to the kitchen. Though she wasn’t being trained in formal serving any more, she suspected Dan knew she would appreciate doing something normal, and so she helped plate the food for the masters many nights. Tonight Master 2 stood watch over the women as they bustled around getting it all ready. Suddenly, there was a small
screech from one of the women who was pointing at the floor. A decent-sized spider was scurrying across. The women all scattered as far away as possible. Master 2 chuckled and grabbed a plastic dish, placing it over the terrified arachnid and scooting it out of the way.

  “I’ll put it outside in a few minutes,” he promised.

  They continued their work, each woman eying the container on the floor warily as she passed. The plates were dished up and the women started bringing them out to the men already seated at the table. Master 2 stepped out of the kitchen and Laura heard him ask Dan a question. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Claire lean over the trapped spider and after a furtive glance around she picked up the container. Since Laura was deathly afraid of spiders, she whipped around and moved far away, not wanting to know anything about what Claire was doing.

  A moment later, Claire passed her with a plate and glass in her hand. She exited the kitchen as Master 2 came back in. The other women finished out in the dining room and a moment later they were all again in the kitchen and the men had started eating.

  Suddenly, a bellow ripped though the air. The sound of a chair being flung across the room made them stare at each other.

  “What the fuck is the matter with you?” she heard Master 1 demand as Master 2 opened the kitchen door and peered out into the dining room.

  “Spider-spider- there’s a goddamn spider on my plate!” Master 3 yelled, the terror in his voice obvious to all who heard. “Someone get it! Kill it!”

  “Oh, for fucks sake.” Master 1 was clearly pissed.

  Master 2 looked around and spotted the turned-over plastic dish on the floor. With a meaningful look around and a barely disguised smirk, he picked it up, grabbed a lid, and left the kitchen.

  The women looked at each other with wide eyes. All except Claire. She was staring at the floor with a barely contained smirk on her own face.

  Suddenly, the kitchen door burst open and Master 3 barged through.

  “Who did this? I’ll whip you ‘til you bleed! Who did this?” He grabbed Jackie by the arm. “Did you? Tell me who did!”

  Master 1 and 2 came through the door on his heels.

  “Master 3!” Master 1 barked. “Get hold of yourself!”

  Master 3 turned around to face him, dragging Jackie with him. His grip was so tight she was clawing desperately at his fingers to let go.

  “One of these bitches put a spider in my food and I’m going to find out who, if I have to beat every one of them until they confess.”

  “Marco!” It was Master 2 and he must have been mad to use Master 3’s real name. “No one put the spider in your food. It’s my fault. I saw it crawling on the counter and went to get something to put it in and got distracted. It must have crawled onto your plate while no one was looking.”

  Marco eyed Master 2 with distrust before he suddenly shoved Jackie away. She rubbed at her arm, the bruise from his grip already forming.

  “Shall we all go back and eat?” Master 1 asked reasonably. The crowd of men at the kitchen door dispersed.

  “Master 3, may I make you a new plate of food?” Claire asked with sweetness in her voice.

  “No. I’ve lost my appetite.” He stomped out and they heard him leave the dining room, slamming the door on his way out.

  A moment later, it was just Master 2 and the women. He looked a long moment at Claire. Another quirk twisted his lips as he picked up the remaining plate. “No spiders in here?” he asked her.

  “No, sir. I promise.”

  “That’s good.” He left the kitchen.

  They stared at each other for almost thirty seconds before a bubble of laughter rose up from Laura. It triggered one from Claire, and then suddenly the entire group was holding their sides and trying desperately to keep silent as they fell to the floor together, arms around each other, and laughed until tears ran down their faces.

  Chapter 18

  The auction was growing closer, and the women were falling as one into a depression. Laura couldn’t imagine what they must be going through, believing that they were about to be sold as sex slaves to some man who would remove them forever from the world they knew. She willed them silently to hold on. She held them as they cried and tried to encourage them as much as possible without revealing anything. She begged Master 2 in whispered conversations as he cleaned her up after Dan’s daily fuckings to be able to give them something, anything, but he shook his head and looked away. She dared to push the subject once and he responded with a memorable spanking that made it impossible to sit for a day.

  As the auction grew closer, their depression got worse. Laura worried about Staci more than any of the others. The young woman seemed scarcely able to move each morning and didn’t react to the punishments doled out to her as a result. She began to speak of longing to see her mother, who had died years ago. Laura didn’t know what to do.

  She forced the subject again the next morning as Master 2 paddled her while she struggled to stay bent over, grasping at her ankles. Each blow made her stumble forward until she learned how to brace herself and it wasn’t until she could take ten hard ones without moving that she was done. By that point, she had more than twenty-five red circles across her ass and down the backs of her thighs and had long ago given into screams of anger and frustration even as she held still.

  “Good,” he praised. She felt some absurd pride at his remark. “Tomorrow we’ll work on this again, without making all of the screeching racket you did today.”

  She sobbed quietly, not knowing how she’d do this again. Today had been bad, though not the worst. That honor belonged to the day Dan had caned her breasts. The purple spot on her left breast still made her hiss when anyone bumped it.

  Josh wiped the paddle down and put it away.

  “Sir,” she whispered as she started to straighten up.

  “Stay in your position until I tell you to move, slave!” he barked as he moved closer. “Yes?” he asked quietly.

  “I’m really worried about Staci. I think she might try something… drastic.” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word suicide.



  “Damn.” He moved away. She started to straighten up. “I did not tell you to move, slave,” he scolded, as he applied a swat to her sore ass. She stumbled and fell forward, then scrambled to get back into position. “Seems you need more lessons in staying still. Do not move until I come back.”

  He turned and left. She stayed bent over, her sore back and strained tendons adding to the pain that radiated from her waist to her knees. She tried to quell the rising rebellion. The feeling cropped up almost daily, but since the horrible day her breasts were caned, she was getting better at managing it.

  As she pushed her thoughts into a corner of her mind and remained in her bent-over state, she saw Master 3 come into the room. Her heart dropped. She was almost never left alone with him, and she sensed he was always waiting to pounce.

  He circled around her. “Well,” he said eventually, “what do we have here?”

  “Sir, Master 2 told me–”

  “Shut up. I didn’t ask you a question.”

  In her other life, she would have argued the point, but not here.

  “I think this is just too tempting not to take advantage of.”

  She’d had a feeling this would happen eventually, despite Dan and Josh’s best efforts. Though the other men had been warned off of raping her by DeLeo’s claim, Marco had no such reservations. She heard him unbuckle his belt and draw his zipper down and waited for the sound of the condom wrapper. Instead, he grabbed her hips and impaled himself deep inside, aided by the slickness in her cunt that seemed to be always present.

  “Sir! Please! You don’t have a condom on! You’re not supposed to do this, sir!”

  “Shut up, bitch, or I’ll take that cane to your ass harder than you could ever imagine.”

  The threat successfully cut off her protests, except for a rhythmic “Please, please, please…
” under her breath as he pumped.

  Her head dropped forward and the tears ran directly onto the floor. Her back hurt desperately, and she prayed it would be over soon. His zipper and the rough cloth of his pants rubbed against the welts from her paddling and added to her misery.

  He pumped for a few minutes while she listened desperately for Master 2, and then with a groan, he plunged deep inside and held her there while he shuddered. He pulled out, and she felt his cum leak out of her and trickle down her legs. He slapped his dick on her back a few times to wipe it off, and then she heard him zip up and leave.

  She dropped down to her hands and knees, now crying for fear. That bastard! God knew what kind of diseases he carried. And she’d only had the birth control implant placed a couple of days ago. It wouldn’t fully protect her for another week or so.

  Master 2 returned, gone less than five minutes.

  “What the fuck!” he cried as he took in her position and the cum dripping down her legs. He grabbed a towel and wiped it off.

  “Who?” he demanded as he helped her to her feet and she groaned with the pain of straightening up at last.

  “Master 3,” she whispered.

  “Goddammit! Okay, follow me.” He led her out of the room and the short distance back to the empty cell. “Five minutes for a shower. I’ll be waiting.”

  By the end of the shower, she was angry at everyone and everything. This was not a game! The punishments, the humiliations—those were going to be over eventually. She could hang on. But the possibility of getting a disease, or worse, getting pregnant, was unimaginable. She banged the soap back down into the dish and held in the urge to scream out her anger.

  Master 2 was waiting for her at the cell door when she emerged. He raised an eyebrow to her as she glared at him. She knew he wasn’t the enemy here, and closed her eyes with a sigh.

  He escorted her down the short hall. They went through the locked door at the end and arrived at another door she hadn’t been through before. Master 2 knocked and pushed the door open and as Laura entered, she saw with astonishment that she was in Dan’s office. He looked just as surprised to see her.


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