Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9)

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Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9) Page 3

by KD Jones

  Lizzie gave him a dazzling smile. “I’ll be fine. You can make it up to me tonight.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her softly before standing and leaving. “I promise to make it worth your while.”

  Rose tried to look anywhere but at the loving couple. She hated feeling so envious. She breathed a sigh of relief when he stood up and left them.

  “How is Lola doing?”

  Lizzie smiled. “She and LarIS are ecstatic over the baby. I miss her so much.”

  “How long do you plan to stay on Katiera?”

  “Not long. We’ve come back upon the request of the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN. The Kiljorns are starting to return to their home world now that most of the repairs to the living quarters have been taken care of. Repairs are still going on, and they’re building a new medic wing to replace the old one, which is overcrowded and falling apart. But the approval was given for some of the citizens to return home.”

  “How are the survivors handling the whole displacement situation?”

  “There are some who are still suffering from the trauma of the Morin attack and from having to be relocated several times. But their biggest worry is over the Kiljorn women who are pregnant. There have been some issues with the pregnancies. We came to see Prime Medic SydEL and Dr. Morris for more assistance. Hopefully we’ll get the volunteers we need and can return to Kiljor as soon as possible.”

  Rose knew that the enemy called the Morins had originally attacked Katiera and used a type of germ warfare on its people. The Morins left, but the damage they had done was far-reaching. Soon after the Morins departed their solar system, Katiera split into three nations; Katiera, Kiljor, and the Colonial planet. They hadn’t heard anything from the Morins until recently, when they had returned and attacked Kiljor. The attack devastated the Kiljorn people and destroyed a good part of the main city.

  “Is there anything I can do?” Rose asked.

  Lizzie tapped her chin as she considered Rose’s question. “Would you be willing to come to Kiljor? You could help the other therapists counsel the returning Kiljorns. They’ve been swamped with clients.”

  Leave Katiera? She hadn’t thought of doing that. Sure, she knew she needed to put distance between her and ConEL, but this was a big move and she didn’t know how long it would be for. “I need to think about it. I have clients that I would have to reassign to other therapists. Can I have a little time to consider?”

  “Yes, of course you should think about it. You’d be leaving the friends you have here. But know that I’ll be there too, and I’m sure you’ll make new friends. I’ll talk to TylOR and find out when we’re leaving. We’ll need an answer soon, though.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you know as soon as I make my decision.” Rose wasn’t sure what was making her hesitate. It sounded like the perfect solution to her problem, and a great opportunity.


  “So you’re leaving again?” Kat asked.

  JadEN could feel her watching him from across the room “Yes. I’m going to Kiljor to help the medics there.”

  “Are you going to come back?”

  JadEN sighed. “I don’t know. Why do you care?”

  “You’re the first friend I made when I traveled here to Katiera. I thought we were still friends.” She walked over to a window and looked out.

  “I will always be your friend. I just need some space. It’s hard shifting my feelings and seeing you happy with your family right now …”

  “It hurts you? I don’t want to hurt you.” Kat looked at him with such sadness.

  “It doesn’t hurt exactly…but it aches. I ache to have what you have. A mate and young, a family that is mine. Once I believed I would have all of that with you, but now you have that with someone else.”

  “You can have that, JadEN. You deserve to have that. You don’t have to go to Kiljor to find it. What are you looking for?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know, but I haven’t found it here.”

  He watched Kat walk to the door and pause before leaving. “Then I hope you find what you need soon. You are a good man and deserve only the best. Goodbye, JadEN.”

  “Goodbye, Kat.”

  Chapter 4

  Two days later JadEN boarded the Kiljorn transport. He headed directly to the medic wing and checked in with the lead medic there, then a lieutenant came by to show him to his sleeping quarters.

  As they walked down the corridors, he was surprised to find quite a few Earth females were traveling on board the transport. They had volunteered to come and assist the Kiljorns with whatever they needed. A few of them smiled at him as he passed them by. At least he could seek out one of them if he became too lonely. But none of them really appealed to him.

  He wasn’t there to meet females; he was there to help the Kiljorns. He arrived at his quarters and found Commander TylOR waiting for him. He looked up at TylOR’s seven-foot stature. He was the one of the tallest males JadEN had ever met. JadEN was only a little shorter than the average Katieran, but he was still built like a warrior.

  “What can I do for you, Commander?” he greeted the other male.

  “Elizabeth and I wanted to invite you to our quarters this evening for a small private meal. Unless you have other plans.” He nodded in the direction of a few of the females who passed by smiling at JadEN.

  “I was just going to go by the meal room and grab something to bring back to my quarters. I hadn’t planned on dining with anyone. But I would be honored to share the evening meal with you and your mate.”

  “We’ll see you at twenty hundred. I will send a liaison to escort you.” TylOR walked off.

  JadEN entered his quarters and collapsed on the small bed. He felt so tired. All those restless nights were starting to catch up with him. All he wanted to do was close his eyes and rest, but he only had two hours before he had to go to Commander TylOR’s quarters. Just enough time to shower, change, and to do some preliminary readings on the problems that Kiljor was facing.


  Rose sat on her bed in her sleeping quarters and stared at her digital tablet. The room wasn’t that large, just big enough for a twin-size bed, one nightstand, a small table with two chairs, and a connecting bathroom. Every time she came on board a transport ship she was amazed. It was bigger than a cruise ship, but made completely out of metal like a submarine. The transport ship could carry thousands of people at a time. It was also fully armed to defend its people, and used in times of war as a battleship.

  Rose was interrupted from her thoughts when she noticed she had an incoming message. It was from Prime ConEL. She wasn’t sure if she should open it up or not. She sighed as she clicked on it.

  “Dr. Garrett, I heard that you were traveling to Kiljor. I am sorry that you will not be able to attend the family therapy session I have scheduled for when I return to Katiera. I wish you a safe journey.” Prime ConEL

  She was glad that she wasn’t going to be there. Her one-on-ones were no longer necessary, and she found the family therapy sessions were the only time she had to be around ConEL, but of course his mate, Lieutenant Daniels, came with him. The other woman suspected that Rose had feelings for ConEL; she never said anything, but the glare she gave Rose said it all. It was awkward to say the least.

  She sat the digital tablet down next to her. It might be necessary to relocate to Kiljor or the Colony completely. She knew that Lola, who was now mated to the Colonial Leader LarIS, would welcome her there. Rose hadn’t made that many friends on Katiera that she would miss if she moved. She could easily transfer her clients to another therapist. She just needed to make up her mind to do it.

  She got up to go to the bathroom and get ready for evening meal. She would take this opportunity to find out if she would prefer to live on Kiljor—if they had the room for her. That might be an issue with them still being under reconstruction.


  A few hours later Rose followed a security liaison to the
quarters of Commander TylOR and his mate Lizzie. She was running a few minutes behind because she’d laid down for a short nap after her shower and didn’t set any kind of an alarm to wake her up. She didn’t wake until the liaison had knocked on her door. She had to dress quickly, in a pale blue Katieran-style dress. She brushed her hair and left it down; she didn’t have time to mess with it. As far as makeup, she only put on some lipstick and a little blush.

  She knocked on Commander TylOR’s door and he answered it with a smile. “Welcome, Dr. Garrett.” He stepped aside to allow her to enter.

  “I am so sorry for being late. I fell asleep and didn’t set the alarm.”

  “Don’t worry about it. The meal hasn’t been served yet and our other guest just arrived right before you.”

  Other guest? Rose looked past TylOR towards the dining table. The commander’s quarters were twice as big as Rose’s, and the bedroom was completely separated from the living space. Lizzie was already sitting down at the table. Across from her was Medic JadEN. He rose to his feet as she entered the room, showing that he had manners. She appreciated that. She’d met Medic JadEN a few times. She felt the heat rise in her face as she recalled their last meeting, at a big celebration feast on Katiera.

  JadEN had actually flirted with her from a short distance, and she had flirted back, but then lost track of him during the celebration. She danced with several men. As one of her dances ended, she caught a glimpse of Medic JadEN leaving the ballroom with a gorgeous blonde on his arm. She had danced a few more dances. One of the men escorted her back to her suite and they kissed, but she ended up alone that evening. JadEN had gotten quite drunk that night, so she didn’t think he remembered much of that evening. She plastered a smile on her face.

  Lizzie stood up and greeted her, “I’m so glad you could make it, Rose.”

  “Thank you for inviting me.” She looked over at JadEN. “Medic JadEN, good to see you again.”

  “You look lovely, Dr. Garrett.” JadEN told her, reaching for her hand and bringing it up to his lips.

  “Thank you, please call me Rose.” Her breath hitched at the feel of his lips against her skin. She wasn’t expecting to feel any kind of response to him, but obviously JadEN oozed sex appeal. She couldn’t help picturing him naked and kissing her in other places. She knew her face must be flaming by now.

  Jaden couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful female, with hair of fire. He had seen her from afar a few times and remembered meeting her at a celebration, where he had actually flirted with her. He’d thought she was beautiful then, too, and he’d hoped to convince her to share sex with him. But she was never alone for a moment, as other males circled around her and kept her from him. He started to drink while waiting for his chance with her. He drank too much that night and ended up sharing sex with another female because she had the same hair color as Kat. He couldn’t even remember that female’s name. It was just another night of meaningless sex that left him emptier than ever.

  The next day JadEN had had the worst headache, and couldn’t remember half the things he’d said or did the night before. It was embarrassing for him to have to tell the female he brought back with him to leave, especially when had had no recollection of her name. It wasn’t one of his best moments. He hadn’t seen Dr. Garrett since that night—until now.

  “Are you looking forward to your trip to Kiljor Rose?” He liked saying her name. It was beautiful. From what he learned about Earth, a rose was a type of beautiful flower. It fit her perfectly.

  “Yes, I’m excited about spending more time on Kiljor.”

  “You’ve been there once before, haven’t you?”

  “I was there for only a short stay. Then I traveled on to the Colony and spent a little bit of time there, with Lola Marquessa and Leader LarIS.”

  Lizzie spoke up on Rose’s behalf. “Rose is a wonderful therapist. She really helped Lola and LarIS. Also, she’s been a great help to Prime ConEL and his family.”

  Rose felt heat rise to her face. It was almost as if she was being set up on a blind date or something. She narrowed her eyes at Lizzie. The other woman made sure not to look directly at her. Ah ha! She was being set up. Lizzie just gave her an innocent smile

  “What things will you be doing on Kiljor?” JadEN asked, seeming unaware of the sudden tension in the room between the two females.

  “I’m not sure exactly what I will be doing. I will offer my counseling services, of course. But if there is anything else that needs to be done, I’m willing to help out. Was there something specific that you will be working on, Medic JadEN?”

  “Call me just JadEN, if you like.” He gave her a sexy smile.

  Rose blushed. “JadEN.” How could anyone woman not respond a smile like his. It was making her hot all over. He didn’t just look then turn away, he had a way of looking at her and seeing straight to her soul

  “I will report in to Lead Medic TornIS on Kiljor once we arrive. I will have to be debriefed on the current status of the Kiljorns and then assess what will be set as a priority.” JadEN turned his questions on TylOR. “Commander, will you be returning to the wormhole anytime soon?”

  “Within a few weeks. I want to give Elisabeth time to be on the planet, but then I want to get back to assisting in guarding the wormhole. There’s still another Morin transport that is missing on this side, and my brother AshOR has not yet tracked down the one on the other side. I need to be close enough to assist him if he needs it.”

  Lizzie reached over to take TylOR’s hand. “Ash will be fine.” TylOR squeezed her hand back.

  Rose tried not to watch the exchange. It was clear how deeply the two loved one another. She feared that she would never have that with someone. That connection, where neither had to say anything. They could just look into one another’s eyes and know what the other was thinking.

  JadEN broke the tension when he asked TylOR, “I hear that you caught some of the rebels?”

  “Rebels?” Rose looked up, confused.

  “Oh, you probably haven’t heard much about them. The Purist rebels are a small hate group consisting of Katierans, Kiljorns, and possibly some Colonists, who believe breeding with people from Earth will contaminate their blood lines,” Lizzie told her.

  “Do they openly protest?” This was the first time since coming to Katiera that Rose had heard of anyone having problems with the relocation of the people from Earth. Everyone seemed so excited to have females on the planet.

  “No, they’re more secretive and destructive. A few of the rebels have been caught recently trying to sabotage the wormhole,” TylOR told them.

  “Do you have them in custody?”

  “Yes, the ones we caught we’ve kept on board this transport. Our interrogator has been working with them and doesn’t think they have much more to offer. We’ll be taking them to a holding facility once we return to Kiljor.”

  “What is the interrogator like? What are his credentials?” Rose had taken some training courses in profiling from a local law enforcement agency, but she never pursued it further.

  “Oh my gosh! He’s incredible. He can read images from people’s minds,” Lizzie said enthusiastically.

  Interesting. Rose was intrigued. “Where is he from?”

  “The Colonial planet originally, I think,” Lizzie answered.

  TylOR shifted in his seat. “His ability is a mutation that resulted from the virus the Morins inflicted our people many years ago.”

  “So it’s similar to the mutation which gave the Leader LarIS from the Colonial planet his ability to read minds?” Rose asked.

  “Yes,” JadEN answered, making her look up into his eyes.

  “I would love to meet your interrogator and observe how he works, if that is possible.” Rose quickly turned away from the handsome medic. He was a little older, with silver streaks in his hair, which made him sexy as hell.

  “I’ll ask when his next interrogation session will be,” TylOR told her. Then he and JadEN began to discuss issues tha
t had come up with security. Rose talked with Lizzie about what they’d left behind on Earth and how things had changed for both of them since coming to Katiera.

  Rose had loosened up a bit and enjoyed herself, not paying attention to how much of the Katieran juice she drank. She stole glances of JadEN when he wasn’t looking. This was the most time she had spent in his company, and she found him attractive. More than that, his voice was deep and rumbly and his eyes sparkled with intelligence when he spoke. Not that he spoke to her that much during the meal. He mostly discussed things with TylOR. That was okay, she talked with Lizzie and just relaxed for once. When it was time for her to go back to her sleeping quarters, she wobbled a bit on her feet.

  “Here, let me assist you back to your quarters,” JadEN offered as he took her elbow and helped steady her.

  “Thank you.” She said goodnight to Lizzie and TylOR and let JadEN help her down the corridor.

  “How long do you plan to stay on Kiljor?” Rose asked JadEN. She wasn’t sure if she’d asked this question before or not. Her mind was a little fuzzy. It was hard to focus when she was walking so close to him. He smelled delicious, like rich spices and the outdoors.

  “I’m not sure. It could be a permanent move for me. I will have to discuss things with the lead medic on Kiljor.”

  “I may be moving too. Not sure if it will be to Kiljor or the Colony.”

  “Why would you move?” JadEN caressed the skin at her elbow making her shiver.

  “It would be a really good opportunity, and things would be easier for me. I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing…” She paused, realizing that she’d almost said too much.

  “Seeing who?” JadEN had stopped them just outside her quarters, but he kept hold of her arm.

  “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just say that there’s someone on Katiera that I feel things for, who doesn’t feel the same way about me. It would be easier for everyone if I wasn’t there.”

  “I understand; I have the same issue. But let me say this, whoever the male is, if he doesn’t want you for his own, then he is a fool. You are beautiful, sexy, smart, and funny. Any male would be blessed to have you as his mate.”


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