Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9)

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Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9) Page 4

by KD Jones

  Rose looked a little shocked at the compliment. Then she blushed. “Thank you. I think whoever the woman is who turned you down is also a fool.” Rose’s mind must have been a little cloudy from the Katieran juice, otherwise she never would have done what she did next.

  She stepped closer, pushing her body up against JadEN’s. He looked down at her in surprise. “Dr. Garrett?”

  “Call me Rose,” she said in a low, sexy voice. She ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, hooking them behind his head.

  “Rose, what are you doing?” He gulped.

  “Kiss me.” She rubbed herself against him like a cat.

  “What? I don’t think you know what you’re doing.” He should push her away, but he couldn’t make himself move. She was so soft, silky smooth. He had watched her slyly from the corner of his eyes, and it pleased him that he caught her staring at him several times.

  He’d caught glimpses of her during the meal. Every time she glanced his way she would lick her lips. JadEN’s body tightened with need. He wanted to taste those lips himself. He’d never reacted so quickly to a female before. He was getting aroused just by being near her. Now that he had the chance to feel the warm softness of her skin, he wanted to explore more of her.

  “Kiss me.” She licked and nibbled at his chin.

  He groaned with need. How could any male refuse her? “I think I should …” JadEN’s words were cut short when Rose lifted up on her toes and pressed her mouth against his. This was a bad idea, but the feel of her soft lips against his slipped beneath his tight self-control. He pulled her further into his arms and deepened the kiss.

  Rose opened her mouth, giving him entrance, and at the touch of their tongues he could have sworn he saw stars. He couldn’t get enough of her taste. He pulled her tighter against him. He wanted to feel more of her. He ground his lower half against her, and she moaned. The sound of her arousal made his need for her even greater. She was so responsive. He was loosing his ability to think straight. All his thoughts were consumed with taking her to his bed. But this couldn’t happen, not when she might regret it in the morning. He wanted to be honorable and pull away, but releasing her was hard.

  JadeEN’s comm link went off at that moment, interrupting them from anything else. They were both breathing heavy. JadEN pressed his comm link and answered, “Medic JadEN here. Send the correspondence to my digital tablet. Thank you.”

  “Rose, we need to talk about what just happened.”

  She shook her head. “It was nothing. Just the Katieran juice making me do these things.”

  JadEN frowned. “It wasn’t all the Katieran juice.”

  “Goodnight.” She turned and entered her quarters, shutting the door and locking it behind her.

  Kitana! JadEN wanted to punch something. What was he doing? If they hadn’t been interrupted, they would probably be naked and sharing sex right at that moment. He wasn’t sure what to be more upset over, almost sharing sex or getting stopped before he could share sex. He didn’t know what to do now. Everything male in him demanded that he knock her door down and carry her to his own quarters and keep her there all night. He wanted to mark her so other males would know that she belonged to him, but that kind of thinking was just crazy. He turned away and walked further down the corridor, going to his own quarters. Nothing good could come from this. He was still in love with Kat, after all, wasn’t he?


  Stryker, the Kiljorn interrogator, paced the holding area. He had been questioning the three prisoners for hours. Every time he made progress with one of the males, the female MarjAY would interrupt them.

  “Tell me how you first met the rebel leader.”

  “I haven’t actually met him,” RojAY started to answer, but his sister interrupted.

  “We have no idea what you mean by ‘rebel.’ You are holding us for no reason at all. I demand a meeting with the Kiljorn Council and that we be released immediately.” MarjAY pushed her dark hair behind her shoulders.

  StrykER glared at the female. She constantly flirted with the guards, trying to draw their attention. He had even caught one guard letting the female out of her holding cell so that she could stretch her legs. It was proving to be more trouble keeping her with the others. The other male, HavEY, didn’t speak much, but every time he did seem like he was gong to say something, MarjAY would interrupt him. He was going to have to separate them if he hoped to get any more information from them.

  Chapter 5

  JadEN tasted his dream lover, licking the swollen lips of her pussy as her juice flowed over his face. He growled at her, letting her know how much he loved her scent and taste. Nothing else had ever tasted this good. He could eat her all day and night and never get enough.

  She gripped his hair as she pulled him tighter against her entrance. She kept telling him that what he was doing felt so good to her, but she wanted more. He loved that she was just as aggressive as he was. It turned him on. He wanted more of her, too. She was an addiction, and he knew having her once would never be enough. He applied more pressure, using his thumb and forefinger to tweak her clit.

  “JadEN, please.” The female squeezed his hips with her thighs as she begged him to take her.

  Hearing her say his name made him growl possessively. He rose up over her body, nuzzling against her breasts and then nibbling a spot on her shoulder. He pushed his cock deep inside of her, and they both moaned. He set a fast and deep pace, thrusting over and over. When they both reached their climax, they shouted out as they released.

  “By the Goddess, Rose!” He released his seed deep within her, satisfied that he’d claimed her for his own.

  Holy Kitana! JadEN woke up with sweat glistening all over his body and a rock-hard cock. He had dreamed of Rose—and not just any dream, either. They were sharing sex, and it was the bonding kind. In his dream he claimed her with his seed. What did that mean?

  He threw the covers off his naked body and got up, heading to the bathing room. He turned on the shower and stepped inside, letting the warm water wash away his sweat. It didn’t, however, do anything for his raging hard-on.

  JadEN grabbed his cock with his hand and began pumping himself. He tried to picture a random female to help him reach his release quickly. A brief image of Kat popped into his mind, but her image faded out and was replaced by a female with long, beautiful red hair. She had pretty eyes that turned two different colors and the most amazing kissable lips. He closed his eyes, squeezing and pulling himself faster and harder. Her name tumbled from his lips as he released his seed into the spray. “Rose.”


  Rose was holding on to the wall to keep herself steady. This was the first time she had taken the initiative and kissed a man; usually they made the first move. And boy could JadEN kiss. She had never been kissed like that before in her whole life. It shook her to her core. Maybe it was the Katieran juice. She had to be drunk or something. She needed to sleep it off. In the morning, she would realize that whatever she had been feeling with JadEN was all a mistake.

  Rose had passed out on top of the covers still wearing most of her clothes. The next morning she immediately regretted drinking too much of the Katieran juice. Her head felt like someone had hit her and knocked her against a wall or something.

  “Ugh, kill me now,” she moaned as she turned over onto her back. She was never drinking that much Katieran juice again. Some of last night was a little hazy, but she remembered kissing JadEN. She’d practically thrown herself at him, how embarrassing.

  She wished she could blame it all on her being drunk, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. Throughout her dinner with Commander TylOR, Lizzie, and JadEN, she found herself being drawn to JadEN. She would pause in what she was saying just so that she could hear his voice. She peeked at him from across the table because she had to see his expressions. It wasn’t just his good looks that appealed to her, though he was drop dead gorgeous. She especially liked the small streaks of silver that ran through his dark h
air. They gave him a sexy, distinguished look. Her body reacted just by being close to him. Everything about him excited her.

  Then he’d touched her arm as he escorted her back to her sleeping quarters. She immediately felt sparks light up and she tingled all over her body. The whole time they walked back to her quarters she wondered what it would be like to be kissed by him. She pictured them naked together and making love all night. She had wanted him before she even kissed him. Unfortunately or fortunately, she had drank enough Katieran juice that she lost some of her inhibitions. The moment their lips met, those tiny sparks turned into a fire that was lit within her, and she knew only he could put it out.

  Rose frowned, thinking about her behavior and how she had practically tackled JadEN. She had never been that aggressive towards a man before. Not once during the whole thing did she think about ConEL. That surprised her. She had been obsessed with ConEL for a while now. He invaded her dreams. She compared every man she had met against him, and they always fell short.

  But not JadEN. JadEN was just as good-looking as ConEL. They both had silver streaks in their hair, but that was where their similarities ended. ConEL was introverted and serious. But JadEN, he opened up to people and his intelligence was clear with every word he spoke. That was a major turn-on for Rose.

  She’d once thought ConEL’s silent and strong persona was appealing. But it wasn’t nearly as appealing as being able to speak with JadEN about just about anything for hours. That was what she secretly longed for. Someone she could talk to, share her life with, along with having a happy, active sexual relationship.

  Damn it! She wasn’t in a relationship with JadEN. She barely knew the man. They’d shared one kiss, that was all. Okay, so the kiss with him was better than sex with all her previous lovers combined, but JadEN didn’t act like he was interested in anything except for sex. She’d heard the rumors about him and Prima Kat having a fling, and that he’d wanted to mate her but she chose Prime Medic SydEL instead.

  She couldn’t understand that herself. Why would anyone chose someone over JadEN? This was so typical of her. She always fell for emotionally unavailable men. First she formed an unprofessional attachment to one of her clients, who was in a relationship with another woman, and now she was fantasizing and craving the touch of a man who was in love with a mated woman. She shook her head. She needed to get her mind off of men, period.

  Rose got up and went to take a quick shower and change her clothes. She was meeting with Lizzie for morning meal. She hoped to get them to let her observe this interrogator in person. That would be a good distraction for her.


  JadEN knocked on Rose’s door, hoping to take her to morning meal. She hadn’t answered, and he’d been knocking for three minutes at least. He wasn’t sure if she was purposely not answering, passed out, or not there at all. He caught sight of one of the security liaisons and called him over.

  “Can I help you, Medic JadEN?”

  “Yes, I’m friends with Dr. Garrett. I’ve been knocking on her door, but she hasn’t answered. I’m worried that she may be injured. Could you open the door for me?”

  “Actually, I just saw Dr. Garrett in the meal room eating with Miss Connell about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Thank you.” JadEN turned to leave, but the security liaison called out.

  “Sir, they were finishing up their meal. Dr. Garrett was leaving with Commander TylOR.”

  “Where did he take her?”

  “I believe I overheard him say something about introducing her to Interrogator StrykER.”

  JadEN frowned. “Where is the holding area?”

  “I can take you there.”

  JadEN nodded his head as he followed the liaison. He was not pleased. His morning of getting to know Rose better was totally ruined, and on top of that, Commander TylOR was introducing her to another male. He had not liked the interest she’d shown the previous evening when they were discussing the interrogator’s abilities. He picked up his pace.

  Chapter 6

  “StrykER, I would like to introduce you to Dr. Rose Garrett,” Commander TylOR said to a tall man with striking eyes. He stood up and approached them, he took in every detail like he was evaluating whether she was a threat.

  TylOR continued the introductions. “Dr. Garrett, this is one of our top interrogators, StrykER.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Rose reached out to shake his hand automatically, forgetting that Katierans and Kiljorns clasped forearms instead of shaking hands. She tried to pull her hand back but StrykER surprised her by quickly taking her small hand in his and lifting it to his lips. He pressed a kiss on her knuckles.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” He gave her a sexy smile which transformed his face from stern and intimidating to attractive and fucking hot. His dark brown hair was cut short, in a military style, and he had startling blue eyes. It was the eyes that really captured her attention.

  He used his grip on her to pull her closer to him. “Doctor? That is the same as a medic where you are from, isn’t it?” he asked her.

  “Yes, but I’m a different type of doctor. I deal with mental issues.”

  “Fascinating. I would love to know more about you and what you do.”

  She laughed as she pulled her hand back. He was charming, but she didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. “That’s why I’m here; to learn more about you and what you do.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m more than happy to discuss things with you in a more...private location. Right now I’m finishing up an interrogation.”

  “That’s what I wanted to observe, the interrogation.”

  StrykER shook his head. “I prefer to work without interruptions or distractions. You, my dear…” he looked her up and down, “are very much a distraction.”

  A growl from the doorway made them all turn in surprise. JadEN stood there, glaring at StrykER. Commander TylOR looked at him questioningly. “Is there something you needed, Medic JadEN?”

  JadEN kept his eyes on StrykER. “I wanted to watch as well.”

  StrykER pulled back his shoulders, clearly agitated. “I’m not here to perform for your guests, Commander TylOR. I have a job to do, one that Prime Leader KadEN personally asked me to execute.”

  TylOR pulled himself to his full height, towering over everyone in the room. “I don’t like your attitude Stryker. You have a tendency to be cocky and anti-social. I won’t have it on my ship under my command. I promised them that they could observe as long as they didn’t interfere. You forget yourself, StrykER. I am still your superior officer. If I say they will observe you, then that’s what will happen.”

  StrykER gritted his teeth. “Fine, but I don’t want either of them in the way. I need to concentrate.”

  “I promise to stay out of your way. I heard about your abilities and was fascinated, but if it’s going to be a problem, I can leave.” Rose started to back away but bumped into JadEN, who’d come to stand directly behind her. She hadn’t heard him at all, he moved so quietly. She looked up at JadEN but he was glaring at StrykER. The testosterone quickly filling the room was choking her.

  “I hope that you don’t take offense to what I said. It was nothing personal. Come, I will show you where to sit so that you can watch.” StrykER gently touched her arm and motioned for her to follow him. She did, and felt the heat of JadEN’s body right behind her.

  Rose looked around the holding area and found only one man, held behind bars. He looked a little haggard, but he wasn’t starving and there was no sign of him being abused. She felt relief at that; she would have felt sick to walk in on some kind of torture center with chains and whips.

  StrykER gave her a curious look. “Do your people starve and torture their prisoners?”

  “No, I just didn’t know what to expect.” She felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

  “I don’t want you to be disappointed. We did take him out for a brief time on several occasions to have a more physical interrogating. Then
we had the medics heal him and started over again.”

  Rose looked at him in shock. “Did you read my mind?”

  “I saw the images you had in your mind; they were pretty clear. I couldn’t hear your thoughts.”

  “Wow, that’s incredible.” Rose couldn’t stop staring at StrykER. His eyes seemed to spark a little with a light, or maybe more like a glow. She felt a presence close in behind her shoulder and looked up to find that JadEN had moved to stand next to her. She didn’t know what his problem was, but she didn’t need someone constantly standing over her like this. She also felt another pair of eyes staring at her. She glanced over to the holding cell and found the prisoner glaring at her with distaste.

  “Who is your prisoner?” Rose asked quietly.

  “His name is RojAY. He and his sister MarjAY, also a prisoner, were raised on Kiljor. There is another prisoner as well, named HarvEY,” StrykER told her.

  “Where are the other two prisoners?” JadEN asked.

  TylOR answered him. “The female MarjAY and the male HarvEY are being held in different holding areas.”

  “Why separate them?” she asked curiously.

  “The female prisoner seems to have more influence over the males, especially her brother. It’s hard to get the answers we need when she is in the room. Separating this male from the others has proven to be more effective. If you will excuse me, I’ll get back to the interrogations.”

  StrykER bowed to her. As he turned towards the holding cell, he stopped halfway and glared at the prisoner. He approached in angry strides.

  “You think to harm the female?”

  The man inside the cell shivered and backed away from the bars, but when he glanced at Rose his hatred for her was very visible. “She is nothing but a germ to our people. How can you mingle with that?”

  JadEN growled from where he stood. He made a few steps towards the cell, but Rose caught his arm. He looked down at her.


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