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Shifter Royals 2: The Uprising

Page 16

by Leigh Walker

  Dae looked into her wineglass. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. But after today, I feel like I have a better understanding of what it’s going to take to be queen of the Realm. There’s more than meets the eye, that’s for sure.”

  “Yes, it’s true,” Joely said. “There’s some politics involved that I didn’t anticipate. All I know is, I am on King Rhys’s side. He really does seem like a good ruler, doesn’t he?”

  “I believe he is. He seems very fair, and it’s clear he loves his people.” Dae nodded. “I’m on his side too. But who will he choose as queen? I don’t know who’s going to win. It’s starting to freak me out, honestly. I can’t bear the thought of leaving.”

  Joely poured herself another glass. “I’ve felt this whole time that the three of us each have the affection of the king. I honestly don’t know who he’ll choose.”

  I held out my goblet for more wine. “Me neither.”

  We chatted for another hour, and it felt good to laugh and talk with my friends after the strain of the last few days. Joely and Dae would never know how I’d put Rhys in peril, and they would never know how I wept over him. But perhaps one of them would reap the rewards of my poor judgment: one of them could be crowned queen. The final decision was coming sooner than I was ready. And there was nothing I could do but wait, and wonder… And worry.

  In The Midnight Hour

  Before I retired to my room, I went to Rhys’s door. I just stood there, listening. No one stirred from within. I knew that Duncan wouldn’t leave his side and would make sure that Rhys had everything he needed.

  I wanted to knock, but I knew he needed his rest. He would call for me when he wanted, if he wanted.

  Elsa whined when I finally went inside my room. “I know you miss Beast,” I told her as I changed into my pajamas. “So do I. But Blake wanted to keep him for a while, and I had to let her.” The gnome whined again, and I clucked my tongue. “There, now, you’re a good girl. We’ll go and see them tomorrow, if you like. You deserve a treat for how brave you were today.”

  I brushed my teeth, going over the events of the day. Was it just this morning that we’d raced back to the Realm? It seemed like ages ago. Come to think of it, I hadn’t slept at all the night before, I’d been so busy with my filibuster… I climbed into bed and pulled up the blanket, weariness overtaking me. After only a moment, I drifted off to sleep.

  My bed creaked, waking me. “What on earth?”

  Rhys climbed onto the bed then sat beside me. “May I visit with you for a moment, Lady Layne?”

  “Of course, but please lie down. You still look ill.”

  The werewolf king gingerly lay back on the bed, pulling his robe close to him.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  He turned his head then smiled a little. “You told me you wanted me to come back to life to torture you, so here I am.”

  “Ah. Ugh.” I buried my face in my hands. “So you heard me.”

  “Every word.” I didn’t have to look at him to know he was grinning. “And I need to set a couple of things straight.”

  “Are you sure you’re feeling up to that?” I asked, hopefully. “Perhaps you should go back to bed.”

  “I’m in bed—and even better, it’s yours.” He chuckled softly. “First things first: I will not punish the little vampire who came to the Realm to tell you lies, but I will have justice from her patron. Maya Briones will have to answer for what she’s done, for she hurt you. She will pay for it.”

  “Maya is a jealous wench, is all. I don’t know that she’s worth punishing.”

  “I did go out into the woods and get attacked by a pack of bloodthirsty vampires because of what she did,” Rhys reminded me. “Plus, I don’t like people who meddle. As a group, they’re very annoying.”

  “Then I suppose that Maya the Meddler will have to be dealt with. You aren’t going to hurt her or anything, are you?”

  “No. I’ll think of something appropriate. Just give me some time.”

  I turned over to look at him. He had his pajamas on under his robe, which covered most of his bite marks. The ones on his neck looked as though they’d healed a bit since I’d last seen them. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. I slept for the past several hours, since you left me.”

  “I’m so glad to hear it.” I found myself precipitously close to tears once again.

  “You’re going to start blubbering again, are you?” He turned toward me, a wicked grin on his face.

  I swallowed hard. “Of course not. I’m just glad that you’re okay.”

  “Did you mean what you said before, when we were down in the catacomb?”

  “Which…which thing?”

  “Well, there are so many to choose from. Hmm.” He tapped his finger against his chin, pretending to think. “That you love me? That you don’t care if I choose one of the other girls or tell you that I hate you—you’d love me still? That I’m the most handsome, most charming, hottest wolf you’ve ever met in your life, and you can’t live without me?”

  “I never said that! I never said you were handsome, charming, or least of all hot. I’m too sophisticated for such plebeian terms.”

  “But you said the other things. Do you admit it?”

  I opened my mouth then closed it.

  “What, you don’t remember? Take your time,” Rhys said lazily. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Ugh. Ugh.” I took a deep breath. “I do remember—I remember I was under duress. I thought you were going to die and that it was all my fault. So I said some things.”

  Rhys rolled onto his back. “If it was simply because you felt guilty and you didn’t mean them, I understand.”

  “Oh, will you stop.” I leaned up on my elbows and stared at him. “Yes, I said those things. Yes, I love you. And yes, even if you love someone else or simply don’t love me back, I still love you. Are you satisfied now?”

  “I am.” A huge grin spread over his handsome face. “What was that word you used again the other night? Right before you passed out? Ah yes: yeehaw. That’s how I feel—positively yeehaw.”

  “It’s an exclamation, not an adverb.” I scowled at him.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, nor do I care. What I do care about is the fact that you’ve finally told me how you feel. I had to get mauled by vampires in order for you to admit it, but I’d do it again. It was worth it.”

  I shook my head. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “I know, and yet you love me still.” He chuckled so hard he winced. “Okay. Stop making me laugh.”

  “So I tell you that I love you, and you say ‘yeehaw’ in response—while using it incorrectly in a sentence, I might add.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Ah, Tamara, what’s the matter? Did you want to hear something else?”

  “No.” Yes.

  “Well, I suppose I should follow protocol, then.”

  “What protocol?”

  “Your protocol.” He sat up a little and held out his hand. “Tamara, may I hold your hand?”

  “Yes.” I gently laced my fingers through his, and I was relieved to feel that his hands were warm once again.

  “So… I think your lips are luscious, and I feel compelled to get closer to them. May I, my lady?”

  He was quoting my Contestants’ Challenge presentation word for word. “You’re making fun of me.”

  “Absolutely not.” His voice turned tender as he asked, “May I kiss you, Tamara?”

  “Yes.” I raised my face to his and he gave me a kiss, chaste and too brief.

  When he pulled back, he tilted his chin. “Now may I tell you that I love you too?”

  My eyes filled with stupid tears. “Y-Yes.”

  “I love you, Tamara. I thought I did before, but when I was attacked, I knew for sure: all I could think of when I lay there was that I would never have the pleasure of looking at your face again. It seemed a great tragedy.”

  “Ah, I know the feeling
.” My tears spilled over, and he brushed them away with his thumb.

  “May I kiss you again?”

  “Yes, Your Highness. And for the record, that is my standing answer. You’ll have to do something terrible, like almost die again, in order for me to revoke it.”

  “Then I shall try not to do anything terrible any time soon.”

  He kissed me again and again. We were gentle, careful of his wounds.

  “You should rest, Your Highness. Will you stay with me awhile?”

  “I will stay for as long as you shall have me.” He smiled as his eyes fluttered close.

  “But wait—before you fall asleep. You promised to tell me why you lied to the king.”

  His eyes snapped back open, and he stared at the ceiling for a long while. “I’m not sure that I want you to know of my suspicions.”

  “I want to know. I want to look at the world with clear eyes. I will keep your secrets, I promise you.”

  “I know you will.” He blew out a deep breath. “And this isn’t a secret as much as it’s a thought, one meant to be kept only by myself and my advisors.”

  He didn’t say anything for so long that I thought he wouldn’t share more. But then Rhys said, “I believe that the king was behind the vampire attacks I sustained in the forest.”

  I sat straight up in bed. “What? Why?”

  Rhys looked at me, his dark eyes fiery. “Because I believe he’s been recruiting vampires to coordinate with the rebels.”

  “What? No.” I shook my head. “That’s crazy. The rebels hate the vampires, and vice versa. The king hates the rebels most of all.”

  “But the king loves himself more than anything. He loves himself more than he hates them. And if the rebels were able to conquer the Realm, it would take their focus off the settlements. They might not get their country back, but they’d get a country. And then King Black could go back to rule the settlements and not have to worry about the rebels and a bunch of pesky werewolves who’ve gotten too big for their britches.”

  “I don’t… I don’t know what to say.” But in my gut, I knew the king was capable of all sorts of things, including maybe giving Rhys a kingdom just to sacrifice him.

  “Don’t worry, my lady. This big, bad wolf isn’t afraid of a few vampires. Nor am I afraid of the king.”

  I held my breath, waiting for him to go on.

  “If he comes for me, if he tries to take my land, I will show him what a true leader is. I will crush him, my lady, and I do not care if the entire Black Guard comes for me.”

  “But Rhys, I care if the Black Guard comes for you.”

  “I know.” The cocky grin was back. “So I’m just going to have to win the war now, aren’t I?”

  Read the thrilling conclusion to Tamara and Rhys’s epic romance in Book 3, The Crown! You can order it here:

  Happy Reading!



  Also by Leigh Walker

  Vampire Royals

  The Pageant (Book #1)

  The Gala (Book #2)

  The Finale (Book #3)

  The North (Book #4)

  Shifter Royals

  The Realm (Book #1)

  The Uprising (Book #2)

  The Crown (Book #3)

  Vampire Kingdom Trilogy

  The Trade (Book #1)

  The Pact (Book #2)

  The Claim (Book #3)

  The Division Series

  Premonition (Book #1)

  Intuition (Book #2)

  Perception (Book #3)

  Divination (Book #4)

  Dear Reader

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  Leigh Walker

  About the Author

  Leigh Walker lives in New Hampshire with her husband and their three children.

  In her pre-author life, Leigh had many different jobs. She worked in advertising at Boston Magazine and was a copy editor at Chadwick’s, the women’ fashion catalog. She was also a barback, waitress, barista, receptionist and lawyer. She has degrees from Suffolk University School of Law and the University of New Hampshire.

  Right now she’s doing what she loves most—being a full-time writer and sports-mom!

  Outside of writing and family, her priorities include maintaining a sense of humor, a steady caffeine intake, and a busy Netflix schedule that includes Grey's Anatomy, Cheer, and Chris Rock's "Tamborine."

  She loves to hear from readers! Email her at, and sign up for her mailing list at




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