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Atlantean's Quest 5: The Dark King

Page 19

by Jordan Summers

  One moment he was standing there, shaking his head to clear it. The next he was gone. A monstrous black beast with yellow eyes, deadly claws, and sharp teeth stood in his place.

  Opal flinched as the creature took a step forward, its claws clacking on the metal floor. What was he?

  He wasn't a Phantom, but there was no denying that he was some kind of shifter. The hair on Hades' back stood on end as he prepared to attack. Opal stepped forward, then stopped short as she realized what she'd been about to do. Why had her first instinct been to step between them and stop the fight? One look at Hawk told her that he didn't need her assistance.

  Hades launched himself at the black cat, raking his claws over the Slavers’ flank.

  The black beast snarled, then whipped around so fast that Opal barely tracked his movements. He latched onto the Dark King's ear and bit down. Hades cried out, then they rolled. Claws, teeth, and fur went flying as the two evenly matched beasts engaged in battle. Blood splattered the walls and made the floor slick. Opal's hearts were in her throat as she watched them tear at each other, but she couldn't stay. She had a job to do. With Hades distracted, this was her last chance.

  Sheer force of will turned her from the fight. Opal rushed down the hall until she found a transport cylinder. She stepped inside and shouted, "Level Four!"

  The door closed and the transport dropped. Within seconds, she was standing outside of cargo bay four. Opal poked her head out the door. The bay was empty. She drew her sword and stepped into the cavernous chamber. Her boots sounded vulgar in the silence. Opal scanned the room. Metal chambers lined the walls. So many that it would take her forever to search them all. But what choice did she have? She had to try.


  Hades barely reached Opal in time. When he'd seen the Slaver's hands on her and heard her cry out, a protective instinct overrode his need for stealth and he'd pounced. He'd torn the Slaver away from his Righthand, sending him flying.

  He hadn't expected the Slaver to shift. Nor had he expected the beast to be so damn strong, but he should've known. Nothing was ever that straightforward in the world.

  They fought for supremacy, each cat trying to get the upper hand. Every move Hades made was countered by the black beast. Scratch for scratch, bite for bite, they exchanged strikes, neither gaining ground. If he weren't a Slaver, the King might've had respect for the man. He was quite a fighter. Too bad he’d chosen the wrong path.

  Hades circled him once more, looking for an opening. His side hurt from where Perseus had injured him last night, but he didn’t let it show. "Where is she?" he growled.

  The black beast snarled, but didn't answer.

  "I will make your death swift if she is unharmed. Otherwise you'll experience torture like you've never known existed," Hades said.

  The Slaver snorted out what sounded like a laugh.

  Movement caught Hades’ attention. His men were approaching from the opposite hall. Hades kept the Slaver's eyes on him, until they were near enough to strike.

  "Have it your way," he said, then shouted. "Take him!"

  The black beast went down as five Phantoms leapt onto his back.

  "Bind him and bring him with us," Hades said, then raced down the hall. It was only as he was leaving that the King noticed that Opal was missing.


  Opal moved to the nearest door and pressed her hand against the metal to open it. The hatch rose revealing four women tethered to the walls. They cried out in relief when they saw her. But their cries of joy quickly turned to shouts of disbelief as Opal stepped back out and shut the door. She didn't have time to free the women now, not until she found what she was looking for.

  She opened room after room, searching for Taylor, only to find more and more women. Some were Atlanteans. Most were of unknown origin. How long had the Slavers been here? How many other planets had they culled? It took time to gather this many females.

  It wasn't until Opal reached the doors on the far part of the bay that she found her. She peeked through the glass and saw Taylor against the wall. The second the door slid open, Taylor lunged for her. Opal was so surprised by the move that she nearly dropped her sword. She dodged to the side at the last second and twisted out of the way.

  "How did you get free?" she asked, stunned that one so inferior had managed such a feat.

  Taylor pointed to the rods. "I'll give you one guess?"

  Opal glanced at the poles and cursed under her breath, then looked at Taylor's hand. She wasn't holding a proper weapon. Instead, she had what looked to be a bolt tool. "What do you think you're going to do with that?"

  "Smash you over the head, then get the hell out of here," Taylor said. "I can't believe you did this to me. What could I have possibly done to deserve this? And don't you dare say sleep with Hades because that answer isn’t going to fly bitch."

  Opal lifted her sword, studying the blade as she spoke. "I admit that I initially concocted my plan because of what was happening between you and the Dark King. I hated you for taking him from me. Hades was mine. Is mine," she corrected. "But the reason I despise you, truly despise you has to do with the Kingdom. I would do anything to protect the Phantom realm. If that means getting rid of distractions like you by nefarious means, then so be it. Your mere presence reflects poorly on the Phantom people and weakens the Dark King. As long as humans like you are around, we are vulnerable."

  Taylor raised her tool in defense. "You are insane."

  Opal swung her weapon in a wide arc, barely missing Taylor. "I am not crazy," she said.

  "Yes, you are, if you believe that you've done this," she indicated to the bloody walls around them, "for any other reason than spite and jealousy," Taylor said.

  Opal rushed her.


  Taylor dodged left, then pivoted on her right foot, striking Opal in the back. The King’s Righthand lost her balance and went flying forward, but didn't fall.

  "Nice shot." Opal rolled her shoulders. "I taught you well, but it won't save you."

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I learned that move from Perseus,” she said.

  Fear focused her. Taylor concentrated on what else Perseus had taught her. She could hear the battle taking place around them, but just because Hades was on the ship didn't mean that she'd survive the next few minutes.

  She held up her makeshift weapon. It wasn't nearly as effective as a wooden sword, but it was better than nothing. Taylor jumped over the crates and grabbed a handful of clothes as she went. She threw them into Opal's face, but it barely slowed the Phantom woman down.

  Opal lunged, her sword jabbing forward. She sliced through the material, cutting her way to Taylor’s arm.

  Taylor cried out and staggered back.

  Blood welled from the wound, but Taylor's grip on her weapon remained firm. She saw movement outside the door. Had the Slavers returned? Her heart slammed against her ribs, but she didn't dare take her eyes off Opal. She needed a sword or a longer weapon. Anything to give her a fighting chance.

  "Why did you do it?" Taylor asked again to buy herself some time. She kept the crates between them as Opal tried to reposition herself for a kill shot.

  "I told you," Opal said. "I did it for the King, for the Phantom people. Now stop stalling. You are only delaying the inevitable. The sooner you die, the sooner things can return to what they were before you arrived." She lunged for her.

  Taylor had her weapon raised and ready, but there wasn't much she could do against a sword.

  A loud menacing growl filled the small compartment. The growl quickly turned into an outraged roar.

  Opal stopped mid-charge. They both turned to find Hades standing in the doorway, covered in blood, his large body trembling with barely contained rage.

  "Sire." Opal sheathed her sword. "As you can see, I've found her. She's alive, but appears to be suffering from delusions. She thinks I’m trying to kill her. Perhaps now that you’re here, you can talk some sense into her."

  His red eyes follow
ed her movements, then slowly shifted to Taylor. "What I see is that I've arrived just in time." His words were guttural and in no way human.

  Opal’s composure cracked and she dropped to one knee. "My King, I did what was best for the people. Having a human in our court will weaken us, weaken you. Can't you see that? This foolish raid proves it. How many warriors have we lost for one Earthling? Five? Ten?"

  "We wouldn't have lost any had it not been for you." Hades' fury entered the room before him. The heat from it boiled over, making it hard to breathe. He stepped forward and held out his hand. "Taylor, come to me." Bloody claws had replaced his fingertips, but she didn't hesitate.

  Taylor rushed into Hades' arms. He inhaled, taking in her scent, then slowly examined every inch of her. When he reached the injury on her arm, he leaned down and licked the blood off. He cleaned the wound thoroughly, then examined it again. His eyes were glowing, when his gaze returned to Opal.

  "You have betrayed me," he growled. "Betrayed my trust. Betrayed the Phantom people by working with the Slavers. What have you to say for yourself?"

  Opal shook her head in denial. "Sire, I did it for you. And for the people—"

  "Cease speaking this instant! I shall listen to no more of your lies. You did this…" He held up Taylor’s injured arm. “All of this, for yourself.”

  "But, Sire..." Opal beseeched. “I love you.”

  Hades’ gaze flicked to the dried blood on the walls. “This is not love. This is madness.”

  Taylor squeezed Hades’ hand to reassure him that all was well. His touch remained gentle, but firm.

  Opal rose to her feet. "Will you challenge me in the Pit?" She swallowed convulsively as she awaited his answer.

  "I will," Taylor said.

  Satisfaction flashed in Opal's eyes, but quickly diminished when Hades looked at her.

  “No.” He slowly shook his head. "I have a better idea." Hades turned to his nearest guard. "Bring him to me."

  A Phantom Warrior pushed Captain Hawk forward. Opal's eyes widened and her color drained.

  "Remove the shackles from her," Hades said.

  Hawk did as he asked.

  Taylor rubbed her wrists. They were sore from the climb, but they didn't appear to be bruised. Not that it mattered. She'd heal.

  "Because I am a fair King, I will allow you to take what is left of your people and leave this planet." Hades pointed to Opal. "You will take her with you."

  "No!" Opal shouted.

  Hawk gave her a feral grin. "It would be my pleasure. I'm in need of a new pet."

  Hades' free hand curled into fist. "The only reason you are alive is because she is unharmed." He ran his knuckles over Taylor's uninjured arm. "If you ever return to Zaron, I will find your home planet and declare war upon it." His glacial voice cut through any remaining doubt of his sincerity. "I will not stop, until all that remains is a memory of your planet and its people. Do you understand?"

  Hawk's battered gaze moved to Opal and his smile widened, making his split lip bleed even more. "Agreed," he said. "What about the others?" He indicated to the containers around them.

  Hades' eyes narrowed. "The others shall be freed. They can either remain here on Zaron or they will eventually be returned to their homes. Accept my decree or die where you stand."

  Hawk hesitated, then nodded. "I don't have much of a choice."

  "No, you do not."

  Hades' cold blue eyes pinned Opal in place as they left the compartment. Hawk raised his hand and pressed a panel on the right. Opal rushed forward as the door slammed shut.

  "You can't do this. It means death. Please, Sire." Her fists pounded on the metal. The clang, clang, clang echoed in the silence.

  "It is done," Hawk said.

  Hades glanced one more time at the sealed compartment, then slowly turned away. He pulled Taylor close, then issued the order to leave. The Phantoms freed the enslaved women, then escorted them off the ships.

  The Slavers took off an hour later.

  Taylor and Hades watched them go. Even after everything she'd done to her, Taylor felt bad for Opal. She'd feel bad for anyone stuck in that horrendous chamber of horrors. As the ships left the atmosphere, she turned to Hades.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  He tensed, but didn’t look at her. "So am I."

  "Do you think he'll kill her?" she asked.

  Pain flashed across his face. "He had the opportunity to do so before and didn't."

  Taylor glanced at him. "What does that mean?"

  He met her gaze fleetingly. "It means her fate is now in his hands."


  Hades watched the ship leave. He'd done the right thing, but couldn't stop the feelings of sorrow and guilt from carving chunks out of him. It was his fault that things had come to this point. Had he not lain with Opal, she would've never believed that there was more to their joining than just pleasure. He'd been a fool and hadn't even known it until Taylor's arrival in his Kingdom.

  He did his best to hide how relieved he felt having her back in his arms. He'd come so close to losing her. Too close in his mind. When he'd seen Opal rush her, sword drawn, his hearts had stopped.

  For a second, he'd thought he was too late. Even now Hades resisted the urge to crush Taylor to him. To reassure himself that she was real and not just a yearning desire that he'd somehow conjured in his mind.

  It was in that moment when he realized that he might not get to her in time, that Hades had faced a hard truth about his feelings for the Earth woman.

  He loved her. He loved her with both his hearts. It was a feeling he never thought he'd ever experience. Had never planned to experience. Even now he could barely believe what the Goddess was telling him, but Hades knew it was true.

  The volatile emotion made it all the more difficult to do what must come next. Hades had failed in his duty to protect Taylor. And because of that failure, he’d nearly lost her. He could no longer guarantee her safety in the Walled City, which meant that he had to contact Linx. Taylor would be safe in New Atlantis. Safe and alive. In the end, that’s all that mattered.


  Taylor nearly collapsed when they reached the Keep. Word had already spread about Opal's deceit. The guards’ reactions to the news and to her in general ran from blame to sympathy. Taylor bore it all as she made her way to her room. Her muscles ached and her arm stung, but those were minor concerns given the weight of what had just occurred.

  Hades didn't come to her room that night. Initially, Taylor had been disappointed, but later she’d been relieved. She needed time alone to process everything that had happened. She also needed time to sort through her complicated emotions. And boy were they complicated.

  She loved the Dark King. Of that there was no doubt, but Taylor had no idea what to do about it or if she should even tell him.

  Hades had been through a lot. He had not only gone to battle, but he'd lost his most trusted guard to treachery. Opal had been in his life and in his bed for years. She’d been his ears, his eyes, and his confidant. The loss was a lot to digest for anyone, much less a King with so many responsibilities.

  Taylor had been here for what, five days? And in that short period of time she’d managed to sleep with the King, get kidnapped, and start a war. Hades didn't need, nor would he appreciate, having her unrequited feelings dumped on him right now. It would not help the King’s mood or the situation. He had enough on his plate.

  Hades might not blame her for this mess, but Taylor blamed herself. Had Linx not brought her here, Opal would still be on Zaron, Hades would have quickly found the Slavers, and all of his men would be alive. The Dark King wouldn't have had to rescue her and he wouldn't have lost anyone. Hades wouldn't have had to go through any of this, if she hadn't always been such a screw up.

  Opal was right about one thing. Taylor was a distraction. A dangerous one.

  Taylor sighed. Her life here was out of control. She wasn't a Phantom, but she no longer felt like an Earthling. Her old life seeme
d so far away, a hazy dream that was fading fast. Taylor couldn't imagine returning to Earth now.

  In a couple of days, Linx would return to take her away, Eventually Taylor would forget all about her short time on the Slaver’ ship, the bloody container, and being shackled. But she'd never forget about the Dark King.

  Hades would haunt her forever.



  Taylor awoke the next morning to the sounds of heavy boots thudding up and down the halls. Fear enveloped her and her heart pummeled her ribcage. She glanced around wide-eyed as she searched for blood on the walls. It took her panicked brain a second to process that she was no longer on the Slaver’ ship. That she was back in her room at the Keep. Safe.

  She slipped out of bed and made her way to the door. Taylor poked her head out to find Kon at his post. "What's going on? What's with all the noise?"

  He watched more men race by. "The King has increased the guards on duty. Your abduction has pointed out holes in our security. They are being plugged now,” he said. “You should pack. Phantom Warrior Linx is waiting for you."

  "What do you mean ‘waiting for me’?” Taylor asked. She had at least a day before she had to leave.

  “The King summoned him early. He believes you’ll be safer in New Atlantis,” Kon said.

  “So Hades just plans to pack me up and ship me off without saying goodbye?" The thought hurt.

  Kon opened his mouth, then closed it again. "I thought after all that had occurred, you'd want to leave this place," he said cautiously.

  "I did. I mean I do...just..." Not yet. Not like this. Taylor's voice trailed off.

  What did she want? That was the million-dollar question. She thought she'd have time to speak with Hades. Linx's early arrival changed everything.


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